roiR TRY FOR POINT ABILITY GIVES Final Practice Game Ends With 13-12 Score in Windy Battle TILT STARTS WITH RUSH Team With Breeze at Back Gets Breaks; Playing Goes Evenly to onrrl thru "J I unci it Inlusn m- "r'l 1. lt ! )rsiriiU " nn.l ami 'I" f .'.Miifl ti ! oiei tle trtC- 1.12. m 1.1ml vrt'i.o K4tiie of spring lamng eensno A strong Prrt ri. unite itHiiiHi' CO'" and " (.nil lulu hil'iom .te nM1 alien 1 .. 1. am 1:10 "''! ' '"en r'lll 14ll.1U.-l -1 . I -il off i'l ihr lii'l-linii "" ": 111 ih. 11 n u lit riii' (i rcr n il.i' peiu.. and 1 mall l.lmkuti; i"l 1" '""C one i-jii "iiu hetiiml ihe C'l I n. I.nt uw'e 'I'o ti r,.r iie ii'.i nl Ili- nniirt. i lii'l rwu villi nnl iM 11"- pla ,h" nance inriioi In Hi oi-on. j-iiiwl. Hir Ormr I'll Ihe iii1 at H ha.k. smashed ami h-miiien-d v 10 Hi line thiouch some brilliant plawng and nimnliine h l"''' unit 1 - nl Marquis "I"1" ., HCIOM Hi line 10 I'iuiIis. "! hioh as -ompleied The try lor point " filw-Wl auu the half endfd. Ke-I ". Orange Third Ptrlod Repeats , mtd .ii .. "K repetition of ,l,r ,erond with the Orange cany tng Ih fight mto Kil fintoiy and finally onioning the Mil on 111 .. ard hoe when a K.l puni went kv high nd M"mn n"rk ,b ih wind. Andreas unally smashed ih ball across for li seconl ,rore. The try for roint aa no food. . . In th fourth quarter 'h Red .ante bark strong and started vie tnrfous march which finally netted ihm a touchdown. I tempi y. an end nnKRd an Orange pass bui was forcd out of hound. Another long Pn. Long to iwmpry waa good for about 4" yaras nna -il of pl. In flippl b"u Hful rati to Manly "blch rood for 30 yards and touh rtown. The Rda had a lot of fun on ihlr try for point but r no urcH!ful In complPtinK It. Outstanding mn of the game are hard to pick aa they re quit ev nlr dhided. Manly and Taul, two freihmen backa. fuiniahed the thrilla of the gam. Manley's ape rialtv waa returning punta and h paved the way for the first Ttd sior. Taul waa going pood on cut backs and time after time he lippd and squirmed through the Ited line for the needed yards. Long was also doing some good passing and kicking but smd to l.e jilow In gtting nen ear ning the. ball. Captain Farley also Plaved a ood game. Bauer and Rav, In th line, were probably the outstanding linesmen In action, al though Koster broke through sev eral timea. The starting lineup: CirMI Pril. tt h'l'nr Vorrlvon Cir nl'rif Pm'rtn ,. emi Marqtil rui r ii l'rr H. iUuf Fn -.Ill.nt flKlln .... iuii- f!SV I. m'.rv Muni ..h'iinrr .... I'-ihin I. n nrfi..l:: t."1 II. .rll. Vi.briliik . n .r '.it'.'.'.'...'.' , . Ii . . In on .rh , . fh . .Ih .V-hi null un tlr. Nlirki. h-l lln'mn. V. HI. Cabinet Plans for Retreat at Valparaiso Mpmbers ofth univorsily Y. M. c. A. cabinet. in"t st th Temple Cafeteria at 6 o'clock last evening to discuss plans for the cabinet re trcRt. scheduled for May Id and 19. A private camp near Valparaiso will be used for ihe retreat. The Kvrrned Krvine Inglis, of the Vine Congregations! church spoke briefly on "Cuaraeter Building." ENGINEERS OPEN AFFAIR WITH CONCLAVE (onlliMil friim lmr ' Undskog, ".'. Lincoln, sctrd as yell lender at the convocation which wss under th direction of Charles MrRcynolds, '2, Lincoln. Although th cold and wind e-ere verv severe In the afternoon, a crowd of :50 engineers participated i ii, o iifWi eevrise. This is the largest -rod thai liss ever at tended this event. A golf tourna ment, level race, baseball game, horseshoe tournament, snd slide rule race were among the sports ol the afternoon. Ion Pittman, '7,1, riattsmouth. won th goll tourna ment, and Ben Cowdery, '31, Om aha, was runner-up. Ezra Oehrinc. 