Illl US DAY, MV 10:9 tiii inn v . rnir i L" , V 1 WVi lllii IM.lllllv'rt . 1 The Daily Nebraskan btslle A, Ueet OfflCIAt, SHBtKATIOnl UNIVBABITV OS ttftAKA Vmttt CHeactle e t BSlM rvWiMli rwtWTV H4HTM VIA he T . WsSsSr. Tnur ' HIMM ftM IS'tensI oii He 4. Imimm err-veeen Ma AA. orre MM-Kwti . 1 m ftt M . IMIMM t - STSeeS tiMfi fMir llMfOlO.. tell ASSI, , 1t IMMWM -. N. fT , I tM t ' a millH l IM l"wn M ItaMHI, N . er SH of Ceee. MnA a, , at rit e sees ' " ea " r or a. itif. -ere UilCtrTION BUT. tea's Css CeMe MlMf '-t'!!L DIAN HAMMOND COITONIN-CHIIf Mert W. Khi AU1 ld'r MANAwlN. SOITOM tr..e,feVjT curt r. Hinnii jaiiutt Dea Carlson William NcCJssiy Omi Eokb CONTRISUTINa IDITOM UwM Akin IKlasa NcClswry Verso KatrUf. mt Roh aUaasia Lt DcvgtBS TimntsrssAB Robert La bi MILTON MMW UIMII MAfcAOaB) AMIITANT lUtlNCII MANAOCM WU'.laai KrM XArsbAU Huif Lymea Cass OPEN HOUSE Studeata from to collefea or th l'iwi'Ji " tfaer aad phArmACista. ill b Joint boats tonight t the general r-obll at their anaus! open bous csmotutrstiows. Tor lb beerrer. these two cce stona ar th moat Interwsung b1 tb most a!uabl f lb two braBChe of U lairerslty to ihttr annual :i!TltiM of EngiBeers ek And rharmary week The two colleges art rapidly brlBglng lh t Blr- ltd 1 tb pOlBt f JCOgUiStng tb special weeks ss tradition of th campoa. Il U tb tjp of to fratlT otfort itbln tbo eoIlfB that tho public like U wIUa. Hardlj aay othr Umo f th r prBU aa pportuBJiy for U atudtau of th Col !! Bfif bimI tha Co!l of rhncCT I rJiB that tber oBlr aiAmlBAttoa by th Uy ma. Tay 2d ateBf durlni the yp. appartBily una Studoau la tbar kraaeb f tbo UalTr!ty aro latvrMtod la tbr tbtBia. Tby Bidom lartdo b bolMiBXB tbAt Bflnwa aad poieatul drurflB froqueet. Taay kflow Uttlo f what v on e4 ib laboratory. It vocld bo aa Moal altuaUoa If tba collero rtd uata rouM bo famUlar wlta orary braach of work thAt tb UalTeralty bAB to offr tbo otudeBt, but ttich a altuatloB will iw bo created, fitudeata dom ttl dirorcad from tbalr pArticulAr lino of aiudy to 1btiUaU tbo tblBfs which other atudcau aro atadylBC, iBitunii wtk aad Pharmacy wook. whllo eolebraOoBa la a anr for the atadeau of iboM panlealar eonce, aro opponuBttea for tbo atndcal to ft, at least a (Umpoa Into thoao field of atady Uat aro ao nul to human procroaa. Opa bona la th two eoUerM toalht la not a abort-cat to betnc A falMMfod oiBr or pbarmAclit. but tharo la a kouaflt la ioIb Ib'o the workahopa of fhaa tw oilaffao and oelac tow o-ne tbiflti aro dooe. Tbor m a ta4eat tm tb library tbt oiber nt(bt worklnr m a tarm papor. tlQHT I1C TH NICK Juat aboot tb ttno tba Unlrertty f' to braafb tn eA7 mr di beat a p prop rU lion la th alt yeara. aloaa; oavaa Gorvmor Wearor with the reto axa and wbacka ott a 1S00 dollar chnnk of the appropria tion Cut Baa boem rocotnraended by tk leflalaturt. Tbo fonrson dUapproral extanda only to tbo In creaAod geBraI malnteaAac for the Ualrertlty, et cwpt tb Htt.000 tbt wab recommended for medical vnlpment tor tbo Coflefe of Vediclne. In xplAlalax tb roaaoa for choppini away at the recommendation of th leriaUture a tbey affect th CnlTarstiy. tb goraraor bellarea th action Jaatlfled la Tlav f tbo fact that the original budft IncreAaod tb Uatroratty ranaral ixtAinte&Aac IKI. JOO, aa4 thai KtcIaUtar bA rocommendod an ad aJtionai turn of M1S.0OO aa tha L'alreralty'a Initial Inrertment for tb Joint haatlac plant. Tb i commended tea percent in tba general main faoAao for tb CalreraUy baa been ahown to be In adequate, and tb alAahJn or tba recommendatlona f tb leglalAtnre la the neral maintenance fnnd. rome as a cruel atroko. It hlta tha Unlreraity juat wbero a blow could b tb moat painful, and tba moat derr1mn!Al to th welfare ofl&e University. It meana that tb axlary Increaaa that wer contem plAted will bare to b pred down to a minimum amount. It means that the fonda will hare to bo apremd at err ao many thinft, a Utile bere and