The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1929, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Tim daily Nr.nmsKAx
1 1 I SM lit lUSH MN
griTS iMVHtsm
pick I-amberi. I nlveruy of Ne
break frehnin and holdei of th
ataie record in Sha lfto yard dab.
ha left hool larnbert It from
L.'artiY All I last anrlni In the
k. i . k.. A m l'kia nnm' iir.tnr
l HV Vitt CULtY
Coach Appears Pleased Over
Husker Prospects for
Autumn Games
Cinder Men Get Ready for;
University of Kansas
Relays April 20 .
held b rl Faster, not a Junior
In ihe t'nheratiy. l.aniberl bat
been showing up well tn freehtuen
meet and wae counted uon to'
core point aril year
.Women Use Nets South of i o..t. -,v7e',;
Bcssey Hall: Others 'n,, mmimm .tiiit mih-
fL I. All '' h'" eho0' "h,b"" tourn.y
UpCn 10 All. mtUr hlc) at tha Unlvedty of
Chlcao every yaar. h ourny.
r. 1 i . ,w. .... Ar it., .n , ruNiiniiari. accord I na to
UUiea r 11 1 1 j a mr - ... - w. -
' ...... - .h. .word from Arno Alonie Stagg,
,w"'""' in.w.a..t- .f Chicago m.nator.
, raon rr i-u J , oa .tartad th.
, I, II. I) (.nil. uirn.or u( atuieucs
1 ai ihe 1'nivoraiiy of Nebraska At-
1 -. kink arhMl
infii irV i..--. w-
.. track ent..
..t. '. athalaatie affa
aorta for th atata high acHooia. It
la th. one big roaaon why vary iw
. oroduct aaak thair
'education In othar achoola outalda
th Cornhuakar boundanaa. No-
braaka kaapa Ita producta at homo
Whlla if wo turn to Kanaaa and
th tr atataa aimihar. tha raauit it
that a good pofoniaga or "a mgn
achool atudanta taka to out of
atata achoolt for a continuation of
thalr education, Tha work of Coach
Manrv "Indian" Schult. la no of irniKsi: ST! DLNT
municipal wninrrr aomti ihi rnilra
! inland In the rolno ol Anphi.
and for litre year. wa engaged,
in adnilnlaiiaitvr work In highest,
and .treat. Soma problem. huh
arose recently l-d bun to think of
llan lor graduate work.
tha groata.t thlngt that tha Hua- j j HM.urtj . jmnilon al a
k.. uki haaata. Tha Nabra.ka I ". . - - -
I. tor. ....ntlw L, nl no aaaaaiaaaBaBBBBBtBBtfSBtalaB?aBtaaSlaM
.1 ....1 irata ntuvr i ' BT
'""' " .. ..ik. llu run n
tourn.ya olavan ago and ha , hlt. et aall-
hirk tha tournamanta aro too ouc j ,,.....
.a.-i..h tk- i.?a 'nm '""r vw" r:r
Crdute of NttiTe CoUtfe
LCATvl I fVlllVH ' 1 " "
1 AMKS. la. April II l-awtif
a h.Iiioii a. n.iiiiuil pnii-T in
Ma name flmia. Hon Voii
1 ban enrollt-J .-ji Kraduato trk In
Mtha j.uU muiilrliwl ninaie
' tnani at loa Siaic told
eiaduatrd from Tone
ItLTlitMLI IIIUII IIMVLO :trntlon ha. b-n rad lo r e,fu t0 abohah. Tha 1t21 claaaie J""('a 'm h ,dv,nU(tt, h.
r.r. A , A., 'nnr.l hour. o(n hiHir.. time of w wo by Ath.n.. Taaa. "WTM ro, ba.katball matt, and'
C flTT fflD PPIPU rla.nd priority of ina.rha. on toe eB. ot th, mo auccaaaf ul ovar P e0mpl.t, tha work In
HI U rUK LUAbn r0Um An)0,", V,',"'ln' - ,K WW Ch9;: l..P.nreur product, bar. .n th.
LLLIUI I IUII UVMVII ,n raerd lo the rouri. may bava ,ourta. Chicago ha. not profitad p"p,n' " .
