he Daily Nebraskan VOL. XXVIII NO. 135 GRID WORKERS FEAST TONIGHT AS SEASON ENDS irantt fnr rlrI Y.ir'f. Team Climax Spring Drill at N Club , ,,,,, , ,,,,-. Trul BIBLE WILL VISIT TEXAS I v j rich Pvnartt tft Return In . Ua L.I " " f . , B W WW Give Summer Course in ! Pigskin Tactics Caadtdaie for lb IKS 'football aa win '-"-i "'(tio..- . net to ba bM la tba N club room gaond ard to F1 j taaiht Coafb Btbla aill ovtllaa ph, (or ,h n, raaoc-, ht pUaa for tba aatt aaaoaij,u UB th. fu taln ba la; ranpaiaa lima with Soathfra Matbodtat Wl taraity of IUaa. Tataa. Tba baaaaat will vlad ap tho ; print football artltitiaa, tba Uit 1 ararttro WlBf playa4 today. Tboaa raadtdataa bo hata tn ' " b airuad frvm rUt at 11 nat for aanaf pr art lea. football Mpha Chi Oni nb a total of ofor lor tba rmlndrr of tba Kaa obcm4 Mbn port a aad J.T pooia took third placa. fm 0llotc tba rooyoratloo naaibara of tba roar hint aia'f ara 1 durlnc tba iat yaar by Slima tb gIO(i,nl, ml; dj0ura to Anto iBTitad ! tba kaaauat. Ia!ta laa Alpha XI lHta " ' lopo park oharo Hrld day aiar- Warh la i.tMa but II poiota loaa tbaa Alpha (U! aw t0 t hM aad lunrh IU ' ,, 1V Otnera -aa placad founh 00 tha ; Tima fnr luarh baa Pnt footaaH prattlca iai.u, ' bat at at U : o clork iaar. of alt waka doratloa, baa j raUnx, of tba otbar aororl- Faatura Many Evanta baaa 00 a of Ibo noat lotaaatra of I ti, ww aa loilooa: tilth. Ulu I Amoo, lbr ,nu 10 ba iamr wany yr. .t a limited to fin en it. Coach Bibla will leata ia a tar? hon ttaaa for Collece Station. Tataa. to Join bia family Ha aill warn ! jaaa io lima i nmnwi : o b'.a elaaaa ta tha to aeeka apo-; ctalttad athletic coarae for high , achool coachea. Jane U to Si. Tba tpecUl coaching achool of :he ralTaralty of Nebraaka - aier aeaaioa will Include la Ita roa- tar of Inatrwctora the wtembert of iba raraity coarhmg ataff. Coach Bible aad Una coach Oakea will rosdart tha football claaaea There aill bo both claaa work and pcac-1 tx-al fied tn at ruction : The real of the ataff for the ape- ciallred coarae Includea Henry ; Schalte. who will teach track; ! Herbert Ciah. who wiil gHe a : ronrwa la at hied k- admialatra:iow: , Charlea Black, who wil gire la- rod loo ta fcoaaetbaJI aad John ; Rhoadeo. who will aaa.at !a foot-: baU aad track. OtTor LaratrJCowraaa.. . . ia additio. t tb irecuiired two : . .v . -.i..i.. v. braaka soaner aeaaxta la offering a aaaabec of conraca for roachea which vin law the. entire aeaaJon of aae week. In addi:Joa to tho weoalised coarwe roachea there anil a Tor- Mf Clean. WCbar . Knight aad Rai-h Aadrwa. loaca R.ble will not be oreaent for th earir avmrner aeaaloo. McOeaa will bate a clata ia 'Training Raoaa Methoda." Ralph Aedrewa, yaraity wrealjec. will teach a clana ta wTeotling aad Wll bor Knight of the Colicge of Agrt CBliar will gtre a coarae la gjaa naettea aad ptj5cal tralaing. GEOLOfHMACE ON SCIENCE PROGRAM Schramm and Barbour Both Expect to Make Talks Before Meeting Geoiogr toairanora of ta V reratty of Nearaak. will gle a -jil7 vi .- m.m . auiau iweiisc or t wraa Academy of ftdeuoe whic. U ta eaaioa May and 4. aooordag to . r xr c.k. mt i jwoam ah. a. Profoaaer W. C. Biabo af X- wraaka Wlra .ivrjly U crra. Profeoeor Sthraann wffl rlv a leetwa a la geky f tiia remWlc. ad aaa anao I wo lenona i1b)m t Oatral BarWaw Oa ftwraw D, E H. Bajraovr wrta ari aa a'llotJaid ler Friday oileraooa al J:3 o'eJoc a lie aiovea tnaker lphaail, wiJca a. ffiral aoarvwrwd ta Nrata "Tae tae VeJacaaia, or aboveS-rBaiera,' Do aw Barwaar aaid Today afi . -iwwit a rac off vaciaaa favual far ! fJ1 ilwje ia XeVracka aad aaaoei 9a iW