a little there, that Increases will hardly be perceptible. It ts a altoAtloa cote parable to waring a big atlck of caady la front of a hnscry kid, aad then airing him a email bit of th sweet, expecting him to be ceo teet. Tb tact that tb lagialaiuro ba added aa addi tional Item of I215.400 for tb Joint capltol anireraity banting plant abould not be takes as a ponit in justi fication for knifing the budget 115, WO worth, and especially cutting away at th genaral mAintenanc fond. Th jolat heaUag plAnt (a as much a state plant as It U a anireraity plant. It Is a comprom! be tween erecting two separate plants, one for the state bona aad a for tb Cnircrelty of Nebraska. There Is do rsaoon that tb general maintenance fund ehosld com in for th cat In the budget, because a beating plant has bd provided for. AUo. ;hera ia tb point thai tb Cnirerslty building plana bara not been encouraged by th appropriation, beyond the asscranc that a dormitory system can b started. Tb candy-stArTed kid will bare to go hungry un til a other eaaion of tb legislature, getting along wit a smaUar bit. HKLBMNQ NCSRAtKA Ifay luiiu designated as High school week. Tb Cuat of th b!gh school actirtiies during that waek. win b th music contest to be held this week end aa4 the aaaoat stat track meet a week later. year ago at this Hot, May S to (, the University was boat to approximately 7S4 high school stud eats. Tk alxik a nana! iataracholssric academic contests war iMkl nit that tint. Blade is la all of the grade ef b'gk scBoola, cocspetisg la almost Try subject ts-ztt la b'gk school aad from eewry part of the -&e were eiiered la tb contests. Tb st4eau bad an pportaalty ta become so SsaUisd "T-i tk ralrersity f KshraAka as few Bp Islslls O'lmsa 4ka italtoi al tba I altsralty bat High caoal aiklete be pni-lj-s'e la lbs state lueela bar st alifbtly wrong ario "f r. !! life. IJksaUe da tk tiaitoia at lairrwiircuu spun coatetts Tb) Ss aiy as Bid of the wanrt.njr life-tb aciit , ( r-,ne4 s. iljr ahal Ilea aiJ as txiatinc to lr ruinl llifk tkottl studra's la Ike eademie toatstt ' Ihe fifth section of esieiilafs .e!., cu.a c.oasr co.t.c, .... ,b. t...,..., Tbsy bet aa ori-rtuati)r i snaet lasinrttora and adKtiaUtratit beads if lb l aterally Tbsy lake bsir eseiuinauoa la I alsiaity lasa looejs. It I bunstUy apos1' "' liow it affected and stand to lake my dura some of th dis'iliti nts. I(k of facillllrs for taking tare of Ihe hlih sthool thaa to sr,,f,, ,,r " " 1 ' s lie ted ehsl I bsd rinra. I 1 1 should le 11 sued without rom ould be d.ftuul, ,0 ho. .v., bb achool . li I.a'o." ob".; studeau hae a-Hed Im a btfber rdu attoa thiousS ' ,boud n,,er ba been wrtttea Ibe eifeitroie ttry b bad al academic conlesi. ! but left untbuught. There la a Moreover Ibei aie the 1, re of students Ihsl .NsWaa ii " l'rk : T'lluk T''! ' ' and then Ioo1 bay It I Uidnl 'I think at all and said It Iwloaj This )tar ll.e laneisitjr lit oi a me ptltllei of eniertaiulng lhM Mia boul souths., ttficittAlly It was Intruded thai its pentathaloa ton , testa should he I.HJ ihe same as eer a4 inai ine .c.sTy UV. H) Iinn H)rns rest of the etanilnatlous should be held In each hif h I j , l.mle. iio a. and Co. Ikis Mhonl rompettr.g The hole la fell Ihrttufh ko- ton i:iO r. bec.u.. ,b. b h school. failH I. .Ho. , 4Si any mieirsi i. 11 piiiei - """"""" l ire.tmeni. It far sure any 01 mem of ihe atate meet .a the discontinuance of . ether' novels. Inna l'me Is sn Irtshraaa and -IVstlny DsjT baa I Its setting on Ibe Irish roast. It Is . . t ik hAAfil rtrrne has Usitora .as ascribed as ibe cause r abendoolng lha kBomm b Mth ,ord, cf raodera academic sta'e ronieeia. tm factor whlth helped I umea. the gpsles, Ihe peasaatry. blag about the clianse. arroijinf 10 A. A. Reed. ' t be horsemen, liyrne icni hla boy dlrwtorof the meets, .as the sctlon of.hs raBhell-.l-HHl in 1 su h a place as ,B' . . . I liar and h knows lb country, tn