The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1929, Page TWO, Image 3

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The Daily Ncbraskan
llilM A, UmI.
PkhA4 TtHUy, . Trar. Pr M
MfoMH ' M eae-i year,
(filarial fi Ueveri He 4.
mmtM Cll-UMwl Ma 4A,
OrtiM HWUKNl IllK, M rrMy
M . IwImm Haft, IM m nrM
( rne e im,
Tlh-.Hfili V1, He. 1l ielei IVSSS1,
Ne. H NiM, I HH
MirH eaaaee'-eie letiee l rfe I"
Ueceln, ftekraeka. nr art C '. Mar S. .
M eeaelal reia f ae rvle fee ealw I,
art af 0er t. ttlP. Kthru4 Jeawary SO, Wt
! c i cu .. .,l2i' ''AiJlTi!!1!
Maurfe W. Aell 1 4 Wot
W. Jo-r Arm CUff F. Sesdeal
Karl Aaserara J" hUioH
Don Carlaoa William McCieer
Oast Kebb
Uaurloa Ail a. WlltUm NcCtewr
V.rao. Ktrtaf Robb
Kennel Lswta Dowlas TUnmraas
Robart Laid
William Xaara Marshall Huer
Lyman Cai
Studanta trom two colleges of lha rnlreralty, en
tinker aaa pharmalsta, wilt b joint boat tonihl
to ths garal pabllo at their annual ran bouaa
(itmocilraUoni. For th obeener, theee two ore
loua ara in moat Interesting and th moat valuable
of tha two branches of iba Ualreralty in their annual
festivities of Engineers week and Pharmacy week.
Tho two colleges aro rapidly bringing tha Unlrer
eit.s, to tho point of recognising tha apaciat weeka
as 'tradition of tha caropua. It ti tha type of co
peratly offort within tha collegee that tha public
Jikea to witaea. Hardly any other tlmo of tho year
pwenU an opportunity for the aiudenta of tha Col
let of Engineering and tho college of Pharmacy 10
reaitie thu they aro under examination by the lay
man. They plod along during the year, apparently
unaeen, Studeau la other branchea of tb Unlteraity
are Interaated In other thlnga. They aeldom Inrade
the building! that englneera and potential drugglite
frequent. Thay know llttlo of what goea on Inside the
It would bo an Waal altuaUon If the college grad
uate could bo familiar with ovary branch of work
that tho UnlTeraUy haa to offer tho atudent, but
euch a altuaUon will never bo created. Btudenta ael
dom get divorced from their particular lino of atudy
to InveatlgaU the thlnga which other atudenu are
atadylng, Engineers week and Pharmacy week,
while celebration In a measure for the atudenta of
those particular college, ar opportuntlea for tho
student to get at least a gllmpae Into those fields of
study that are so vital to human progress. Open
house In tho two college tonight is not a abort-cut
to being a foll-fledged engineer or pharmacist, but
there la a benefit la coin into the workahopa of
these two eoUege and seeing how some things are
Till nSDAV, MAY 1929
Thoro ww a otodent In tho library the other night
working oa & term, paper.
Juat aboot tho tlmo tho University gets to breath
tng ey enr tho beet appropriation in tho all yeare,
along oome Oorernor Weaver with tho veto axe and
whack oft a $14600 dollar chunk of the appropria
tion that ha been recommended by the legislature.
The governor disapproval extends only to the In
creased general maintenance for the University, ex
cept the 140,000 that waa recommended for medical
equipment for tho College of Medicine.
In explaining tho reason for chopping away at the
recommendation of the leglalature as they affect
the Univeralty, the governor belierea the action
Justified In view of the fact that the original budget
Increased tho Univeralty general maintenance 1362,
BOO, and that legislature ha recommended an ad
ditional Item of $315,000 as the Univeralty' Initial
Investment for the Joint heating plant.