CaJyeralJf. la J aweaaliaie iw enjoew aharrJJt.era fca Jiroovawa; of itieae, arJi-Jca for th time bctng e w-ia amraaatt tbe ataaaa-aaoiea ana-siodoa. waa found laat year la tb Go H waa Xarnrea Or ateaja iborel; aca of ki ta 5i awer Jaw wasr nwJ aa torwia r wraaoer IXaa aa awdiaary hcnfl, aad bis sls-foat Jaw waa Cared tula a atdffaty spooa-akaed form wliti waa cajiablc ta all jrraimiy of ooojdBJI tw ea- tbree femadid jiacaa. of soQ. tnad. aad aaad. Tb tonal wldai acroas bis Ouj a-aa clgbtoea tacbeay. "Tboaa abavaa - tJisVra ran whb rbiomia boriU. a amaB teaa oaa Vsw ta itaa a Jry I oa. Tbey reaches tbetir auaainULa I Wi Xatiraaaa wbere lb iaar wccaiac aeajrty aerata Jean ita tengiX aad lte7 oiuia ta bar reached iVeir xJlimal ajedaliraiioa ta Aii aoa amrnd trtm a GtM aos-j HartMaoiie ! Sprai; Hareoy aU-tabow af Ucala. rnmraaut aJtwwroa of ta rtnr- DELTA TAUS Titleholders to Panhcllcnic Awards Arc Announced At Annual Banquet . Hating ao. by aiarsia of elghtyn point . Brat blira la lb iBteraorortty erbotaatlc rating foe l ha yea, ICS. Hicma Iw-lta Ta .o. u a n.im to t mi and lortneily poeaeaaed by Alpha Xl tHa. aa announced al lb fourth uiul Paahelienir Lanauet at tba w w quet. aa eipieaaed by Mr a. Joseph I W. Screat. PeBbelleaic ptealdent. a bo arwidtd. la helj far tba par i pot a f creating b!rB aerontlee a spirit of fellowship aad co-opera- (,a pooaawakMi for thrtr ac holar6tp i o( Tb (0(aj aun.brr j (of poiota arrordd tbam oaa I.tl.! ti , lh loU f funn T i hti 1 SIGMA II I Zeta: alith. Alpha ixiib idi.'m (,a IVId day prorram ara a llnha l-hi elt-hth. Alpha j Kappa Alpha i Omlrron Pt; tlntb Kappa Kappa oam - !. ,i-,o;h Phi Ma: twelfth. , Pittna Kappa: tbtneenth. Chi fourteenth. Itelta Gamma; 6ft th ieta le:ta lelta; 14-b.k KrrA Ielta: aeenteenth ' ' xipha llia PI: eighteenth. Zeta " Tq nineteenth. Camma Phi . )tva: twe'nUeth. Phi Cfmega ri: ; ty.!,, Theta Phi Alpha. I i sforr the announcement of the rtUn(1l Mr Seacreal eiplained i tfc- method of obtaining the re la (T poaltlona. For each credit vr rarrled to the grade of XV ,, Minta are gten: for r,Mfk BOUr M- threw potnta; for , Mra 0r 70 ro polnU: aad , w- of to. one poml. FOTj rA.h blyar locomplete wot kv a (a aded: for each hour of ma - 1Uofl powl ti aabtracted. and for Mrh hour fai;Ure or dropped , .fvamtiararior work, two pcaata are anbtracted. The total acmbe of grade woiata are d!"4t - - by th total number of cn,.T Annual Journalism Sheet Is rtd Br IBO Itiemoerw v-. . 7 mm lav vaaraiKiK - - - ulned. Oiaoowwc Intaraat.ng FacU -Qaim iatereallcg fac:a a dia raT. dant, ,h, compatatloo.-; w ,-r -were tfceae: - cwaaa 4 rw a. II STUDENTS ENTER j MATHEMATICAL RACE Name of Pi Ma Epsilcn Prize Winner Is Withheld Until Honors Exercises Tea aiwotota ooiered One co:et sposaoreal by PI Ma EiwiJon. a tioa atebeoaiKal fMionuty. to- ailmnU.1 latere! la auitaeiBauca. Tke winner Ol tare iwa - --II. . . V v tcrm;oj or txre. jyeaTerday. j j The exaffi!lio covered a3gera. "",TlMWiiMr; Txaa Hatted. di- tovn: Tl' ZZ.hoT: Mbbtw Kt. ednor laat o- grU caJcate. AU - , - v1ia cm- " -.. j, 1 real cJoJ year. r eS"bl " Tbe 1iaer Will be awarded a d d . . "!JLjZ. iT i Vi , "JffiLAfi ll ' , !Vdtc7 Hefriia aval eugTueer- ter tta oMaiHa tKU '! 4.4 k of STSf3iy aad did 6fUU 1 jjeai. Tbe wIbihv w133 fee aa-'I ait tb Hoajor. ay eier Idan Students In Charge of Annual Engineer's Week -'an-, " " ij ' ar - ' - I eve . .xirat! - . :- ' .. ; j a ' ' - : 7 -rw. of wtadeola toeb mrb apote erf tb maaaf Ki?T TbBTl . -. - fri.fflM rzLT-T. k-"b- iainwc YrVT rvrzT la ti bar T evntog la t bac Bca. aUea Meaoa T.