enic board la prubibl'lng aororltlea from bousing , h;' be4lbtr ,h. .t. And h lb srliool flris The board ruled that to be rushing ' lt a wrltlea lo the blbemlsn mao and prohtbfed the praiuc . j rer of seech. Tbe story I dlrlded The actloa of th r.nhellen.c b.rd eaa a con-! In' 'Atloua part, esch desltn ....... j w - al'h a member of a family. There inbutint cause. arordio to Mr led. Tber a,ay 1 , of iy ,,0 jenlco at bat been other cues. Whateter tbey are. Ibey fpi(llB Mea'a Rest;" and "Tale of should b eliminated. The I nUersity of Nebrssks n unci t'oslroo snd the Fair Ctrl ants to en-ertala these hlth school students f d7" Wv?J?,t,"" I dertng Irish gyptleA Kerry. Itona 1 Mme's roung man. msy well tak Tb. student who r... .ff s-udMn, untt. ,be f,'' week of school is usually in about as b'.g a hurry , follnlug ot. Irr. hat tb Irish as lb coed b hasn t snated a f-aterot'y pin 1 jentle'olk. who uphold Ihe old tra- 1 ditloaa of their proud race. W . ' hare the boss snd tbe moors, ths Judimg from the fhsrse to tmiitute ths mouB,4lB, 0; besiher. tb llttl rather maa hn'l In fa' or of banging May baskets , :r.t villsses. snd tbe old minors. Tbe engineer ar taking preeautione an Inst bar. -!b abort." say bis publishers, "it . ... . w. -t iv...r. . w Tv.e'l fcn Pym at his best, writing nig aryore talk s.ishtlly ef l-rraeers -eek. Tbey . . , b. rear? May lay pena ruld aad tur- aiih promise of lain or suo. . May Is one long grtud el lei at ! ' l-eis. stud), rusii. toldA Slng leer, diearlaesa. lottfibf. tor tara lion, kit eks suoie of Ih s Bed jib writer .ill be a nenoua .eck Uet s call a liuc. Kaniaiad' A frehn-a luiaa la aa Ijiitisb paper, t-oa which la .rittea a loot line ihmiu. Tbe poem seems trtlaj bul It bears saslysis Mia a Urokea iNkta Th skies ar black, jfe a a reck. Aad Allan Is A botse's Deck" x)Iv rk(;istkii wn y, cot HSK Vxny glils ho etpei 10 leach Oeit year ilfned for th four week's training routse la Ctrl R kick III start Thursday, May . Mlea 'uh ball Any otter stria who ar Imer eaied lu secufiag lb cMttflcat Bearded 10 Ihoee b cuplel tb tour By becom wentbet of lb iroup saiolled tther by apWyiag immediately at Miss A-pleby a ot In or by oniiog 10 the fun meet ing which HI b held Bt fir 01 lock IhuisJsi. this GUI Ktsert leadefshlp iiaiBini course la gna annually under the ausflcea of ibe uotver I stty T. W. I . A, and la eapecianr adapted to Junior and senior hih .school lllrl Reserr groups Miss lolel ()lson. director of Ulri R ' ..ii.ui.. i m ik UrmIs ritf s bools. bss planned tb course Ihta yer a Ihsl II will rwoulr four l-erloda of leetur sad theory, aad any other Hm which those who reslstrr can give will be devoted I observation of the work which Is being don by groups la lbs Lincoln schools Art (lit I'rf limlfiarv Notice of Ufltl I).. I'rel.Bilnary aanounceweat ba4 bee a tuad Of tb tgbtk ssssaal crops and twlls field day prograe. I be held Bl lb AgrtrulUrai oi. lege mday. Juae L TO. f. ttrowa uf Arbor Ad tea W. W. Xrr ill be after dtaaar ajw&kara. rr ry roeleet oadaaied by I . ding wUl 0 Lb mf u'viki Tb prks Aa tk Innar HI be tea pawn is of . i It led aed doai4 by fk bf brass a ( U rower H ay Tb dinner Is t b ad aost ww.a speeches Immediately totkrwAac A iHp I th spertBMataJ OM will oorony Ik aftroav Tk crops of oat. wWt. karkay. od alfalla will uBdar aa lion, and lha qullos of soil Irrlsatlon aad ww attoa HI b dtecv4 by teat men. OsM alt .ear ribbons. kcowg and lores.' team. . . ,, . , . ' Tes'erday another grleroos mis- Now tbst spring footba.l la or a --n-juk w v.i, , tn;, coiumn. Th porch ort iM be trjlrg to pick the ai' jear s auikorstip of -Crsdle of the IVep" I was attributed to Joan crawrora. i rs'her tt3 to Joan Lowell. It was i sltp-cp. and whether It ram by way cf my typewriter or by way or the copy reader is a mystery. I Idont krow whether Josa Crawford 1 a lial of u.eUH as a campus spott retslls tUej. asys when AdmlttAncs