TWO THE DULY NUllUSkW TIU RSDAY, MARCH 28. 1029 The Daily Ncbraskan tttieM A U.l. ornctAi pwaticATioN lNIVSAUTV NgSAAtAA Ur irti M " .HkM ' TWlNTV flOHTM VSAA uhhh Twsy. . ay met rie, IS X"' fc.itecul Oeme U'"" H" 4. MIMM fi4;alrs. Mrt A. N.-e M.t.r... ... 1 0 ... J tr. 1 00 I Htl, N. -."I . N. Hi NtM - '. , .i cv; "2?J: , it IHOII rt eee Stt r OswMC . !'. win" eerr UllCNITlON WAT ft . c.r ' CCAN MAOND VoiTOR-INCMiy ...ync W. K.nk.1 M'U' MAN AQINS IDITOM W. Joyc. Ayr CUrt F. Saadabi NSVVS KOITORt 111 Aod.r... jMiJ? Doa CarUou im.m McCler7 Ceo Robb CONTHIiUTINO CDITOM M.urlc Asia McCl.ery Vrmoa Keirlog ,U" Kenneth Ult Douglaa Tlmawnuaa Ilobert LAlnf MILTON M.GMW USINIM MANAOIH ASSISTANT USINlSt MANAft.tM WUUam Kear Marshall WMI Lymaa Cut 001X0 UNDER Admitting that tbe pretcat method of electing the Mr Qu" t'a"r of Nebra.ka cam pus la trepreentativ ad1 tbAt there It nece slty for considering cbenges to the present etecUoo machinery, the Student Council bat red the band writing on the wall for the May Queen at the hat been eboeea for nearly twenty yearn. A committee to hear the argumenta for and against the. method or selecting the May Queen hat been appointed. The Council hat choten wleely. They prefer the cauUoua method of reraodelini the election machinery rather than the teMldon. set-it-up method. They prefer to feel Abtolutely cer tain that the ttodentt at the University are ready to constlrut the firing squad that rakes the present system with the lead of criticism and contempt. Unrepresentative, unrepresentative, unrepresen tative is the cry against the May Queen elections. That alone ought to be sufficient tumult to chuck May Queen elections at they hare been In the past. The Nebraskan la concerned with the arguments that hare been thrust forward In an effort to tare the May Queen election as It hat been. Here they are: 1. If chor-n at the sprine. election the May Queen and the Maid of Honor would not hare time to prepare themselves for the Ivy day ceremonies, alnce It taken nearly two months to make the dreses for the occasions. The May Queen has al-eady been elected for this year and It would be unfair to scrap the system now, thus depriving her of the honor. 3. If put on n representative basis, open to ihe voting of students other than senior women, the May Queen wouM become a prey to political influence. These are- the three contentions In defending the May Queen elections status A.uo. The first is absurd. Because a May Queen can not have her Attire completed In less than two montha time Is A shsllow argument that students of the University should be. deprived of the right to tote. What do flimsy gowns and picture hats amount to when It comes to TotJng for a represen tative of the entire campus, when It comes to voting for a coed that It to represent Nebraska? What do theyt BecAuse tie presUent of the United BtAtes might order a new tailor made suit which requires some few weeks to complete does sot mean that the people of the country Are going to see the right to vote kept away from them. It Is actually ques rJonAble whether It takes two months to complete a drees for the May Queen. Dressmakers today are cot like the fairy god mother of Cinderella, but if it taken two months to make a dress, then they ought to go ek to ot Wo v" yes, the May Queen for this year hat been chosen. Who knows who that coed is? No student in the UAfwrelty has bad the Information given to him. At least enouMn't have bad. It is not known outside the boly thirteen,' as a student pinion dubbed the Mortar Boards, There Isn't the slight est speculation as to who the coed might be. The thing that Interests them now la that they have had no rolce In choosing the Queen. A tradition is al suke here. It isn't a matter of life and death. A coed who It loyal to NebraskA ought to consider it an honor to relinquish her hold on the honor for the sake of seeing a representative system Installed at the University. The chArge that political