-b Waiawa aad W K. Jfcaausai ENGINEERS GET UNDER WAY FOR I PROGRAM DAYS Mrtirt-I I Utt Fntrtainrrtrn! Slated to Start Off . , .. ' UeiCUraUOn Celebration - - ,,,.. r,,ril 1 PROPOSE MANY EVENTS ! , ManHlin Artivitip. Arf ! IBIWUWBBIW W W I ! VV Sport Tourneys and Feature Races A atwrtal con tor a i ton la tha Tempi, theater at 11 o.kx-a ana IVM day la Iba aftartMwB itl ba obaartmt by aoclBrantif atud'Bta : today aa port of tba procrara of EniBar- r. arraraiac o i aui , Mouarl. Held day rbalrmas Tb moroinj roooratioa "1 1 lMiur tracbr by premloant far- , lty mat ibcra and atttdant etl ! oaara .iQ-no atudrata 111 horahoe toamament. alide rolo rare, lexet rare, rolf tournament. aoj baaebaUl tournameBt. Ereryone i. urced to furniah hia oan war to lBa nark but thoaa who ran cot in ba picked up by a track at tho Ma-iTenpla at r.ooa and taken to tae nrh Charlea McReynolda. "?, Uncola. haa charge of the convo- J cation and Pi a I Mouael. . Cam- bridge, la In charge of Field day. Tho remainder of tha prograia for Engineera- week Includea ErgV neera nigt Thiraday ereolng when open boue win be held In ' all eeglneerleg Ihilldlnga on tha j campua. aad an nnglneera' ban-1 i miiiil a S. II DECLARES MCLEERY Growing Speedily. Says Editor-in-Chief an . art a . 1 vMqM to ar.Dear at lb aa aa-a1 a?aa W n KakTrrr aaraalCaU , ... k. . ajiiiwaa vvww.. - , Thtakll; .-ebraakan ataff. la pro- j ' gretaicg rk.,-ldly. according to BUI Mcdeery. a-di;or. The a'falr la to be held Tnaraday ereair.g at at the Lincoln bo:eL . Seoaaiionalim and acaadal , ahom member, yt ibe at iff will be feata7e of tHe Ragger tbia year. ) aaid McOeery. "The paper will ba patterned after the atylo of tbe Iwj;y Nebraakaa. A good deal of , co?r ba. already been tamed In by 1 I'rariona membera of tbe ataff." J t bqu and prealdent of applicant baa bad. and finally, obaerred on tnia date, wblch did no - Robo Haa Oars braf ka Wrliera- ColJd Intro-: what oa applicant intenda to damage a. User waa but little eg r d.w i. 1 ,... i a, ! rMr sinua aad Mid make of bia training In art. from- etatlon oat at tbla time. A light. .T . "rr. "I-'". ii'f LlL "vlL r iiu, Nebrwkan aiafT Tjoogiaa I .""Jj t ' . ,., a,,, .a. iDOtiEcevj jus i)iiatu ui ui jw Jor lh, Uaqnet. Indoded la -llUiofitrofitalitflMltaOTLtwl i . T!aa3.r!MO are mA VeC!err. iBjeicr; jaai5r nosici. awvi ajt. Bsanagitg editor: Mt)A rnee Catherine Seward. Mlaa Seward will rnai a preaea Ualiora steech aad deliver a rift to ba. mot beea diactoaed. Th taT-sra of .S taJka. acocrdiBg to "torta. Vary MtMi ta raairma. of Jl. own aad Kk fr ajutyflro aiaff aveaber. laaiu, Jioaa waxr naj;ie.d law Saturday. xr. bjbo ' be gsw-rta at tie af .'air. ta eharr of tba gragneers' treek .-7- t-- .,mrm .Tvi a. anted la tasauert al Arpartmnrta ICS BIKrT7MAL ' w row ''.rj X - row tmjenio ivm. f'rSZJ xarad - a7d B. Cal 2rirTJrL. -TmT.ZZJ U.NCOLN. MlllllASKA. WnNKM)AY. MY I. 192'). . . -. , . . a., - .p-.,- ,. - tt ' i- i J Vachcl Lindsay, One of Americas Created I'oets, Has Faith in Youth Despite Hi Fame, Writer Remains Common Ciliten; : Worki Indud Eulofici on Men of Not Varbel IJuJaay I coaittMia, eittiat niiira IkMiiii th fact i that - of Am nr. great ha la h far the leaat 1 pretrailoua SpeaklBg of hit lit, be .aid thai b waa boia In th huuaa her b still llea. IB Springfield. lit. Ma hotn oa Noyember II. .:. a m-a pat m . of nr.. and tooklag er lh bortioa of if. h baa lb utnuti faith la Ibo younger generation. Ha aald ibal tha peopl of today do B appra rtaia tha youth of today. la bit porm. "Tba Mrstniana ara Com inc." ba praiaea tha youia ibat la o ba la Han a Laver yafn. Lladaay