The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 01, 1929, Page THREE, Image 4

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lug lit nriil.B of American
glile ami oiiru III OlMi'l'Irt In
lJ:. h an- to U- hrll iq tbe
I nited Main i,r in fir.i
The tlier rruiu.ou. un putting
taking part la the Olympic gaiuea
AooiJJBg lo kiln Lv-e ll,ta ec
Hon aa taken because of lb In
tensely aperis'lied traiutBg de
manded; becauMi of the eiKlolta
bL, Urk ,n ' "' indmduala. and the unde-
il- ,'"n "" b-sirable publicity roeueited lib
te-B ll, .,rr. ai.t ,r o4 ,b- (MM,btf
uum.g at) !.,rt r lh (.(if loteratrain la i.wMimiinn h, Mr.
fll VMUlP PflnLV Thntot)lllM hr, 1 '";""" ' " re-
ULIIIil IU UnillLU aliuoet nil f the members t.l thr h"' " - I'll are
ui-prtment 1(,rr er the a I " " agin mripaiioa eoq
" tlr.Sl tWlrl of Cill.fe t,.,,eB ' 10 ,B rJ" ' aaalet l
i rjMi; (M,in Utreciors or lhtital t J, .run ""T l 'ee these eoBdl-
Physical Education Croup , m,ln(t ,., M.; r? ... ,,r,..u . ,h MmU sb
!'" wi-nne we.t NHifi (lf -n " ' "
ilal e) leathers fro-u all d,,,,,, ' national Amateur
the irhooli an.1 uniimiiiM I 'hl'"" ''deration All aeriiona of
Twelve hundred .cple were ret-ia ' """"T "P tr
topfd ( ih. rAnri.iinn ao.t rt-' f ' rfwiuiiont la ll.U
rM-niailvra ft,.m ( lra. j r r
Orrcnn. W aliln'oti. t'allfnnna. ' ogr A4rMa Crup
N ork anj Mumi hurn kl' lr. TrxJ Hand llofra. atai dl
tendrsi. bHU drlriairt from ibe rtrior of Nr Vora xIicmiU. adv.
middle nrn natM iraird the fulilac nf aihleilc
Miaa Lt Pru dtt ! rfh', lr ' bleachra Ni
j or publlr arhnola ar not trj-lnf
Mln lo Id lirr rararlij at ra- Ihia. II ha nnva nfrl IxMika.
Men! of lli rii-iiilon fnldd ; lha laloat of lilrh la "Atiialvur
ovar all (ctifral mfiinc Avrry
KnjBdac. rridrnl of iho Ami
Irur Alhlilr auMMlaiKtn. cat a
talk la laor of omen a anirl
rauon in ii)iniir. i hi aiarird a
Opposes Participation by
Women ana uins
Miss Mable Lec Presides at
Convention Attended by
Twelve Hundred
Observers Incite Students to Riots
That Rouse Ire of Practice Teachers u
! of ilm diartaiBl of hoot
HILL ' Madoraday mIm tot
Tbkafa. brrv aha lll h oaa r
To 7 Impooatt roaoluilon
rrt adopifd al the Mldaoat 8o
it fh) alral KJuraUoa con
vrotion hrld In Chlrao laal Mk.
arrordinc to MUa Maool Ij. hi-aj
of thr dl'trlitipnl of ptiyalral odu
radon. II rftoKH thai the
rooirnilon to on record of oppoa
hrliolaatlc Gaiura and
Sflrli in
A lar( raihirtni of I'nhrnJiy
of Nrbraka jraJual'a atlnld
lha conirBiion Amoni theaa m
grnrral cllruiloii of thn matirr Mlaa ra IlarcT. and kllai
and It vaa finally rt-ao by the trlr Mill-r. both nnibra of tha
mmlnr that the avlailnn a Mldwral -kruilv ronimltlte.
Dot In fatnr of aomrn and (irU
their personal appearance
at Antelope Park each
evening except Friday
of this week and next.
AH twelve of the boys
will wear their n:w
soots from now on.
Such a nizeness!