29, Nligh, and John Daxon. ,l,!i. Lexington, were winners of the level race. Juniors In the College of Engineering won the baseball game with nn 18 to 1 score. It was a seven Inning game. A large crowd is expected to visit the engineering buildings on the campus Engineers night. Turpose of the night is to acquaint the pub lic with the work being done by engineering students in the I'niver slty. Last year a crowd of 5.000 people visited the various buildings holding open house on that night. Banquet Closes Week Remaining events of Engineers week, a banquet at 'be Annex cafe, will be held tomorrow evening at 6:15 o'clock. Prof. J. Erowclee Dav idson of the Iowa State college, of Ames. Iowa, will be the principal speaker of the evening, and Prof. C. J. Frankforter, chairman of the ripartmnt of Chmistry, will act as toas;c-.arr. A varied program hss been arrangd for this night by the committer In charg. Tickets for in banqut went on sal Monday, according to Ralph leis. ticket chairman, and ar selling for a dollar plre. REDS VICTORY i:u;ini kn colds 1 i:mi:iu)i:ck Tii.T! Final Round of Coed Sport i Will Be rUyed in I Near I uiurt I final ioue4 of musmyial 4nk lennis loitianieat ill h rua n't in the near lutuie l ighleea gult aie in i Hiiai in Ih derk ten I nis finals to he 'lal o'f enm t iiianon 1 Ins spoil I being imro du.-e.l on Hie . h.ka rampua loi ' Hi first lime, an aioriamg " in tnais' pi " "'r- i. ,r"' he (sine has proied popU , in nnn mH i.i.i. i lis i are in paiifcipat m ihf final round are as follna I or. if Ha J'l'ia, Jerry l.e MufiMtN and Mh mm igfenliom. lHa I i.anima. I.t-rna-l'ii iHsun and ix i;rammr. Iwlia ia . Mahle llene ! )) ami tainrini i rrauiii, r-nm Kai'Pa. Hon Allrn and Amelia Macsiel. Alpha llia Iheia. I'aro ln simpnon and Vaijoiy llde (M Omrcs. I.mi Krin and Irma llirhrisirin. Ali'lia lia Theia. l. I MurMs and d-l Kisler. i t.ainnis Piil lia. Kihrln Alln an. I iiiilia Ivl-a Mon. rlia llia TELEGRAPH MEET SET FOR FRESHMAN TRACK Quartet from Each Big Six School Will Compete For Honors ALL EVENTS INCLUDED Krrnhnn-n 'raik aspirant HI liai ihlr first last of real com .rin Inn neil rk. S'artlng May C and cloning May 11. whn mmbrs of foach llonry K. Schult's flrst ar sqi:ail U- for honors In the annual Kreshmen telegraphic relaya for lilg SIt conlerence memoers Mini mi n funii imii .rr.nol win enlr ih competition in each event and records and marks mad by them will be foi-wardd for com putation with ih othr results ob lalned from the other achools All events or a regular track meet are Included In the roater for Hi week. The 100)ard dash. i:0 ard dash, 440. SSO. mile, two mile, both hurdle events, shot put. dis cus. Javelin, high and broad Jump. pole vault and both th mil and half mil relay are included Count Four Btst The lour best marks of each school will be added together and resulta obtaind for first places from the toials. i'iin-u K the schedule of event compi-iliion ss announced oy Coach Schulte: Vobi). Mv -Shi" put. llrus tils'; lumr. Jump, puis vuH. l00--ra daWi. J?0 Mid il . Tn1n .lv.:in dnrt U Si-iis. Men hurdles h'-nil!Mlil"v hurdle. l ipil. ih"' put. hroail lump. n1 ih poi u , Vrl.! iru. ,lMri. S.1.rl of lh rwrorrt lempi m h imtH If -lher i-MldlMon 1rr. tn msv tnmiwi