Iots bit bom, yOT Me, rr mtt Blt ioor ,0 ,h cut- maadua of tba ata Bf 111DoU n tha alaJoa obara 44 bxmi 0f bia rltlB. k ' Mia n v nvpAra mm ftnil tnlti,iin 1 ha unitul lnh n p Aj hom ha ralabratad la oaa of h nn, I ma poem on wiuiam jeonmo 1 Bryan la aa eulogy of tha Ei liitearuan Ho aiplalnod that aa not beraue ba had pol leanlnca that ba liked Brin. but becauaa Bryan had a aoul. aad ha placed the apiritual beforo tha ma terial thlnca in Ufa. Ha biinra out In tbla poem that wbllo Bryan went down to Utter defeat la tba election, the aoul of ryan at III Uvea oa to inapire tha orld. Advocatea Education Vache IJbdoay la a (real adi o- cato for aduratloa. Ua waa tradu- a ted frotn tb pnnffleld Hit h j School. atteuUcd Klraia College , II i aw rage k. LI . n-- PreSentS netiring Society 1 Dean With Honorary Membership CHANTS POEMS ; Sebraaka U rtta- Guild w.pra of lt, and K mT P 10 Ur. L A. Sbermaa. rw-'P'T tor " Candida'. ea for tho .a -a. . i A .w. A.wm wma awCtjOLa ra lii d muai meei inr iunu - of EtgUah of tbo i nlyorwttT of Ne- ln reouirementa:fl) they moat . braaka. at tn annual apnng ainner ... - ; ; . , - . i . k. - t i ffuttfl itw t'nirerwirv nf Vehraav inmi nrnniuiMNI all I urr i ur - " " - - J . i. - . Tervty cino jiooo.y r-raini. a. . 1 - - - - k(a A ?r.P TTXaVn m gki i mr ri w-wj uia aJyo work la tho lalreraity and ... f.vM .rr- .t tha m- i.f..iW. ..... - - end of tnia aemeoter. Ror many: year ho waa dean of th oraaoat College. A nuiuber of tribot. from for- mer atodenta aad fellow ic.tnic- tora to Doctor Shensaa were read br Addlaon E. Sheldon. Chancellor t. A. Burnett apoae onniy w Sherman", faithful aerrle to ha lat!toUon- , CrawWonl Prwaanta Sherman ; . . D r- ...-n-..r ; H. .l, ! m .ft. cenlflrat of ! booorary memberaWp la to or ' sUn nk Kf! e.nreaaicr hia acnrcciatlon to toe gBid ror ute wnor acmnjw Mm. Mra Sherman waa preoeated 1 with a larg baaket of roaea. Vavcbel Liadaay waa tbe boeored g-oet of tbe Nebraaka Wrttera' GcJ5d fcaaevet at which Doctor Shensaa recetTed fai. honor. Lind- aay. a worw ranaona poe.. ra.cr-i world fatuous toe, eater-1 Ulned b!s ataflieace wjtB a recital of awe of bis poems Including -Cilmeaw Nlgblicgal," "Bryaa - aJ avral others of bis moal dy-jj tairJc eoispoaliloa. After bia recital of Tb Chla NigbUia. b I seed bis atadJ-lTb est lo oia lo oa ti chant of tiotber of hi. poem. "OM Joba Brown la PaJeaUa." oa of bia worts la lb negro dialect. Osber soetcis rstl ere, Tb Trg3n- predicting tbe retara of ib age of ga'iaa'ry. aad "Abrabam IJscola Walks at Midnjflt.- at the ft? u nm rauiw an wrosawaBT. a23S - - ' ... - . J erf the covert aaafl iua a 2rT cut Barawod . li Darla. Rate Dead. rtiaruiac)llraJ r k ) I CtVm I I.ytuaB. draa of tha Af I h rnir T aho will rk ikla nnraluf at tha ODaniDC maottnf on tha proirrana tpoBaoml : by tba atudenta of tha rollega. MOREY FUND OFFERS SCHOLARSHIP IN ART UpmhprS Of ThrPf ClaS.fiS May Apply for Bequest Of Art Patron RIFT AMOUNTS TO X480 ,.. For tha ftrat time aince Ita ea . liahment la lt:. the art acnolar ; thin created by tfrs. Anna R. ! I Moray, prominent club woman and ; 'art patron of Haatinga. la to be of-; 1 fered tbla year by tha School of Fine Arta. Under the terma of Mra. Morey'a beoueaL the acbolarahlp 1 u to go to a deferring graduate in art. recommended by tho School of . . . - Pr. R A. peaae of a year a atudy at tho An . year, .mk . - ' ' " ,w v... 1 many aa three of thoaa erenta 'sx. z:7rzxr:z,'Z. L. Tr. r;:r Al'hotigh It -ill beacefonh be off )r. The mercury mounted I to 4 Ticket, for tbo Haake I IndUn art patron of Haatinga. U to bo of-jrree. l-nhe't