Tho recommended ten percent In the general maln
fenanoo for the University haa been shown to be in
adequate, and tha slashing of the recommendations
of tha legislature In the general maintenance fnnd,
tomes as a cruel stroke. It hits the University Just
where a blow could be tho most painful, and the
moat detrimental to tha weirare ofthe University. It
means that tha salary Increase that were contem
plated will have to be pared down to a minimum
amount. It mean that the funds will btve to be
apread out over so many things, a little here and a
little there, that Increases will hardly be perceptible.
It la a situation comparable to waving a big stick of
candy la front of a hungry kid, and then giving him
a small bit of the sweet, expecting him to be con
tent. Tho fact that the legislature baa added an addi
tional Item of 1815,000 for the Joint capltol university
heating plant ehould not be taken as a ponit in Justi
fication for knifing the budget $145,600 worth, and
especially cutting away at the general maintenance
fund. The Joint heating plant ia as much a state plant
as It la a univeralty plant It is a compromise be
tween erecting two separate plants, one for the state
house and on for the University of Nebraska. There
is no reaaoa that the general maintenance fund
should com in for the cut In the budget, because a
beating plant haa been provided for. Also, there la
the point that the University building plans have not
been encouraged by the appropriations, beyond the
assurance that a dormitory arstem can be started.
Tho candy-starved kid will have to go hungry un
til another session of tho legislature, getting along
with a smaller bit.
May I to It la designated a High school week.
The extent of the high school activities during that
week wlU be the music oontest to be held this week
end and the annual Stat track meet a week later.
A year ago at thia tlmo, Kay S to t, the University
waa boat to approximately 750 hlta school aiudenta.
Tho alxth annual interecholaatlc academic contests
were held at thai time. Students la all of the gradea
of high schools, competing in almost every subject
tanght In high school and from every part of the
i tat were entered la the contests.
Tho studeota had aa opportunity to become ac
e, sainted with the Univeralty of Nebraaka aa few
other vlaltof at the Univeralty have. High arbool
athlete who pertlcliate in the state lueela hare gat
a slightly wrong lniprtin of rollrga lit. IJkeaUv
do tha vlaltura at lutrrvullt-Kiaie tpurt rontrtta Tb
see only one side of the unUeraity Ufa -lha artlvt
Utt aide.
High arhoul iudn'a la iba aadtnte rnteita
really route into closer tuotart with tb I'nlvertity.
lhay bav an opportunity to meal Instructors and
admlaUtratlte tieada of the I'nlteralty. They take
lhair eiaminationa In I nlvetaity tlaaa room a. It
would be difftiull lo rtttmate boa many high school
student hat an-lt! fur a higher education thiough
lha eiperirme ihry hat had at academic ronleata.
Moreover they are the lyp of etuiienta that Nebras
ka wanta
TM )ar lit Iniveiauy will not hae ih
ptlt liege of entertalulng thv high school youths.
Originally II was Intruded llal lha peutathalon con
leata should b held the ame aa ter anil thai tha
real of the eiaminationa ahould be held In each high
school competing Tha whole plan frll through ho
eer, largel baue the high arhoola failed lo show
any Interest In H. Hmultaneoua with the abandon
ment of the atate meet waa the discontinuance of
wnii of the dial l III I Uifeli.
lark of facilities for takiug tare of the high athool
By leleite Oilman
I I h rerened eaitly what
! waa ronilng lo lr writing
the fifth eoiion of yetrdav'a
' column Ihat whli h la primed
' U lrreoct!e; I tan do no more
I ihaa lo apologue lr U H J
1 believed !' I td written. I
ahould let it atand wiihout com
ment; It waa urefl) unfair
and prejudire.1, and not only
should never hav been written
bul left unthouiht. There la a
motto whlrh readt: Think Telre
and then l"ont Kay It. I dldnt
think at all and said It twin;
1 humbly apoloniie to iho
whom it affected and atana to
lake my dura.
year? May !ay opena cold and for
lorn, with promlae or rain or m
I May la on long grind or leini ia
pr. atudjr. eiams. tolda. apilui
feer, drearlneaa. Mifiug lor a
lion, bli werka mor of th' and
th writer will be a nenoua wrek.