In '" mor lhn n't to ol.nin Ih tm rui' FEW STUDENTS APPLY FOR SPRING ELECTION 4'ntlns4, from rw 1.) senior members likewise will b Juniors. A student, to be eligible for a member of the Student Council, must haT msde twenty-seven bouia during the previous school year, twelve hours preceding se mester. He must also have an av erage of 75 percent for all previous vears in school and can have no : standing delinquencies. A student for publication board membership must meet the same requlrementa. J One senior, one Junior and one j sophomore will De icid. Kllinga are mad In the stu dents activities office in the Col- 1 Iseum. Students who wish to have their names filed for office must ! do so themselves. Someone else , can not do so for ihem. i FARMERS FAIR COMING FINE oiillnunl from Pw I.) folder Including a complete srhed- ; tile of event for the day, synopsis of ihe horue economics pageant, "A 1 Hay at Nottingham." and a cat. of. characters for the affair. The back page is devoted to advertising. Import Ferris Wheel A large ferrls wheel will be de- : livered at the college this after-1 n-inn It Is hinc brought from Be- ; atrice. Harvy Jacobeen says ihst other attractions in "Pun snd , Frolic" Include: an "O'Reilly Kit-; chen," ten pin game, rat races, duck . game. dart. rnme. snd probably a miniature horse race. fany people have been Inquiring about ihe pony and pet stock show (liiilnr- the lst few dss. Kston I Clarke, chairmen, says that he will be forced io build a special cag for a pearock which someone wants i to bring A Urge number of have been secured for awards In j this show. NEW CARS FOR RENT Jutt adding to our line eo Tlylng Cloud Coupe; Chevrolet sin, f-ord Model Stodtr. Coupe nd Tudor. Effective Immedntely 2c pr mil. discount on older Chevrolet, all model. Always Open B 6819 Motor Out Company 1120 P St. UNI BARBER SHOP 319 No. 12th 5t. SCHULTE PLANS Tl Announcement Muup in hi C II I U I Si Indicates Dual Compct REST WEDNESDAY M'Clcan Pronounces Most of Cinder Squad In Condition i nn h lleni-f V Si hulie vlli ihrnn hit entire ais!i) siieng'h acslnsi il'e Oklshnma Sooners a' ' llie .Memorial a'admm cln.lrrs Sai urla In il.e annual dual meet, in an cxtta effort to break a long 'standing if lory rrori of Ih i mui hr i n trsck squsd Annoum . nn-nt of Ih , rosier to In, l Sanirilai afternoons aflsir l i ni.ul cilnrsdsT snd iidica'e a huge muup In ih ioa cump litlon aisnt mmhrs look ihint ihm ri'ncsdiiT uh ih chllt i raihr snd limited lhlr work oui 10 limbering up proceeding. "Imc'' Mrllmn pronnnd Ih squsd In up top shsi nh the ei- I cepilon of Ossian snd llciard. lis sisn hs Iw-en runner!! nn a spiamd snkl for ih psst two noels Itevarda Javelin ihrovlng arm Is s'ill not the bst. Revsnl may noi enter the Javeiin ent. The Nebraska mmor Indicated that he would run ihe full total of men In each event, believing l!iat arond and thirds will carry lot - ...ndlnra of . ., . ,...,. Ine two teams, carll and Cit-.r. nerformers bclieie that a grest f I f' ' lrnnnn I in store fot . . store for ih-tn and ih are looking forward to admin iste'rlng the first Oklahoma tuisl defeat in five years. Easter la Included Easier, last year's Missouri Val ley II" champion. Eller and Lowe, will carry the sprinting duties w'h Nestor a possible substitute should Coach S( hulte decide .o r.iak" a chance. Easter Is fsst rounding into i shape while Eller and have been clipping things otf In k-.