In Cool Colorado
Coiaco is at tht foot of the Rocky Mountain Ranfe. Twelve
mile t the caat lie Denver, with J2T.000 inhabittnta. To the
et m the firit Continental Dtvide. with atrtama and foreata and
now-capped peak riaing to the aky.
Engineering Snmaner 8chel of tat
Zlswkjr Memntala SUsSra
Batie enrineerinf couraea in Mathematka, Chemiatrr. Phrc.
Engliah and Deiicn. Alo Aaurinc. Geology. Analytical Machamca.
Graphic Statira. Strenph of Matenala and Surveyin. Preparatory
Subject! of Chemiatry. Phyaica. Advanced Alftbra and Solid Geoni'
etry oflered for atudenta deficient in entrance requires nta.
July S t August 31. If It
Thia Summer Seaaion a riven eapecially for atudenta who wih t-
make up work or to aecure additional credit. All work la con
ducted by the rerular Faculty of the School of Minea. For cataJof
of the Summer Seasion, -write to the Registrar, hot Z-J7f
Colorado Cchool ef Mines oaMaa, curat
Styles S Tomorrow
o o,oo v
o o c o rvv
y,j o o o oc vi
New - -
Tomato Red
Poudre blue
White Kid,
You will find hundreds
of new atylei here to
choose from in the smart
est sandals, ties, pumps,
in high and medium heels.
Xeus Creations iv
Woven Handxiln
National Praeidant Talka
National Prrldinl V. Maroney,
I i rum Auaniic v 117 aprnai
fu-l of tha convention and aa
irt-entfl thf Un nijal for out
, atandmc work In health and e1u
ra.ion for lh aat )far In tha
I'Dllrd Slatoa. NYtt year the meel
! In of the Middle Weal Society of
' I'hyalcal Kdurailon lll be held
I in Milwaukee, Wla. Thli year a
manarlne. "Pentathlon. publlahad
1 by Elmer Mitchell of tha lnlver
I ally of Rducatloo Is aponaorrd by
: the aoclety.
Meetlnfa of tha National Society
' of Collera Women Ptrectora ef
1 Phynlcal Education wera held at
I Nonhetern unlveralty In Evan
! aton. llllnola. Women dlrwtora of
pbyalral education from unlveral
, ilea all over the country attended.
They also paaaed a roiuuon
araloat women participating In lb
Miriam Warner. Inatnictor In
phyalcal education, read a paper
on "Intramural Athletics explain-
I Ing a new type of organisation In
j women'a phyalcal education. Ne
, braaka aa the only one to report
; the merrlnir of W. A. A. and In
I tramurala. The convention of the
aoclety will be held next year at
I the University of WlaeonMn at
(By an Oftearvar)
"And tha aloa of the atudaata will
ba liied oa tha learhar" ao.
probably, rua the thoughts of tha
coed bo prartia-a learl.ea la Teach
era (ollee blab arhoot. eapecially
baa a crod of baervers from
aome inelhuda rlaas coma lo check
up oa her technique and geaaral
ability as a teacher.
la lb atimulallag preaeace of a
rrod of ohaner an ordinarily
mild rlaas of high school students
Is suddenly galranlied Inia action
they become mora than ever
eager lo Upael diadems and eatab
liabed routine. Paper ads. flying
rhalk. scraping feet, and continuous
eiiove raailona In audible mono
lonea, all characteristic symptoms
of youth displaying bia latent Ul
enta. appear wlih the suddeaaess
of an epidemic In rlaas hlrb may
unuall) be a model In rlaas be
havior. Sludsnta Knew Proceedura,
Students auddenly become alive
to the poaalbllllles of ruining tha
success of the class procedure
a hen the observer appears, because
Ihry know, from long eipertence.
that the teacher III do everything
In her poaer to maintain her dig
nity In the presence of the for
eigners. A teacher would rather
let her students remain In riot than
aloop 10 those necessary measures
hirh accompany the application of
dlaclpllne. and In the meantime tha
students take advantage of this at
titude to so completely disturb her
equilibrium and peace of mind that
he. or h. forgets her fact Infor
mat Ion. When a teacher's facta
cease to tally, the Immediate Intel
ligence and alertness of the class la
In one rlsss recently a teacher
asserted that Columbus was a
"Rut he was born In Portugal."
a student objected.