faction would dictate the May Queen candidate U fragile. Whenever coeds have been chosen before, the voting has been split forty ways. What about the voting for the honorary colonel? Students vote for the coed who they think would make the best colonel, regardless of her af filiations. Factions will not align themselves with candidate for such an office, because It is Impos sible to drive a msn to the polls to vote for a coel who he knows Is not deserving. Then, there is the question of how much politi cal pressure Is brought to bear on the present sys tem of selecting the May Queen. No person knows. There are lots of guesses. Advocate of the present system of electing the May Queen are grabbing at the ton straw. Some enterprising Swiss ehtee manufacturer will undoubtedly come forth with a :rlse equal to that given by the Procter and Gmlie Co. for the bst piece of sculpture In soap. OOOD WQRK The campus prowler hasn't been caught, but from aH indication be has been sufficiently fright ened Away from molesting University coeds who find It BeceesAry to frequent the campus after dark. iBformAUoa ta released today concerting the net that was spread for Mr. Prowler by ers of toe Kocmet Klufc And sesbera of women's hytVl educAiies Aepartmert Acting cooperatively a drfcoyt for the AttAtus of tbe ma.-ao4r. One sus p was nabbed, but Afterward he was released be cause of mistaken Identity. Such efforts by students o tbe campus who go onUid the realm of their daily activlUee and in terest to aid la the establishment of better order en Ihe eu.lU'.. ho tan see the necessity for In suring the of other student, and who tie Uisishl. oc.U lu Ihe iotau u,n luiw-te lh prolrr promised to b. r oelhy v." than a plui glanre. While the prowler Prvtr ealWed into the ure. be eat sufficiently scared le forget about the cam-l-u a a pla)ground after dsik. mrnucKN tiik ijnes IstsHe Oilman Now 1 the non fraternity tsndidte have Two bo.U hi. h luuni!j lira fiur ') 'lio,, c'ounto." t) lUlfh lrwin nJ -lielleve H lr Not." by l!ob.-n lit pie). iaMli' burlrsui- l Amciha U hl rtr.1 al tempt l " wittini. hU prt-viou. litem )' font t,ii UK bren ronnioHl m rapturvd the eopliotuore minor class fries. ' ,iollt (or hi dreeing, birh !' the, ... find .ome great dutie.o p.Mor.u. ' & ,poiit)lhc cliareneia In a humor UZZ ANO ROAH ell fM,,,on br,ue l,e u- "rv Kuen.ioo of the ouehour eireei parking regu-1 ntod's t'ountry- I a garbM hl Utlon from V trrl to In.lud lles of Titory of the United . lib a'l Smt S' and Tenth. ,:,.,en,h. T-..fth. Thirteenth. ! JZZfZZ " Offlrial Ilullrlin outb ol ftiieiit) hll ad began l to U souili. De Blew A,d To plaimloilif vpl',l out of the buli sod to'l-d li'i" 'lie bKn to tlK'il fuilou-ly snd rk. irrm tlml ne iiiism in ThMrSr. Mrh fl W. A. 1m nii d. offltet meellug Woiiiro gniuium. Iniramuial i -cloi-k. ,:!...;. blew hi i-llre Th.n sn.m. li.ll." ' to o clix k. I 'bins pail i " Imr.ii to happed for er- Meile Jouea and AUMln Hiurie i.m i, illicit their car on the lug Monday night, unknown to tu aiudrnt body. lwUk he tould not be u! lively Identified the wiin tal.mi that nlsht was released. Hut .uo that time the rampu has bm in-, of prowlers and reheral fo "Hunt P Silly have been cor tlnuej. Throughout the time of the ttm palgn member of the Kemet Kliil. planned everjtl.lng s) stamattcslly lliart were drawn up for ecii and I'ouneenth streets from 'V to 'P. and enrorce- ment of the w-hnur paikleg rule n 'Q' Street from uf louri f,fry ne I aar Klewnth to Thirteenth, and upon Tlfth up to 'll 'that mpley ha put out a book of stieet br the city council recently, ha conceited lelle.U.i Not It I being ad Mr streeMf a Prk.n. dU.r.C for c.r. d,1v.n by "rju d quit- donton Uncoln bulne people. ' torwer epoit irtoonlt. h The regulations hae been designed to rid tb dran hi iellee It or Not car bualne section of Uncoln of maty f lk traffic ; toon every dlffieultles. but by thr..n. ,h. section, both north , rB.Ub.e,?up,Tyro;f, prete,0 and south