-eat stle all season. The splenlld Im provement of Ixiwe hss bei-n mare Ihsn grstifying to Nehraski fans this year and Oklahoma sorintera will have io move away from these three If they count. Wyatt and Campbell, through paat performances, have served notice of giving Flint. 440 man, all he wants Oklahoma j his week j i a Arnpiinrn mcnnwcDMrcT; III OUUMLU IULLI Time of ordering is extended until Monday Evening May 6th Official Invitations and Announcements as selected by the Senior Committee are only sold by Members of this Committee or at either of u College Book Stores AtiTj Others are not Official and do not J mean AnutKincr to the Graduate Leather Cardboard Invitations, each 30c Announcements, each 15c Senior h i r iix-3ii-3i n iu:ujin-ii-3)-3)-a-3 Tiir. n vn.v M:nnkN 'end Riiher or (.'uirier. bo' k sophomores ill run In the qos.isr JanuloiiS. 1 rue, letr. K'her ion. iarte). liriifin and IU" sml i handle the disianres for ih llus km Janiilraui K'hrrinn and alriffm inuii k I K K ft I K I a in the hall, mil and i mil .e srenet Ouanai tour Hurdie Iteming. jinson. Aiganhnghi and Ihonson. Ihe I omhusker I a ellar hutdle quanei ill rompete in ihe highs and loa It. krauae will emer ihe ? ard disiaore a:o Inning is the rosier of eents and ihe Sehiatka romoeiliois 10(1 and )ard dash, lasier. i:ili. liOe. II" ( aptaln t amphell. Wjaii. Muk or l urr:er lt Janullri, True. Ieier Mil; r. hnon. lianer, Jaaul H i lo mil lirrfin. Flihenon limri or Mane High hu'dlrs: Ununn, Iteming Argnnhnghi Iwosr hurilles: Thompson nrnad jump: Krnsgy. oung High Jump: H K rails Pole auli. Ijimson, K rails, Tomson. t;rlsolJ, and rioly !eard. Itenhrook, 0sian. Wlttn, t Kraue Khal put : Ashhum lisriis: Ashburn. Rowley. Roley. Krause, .lanws Jaielln: rajting'. nrm(n(t ,(.,rd j.nlo. Zinniker, PLANS PROGRESS TOR GIGANTIC BARB PARTY (lll.rd fraud ! I I land atmosphere lo the gala oc rasion No Indications are available aa to nhal 111 be served oer Ihe bat. A lelve piece orrhetm baa ben engaged to funlsh the music for the evenlng a dancing Specialty numbers III be Included In the program presented by the musi cians. Everyone- Invited Tlckis for twenty-five cents will he obtainable ai the door accord ing lo the committee chairman. He made It plain that there will be no restrict lona for any I nlveralty atu dnt. Cnmmilte nosl lions in ailuilloTi . i n-iiii.n.a 'VI f InMiln rtn. 1 11 Aieu vi imam, v . - - . -,,,,, f.!!- f0i. loms: roora and tickets. Marvin Grim :!. Republic, Kana : music. leForrest West '19. Ryracus; rhaprones. Ruth Shallcross. '29, Belleue; reception. Ruth Hatfield, SI. Lincoln: publicity, Grayce Pechous. T.I. Lincoln: general chairman, rtelnhin Nash. 'S2. Mor- rill Invitations and Fmyd Peter- son '30. Lorctto, poaters. Refreshment committee is head ed by Edith Qulnton. '29. Lnicoln: program. Violet Lee, "30. Cortland: floor management. Father Poyer, "SI. Palmyra: chair committee. Ernest Klinger. 81. Hanover, Kaa.: Lee Clarke. '31. York: checking. I,ee Chatfield. '30. Lincoln: decora tion, Lester Schoene. '30, Syracuse; rnn Fvlev. '30. Malcolm: Martha Weaver, '29, Falla City: and Glen Kelcnenoacn, zi. Liincom. Senior Invitations 7" Invitations, each 45c By Order of Invitation Committee Diamond Kings Get Heady for Apqic Skirmish ' jKcbraakana Arrant rennal j program to Precede . 