To settle the point Immediately
lib no further auesiluas the
teacher announced thai the country
for whom an eiplorer sailed deter
suined bis nationality. A few mo
ss en 1 a later the eame objeclol
B n . ... I Ibiee Judgea In aa eaaay eoeteel
Me.iurt Permit Omaha'to . br lhB sauooai
Ley Tn for wvflicipaJ
School Support
and IJvMtork Ivoard lo-aied la
, t hlraso TMs Is the third time
1 Mlaa ledda has acted aa Judge In
, . . ,. ..these rontvati The roateat la na the bills signed by -M-r. oo-1J rf u( ,
nor M eat ar 1 ueadat aa H I Ztt;.... . . a .....a
checked the teacher on hi. a.aie mUUh wrwiu Clm-U lo M,abli.b if" " " ' '
and operate a muBk iii uuneraiiy. i
According to the bill the pro-ol
tloa la to be submitted to the vol
era after there baa been a petl'loti
of 19 per cent or the of era pre
sented to the city council.
The bill permits Omaha to levy
one mill for the purpose of main
laming tha university and specifies
went ibat llendnk Hudson sa a
"Hudson bad to be an trngliah
man becauae be sailed for the llng
llah. and you said that waa what de
termined his nailonallt)," the stu
dent Insisted.
Tries Patience ef Teacher.
When observers are near.
teacher smiles and keeps ber tern
per thou to she would like lo do
nothing so well aa bos the ears of
the offenders (st lesst that Is tha
natural presumption of the ob
server!, but observers all with pen
cils poised above portentous note
books and make detailed notes con
cerning a teacher's appearance, her
methods and technique. Iter rlaas
and room management, and all the
other things thst are a part of the
composite whole which represents
leaching ability.
The practice teacher Is thus
placed between the devil and the
deep blue sa. She must take a
thai It ahall be In the bands ot a
board of regeu't appointed by the
board Of education.
tiovemor Weaver late Tueeday
slcned II R. JO This bill author
lies the Hoard of Itegenta of the
University of Nebraska to ak for
a second appraisement ahen con
demnlng property for unlerltj
use. This permits them lo ask for
a eecond appraisement or abandon
the proceedings
Second Hound of Tennin
Tourney Set for Today
Jwvt ae er tine te '-"
CmuS Ceueei Ctie: '.
Sere Mcmmi '. Cwsx
Se Tri SNecliv lmiMI'iln
Sc e' exile e-efeoel et
Ckttrawit, sM exseeis
Always Open B-C819
Motor Out Coenpany
1120 P St.
rM Hi)
nrary.wtwHT kaimui
1 bmi 1 mmmm
Ut w-v Ci m Pw
lJi lit mm MfcU
Second round of the girls Intra
mural deck tennis tournament will
risk on either hand. If she runs the k held today from i to o'clock
class the way she wants to. all her 1 nB the courts near Peaav hall. In
actlona are promptly recorded by
the obaerver, later to be developed
In detail for the Inveatlcatlng fac
ulty: and If she maintains a serene
outward composure, to keep up her
dignity, all the faults of discipline
are promptly noticed by the on-
ere7of hedf:cu?ty,",,0r,',1 ilntramiir.l Golfer. Get
Into Action at Anieiope
Put please understand, dear read
ers, that the class which misbe
haves for the edification and. enter
talnment of observers Is far from
characteristic. The observer usual
ly sees a class misbehaving to a
greater or less decree, but even be
knows the situation Is not ever
tCewttmed frnm rase I.)
qtiet at the Annex cafe Friday eve
ning. List Full Committee
The complete committee on En
gineers week Is as follows: Ted
Blaschke. general chalrmsn- Carl
Olson, secretary-treasurer; Earl
Kramer, work chairman: Ralph
Deeds, activities chairman; W. E.
Nceland. chairman of tbe agricul
tural enginoera departs! Jaaaes
Blackmail, architectural englneera'
chairman: Omar Snyder, chemical
engineers' chairman.