lo a bssebsll game cost theitt finding of a foul bail. OTHER STUDENTS SAY VARSITY PARTIES Tb faculty committee on eiudent oryanitaUona has stked the question if students on tb campus dssir araity Parttea. Thla action folio. aa a rult of Indifferent student surport of the all-school par tla. And it must be admitted. Th half hearted at teBdance of th student body at thea affair would lead persons to be conclusion that Varsity Parties wer a mstter of litils concern. Th student body, bowerer. ts cot tired ot Varaliy PerUe. H Is tlrwd of dlggi'a P Bn extra dollar for a medlocr party when It has bid to go 10 Greek isrtlea, without shouldering say additional expense. Peepit frequent insinuations to the contrary, tbe college man is not as a rule rushed with dollar. It Is oaiy natural that he ehould prefer th cheaper form of entertAinment lo tbe more expenalv form, when both ar available at the same time. With Vsrsity Parties In their present stsros. it Is not un reAsonAble thst they should lack support. But the fact remalna that Varsity Partiea ar bone fidal aod doairable. They offer th only soclsl op portunity for Greeks and Barba to meet on an equal footing. They are practicAlly the only mouit for an all iwhool -get together." And, If properly patronised, they are surely aa capable of offering a good tiro to studonu as ar Greek parties. Something should b don to Ssre Varsity TArtles from being thrown upon the scrap heap. Perhaps the importation of an outalde orchestra would aiim olate Intereat. If the present faculty ruling In regard to thia matter could be Altered, it ia entirely possible that Varsity Parties woald offer a sufficient Attrac tion to be worth the extra dollar demanded as the prie for supporting these gatheringa. D. 6. C. rer sailed on trade ships ta tbe Is lands and leaned to spit a cur In i the wind snd swear, or not. but As suredly she nerer wrote the book. Miss Lowell Is sn Actress, howerer. and she might not b so bsd In tbe t Alkies. e e Th publishing hons of Double day Do ran. in collaboration with College Humor, announcea a 13.000 college norel contest which will close October Ii. Any undergradu ate or graduate of not more than ona year la eligible. The length Is from 75.000 to 100.000 words, and the prise Is awarded to th beat norel of college life, or of collsg peopl In other environments. It may be personal etory or a norel of th younser generation as the author really sees it. Tbe winning norel will be published aerially ia College Humor and In book form, roralllea being i-aid the aalhor in addition, and motion picture and dramatic righta remain!-c with the author also. Ah. there's th chance for some Impecunious undergraduate t o make a fortune! But the novels will probably turn out to be a aeries of "true" confessions. Tbe authors will dope them aa usual, aod twist the character grotesquely. Percy Marks msde his mark with "The Plspilc Age." starting the grand rush. Hut It waa exaggerated and I hare little hope that any novel wilt erer give ua a true picture of college life and college people. Eugene Wright "The Great Horn Spoon" la aald to b a paral lel to Kit hard Halliburton's "Roys! Rosd to Romance." and "Glorious Adrentore." Both were college stu dents who tired of school and set out to find adventure by book or by crook. They both worked their wsy Into the corners of the world, did strange things, and came back to write about them. But always I when I're read Hslllburton's yarns. of exaggeration and t 17? 