4'anain lalelng aitUHiea for the epentng home appeaiance of I'oarh Xhopp)- Kb-dea and appt mashers at lndi nrd. tVida. hen the Kaigtea open a lis day schedule n ihe home lot, ate Is' taking form ana student bat and glove fans are In for tare Ireal The hnvi m which is being ar ranged for the pecas'on. wnl rival that of the initial ean game in anv big league city V em hers of Ihe unnersttv del band mil be on hand for ihe afsir nh ihe Com Cobs Members of both leama will march in the center of Ihe field behind the band to be present at Ihe raising of Ihe flag, the highlight of ihe openii nionv Two prominent unlveisnv off I rials will open 'be game with one throwing Ihe Ural ball io the other Members of both aquada will be In trtduced by "Chick" vx. arslty yell king, at Ihey take their lum at Ihe plate. The committee In charge la ver desirous of hating a large atudenl turn-out for the determining fartoi ol Ihe retaining of baseball aa a sport at Nebraska lies In the. up port Ihe school will give Ihe elnh Friday's gam against the confer ence ieadrs will be l he Aral Corn busker basbsl gam sinco 1S:4. The game Is scheduled to open at I'll o'clock with the program ar langed for the occasion atanlng at 5 IS o'clock. Thla will enable all students having 2 o'clock classes to be present. Complete announce ment of the program will be wade tomorrow. HLSKKRS TO MEET . K-.-vw r.T Nebraska Team Will Play Oklahoma Saturday At Antelope Nebraska's tennis team wlU meet ..i wieldera from Okla homa at 3 o'clock Saturday after noon, on the courts at AnrrioPf it r-MrRHde' coach of the Nebraska squad, announced yester day. In case weather conditions are unfavorable for outdoor play Ihe meet will be run off In the Coliseum. There Is a strong possimmy msi Charles Heacock. Nebraska's num ber one player, win dc eiigioir ir the Saturdav conflict. Other mem bera of the team slated to clash with the Sooners are luibry, Sher man and Cameron or Robertaon. The Oklahoma aggregation is a powerful one. according to Coach MeBrlde. with three veterans back In competition. Thurman will prob ably be playing as number one for the visitors. -tfOj"yr A 1 Cjf s y I in CoUrum l or I iiv t.athrti" ....- i. . I. nurd io iisil will have as ' ,o e.per."" 'k' 'b.l ' which this ",f rsge wl I - .-sn.ptasied museum ' Mff ? nish bskgn-ind foi be rUrb T prog tarn ol afl' r-omisM fo, Ihe pnee of a ausne. Au..j lions gttea " will likely add the stock ) ard louche, to th. a-.e In m.k. ll .e-m mor. t thugs and 'holdup wesi iher. with 1-is'oia ro. ked and chine guns oiled Ilu no "."f ss aat on that arroum. foe a hau:iy a-mo.phere will pre.alland evetvthmg wl l b I"!"!' '" ducted, acconltri the chairman, a. rre.ldent Hooer baa reque' professor and Mrs lean's wi chap erone the gaUeiltig KANSAsTSlOOIeS tikdjx)r ni; MX Uniwertilj of Knta and Kaataa Stat Each Win Threw Out of Four AMES. loa. April JO - R? virtu, of doi.ble victories during the.eek of play Jual closed, th. I nlverstty of Kansas and Kansaa Stat, went Into a tie fot th. Ie.der.hlp of th. Big 8l confetenc. baseball race, each with a record of three Tie torle. and on. defeat. Kansaa won at th. eipens. of Iowa Stat., and Ksnsas Stat, twice defeated Ml aourl Four conf.renc. gama fAansss at Missouri. May I and 2. and Kan AND me 1 t Al FRTCA enjms snd i profiting l.ryond messiire as rru1t of the br-t and rliraprst trantporiation in the world and. k for the record it miRlil be stated, the bet and cheapest in the history of the world. Most persons reili7e that tlii is true and possible because of several factors including the better