ll a call a trur. Kamarad'
PE.STINY IIAV. Hy !nn It) mo.
tUti pp. I.lttle, Iirow n, and Co. no-
ton i:60
Ihia la lKnn rttrnc'a laieat book,
and for aheer beauty and dallcat
Irealment. It far sun-axae any of
hia other novels. lHnn Ityrne la
an Irishman and ' rvatlny Bay" ha
Ita trltliia on the Irltll roal. It la
. . , ' a atory of the people Ityrne baa
laiiore was ascribed as the cause of abandoning the, ' h ,ri h ,or1, n04rn
aradenilo slate conieaia. Una fai-tor whlth helped tollnlfii (h gypalea, th peaaantry.
bring about Ih clianie, arrordlng to A. A. Reed, the horaemen. Hyrne spent his boy'
dlret tor of the nie-i. waa the anion o fihe ranhell
rnlc board In pmhiblilng aororitlee from housing
hllh school girls The board ruled Ihat to be mailing
and prohibited the praillce. ,
The action of th Tanhellenic board waa a con
tributing cause, arrordlng to Mr. Reed. Tber may
hate been other causea. Whatever they are, they
ahould be eliminated. The Univeralty of Nebraaka
ante to entertain theae high school Btudenta.
A freahmaa lurna In an Kuiliih
paper, upon whim la written a four
line poem. The poem aeema trivial
but It bears analysie.
-On a lirvken l"ie
Tha skies ar blark.
Ufe la a wreck.
And Allan Is
A horse's neck;"
I'orty glrla who eei to learh
next year hate signed for Ihe four
week's training coins In Girl Re-
ijiAHaraniu w mi -
Thursday. May 1 l Mlea Hmlth
hall. Any other glrla who or lnter
ted in aecurma Ih '?,f1c1"
awarded 10 lho who cornplet lb
toura may becom member of th
group enrolled either by api'llng
immediately at Ml.e ArP' '
In , or by ooming to ih fiiat meet
ing which will '
Ihia tilrl llare leaderahtp
training courae la given annually
under th auaplcea of the unlver
any Y. W. t'. A, and Is earclally
adapted to Junior and senior high
arhool (llrl Reerve groupa. Miaa
Violet CMeon. director of Olri Ilo
serve activities la the Lincoln city
. boola. baa planned Ihe emirae thla
year ao that It will requlr four
period of lectur and theory, and
any other time which Ihoae who
rrglaier can give will be devoted 10
ohervatlon of Ihe work which Is
being done by groups In th I.I n col a
Ac IVrllmlnarv
Notify of FlrH Day
lYelimtnary aanowMevaoat ha
beea luad of tho oigbth aasaul
rrepa and Bulla field day pragma
I be held at th Agricultural ook
leg Kriday, Jua IL U. I. Urow
of Arbor and la W. W. J
lit t aftar dluua aawakjua.
A m?aterr conit ooodaeud by
T t(. tloodlng wilt 0a th a4
10 o'rlock. Th prwa ft a
winner will b tea powada a
tided ae. donate by th X.
braaka (Top U rower aaaittVi.
Th dinner la I bo ad aai woa
pKcha tmmedlatalf toilowtac
A trip lo th oxprtmBU OnVk
will ooropy th aftornooav TV
crop of oot. wfewat, kuw, Oad
alfalfa will undnra aa anwarv
Hon. and th autloj of mdM
oil Irritation and
at too will bo dUcuo4 by
tent men.
The atudent who puts off Btudylng until the laat
week of school la uaually In about aa big a hurry
aa th coed who haan'i snared a fraternity pin.
Judtiuc from the thanie In tempeiatui th
weather mn lin t In favor of banging May baaketa.
The engineer ar taking precautions arwlnat bar
nig anyone talk slightingly of Englneera week. They
all wear ribbons.
Now that spring football la over a popular front
porch aport will be Irving to plrk the next year
Revival of Im.fball as a campus spoil retails the
days when admittance lo a baaeball game cost the
finding of a foul ball.