Hu.ktr tiata
Huker riJ randidair'a lll e t
thair x't-oud laaia of tnif tuion
i'tiui-la aftainoon lifn lo of
1 ha jl krtl n am from I ha aguad
tlaali in tha aarond rpiine ranlra
(ame Ilia ama will atari (iroiut
l at i oUKk and ill bf iilard
iiu (L i'adiulu kud.
Nd-'ila) afternoon l ha learua
ara aeut ihroueh a abort drill.
Work Ileht .o nobody ould ba
kaot oul of todHy 1 rania brrau.o
of brul"a.. loarh llibla ai'prait
quita t'laaad with the ahoKIOK tut
maJo o far and hoj' to Klva tha
fid fan. a real ailubiilon ot iH'rlt.j
football thla aftarnoon.
Backfiald la Strong
Tha two baokfielda will .robably
ba cbosan from reaker. i.ous. aiar-; ,inej
quia. I'aul. S harrlngar . I'arry. .
fantain Karlay. hrahm. Young, Mc
Bride. Packer and llanlay. The Una
candidate. Include Greenbere. Ho
kuf. Still, Juatlce. nauer. Morriaon,
Schlientz. Prucha. Hubka. Uarop.ey
Iougla ana itnea.
Annouocement has been made by
University Graduate Leaves
Superior Schools for
New Position
Thonm KIHon. an alumnuii of
the I titverMty. ha been elar'ed to
the Klltiun of head toah al
K ear nay n I n
hi hool He l at
irem eAMrhtna
.UlH'ek?ull a I
Suenui. lie alll
uiTaad H. C.
Kbarhkii. who
Iihk held the
iiMrhlue ot at
Kearney for
elchl year.. nd
alio retuinrd hla
next year-, con
tract to the
n hool board, un-
Thamin Klllofl.
Iunnc hia I'liiver.isy career.
"Tom" wa. a participant In many
eitrs-currlrular actlvitlea. He aa
captain of the baaketbalt team In
1927. a member of the football
' .quad for two yearn, and aa actl
Lnnouncement has been made by ; nrominent In debate work, and aaa 1 It I. .ueeeated that all proapecme
II. D. Gl.h director of athletic, al , , m.mb,r of ,h, rluh. He waa i uaer. of the court, try to arrange
alo a member of the Innocent, j their time In order to rciQ piay
Klllott I. affiliated with Slema Thl ; Ine on the exact bour.
fha TrK-arlrv that Kehraakk. Will
- - ......
bo repreaented In the apecial foot
ball relay, a new 440 yard event on
the Drake relay program.
Hu.kora Show Promiaa
Football letter men of 1928 are
eligible to compete and time trial,
for tn Cornhuker .quad will be
held within the next fortnight. The
rjirnhixlror candidate of Promise
include Sloan, Frahm, Rowley, Mor-j
ran. Young. Teaker and Farley.
The arrld relay event will be staged I
the final day of the relay program,
April 27.
Intensive track activities loom en .
the horizon for Coach Henry F. I
Schulte and his Cornhusker cinder I
athletes with the coming annual
Kanaaa relaya, acheduled for April j
10 at Lawrence, Kas., wnicn win
open the 1929 Missouri Valley and
Rig Six competition for the Scarlet
nd Cream. Followed by the Drake
Relav clasalc, April 26 and 27,
Coach Schulte and his protegea
will be busy until the Big Six con
ference meet at Ames, May 17.
Prepare for Kanaaa Relaya
Preparation of the coming Kan
xas cinder game occupies the time
of the acarlet jerseyed cinder men
at preaent, with Intensive work on
the program for the past two
weeks. The veteran Husker men
Six Men Try for Places on
Varsity Tennis Squad
at Coliseum
April showers forced the siz com
petitor, for the four remaining po
sitions on the varsity tennis team
ti retire to the Coliseum yesterday
afternoon and today to play off
their round robin on Indoor courts
put up for their ue.
The six men that are playing for
the positions are Fullbrook. Finh
baugh, Robertson, Cameron, Zelen
and Del Rosaiio.
Play Outsid. Monday
Monday afternoon the matches
were played off on the outdoor
courts Three matches were .ched-
uled. Robertson won from Full
court. Chicago ha. not profttad
fiaaatiailv k tha mtot. all th
fund, ar uaod for th. annual track
rxaat for tho nation's high choo.
Our dear filend Freddie" War
of the Omaha World Herald, state.