f 'O' street Into short parking dltrlet. cu ftPU ,h(rn he h can the streets adjoining the unhermlty campus have , froVe. lie a tbe flrt to Inir had to contend w-Hh n nood of car. driven by peo- duee Mark had-d n" p,e .h are not connect 1th Ihe Un.ver.i... njru TS. If street was relieved from the rumblings ef,u, Th (ok la interesting, for heavy trucks by action of the city council, but with , n" hi iatr.ient. a h the newest regulatlona has been converted Into .'frequently falls to do In his synde bevblv of automobiles jockeying In and out parking j "ted dralnr. space on lb ttreet adJaf'tH o the campus, to- trm( oM forremrnt ef the twohour ruling n Q' and Twelfth ! eMangT ,opUlr. Jud fr yeureii or puam. ui ej f-t.M . i.nHnill 1 . n' at nei a fen served to sena roanr car owners In search f a parking space that would be tare from the officer's tsg. Spring ha. brought many more cars to the Uni versity campus. larking facllltlea are Inadequate at the present time, for students alone. With the stream of traffic diverted from the city districts. 'K' street has been the destination of hundred of car. that formerly sought parking facllltlea down town. The trucks hae been taken from the thoroughfare, but there have been sufficient pa senger cars drawn to the campus street to create a perpetual traffic clot from morning to night. Traffic condltiona on "IT etreet ought to be ternnd the eiterimentatlon stare. While the new masailne. There are unaouoien, one or to yarn about runmen and rarketrer. Or about jail and deaih cell. And the maratine land are full of cheap periodical devotid enHrely o urh material Keadlns one the other Jay. I couldn't help compare a death sen tenced criminal with an eam sen tenced student. Criminal go to the chair only once, however, while we go eight time a er-and about four at a lime. I eipect that a hardened senior could sit In the death cell and crark le with out a qualm after having passed through four year of such train- Inr The moral of hln I an regulations have not been concerned directly 1th , crlmlnlU ,houU go to college thli artery, the effecta have rallen astrsddie ne street more than Any other. in this tii.a.a I lia Chi meet inf. I loi. 1:11 o'clock. 1- A. IteiktT 111 apeak , laaael meeting. i:ilen Mnlih hall, clock. Saturday, March SO Cien house. Women's gyroua slum, 7 to t o'cloek. Sunday, Msrch 31 ,.. -. i orTmk ' 1 w. on the I griund Vlih fo P-llc. . Unlvrraliy of Nonh . . , - men over him. Park Anderson and the Unhereity of Ka corner ot ix nin inn n --' t-tening-. worn, anowing nor sud ran acroa the campu loard s everyone was to walk. These oi the fight. Near the AdmUiUlralion I ,tn wsr (hen out at the mee-. building the paa.ed tieoige Mlt kel n yjM i-t office In ti. j ho was attempting to ft hi . Armory before each night' prtur i shoes otf o lie tould run. When , rnde. ,thoe three readied ll -eiie of ...... 'k. .r....-i ihe nKi- ied prowler i A debate last week bntwwcn Hie I'akoi aii a r n I V. . . mm iiini i-ara An inpnn anu inr t mhi-iij v. -..--. v. quest lou of abolition of the Ji r; ststein. resulted In a draw d'cllr , 1 he audlnnce voted Kansas the he! t fer argument, but the vlstot Ih - ahout saving money I. rong. I , V'" 'H,f ""U """ """" " never ved a cent until I a 4o'boih of hi leg.. years old I Invented in myself -in Crowd Gather tuny. in mastering oij ; A rrosd camerei smiinq m- ,xlrr presentation. prrpia ion. wetij -- frene, dui even men iii - uw , . - putting a few dullsrs a week I"10' h .n,n. rsons In girl cloth- , A gift eoiial.'tmg of forty geolog the bank would do much better to ' ' " , bu,nll bM been pre.en.e put it into himself." n h' , io the evol.