The faculty committee on student oreanliallons
baa asked the question if students on the campus
desire Varsity Parties. Thla action followe aa a reeult
of Indifferent atudent support of the all-achool rar
ilea. And it must be admitted. Th half-hearted at
tendance of th student body at these affaire would
lead persons to be conclusion that Varsity Parties
were a matter of little concern. Th atudent body,
however, is not tired of Varsity Parties. It Is tired
of dlggi" up an extra dollar for a modiocr party
when it has bids to go lo Oreek lartles, without
shouldering any additional expense.
Pespit frequent Insinuations to the contrary, the
college man la not a a rule flushed with dollar. It
Is only natural that he should prefer the cheaper
form of entertainment to the more expensive form,
whon both are available at the same time. With
Varsity Partiea in their present statue, it is not un
reasonable that they ahould lack support.
But tho fact remains that Varsity Partiea are bene
ficial and desirable. They offer the only social op
portunity for Greeks and Barbs to meet on an equal
footing. They are practically the only mean for an
all -whool "get together." And, If properly patronized,
they ar surely as capable of offering a good time to
student as are Oreek parties.
Something should be done to gave Varsity Parties
from being thrown upon the acrap heap. Perhaps
the Importation of an outside orchestra would stim
ulate interest. If tiie present faculty ruling in regard
to thla matter could be altered, it is entirely possible
that Varsity Parties would offer a sufficient attrao
tlon to be worth the extra dollar demanded as the
pric for supporting these gatherings.
D. 6. C.
One of the major duties of the Senior class presi
dent elected tho second semester of the school year
Is to select official announcements and invitations
that will neatly and lmpresselvely the graduation of
the Senior class. This selection is made with the aid
of a representative committee of the class.
As in the past, this plan was carried out again this
year. Th committee met, officially aelectlng the
graduation announcements for the class of 1929,
which are now on display at the College Book Store.
But a business house located near the campus de
cided not to handle the official senior invitation. In
atead, thla firm waited until all the preliminaries
by the committee had been completed, then ordered
the oroductlon of a stock of Invitations under the
guise of the official announcement and offered them
for salfc. Going farther, they placed their order with
an engraver outside completely Ignorant of the
circumstances after all Lincoln engravers had re
fused this unethical firm's contract.
Would University officials stand by and allow a
local dealer to sell a year book disguised as the
Cornhuaker of 1S29? Will either atudenta or univer
sity officials stand for a practice based upon the
very aame principle? Will they? J.
hood In suih a place aa Destiny
Kay, and he knows tb country, th
hill, th heather. Ih coast. And
It la written In th btbarnlan man
ner of apeech. The story la divided
Into varloua nana, each dealing
with a member of a family. Thi-ra
la the "Tale of my coualn Jenleo at
Spanlah Men'a Real;" and "Tel of
my unci t'oatmo and the Pair Girl
of Wu," which deal with th wan
dering Iriah gypalea. Kerry. I)onn
Hyrne's young man, may well tea
hla place beaide Meaaer Marco
Polo, nilnd Raftery. Dermot and
Connaught. Her we hav the Irlah
gentlefolk, who uphold the old tra
ditions of their proud race. W
hare th boas and the moors, th
mountains of heather, th little
Irish villages, and the old manors.
"In ahort." say hla puVlahere. "II
la Donn Byrn at hla beat, wr 'lng
of the land and Ibe people he
knows and loves."
Testerday another grievous mis
take was made In thla column. The
authorship of "Cradle of th Deep"
was attributed to Joan Crawford,
laiUur I'jua to Jvu Lowi. ii a
a slip-up. and whether It came by
way of my typewriter or by way of
the copy-reader la a mystery. I
dont know whether Joan Crawford
ver sailed on trade-ships In the is
lands and learned to spit a curve In
the wind and swear, or not, but as
suredly ah never wrote the book.