In hi dally Sportolog aomeihlng
to ih effect that It might possibly
be a good thing If the Cornhusker
achool would adopt th plan Kan
aa tii- in dealing with It
annual hieh rhool basketball
iouioc).. In the llu.Ut ataio tuu
dred. yea hundred of basfceteer.
from the state high achool. flwk
1 to l.lnroln every March for the an
nual interacliolastlc basketball
meet In the t'oliaeum ahlle domn
at Lawrence alxteen team enter
the Kansas tourney each year.
Eleven of tho teams are winner,
of the di.trlrt meets and five of
the teams are selected on their re
cord during the year. We happen
to hall from the Jaybawker atata
and after watching the Nebraska
state high school basketball meets
; f or three years, we would Bay the
t'ornnusker institution irn in
courts flaying time changes on in-.
even hourKAj',);;t0?,0kD,.t Nebra.k. every .prlng the Cnl
the court ha. the prii , liege V . v entertain, hundreda of
Ing any I'l."r ac.nallly playing bw.,D, nl.ylera.
how long he ; While In Lincoln these youths be
come familiar with their state
school. At Kansas sixteen teams
are entertained during the state
tnaal inH whan tha hiah achonl
Doublaa Hold Priority . iaas hern looking for an Institu-
I Double matches have priority ; tlon to continue their education.
I rich's over singles. Indivlduala sixteen achoola know what la np at
I playing singles shall he allowed to! Lawrence while the rest take It
I finish their set in the event that from rumor.
I othar plavera are waiting to use the
I courts On the completion of the Yea, w have alwaya advocated
I set. If Other playera are wamna .u ;
use the court. douDie mairnr. mu.
be played.
Scheduled tournament matchet
have prior rights over all other
matchea. Tournament matcher
should be scheduled at the office of
the intramural director, university
Coliseum 108.
I . t. ..... k I ih -,.iiria Hamad
i i lit- ii 1 1 in - -
In regard to restricted boura at
j tentlon Is ialUd lo the tact that the
; six court, south ot Hay hall are
1 reserved for ne In Wonin' Physi
cal E.luntlon claet on Monday.
U'eduesday and IVIday from
o'rlo.U to noon, and from 1 to a
o'clock, and on Tuendav and Thurs
day from o clock to noon, the courts
, wiil be reserved for the physical
i Coliaaum Courts Open
' Tha new tennis courts on eiiher
side of the Coliseum are open for
tice to the general student biidy. ad
nnnlsira.he officer and faculty of
the Cnlverslty at all hour of the
d. Those courts south of Bessey
hail will be open to all after 3
o'clock on Monday. Wedoeaday ana
, Frldav. and after noon on Tuesday
and Thursday. The courts are op n
all day Saturday and Sunday.
I Playing periods are limited to
, one hour each In the event that
i other placers are waiting to use the
Special NOON Luncheon.
13th and P SU.
LOU HILL Announcing
"Fieldcrest Clothes"
A IrUrakaJl Field Company
"Tht Tiaert in Men's Wesr"
Phone B3975 "or
Display Room 1309 O St.
'Unroln'n Duiy Slorrn Cor. Utth A O St.
"The VI for I
t New Spring Dresses Are Arriving Daily -And All Are Moderately Priced
... nmnu tk-4 r-.. ri mrookv
tor la I9."1 'A back iiroW and took the match
snowing ai ir ja,.. f r . ,., hv
Pi Kappa Alpha-Pi Kappa
Phi Contest Ends Greek
Pi Kappa Alpha and Ti Kappa
Phi will bowl Thursday evening at
7-30 o'clock In the final match of
the Inlerfraternity bowling tourna
ment The tournament which ha.
been contested at the Saratoga al-
lev. under the auspices of the l nj-
putting in Ttr efforts e
vohra.Va renresentatives In the
best of ahape.
Nebraska has been represented
at the Kansas affair since it was
first eUrted. aix year, ago, and
has carried off more than Its
share of honors. Two Individual
records and one relay team record
are held by the Cornhusker ath
letes. Itoland "Gipp" Locke, Ne
braska's sensation sprinter of a few
years back, la holder of the best
time in the 100 yard dash with a
time of 9.6 seconds, which ties the
world'a record for the century
Weir Makes Mark
Kd Weir, anolher of Schulie's
pupils, is credited with the best
time In tbe Iilgli hurdles with a
mark of 15 seconds flat, while
the 880 yard relay team of Hein,
Davenport, Dailey and Locke holds
ihe relay record for tbe half mile
baton changing event.