on theh the ( NeWBl the a. " " ' "T" . i taiaaa airy a 1 Kaaraa Kafka n aTT-rfnIaaff aaa w aum a - e - from on of the a bore-named claaaea BamelT 11-7 UJi lJ-. . T Written application for th) acbolarahlp enouid o made to Mia. Treaaa Pond Emraon.aaaitaat profeaaor of drawing and painting in the School of Fine Art. not later than May 15. They are aked to In- cladf tn tae application age. a-ate or bealta, whether or not pares ta are whether or not applicant u partially or wholly aelfwtippon- ing. what tralaing In art In addlltoo to that receiied al the CnSrerwity. rl.l W1. teaching. etc. rr. nic f ALEXIS PROPOSLSi IIVTCflTl TRIP - . . . , IlUtniCtor 14 Schednled to Debver Address Upon Scandinavia. Prol. JotT Aleai. of icjc nm. jowtj JJ- - - ! partmeat 01 Komance iaguaga 1 will leave Th-jradvy a.'ternooa for 1 NortiBeld, Munneaota. where be win a!tsd the nineteenth acnuaJ 1 meeting of th Society for fJ Ad- j vaaeesoeut of ScaodSnavfa Stwly. ttiinr wi be be3d at ScOiaf eJJege. a Norwegian in.tltatiOB. j May 3 and I ftaiarday Profeaor Aleue ; address tb galbertag. pikiifcg oa j-paat aad Fuliir Comtacta fieiween Scaedinarlaa and America.- Pro- feasor Ate I raryreajorer of lb aoctety. H Is of SweJj.b - - deselect He will be etjiertaibed in 'be kvrrL of o k Rohiac the anbor 1 at lani in the Eb and "P- de- ViciorJotia' and a mmler of tb - fac-slty at St. 03af ProTetaor RoHaagis a wutve of Norway. He waa a pio&eer of So-itb liwko'a. wbere be got to theme for bia DOv3a. which are Mgbly rCtn(d aMh in Aiasencaa asd Norwegian Figure Shotc Every Year Contain Over 118 Special Week National egg week opeas today i aad Is to be observed, according to c-Bstom. by tbe siate of Nebraska. This is a big week ta tbe opinio ; f J. B. Redditt, CoUege of Agrt-- caliare poultry erieasioa dlviaioa '! specialist, eggs being absoSotety j w a - a " necessary to tae ronaer measwai of poaliryKnd. bot ' It is by w ... .vi 1- v . a-v ahaecved i ' VL,., rCrVfca,a,r.rv a receal tomml-' ata of .pecal weeks has sbowa V m, by f-JV tb astoaadaig total of on haad.ed -tared at FX Worth, Jjaa latead aad eirbteea oat of nfty-i-; h aaUtf lr . ta tkjt weeks. Perbai there ar wfort-H nar. bat '.i'.m Qi aeoa who do aot reaJix thai that w bav coatlna-d to 4a ao. everr days a hoi; day and hi ff ail B Taev a coant oa 1 tb fact that It U al- j ways ta firat or laat or other day of Oaacj, -k. or bger aad bet'er feosne. wee, or aau- PHARMACY WEEK OPENS WITH PEP RALLY AND TALK General Meet This Morning Begins Annual Program Of Activities DEAN LYMAN TO SPEAK Exhibits on Thursday Night Planned to Present All Phases of Work l"our day pliarmar) ibi'oo ill rarala a hearty -nd of thit norms at l' o'rlork'abao all am dratt aaaambla in Pharmacy hall tor a f-'naral pap rally. Tba tea loti atll ba f-tutl b) a talk by 1. R A. I.) tnn. daan of ilia col laa. who U not abla to ba prnt for ih romaindar of tha ralobra In addition aeteral meiubare lion. of iba facul y and atudent repra aeniatlea m all irtye aliort talk. A pharmacy orchestra, the I'harma ceutlciana. lll make whoopee at the atari of 'ha rally. Pharmacy ball la being fUldly $ ecorated for It a public appearance oa Tueaday Bight, the annual I'har - rnacr nla-ht eiblbtt. tiay bunting of green and white, official Col lege of Pharmacy colora. la being ued In duplay rooma. while the acariM and cream of the Cniyer- aity appeara In tba hall EUborata Praparationa Mada. Studenta have been long ia pro- paring for tho l narmacy nigni ". ni nibor of onlquo aad ffd-JCAtlscal dlpiaya are pleted for public inipection. fr - ,eral new featurea ba been aaaeo lnllm aw rae t. Weather Man Explains Wave Of Spring Fever If the epidemic of "aprlng feyer" baa been nnuauaily aevere tnia 1 . - T,. .v.r. I DltOfM rm i m . u w - - ' ... 