Miss Lowell Is an actress, however,
and she might not be so bad in the
Tb publishing house of Double
day Doran. in collaboration with
College Humor, announcea a $3,000
college novel contest which will
close October 15. Any undergradu
ate or graduate of not more than
on year la eligible. The length la
from 75,000 to 100.000 worda, and
the prlae Is awarded to th beat
novel of college life, or of college
people in other environment. It
may be a personal story or a novel
of the younger feneration aa the
author really sees It. The winning
novel will be published serially In
College Humor and 1n book form,
royalties being paid the author in
addition, and motion picture and
dramatic rlghta remaining with the
author also.
Ah. there's th chance for some
Impecunious undergraduate t o
make a fortune! But the novela
will probably turn out to be a series
of "true" confessions. The authora
will dope them aa usual, and twist
th characters grotesquely. Percy
Marka made his mark with "The
Plastic Age." atartlng the grand
rush. Bul It was exaggerated and
I have little hope that any novel
will ever give us a true picture of
college life and college people.
Eugene Wright's "The Great
Horn Spoon" Is said to be a paral
lel to Richard Halliburton's "Royal
Road to Romance," and "Glorious
Adventure." Both were college stu
dents who tired of school and aet
out to find adventure by hook or by
crook. They both worked their
way into the corners of the world,
did strange things, and came back
to write about them. But always
when I've read Halliburton's yarns,
they smack of exaggeration and
possible untruth. At any rate, they
are gloriously egotistical. Wright's
story of his adventures In Borneo
and other Islands seems much more
reserved and truthful. There have
been frequent charges that Halli
burton has "spread" his stuff, and
he doesn't refute the charges, but
we have heard nothing of the kind
concerning Wright.
May flowers! Who said that
spring was the best season of the
Your Drue Store9
Flnt Treats In Candy and Ooda
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1148 North 14tn St
Typewrit For Rent
Ail tmnr analra apaolal rata t
ttudonta far km arm. TJaa
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monthly parmente.
Nebraaka Typewriter Co.
1232 O Sl B-21S7
Some down and more to go. The score is now tied
with professors and students evenly matched, al
though dope based on previous year gives the edge
to the atudenta.
Judging from the sUtiaiks of former season i.
will take concentrated effort, tedious hours of drill,
and perfect team-work at quis time for the students
to be able to stage a rally In the closing weeka of
play sufficient to overcome the lead of flunks Ihe
professors have piled up. Many student a In the past
have won fame by their brilliant tackling and line
plunging;, only to be dow-ned in the shadow of the
commencement posts by aom Interfering professor.
Th profoeeor' team Is well drilled In the line and
la supria playa.
It la a great game in which the battered student
crew usually ralliea enough near the end to success
fully pass and receive th sheepskin at the goal to
win by a degree.
Duly A" .
"Tha Studant'a Store"
Rector's Pharmacy
13th and P atntata
C. E. Buchholc, Mgr.
Our Store la Your Stor
Personal Printed
1h M4 la f.'U'i ,i.
imHf t ftiTtratty t-Ifim-OiMM
PrilMe PtatlanOTr. Kx.
Imnolf Mipvlar. Cwln
far Htnrr wm or
wmm. Ptflta aaala
n4 piitwllty.
Drop into our tiort
end fin
Ictiocl Supphti cni Stationery
On Itth St. Sawta et Teml
fa MtF.RT.
oraa. I -
(F COURSE you do not have to get all wrought up over tennis.
golf, or hiking, to like these attractive garments for they are
"Collegiate" in every line, and practical for campus wear as well.
Gay Scotch patterns, pebble stitched, with tinsel high lights. Wool
and rayon in open lace patterns, stripes, modernistic color motifs.
Crew and "V" necks and slip over styles.
AM) ITS 07
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ih . $n
ff Wbu
Delicious and Refreshing
PAUSE 4flj
Run iar enough, work
long enough, play hard
enough and youVt got to
top. That's whan tha
pause tKatrefrahmake
tha big hit. Happily you
can find It around the cot
ner from anywhere wait
ing tor you la an ioc-cold
Coca-Cola, tha pure drink
of natural flavors that
makes any littl minut
long enough for a big rest.
Te CaiCala Cm Adaaav Ca.
3 i
M A. D
a o o r
t o
o T