-.v Uenartmen. of th The affair kepi sufficiently t- vfli- of South Pakot by th Whuh cause the students to!erret that the upetatlon a re-j national department of agrlcultut sigh lh relief and gratitude. W!f-ii ld night and the follow-(of Argentine. our few dollar a ee inio ... . mil ourelves too -via ine a rug siore. A tlnlden Book reader of They SyM column comment: "If so helpful (the column) whenever want to say something to show that I'm sophisticated." And here does the general public get II trljht saying T Agwsn? order to prepare themselves for the ordeal of the hot seat. t i I liitlA intl fem- llavs With 200 men expected to turn out for rresn- iWhlsr-er: Too bad It didn't man football next season there will probably be noik(u him i compared two sets ol i... ... ia nir nunioral aaealera ordered. Iellsh Dsner. ne from a maca- itne course in high school, snd the. other from a university ciass. me, high school student were writing clear, concise, intelligent reviews of stories and articles found In Harper's. f ribner s. Atlantic Monthly. Forum, and such periods cala. while the university stuamts were writing elementary Incoher ent atnopse of stories from Farm Uf. Triple X. Pt. Nicholas snd the Touth'a Companion. Well, llelieve It or Not. Dr. Harold F. Clark of Yale, startles not a few by asserting that a college education Is not "conver- f I !' In the financial senre of the word. And the New York World j says: "Education Is not a commodi ty, ixgrees. It may be admitted, arc 'ommodlties: they cost ro nuc-.i in ork. time and money; the. :nay be exchanged for so mueh much in Jobs, security, and Ii ' it. ciara ana ine euu raters sre having a duel. The pro fessorial orld axe hot under the collar over It. And the students go ahead studying their Ree Keep ing and Hotel Management Just the am. The controversies never rile the students. It doesn't mike mu-b difference what they argue about; we have to write themes snd lake exams Just the same. ITeiry Ford aid: "I think much of the advice given to young men KOSMET KLUB TRIES TO CAPTURE PROWLER MO Inar from rase I. between the armory and University hall to complain, snd soon a num ber or the d.-levtive perhaps rih ered around him JuM he a bout to change shoes with Mihs OUnti to rlrU alked alone the sidewalk south of the Armory. Thev ere walking est. and ox a alout to put hi foot Iti'o the last shoe a man came out of the darkness and began to follow them. He answered to the description that had been given of the campus proaler. 'Chick." director of the pony chorus, managed to get inio the shoe and the small hand of ap parent omen fell In behind the man. He glanced over hi shoul der and. seeing that he a being followed, turned on the ntdewalk NAME PLEASE! The Dally Nebraskan welcomes contributions to its editorial column from the student body aa a whole. There la no attempt to suppress pinions which are given for publication. Tbe only restric tion, that has been placed upon the publication of student pinions, beyond that of rejecting the dis tasteful and revolting, has been the IdenUty of tbe writer to be known to the editor. Yesterday, two opinions bearing fictitious sig natures were turned in at the Nebraskan office. The opinions were fit for publication, but the editor must know the Identity of th writer. This baa been th policy of the paper in years past If the author of a letter desires that his name be withheld, this privilege can b granted. Over a fictitious signature alone, however, without the knowledge of the author, no student opinion can be published. R. O. T. C. cadets are praying for the drill field to be dug up again or dally -Jain to begin. Forecasts of the picnic -serson have been with held until mid-semester report come out. About the only thing that Is wearing out about Social Sciences la the west entrance. Now is the time for ell good mfn to come to the aid of their Golf Clubs. "DON'T DE SILL If" "A Neat Appearance" UNI BARBER SHOP 319 No. 12th St. GRAND HOTEL BLDO. V I i Jm OnAfTT WEAR M POft VeXy,EN laf 11221224 0 STREET Presenting "mania" ;t the Colonial jiump. KVKKY ftKH WHX APPBKCIATE THIS f'l.KVKR PATTKRN VX)R CAMPUS, STREET AXIl INFORMAL PRESS WEAR. I.I I Mi SAND KIH ANH PATENT LEATHER WITH HAKMOMINt.; TRIM. PRICED .G0 Phoenix Hosiery Fasrtnatinir shadlnps in dicative of the cliarminu woman's mood and fsi-hion rorrecme for every ocra sion. Most numlMr 2 pairs !it $."