The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 24, 1929, Image 1

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    'he Daily Nebraskan
Internationally Known Man
Chooses to Talk on
Russian Subject
Fraternities and Sororities
Are Invited to Hear
Noted Lecturer
g.t B-iuf Parr, Interna tioa
af known scholar, win appear at
t o'clock MMd; Bight at the
Cha.ber of Cominfrt. speak I tg
M tie subject. "Tlx Communistic
i;nnenl la Rusal. The lector
It belt! Ponxred br Phi Beta
kU?; aad Sigma XI. honorary
scboisvtlc fraiemilie. and la open
w general public without
Parjrclar etrpbaxU ha
fSt oa th matter of bringing.
f -..v.. -.T !
fraemiuea ano soronue, ,o x
Irctre. better ba been t oat
u commltteo U caarf e, arrlns
-j Orgajuxauona w wrw a
ry-r-jtgs aad auaad the lecture.
Tie Jemro UUM precoa oy
sai tJtma J aiumni. wilb oir irr-
ui u it nrtt o( honor. I
Tie committee la charge of the
aTUir consider that It ha been ;
l4int. I. tMflrlftr for tk!l
. v 1 a .
Jotii leciuxw idm w me -,
asu iiiirBiwm yvmwnwi -j
5:r Eertiard. saM im.ora js. mcaa. ,
Kreiary of the local chapter of,
pti Beta Kappa, who baa been la .
cfcarre of arrangemeata. Sir Ber-
i wwvw w- - i i
.r-MSondlnntrfrKaPpaiQirjFATHER GIVES TALK I
narts field of special study 1 Rua-1 ganUaJlon. announced on Saturday;
tia. and be baa west Into that field, i that the pep orgaairation Is now ;
J repreeentatiro of both fraternity
' fresdnm la Russia . I and barb claas on th campus. The i
r-r -r the three year of tbe war reorganization aa effected this fall ,
b wapenniued the freedom of Ja completed at th InitlaUoa Krl
:b Russia a troop for bis pcrpose t, . . , .
rrX- He awed at Urn. I , Tho dlnrer dance which - a. teld
rJi te Red ros ana was
. -jijp Kaaalaa corerxmeaii .
-M. L. .v. CaMWl frfM SJUI l)lOi
c oMers Cross aad tao
of St. Oorge. For a time ia
.... . . n ... 11
iVr,il W
jntirtrlj. axd daring the period ,
w r tk Baaxlaa
krvew. His pcbiUxed work; la
rude 2mtla and Reforsa." "A Hls
Mry of Easria.- aad -Day by UT
fTi-1 ths Rassiaa Army" He pro-
Vkzt ant cbpters oa Rassla ia tba j
Casirire Modern History. I
H las beea eofiaected wi:l aa-S
mTuf eiflocatiosal tostrrutioas. j
aniynr tlkeaa belli nxiiversMJe at
ovficg. orford. aad uverpoot
u svi uc rr
rtbtor o: rrmrom UTeraiare. su-
gunr. aad fcls'ory at tbe ra5r-
r f LoiiSwo. aad dirMior of ttJsa
srf KaroBie &'.U at
34 txere.
Superintendent Promises
Ktn Rood Lights
For Campus
E.irV!lsM were swey Sa-tiBrday
fr-twrnsiK itlne elec!triUer tn tlhe
.mjue tfib of Uatrtarlty bJIL
To rix.T9bter lua bee muauiled
for iw time fctit ha cat fee1
ur-&t.g bejcainsve of M. broken calle.