underslanding between railroads and the public and betwren all lhoe engaced " Vro rliirini? nilroad transportation, but one of the mot important fartor, if not the mot important, is the fart that it been posib!e to obtain and tie tremendous sums of new capital. Some idea ol hst thi means lo an individual railroad or y6'rm can be obtsined from a tudv of the record of the Missouri Pacific Lines. Tt is generally known that the railroads of the L'nited States have been spending annually an arerafe of more than million of dollar. 'hat this means to a vstem like the Missouri Tacific can be understood from a brief studv of the eitpe nditures for any one. year. The espendittires are ior new equipment, new rail an.f. fatentnK: additional vard tracks, sidings snd industry tracks and tor additional main running track; automatic block signals, grade and line revision; reconstrnrtion aid strengthening- ' bridges, trestles snd culverts; reconstrnrtion snd improvements to exiMing freight and pasenger train equipment ; new shop machinery snd 1onl; elimination of grade crossing; and other similar item. Kipend'titre ffr item of tbi kind in l0?" will total atpro'ci ma'elv $.V,000. (VW) on the Misotiri rarifir Line. Some of the larger .items are : Additional main running track fthe eontlniiatMWi of the double trark program between St. 1-oui snd Jefferson City) -$3,J06,fl0t Nw tail, tie r.lste, fastening, etc -.. 2,000,000 (rrsdn snd line revision (principal!- between Kansti Cirv and Pueblo) 2.7S6STT Automstic block sitnal - 2,000.000 Reconstructing eriling freight train cars and im- provemen to that equiprriert..... IflCOjDtlA Strengthening and renew ing bridges, trestles, etc lW0,OO0 Additions! yard tracks, sidings, inHiistry rracjes 1,250,000 Fliminstion of grsde crossing, sigrisl, etc-.... 400,000 hop machinery and tool 300,000 And the fnregning doe not tnctnde $11,000,000 for asssr equipment, $K, 500,000 of which is for new freight fratn cans, $1,250,000 for new passenger train cars and $1,250,000 for w switch locomotives. The public should lrnow these facts in order better sj4er stand the rsilrosd question and I earnestly urge oar f new As to study them. I solicit your co-operation and support. 1 3 A Oil V1LC TIIIRMINY. MY J. 1029 us hiii. ai Ssbrassa. May I aad 4, make up " this week, lb. s'sadtags i.i . J r" ' . T . . ' J Ml 1 " f . t iiW M'Mxur ,- I Sl-fk .' . RAiPii :oi r. visits I KANSAS JFAHM MEET I lislph Cole of ih department of ! rural roaooslra ( olleg. of Agneul lur.. returned receatlr reoaa Kan !.aa. where b. anended Iba '.. i ington county farm manafwie! banquet Mr. Co. cwialwM Is lor mat ton oa ih. way Kaaa Kawdias i ber farm management wrobUtna as (I'lr a talk at tha waa i fluel I Tha only diffecaew wMaewas Ik. i Kansas plan of farw. tnaaagwasat ums and that used la W.wrwa ka is ihai lb. raara.swra ro owt lo i tb. rountlet ard summaxw. Da r. ipons After thla lb. bsadw, U oa operation with tba eooaty ajrswi. ! holds beaeuet. ta wbsck au tn i ireld fartnera ar. larltwd. Aa oprwriunlty is tho fotnao probLma and th. sommary anany w talked oeer loar'.-r. Ain't Them Hard Trials! imi ths ism ts ywasv awiisls r,.... Is It srenh th ffril'' ft f i Mi eeing yir wv VirasA e1 lh.1 Nrfher H. ln 0 hHii - l - La mI i u iMirilllii I fr" I. .ldnl 1 ..... Inn 4ie II B rl il rTrr"to .a N rmm or call for forth Win r, Contumera KlnrJiant5t I Aaanrtarvm 410 CeUr A ITS 'ht' 111711 4 IIUII iS&CrfMtf - e ..fT'