1 In tho tim iiiteen oaja oi apm m Ne1rajkk. To add to tne anpieaeaujtura tae weamer naa dwd tictt-u- muggy. The aay naa oeen nerceni corerd "b ck!rV yerage duncg tn montn. i ne aame percentage of cloudine. ei- - - ... i . a g tail aaui aa a ahaP Taaarvwni- H tn ,.,7 ail other " .. . . . , APllia OBe Dad iew nuuujuw a total of 2 J incbe. of rain fell avriaK ,De month. Tbla ia .M of aa " nch aboe ibe arerare rainfall for April. Th aterage temperature of 1 ,h waJ, 45 degreea. Thl 1, .boat . decree below tbe a ... i in temaeratore greatly lowered by tbe fire iroata. which occurred during the month, The mercury f;l to J degree, on tbe firau tba loweat temperatcr for tba month. A heary fro' wa Jroat occurred 00 the cond. a kill-' leg froat on tbe twelfth, and a light ,roti 00 ,n wcr!,sb . T Mman ITfparrs lor TT .l,:.. I.ir-n.w tyr R A. Lrman. iean of tbe Colleg of Phanaacy. will attend leg of tb Nebraaka Academy of A 1jH program ha been ar tie annual meeting of tbe Amer- Science. Althoig1i the aaaocla tunfi and muaic will be fumiahcd lean Council of Education. o b toii. are related in no way. tbelr- by th Ue.Vy l"ojn.la:ion orebca beid at Waafaicgion. D. C. May 3 meeting bare been combined Into ,ra UIljer ,n4. d.rection of Prof. and 4. uoetor M man wui actena me met:og by rlrtu of his appoint - ffltBt aa a delegal of tb Amer- icn Aaaodatlon of College of phraey. j-fc, Nebraaka dean was cboaen aa tb tola vojng member of three appointed from in whole rountry. He will have Wednesday afternoon asd etecta to return Monday or Tuesday of neat week, y, lo ,hia tfip lM ,mao ,( be uaak lo vtit6 sis laat three A.r. i rvlnnl,. fe-lefcralloa. H, m j (fc rjn,! aaker t ,hJ, pharmacy conrocanoa to b cays or tae pn.rmary mmiuoa. beld tbia morajng Madame Schumann In Lincoln for Ma da ia iv.j9mann lleis, arriv-' in LiacoJn abort Jy beior lunch , ; T-seaday for ber farewei concerts The ramou contralto na been which a be will fr-et.t at the nnl-p:aylng to capacity bouses a; moat 1 versis.y Coliaeana tbla evening at 3 without ekceptoin. on ber toor. 4:14 o'clock. Tbe Schumann Heiak ( showing that she is still supreme party travelled to Lie coin from a ibe boa office as well as aa j Haslicgv. where Madame sang last 1 artist. Eight. I Tbia tour will cloa in Cincia- Accordix,g lo Mr. Witte. ber man- j nat I on May . when Madame Scbo aaer. tha "Grand Old Lady" was nsaaa-Heink sings at th Cincinnati titling tbe beat af tbeta ail- As tei-imot.) of this after having ai went to tbe movie., be- ic( particaJarSy iateree'ieti tn tbe (ralare picture, and having a per - aonal aeoaalotaace with aoost of tbe ctneaa celebrltie. ahwa Rmarkab Via or Mr. Witt aaJO, iu rwatarkab. t-jrlag tb past -k. have travelled gorav through Tesaa. Arkaaaaa. as aad Nebraska, OkVaboana. K and averagrcg l- mHea Pweea . - a a. a. fJm a ay Fa j 1 oa saay aay "j -"..' ,. ithat Schamaaa-H8k la better vcww -y ,7. J tba past tea ya It ia reaiiy( F.rror in jrtltrt t',irt Wrong Date Mrrling lu- in mupiiat U tba lat trr arat out by Iwaa O J ' (umxi. tha data of tba Bait naaol h( of lha tarulty Wdl laaaar rl'ib a at ai.am'brrd aa Tbura day. May II Tbli di'a abould frad liaday. May 14 Tbla no lle ta to ruriart aay aniundr ataadiDf anaitic from tha arior lu Iba auiiuuCi OKBt of tha ruui da 1 o' Iba vrak. COMMITTEE SELECTS Red' Krause and Ten Piece Band Picked For Dance Friday Evening PARADE OPENS PROGRAM KJ" kiauaa and h' im pit a orrbra'ra