The event of the shuttle hurdle
relay in the l-irake program of ev
ents, comes as welcome announce
ment to Nebraska track fans.
Fleming, Arganbright. Thompson
and ltnson w ho won this event at
ik. Illinois relavs. will earn' Ihe
Cornliusker colors Into Hilr race
and should earn' off th" honors.
Quarter Relay Planned
A football quarter mile relay has
also been added to the Drake ros
ter of races. Announcement wsa
made Wednesday by I (rake officials
that teams from Nebraska, Noire
Dame, Drake and the Army would
compete In 'hla special race. Mem
bars of the relay teams must have
also been members of last tall'i
football squad.
The Army quartet will include
Red" Cagle. Murrell, Sprague and
Mammock, all gridiron stars. The
Notre Dame entrants will no doubt
have Cevlgney and other Rockne
stars competing.
Tryouts for the Nebraska team
will be held Thursday along with
the other scheduled try-outs Coach
Schulte has arranged.
Cold damp weather drove th
Husker squad Indoors Wednesday
r -mnsm with the hone that the
un would be shining for Tiiur banquet wriicn
anirmeiitinti A soeclal pro idecoraiions were
gram for the benefit of tbe Lions
club will be held Thursday nooi.
with quarter-rollers, hurdlers, ahot
putter, and broad jumper, strut
ting their stuff. The re.t of tbe try
out will be held Thursday after
Varsity team member are ached
uled to return from their apring va
cation not later than 3:00 Tueaday
afternoon of next week. Work-out.
will be held .Urting untU
tho tem leaves lor the Kaosa.
iml back strong and took the match narrowed down to two
Ifrom Del Kosario by the score 0flversity nas nar u
- ,. . - - . , ti... t.i t. .. i , i , i teams.
O-l. -. IIS. Itl nVBNIIU ilBU .
A chain organltation coming hra
desires th service of an A1 mn.
Br for Women' She Depart
ment. Give all qualification, eel.
ry In first letter.
P. A. CO.
MO 123 W. Madieon It.
Chlcege, llllnel
Beginning Here ThursdayAn Important
2-Mf Said ot Sis
I i
i it
I I 0
r f ii
fit 1 til
IT'S DOUBLE ECONOMY to buy two pairs of
ne shade when purchasing silW hosicrx! Try it-you '11
in .ii .v.. uniM f mii nlr! Hundred
:ina iwo paire win iiit'.v - - -
of pairs are offered at low price in thl great aelling beginning
Thursday !
PiircSilii Hosiery 9 p..
Full Fa 'lionrd
Pure Sillt Hose
Women'g sera if asi honed Silk Hosiery, i!k to top or
. . . - . ... .. J L.I. ,e olnoU
silk to welt, FIRST vi-Ai.iii. l,n "" "
.oint1 or sq'isra naaia . , r,. .
irmen. Suntan. poert oiuin. a itt, -
al. ralrtsn, 3uabrene. kyn. etc.
(single rairs voc;
Full Fashioned
Pure Sillt Hose
They're pure silk, full fash
ioned Hosiery sheer chiffon and
aarv'ce weights ollk o top or eilk
to welt nRST QL ALITT in Oreln
Blond, d or. Plana Flrale. Mornram.
leure. ratele. Mooniigni.
Kos. Brute. Marai una. inn
'. etc.
2 pps.2
(Single Pairs 1.49)
In this lot are all our finest
quality, pure silk chiffon and aer-
vlra w-airht Hne tmmrni mekas
end brands, all FlrtfT Ql AUTY
n J1 th leading lirht nd rlark
color tones Inriudln. ill thoea
wanted sunburn eheda Featured at
th krw two-fir en-Ice of
2 Pps. 350
(Single Pairs 1.95)
OOI.D'B Rtraat Floor.
came back in a following match
played with Fisbbaugh and won
4-6. 6-2, 6 0.
Tuesday afternoon the courts
were ready for service in tbe Coli
seum and out of the prospective
showers. Only one match was en
gaged and Zelen emerged with a
win from Fishbaugh. recovering in
the final set with the result 6-1,
2 6. 6-1.