..7V Chicago may bare Us bootleg rscket braska boasts of her tennis "rackets." but Ne-1 Everything will be fine if they don't mistake Coach Bible's baby girl for the football next fall. With six new tennis courts for the use of Uni versity student that means there will be aix more waiting lines. Typewriter For Rent All tanaar eeactal rata to tuSenta fer ken terra. VmA aiachl rt sert&bl typewriters atenthlr payments. Nebrrtska Typewriter Co. 1232 O St. B-2157 Announcement of the Interfraternity banquet is ( made o much In advanc f the occasion so some : fraterniUe can begin to get reconciled to losing j their scholarship plague. The Price of Education Some students never knew the traffic signals f about the campus were out of order until it as , announced that they would be repaired in a short time. OTHER STUDENTS SAY REMINISCENCES In thee balmy spring days when the thought of seniors naturally turn to the approaching Ivy day i and graduation ceremonies. It happens occasionally j that one's thoughts turn to similar ceremonies in j th past. It is through such flights of memory that j 1 am carried back to tbe days when t my father's i knee I first heard of the beautiful Ivy day cere- j monies at Nebraska. Krou that time to the pres-; ent, through the storie relate l.r Tdid3 aunts snd older brother and sisters, and through my own j experience of the past four years, I have been con- j stantly Impressed 1th the beauty and signiflcanc of these ceremonies. Comes now the bitter realisation that I have been duped and deluded, for does not The Dsllyi Nebraskan tell us both editorially and through tbe expression of atudent opinion that the May Queen is not the real choice of tbe students? How base and thoughtleas of all my informants that they should not have mentioned this. Even my own ex perience has played me false, for I have sever ob served on the countenance of th May Queen any looks of distress which might proceed from the real) ration that she wa not the r.J representstlv of th student body. It is tru that "Just an Observer" calls atten tion to tbe fact that there were two and onahalf times a many votes cast rhU year At last- But, la spite of this, (or because of It?), as Th tlly Nebraskan says, "th Ivy day ceremony 1 cheated out of muck of Its significance." Let u by all mean change th election machinery lest It develop that aa even larger umber of students avail themselves of th present machinery as a meant of expressing their choice neat year. Another Senior They tell us J-ou rn't mmr tl. valiie ut an --1'i- lioi In dnitar and rnl, but -non)- em to pihy a big pmrt while you're aljsorblng the knodir. f If y are determined fo e- the dav Prtiy hand or.r the h-r- kin. Hijt need money, you'll fTnd th CoriBMmers Mrrharjdiee Aseo- 4 cut Ion offer to atudent el-men Interesting. I'rninr of other have rauaed frotn lW to 12. Ml dueirg t-avation. Write or cull for urther information. J Consumers Merchandise Association 410 Cedar Avenue Minneapolis LB. g ZZ- a il E. 5- N it fj) l a Well, there's one thing When they install television At the Theta House Every fellow is going to insist On wearing a Magee's Hat $5 and up jw ff t r CLT II "A Ihumbs up" the spirit of industry . . . FOR every race or game or debate that one team wins, another must lose. . . It's forever "thumbs up" or "thumbs down", accordinff to which side you are on. But in industry there's one side only. Enlightened industry backtevefymanon her teams. For it is to industry advan tage to see that every man mike good. Here you have an inspiring picture. Co-operation. The "vet" encournflg the nonce. All industry rooting for achievement. It is not surprising then that to naflj men have found the Interest of after-college yean fully a broti and as absorbing as those of tin dergraduate days. Western Ekctm SINCE 1112 MANUFACTURERS FOR THE BELL SYSTEM