baa bra obtained to fur nlh nuir for tba annual liitad day daara to ba held al tba lJU dell frldaj aaninc May Iv. ac rordinc to the committee in charge iMrtnt tha lntermliatfo. too acta Of tauJetllle a III be preaeniad. Chintea in tba plan of awarding tba "V blanket donated bv "Red " Long of the College Hook atora hae been announced by Walter , lhmkuhl. chairman of Biaard day. Hecauae of tha Inability to check up on ROf ,,-orea turned In from lh morning com pet. ibe taiioua ,,orM ., b- ahaken up in a hal th, .olfer who turna In tha acora drawn ill gat the blanket. ... Parade Opa at to clock FeaiMtlea of Ibe day will begia a, ( o'clock In front of Social Scl- ncM A of r,ri wil, form ,Mj to AstcJcpe rrk w-er. ,,h baaeball gamea and earty u . 04 ar1. tn addition to the baaeball game betaeen the giria of the college ! prominent o'flcial of the Cnlrerflty and faculty mn. the golf toumey j throw the Drat ball out to call and gamea of aoftball and hora-'b teama Into action, .hoe III beataget!. Specialty race. . The univerailr band .111 be. oa will alao feature the morning ' hand to help In the gala erent. to etenta. Barbecue lunch at noon ha. , ! Cr Coba and been arranged by the committee. """J; 'heer leadera The pro- iTi ' . . .t.Kii.hd mm la being arrauxd ao that It , . . many - . "... .j. .. 1 Blrard atudenta hare attaaded a , ipnimo. 1UV fcrwi . . . 1 . jja neid1 hara alao oeea arrangwi by I he committee. Thoa who care lo go .hotild notify memoera or tna mlw la ln, morning ao tnar . aHcouato tranaporutlon facilitiea can ba obtained. Ticket, for Bltard day will go on ! - Fri,,. mrtralB, v.T . a Col . . . i - T or BUI'M" ....... ! ' claaarooma mey win a-u iwr '"- dollar altbo a limitted number will ; be available for girla. at fifty cent. -h the danc coupon detached HISTORY GROUP SETS MEETING THIS WEEK , anil' lOWa PrOieSSOr I0 Be Main Irvak-pr at Ffidav and dpeaKer ai rnuay diiu OJtf-.Ci tl 1 1 ua, ..u Catiirrfav Scions The Nebra.ka State Hi.ior, r..,hr-. ..11 .on will hold ita meerin Frida and Sa)yr- day. May 2 and in con;uct,on mith the thirty-ninth annual meet- or.e program. : w. T. R001. proteaaor o; m-jry and head of the department In the University of Iowa, ia th main ypeaker acbe'Juied lor tbe ueencg Friday and Sa'urday. He waa lor - merly in tbe dpanmM of biaton' of tb L'niver.i'y of WUconain. ( The main mee-.itg of the ajiwai tlon will be a general convocation in Social Scleacea audiiorium t 11 o clock Friday, lioc'or Root will addreaa th group on "The Inaular-i itr o American Hmory " Other 1 meeiiega for th Nebraaka History j Teacher, will be held during he. jiy o- , u..i -u , ' - Uemk Arrives Farewell Concert yprhuma. for h rill a year, old in J'in. j Festival. This will terminate ber 1 concert career. From Cincinnati j she will go to New York city for : a few special engagemeata. Tbea low tbe 2itb of May she will return I to California, where abe will stay until Ume to begin her cood I - - . .a.- a. . W a ddT1 ona xaaier ciaa. wbjcb bo laall f 1 w aa W Sa) 1 IA J ta'V I at IB Kaasaa City- Aftr tbia tbe a:fer pUaa to go to Europe for tbe pur pose of estabUablag contact wpa Earopeaa opera bocsea for yocng American atugera. Scbumaan Hetak baa already piae4 a young contra!'