Cliff Salmen. civil enjrlneers'
charlman; Phil Fink, electrical en
gineers' chairman; Raymond Pro-bai-ka,
mechanical engineers' chair
man: Elton Fee, geology chairman;
Don Walker, banquet; Paul M ousel.
Field day; Charles McReynolds,
convocation; Keith Darls, window
Rodney Gibson, programs; Ralph
Ralkes, publicity; Wesley Morse,
campus structure; Lewis 1mm,
tickets: and Alden Met calf, signs.
Field Day Program Follows
12:45 p. m., Horse shoe tourna
ment. Prize to the winner is a
set of horse shoes.
1:15 p. m.. Slide rule race. Prize
to the winner is a bronze U. of N.
1:45 p. m., I,vel race. Prize to
tbe winning pair is five dollars In
trade at the College Book store.
2:00 to 5:00 p. m.. Golf tourna
ment. Furnish own equipment and
pay twenty-five cents for the
course. Prize to tbe winner is
five dollars In trade at Tucker
Shean. 2:00 p. m.. Baseball tournament.
Teams representing tbe freshman,
sophomore. Junior and senior
classes in the College of Engineer
ing will play an elimination tour
nament to decide the winning class
team. Tattings for tbe first round
will be made by drawing lota.
Each round will be a five Inning
Prize: Baseball glove given to
the best, individual player. Tbe
man will be picked by his batting
average, errors, etc., and need not
necessarily be on . the winning
Official Bulletin
Wednesday, May 1
Madame Schumann Helnk con
cert at Collaeum.
Pharmacy week begins.
Engineers week, special convoca
tion at 11 o'rioca.
Alpha Kappa Psl. rmoker and
business meetlne. Kappa Sigma
bouse, 7:15 o'cloc k,
lielta Sigma Tl. meeting. Commer
cial Club room. 7:15 o'clock.
Thursday, May 2
Methodist conference begins.
Engineers open bouse night.
Pharmacy open house night. .
.Mens and Womens Commercial
Clubs, dinner Annex cafe.
Tassels meeting, Ellen Smith
ball, 7 o'clock.
Friday, May 3
Tharmacy week.
Engineers week.
Union Literary society, Union
ball, Temple, t o'cloek-
Saturday, May 4
Fanners Fair.
Committee Announces
Muic Contest Dates
Nebraaka'a state musk contest
will be held Friday and Saturday
May 3 and 4, at Lincoln high school
j auditorium. There will be compe
tition In orchestras, bands, glee
clubs, choruses, and vocal and In
atruraenlal aolos. All who enter
must have won first, second or
third In their respective district
The musical contest committee
in charge Includea Carol Pitta of
Omaha, Mr. Conaway of York. Mr.
i Shoemaker of Hastings, Mr. Sam-
pers of Norfolk, Mr. Robertson of
Wauoo, and Mr. Rider of Lincoln.
raae of rain the gamea will be play
ed la the women's gymnaelum.
Winners of two games out of three
In tbe first round are eligible for
thia contest Petty Rider Is In
charge of the tournament.
Intramural golf tournament la
now In full swing Qualification
round of the tournament la to be
played off by May at Antelope
park. Those girl a turning In tbe
sixteen lowest scores will parti
cipate In the final elimination
tournament. Lola Raymond. Edth
Jenson. and Mildred Sanson are
organizing the contest.
rrofettsor IVdde ill
Judge in Eary C-ontot
I rof. Margaret Fedde. chairman
,11 fc.M ll ll il
('Your Drug Store'
i r intfl I rwaita in vsnyy ins trust
OWL Pharmacy
114S North 14th St 81061
a spirit-dawn hall come; tbe ahlp
ing hope of Europe free
Lindsay believes there will al
ways be war In the world as long
as there is war in the bumsn heart
and misgivings in tbe human mind.
He questions in this poem, "And
who will bring white people that he
may sleep upon bis bill again?" He
believes that the spirit of Lincoln,
of Washington and of Wilson, still
hover over the commonweal of
America and that eventually the
world will bave peace.