Wednesday afternoon playing
continued on the Coliseum courts
and in the first game Robertson
won two straight sets from Cam
eron driving the ball to the count
of 6-1, 6-4, to win the match.
List Present Standings
this week are as follows: Robert-1 n-na
sin leading the sextet with 4 wins,
no losses. Fullbrook Is second with
3 wins and 2 lost. Zelen has won 2
games and lost 1. Fishbaugh won 0,
lost 4.
The high four In this week's
round robin will fill four out of the
seven places on the varsity team.
Harold Sherman, Charles Heacack,
and Coral Dubry are the remaining
members of the team that will
stage its first, valley competition
April 20 and 27 against ihe Kansas
Aggies and University of Kansas
respectively at Kansas.
sirmi alnha Tensilon was elimi
nated in the semi-final match by .
Pi Kappa Alpha Tuesday. Tbe Sig
Alphs won the second game hut j
lost the first and third. Wilbur
Elmelund had the high average for I
the evening with a total of 553 pin. ;
for tbe three games. Fahnestock ;
led Id any single game with 211 j
The results follow:
ri ham.a Atpha-
Berrvann H '
KahliMlor-k 1"
r-avip '!! JJ;
Waldo I"- '-
it his ii'ji r, rm mr an rit m1 n nr jfii "UJfn.J'Jtu
Hrnri l
Two Honorary Members and
Seven Actives Join
Chi Delta Phi Tit
Alpha Rnailim.
... 11'4 147
1 f.4
1:4 i iii
73 3ll I
1 34
4 7.1
Total '
Track Tryouts to
Be Held This Noon
Track men will try out for the
Kansas relaya today at 12 o'clock.
The tryout will be held at noon
for the benefit of the Lion's Club
luncheon. The following men will
figO-yard: .lanulewlci, Dexter,
Griffin, Ethei'on, Garvey. True and
Shot put: Asbbum, Rhea.
Hurdles: lamson, Thompson,
Fleming, R. Krause.
440-yard: W'yatt, Captain Camp
bell. Currier, Mays, Nevins.
Chi Delta Fhi. honorary literary
sorority, held lis annual initiation
and banquet at the Cornhusker
hotel, Tuesday evening The list
of initiates includes Alice Geddes,
Elaine Gibson, Ruth Gregory, Har
riet Horton. Esther Dannies,
Audrey Mustek and Charlotte
Wells. Mrs. Clarence Lowe and
Helen Magaret were Initiated as
honorary members.
Marjorie Stuff presided at the
followed. The
carried out in
Of ronr-a you will meet your
friends h?r they all do.
148 No. 14th St.
Phone B10M
Time for Tmnis Doubles
Extended Until Saturday
Mixed double of the lennla tour
nament re to be played off by Sat
urday. April 1- Courta In tbe Coll-te-'a
are to be tied for the games
tiro the w-aether does not permit
o'i:oor enn:. Reservation fo
i',i cotirla may be made by calling
ti-e i:o'a aUiletlc office al ihe Coll-
f S Willi that
pastel colors. Spring flowers j aV
adorned the table. Mrs. E. A. I JirtX IVlk artnT a
Burnett, Mrs. Samuel Avery and h 0 I Pi I I V
Mrs. Herman G. James were pres- mI I tl L1 Vki A
ent as guest, of honor. Tbe active j . VaWir' w
members presented the following: M $
orogram: "New. of the Year,"
Marjorie Stuff: original poems,
Helen Magaret; original aiory,
Dorothy Thonae: piano selections.
Henrietta Rees: original play, Ruth
Moore Stanley. About forty were
present at tbe affair.
for cJf9&nng
(oach Bible Will Talk
To Methodist Men's Club
Coach Dana X. Bible will speak
tonight at a dinner meeting of the
T inlly Methodist Church Com
munity Men's club, to be held at
the church al 6:30. Following the
dinner there will be a program for
tbe entertainment of tbe Trinity
basketball teams which took part
In the V.
ncx VTHlM
M. c. a. competition this 233 KL 14 St - UNCOLNNa.
A Job for Vacation
or Seniors
That Is-
Decide just how many Graduation Invita
tions and Announcements you will need
so you can order them just as soon as you
return next Thursday.
All Orders must be in by May 1- Order
Cap and Gown at the Same Time.
Orders taken at either of
Facing Campus
Samples are on Display and you can order right now if you wish
By Order of Senior Committees