173 th weatets INTRUSION One of the major dutlea of tbe Senior clasa prl- they smack dent elected th second semester of the school year J possible untroth. At any rate, they .. to .elect official announcement, .nd Inritatiou t ITTin that .111 neatly and Impresselrely the graduation of ; ud otht,r UUkndt mt wb mor the Senior class. This selection is msde with the aid J referred and truthful. There hae of a representative committee of tbe class. ' been frequent charges that HaIII- A. in the Past, thl. plan w as carried out Main this ! gnjJu year. Tb committee met, officially selecting th W( hare he.rJ nothlB, of tne kind graddatlou announcement for the class of 1IJ, ; concerning Wright. which Are now on display At the College Book Store. I But a business bouse located nesr the campus de cided not to handle tbe official senior Invitation. In stead, tbia firm waited until by the committee had been compi th production of a stock of iBrliAtion under the May flowers! Who Mid thAt spring waa the best season of the all the preliminaries 1 p-"-"'-,J',",",-" npieted. then ordered I i'YOUT Drtlg StOr Invitation under the'! 'meet Trests In Cindy an BeOe gnlse of the official announcement and offered ibera J THE for sale. Going farther, they placed their order with i j Qwwyj PhawjjCy sn engrarer wfside completely ignorant of the . Uonh 14th st B clrmmatances after all Lincoln engravers had re- , ,-. .. . .. ., , u fused this unethical firm's contract. Would University officials stand by and allow a local dealer to aell a year book disguised as the , Cornbusker of 1929? Will either students or univer sity officials atand for a practice based upon tbe , very asm principle? Will they? J. ANOTHER POINT OF VDIW Trpwritwv For Rent All endar Sn spinlsl rat KMltnll fee sang term. Iee tschtnee awetabSs UsseitSssa otentalr tsTweits, Ncbnakti Twpmriter Co. 1232 O St. B-2157 7 tT3 th th tT3 th IT? th 0 -FOR ACTIVE SPORTS WEAR 3 fF COURSE you do not have to get all wrought up over tennis. golf, or hiking, to like these attractive garments for they are "Collegiate" in every line, and practical for campus wear as well. Gay Scotch patterns, pebble stitched, with tinsel high lights. Wool and rayon in open lace patterns, stripes, modernistic color motifs. Crew and "V" necks and slip over styles. THE OLD "STASD DV OF THE LATE SLEEPER 0E JERK AND ITS 0! C1DL niL GDL -The Student's Store" Rector's Pharmacy 11th an P Streets C. E. Bucbheta. Mgr. Our Stee Is Vewr Store SCORE TIED Son-. down and more to go. The score is now tied with professors and students evenly matched, al though dope based on prerlous years gives tb edge to the students. Judging from tb statistics of former sessons It will Lake concentrated effort, tedious hours of drill. aad perfect team-work st quit time for th students '. ygrSQIldl Printed IO De ao!e U RISK IHJ in ui? irm iu, wvkm vi Bejar play sufficient to overcome the lead of flunks the L professor bare piled up. Many student in the past bsre won fame by their brilliant tackling and Ua plunging, only to be downed In tb shadow of the MnnunmiMt ooats br rcni Interfering Drofeaaor. Th profeaeora' team U well drilled In th line and Ja" TJ? Wii la saprla playt Zi It 1 a great game la which tbe battered student rrrw u anally rall'.e enough near th end l succe- Sldlionciri E 00 Ike mmi a sae'eeery. H I efvefetty at. Seie itf m rieieS ' tlrtat HMlnei. a. ' '"T eayeW. Cmtmmt ' fee esikT me. m mm. aveteats Sesse 4 i nr. I I Ins e wmi Imp eer sfer ; wd e fhi ) ' Sfsftoncrw. PiHy pass and rcT th aheepskln at tbe goal to GRAVES PRINTING CO. w,b by a dagr. Duly a sa. afrsool Sspphe aad gfsfiffnerj On Itlh St. Sevta et Tewim is'ii "'ii m n rm r- L i an &iv&n i AI 17 J I GOI m err is Drink Delicious and Refreshing a saB. ,QJ vm P4USC 4rVp yO(LiirSEJLF 0 ANYBODY WHO tVER RAN AFTER, A rRAIN THAT WAS NC FASTER THAN WAS KNOWS TMERf. NOTfilNG ELSE TO BUT. 8 Run Jar enoujh, work Ion enough, play hard enough and youV apt to atop. That's whan th puatjutrefrahinake th big hit. Happily you can find it around the cor ner from anywhere, wait ins you la an ioc-cold Coca-Cola, the pure drink of natural flavor that make any little minute long enough for a big rest. The CeeiCeh Ce Alius. Ca. MILLION A OAY I T MAD T O r f L TOO CAPTT Bt AT TKf PAUSE THAT n.gga.ata B X O O O D T O O T WHERE I T I S