(f will ed ream rara 1.)
from 1887 to 1!K0, studied at tbe
Art Institute at Chicago from 1900
to 1)03. and at the New York
8 .M ot Art in 1804. After two
years of lecturing and settlement
work, be took tbe first of bis long
tramps, walking through Florida,
Georgia and the Carolinas, preach
ing the gospel of beauty. Like a
true revivalist, be attempted to
wake in the people be met a re
sponse for beauty.
. Like T ommy Tucker, be sang, re
cited and cbanted for his "jper,
distributing a little pamphlet en
titled "Rhymes to be Tradet for
Bread." Speaking of this period of
bis life, be said. "These were the
most beautiful days of my life, be
cause tbey enabled me to under
stand the hearts of the common
folk, and I love tbe common people-Has
Remarkable Energy
Lindsay is noted for his physical
euerrr that literally whips up a
trivial idea. "You see,- be said,
"there is more of the robust cnaa
ia ite, than the poet." He doe not
admit tbat be Is great. He la very
bumble, and a modest reaerve
makes one feel tbat be la always
more or less on guard.
One of Lindsay's favorite poems
la "Abraham Lincoln Walka at
Midnight." This, aoordlng to
Lindsay, was also Amy Lowell's
favorite, for Amy Lowell did much
to Inspire this poet of our own
Middle West. Ia thia poem Lind
say said be hoped to sound tbe key.
note for world peace. He says of
Lincoln that "ba canrot rest until ;
(Camtfanrad frooi Fas I )
the call of ber soldier boys," stated
Mr. Witte. "She expects to devote
a good deal of time to tbe Ameri
can Legion and to tbe disabled vet
erans." It is Interesting to note that last
year Scbuman-Helnk gave ber Groa
mont borne in Grosmont, California,
to tbe disabled Veterans. The prop
erty is valued at 1150,000. During
the war. she cancelled a valuable
engagement to devote her time to
the camps about the country and
has ever since bad a great interest
in the work of the Legion, and in
tbe care of tbe disabled Veterans.
She waa a mother of three boys in
tbe American forces, and of one in
the German navy. The latter was
killed in a German submarine. Im
mediately following tbe war Ma
dame went to Germany and got the
wife and children of this son, and
brought them to America where she
has educated the children, and
caused the whole family to become
American citizens. Tbe gift of tbe
California property la only a part
of a rreat deal of money which she
has riven to tbe Legion and the
From Lincoln the party goes to
Wlnfleld. Kansas, where Schumann-
Helnk will sing under the auspices
of Southwestern College.
Herbert Glsh. director of athle
tics, left Tuesday for Clay Center, j
where be will officiate in tbe high
school track meet there. Accora-!
panlng him were Greeg McBride.
sports writer for the Lincoln Star
and Omaha World Herald and
Steve Hokuf, varsity track man.
Jimmy Lewis will off iris te at the
Dunbar, Nebraska, Invitation tourn-1
anient. He left Tuesday accom- j
panled by Louis Etherton, crack :
varsity miler. i
"Tha Student's Stare"
Rector's Pharmacy
1th and P StPtata
C. E. Buchholi, Mar.
Our Store Is Your Stora
In the Misses Shop
Cool, Sportire
-in the
light shade
FOR INSTANCE a moderne
cub print, tr-cpo frock with
Peter lan collar: sleevelest
silk print with self-yoke cn-J-inp
in noft bow; sleeveless
silk with tailored vcstce-pol-lar
and half stitched pleated
bkirt; white sleeveless dress
with blazer-stripe taring nt
neck, and Marer striped
roat and marine print with
button-on tie.
.t;r 13ir 17
MISSES' SHOr Second Floor.
If the
pleasure of smok
ing a fragrant,
mellow cigarette
If there were tickers
to tell fellows how
they were getting
along in their grades
the ticker might sug
gest that one way to
get a good mark is to
wear a suit from
The Camel hlenA of choice Turkish and
Domestic tobaccos has never been equaled.
This blend produces a delightful mildness and
Camels are always uniform in quality.
You can smoke Camels freely without tiring
your taste.
Thcj do not leave a cigaretty after-taste.
Camels are a refreshing and satisfying smoke.
e in, a-J. amaa t
N. C
A 0 .2 .-..
fill a . - y