.. laga Waeka. la a poat tloa thai abe oaai occupied wbea a young singer at the Hamburg Opera. Dvta Tiaa I Sdiara "Ahbocgh ClOaiGg bC COBCr! career. Madam will a'waj be at f .aiami aw faa S. VMCi: 5 CKNT5 KAGGIE GAME 01 FRIDAY TO OPEN Play With Big 6 Conference Leaders Is First Meet Here Since 1924 RALLY PRECEEDS GAME Program at Field Includes Presentation of Men on Both Teams l orbbytkrr baarball tan a ill hata tha otpottufti') to uah'r in iba rejuteoation of the ua' tonal paatima al Sebraaka. Ir.d). when tha Kanaai kr(i Bine take tba field aialnat the hi-jtlet o1 Cream aquad. In bit leafue a'yle. arcord lac to plana beioc formulated by a committee in that re of the affair. Tha openlnc tonie tame of tha 192 achedule mack tha flrai ,ptfrnre of baaeball at Nebratka ilnre l:i and a larf repraaenta- m 0f the aiudent bxl , eii-M-ted to be oa hand to help Coach "Choppy" Rhodea and hit puplla break Into me local baaeball ie , tory (heel A program If being ar- ranted to lend pomp ana dignity to the orranon aa an aiempllflca- tlon of th apprei lanon the Huakar atudent body holdi for the retara of the game thla year The jvanaaa Aggie team ia aaa ing the Big fit confereBf at prea- eot. and with the Ua: aeaaona , banner flying from tba Manhauaa mat. are expecting big thlngi for the preaent aeaaon Arranges ?reet fr the prt n : include a presentation of the mem- bera of both teama at Landia field before the game opent Some , i! Bl interfere with claaaea and win atart juat prior to the teama taking the field FOR BISHOPS' VISIT Church Officials Convene Thursday for Week of Conferences Beginning Thursday. May 1. Lin coln will be boat for a week to the bubo pa of the Metbodiat Epiacopal church In the L'nned State, who will gather then for their aeml an nual national conference. Tbia ia 'he fir.t time in Rf-een year, that s: thla body ba. contened tn Lincoln. fereral function, for Me'bo- uden. on the cammi bar been arranged in ohaeryance of the erent. Th- b.abopa. of which there will be twenty-three in ai:endanc. will 'n'""1 D Cornbu.ker ho,L Bu,in,, .ion ar to be bo(H held at St. Paul . M. E. church. An opportunity for uOveryity p-o P' o. m, informHiy wJ,tai. group na bn planned in tne form f reception at M. ran! f 1 nurs- ! venicg at 8 o clock. Orchestra FuiBh Muac . Wlli.am Quick, aurmented by ran- , t!ca art., from the Nebraaka wetleyan coBaenatorj. Twenty gir). from the Kappa Phi group anil wllh ,Be ning during tb j twea,zf j Senior Meibod at rudema are to a bfeakfa: a: the Corabu.kcr iltf - which t!m Bisaop . tdr uue f tndlan&pol;a wJI i nk a brief addrea repreaentiag (B oith&w a0(J lht rhurtB ls ,e!ora w,ij be gueata of tb Was- l ley Foundation on thla oceaajoa. Man Ar T Sptak While the vial: of the biahop ta Lincoln 1. largely of a buaiaea ca- XVS?. lJX2?&r't& be bad to bear tb men apeak. Next Sunday tbe polntis of every Met bo- j dist church In tb city will be give over to one 01 id uisnops. mmsj of these dio-rict church leaders are alao scheduled to address varkrua civic clubs. Among tbe outaundicg persoaai iiies included In tbla group ar Biahop Francla J. McConnall of New York City, who visited tb campus a few years ago to addreaa students apon religions life; Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes, of Chicago. Bishop William F. McDowell, of Washington. D. C: Biahop Lyea Waldorf, of Kaasaa City. Mo,: aad Bishop Titos Lowe. forajerJy of Omaha, at preaent of Portland, Or. Bishop McCoaaeU wSI b Ua principal apeaker at a world peace hrachaoa at tbe Grand Hotel Mow day aooa. Tickets may be re-senaA for tbla program at Ac each. Enineera Are Urged to Seeure Banqnet Ticket Tkkeva for etf Inee-rs' fcan?-:et to b b4 at tae Anitwt caf fruit -r reaJng ere aaqi-isg aatufacf?'-. accordlag to R!ph Leeis wth it ebarga of iheir aa!. I'a t.--vry erx1er to procar h at core ad help bare a 1 eea. rpraz -) n at the r- HOME SCHEDULE r buiocc rea awia-xaj v rw.j .-- l"v- far feoJg week- g wdxeay May L i