Tiit cUle tru reiJried aA stew
Urait bull were cvt H 6a.imdr
"iTwv tnwe t'xwi 131jU tiare fee-
iwtLwufl, aotiordas; V. T. SMm,
jii.ijxg wtraWjidtit et tb
ikaie ba.d I acisd a &cg
ititnie hxktitof aiy (be raavpitts SW
tius.iiMiy,"" aid Mr- JJeautom. "It
mv niue rtSUxtn ta txAUi&tt ti
f the new f9d KglatM wtll
v 4 KfttoaiXa fc21 to
IV -t ioe benwee lit d tlve
!htrnti iur.uetUBV Ailwer ve wHill
i'V 4ue tlace s Craoe ll
'ah . f suddi.ti4ial flwii ILgii
at (BeijUd 4ey will be rdrd.
wwmg ns Mr. J!. ' b
'w KJi'e ea-ie erf all tbe dark
fit itibe icsoofntis,'" wa late cwniaBest
ti oj-e-jaittog sntsamsteadesii.
fwtnrr Sfudral Viit
CoIJrge of Eagiiiring
Vitatioj t tJue CciUege tf Eb
wj dnisc lib pa week were:
fmrta B. MOiUwi. TI, EE, wb
Ji! rotrtJy reossraxd w
' Caiiawao. Karl A. HMSr. C. E-
iCUe Isrt3Bwe3lr) BeO T3
Mi ewupaay, tVanaba.. Karl H
7Cb. CC wJ 4 M
Ml Citoca.
L xlteriUy Cains More
From Optra 'Fmust
tvml t.xiis ff $17.Mt-t7
taim ta at the trte)t'
tf fvst by the Ctdeag
jr owsjiacy at Ube
t!SB, Tfavnday algJ. a
ro,ig t Jw IC aWIe. -"
ff w.4taot activlUe f
A reioprd crwwd fUW
beard Tt erte atar.
Wt 1 Mgh.Uy thaa the
'W Ut . A sri
wJ2 be ed i twakteg
eftues)! te th CciUea
t wiU be 4a
f to ft.r jerttiB s
Noted SprAer
Sir Remard Paf. lctrrtailon
ally known educator wfco will peak ,
tomorrow klght at tbe Joint Phi i
Bet Kappa and SUm XI dinner, i
n.-k-u. D cM ::or a brief handshake and a bur-'
w;iiniuaci rckl ri aici liuj ,
j k r j.-
I aKeS VOTiy HeW Men
In CeremOnV
had bn tense. aUe with an nn-
rommk fkimrr of ri EMnmiuM M. ih.t i ,m u
pti held lu annual spring dinner,
(Unce and ItlUa ioa at the Lincoln
Wm-J KAm .-.hi fnlU!(rv ftflV
1 B i-jj . . "
memDer mio rrork v
orgacuaiioB. iw uu-.aauwu -"
monies were neia it o cioca in ,
the Egyptian room on the raena
nine floor.
Jack Elliott, president of the or
ri t iwv. or-
. . . .
- -
" ""V " .
cance. iicaaeoueiy
room ai where President
Eliott welcomed tbe new men In"
chapter and Introduced Prof -
crtraao bw nw x.
Churches Combine to Hold
ruaf,.nnn Coeeie fnr
n vi j ui.iuim ivi
Holy Week
Bjriiaig MwCay. es-endtg rr- J
be b4i at lib I'BSsersiJy J
iiw t. .ft i 5 !
iloVkefk tlrawt Ho3y week. Tba n- 1'to. Amto aad HeJea
I reralar cbir will be j Coper.
jwgsoesifrd by clar aaewber froiaJ TJb Ie of tbe crowd prsseat at
lecher cSnarcSiiea. .4 tbe vwr- taad at mote
Sty patrs rprw-iii&w5. dnft!t ' wrrea baaadred. EmitertalBBXsat
I deooatoaitiWB. wJJl ne brief waa fSsi.4 by QV Bek, aad
(terssoiia. liana! appeanax at tine Usowo
Rer C Faweiia. Meliwda II
s.i4at d-or. wU ,1 re 1
Mo4r aJierwewn. 1ta a aentioa 1
-Oeatsug tlte TeKiMer and
wHH be fIDwed br lector a
Taday by C IA Hay, geoeral
secretary off 11) anls-ersiiiy V- M,
C A, b tlae twj3 "Tbe ttay of !
,ReirBeffli t Hww" 1 due
bt Off Cult uaMiB-
rloa by Dr. Ixaa B.. Lxlacd, Prr
itni tuBlrersDity pasvtiow. F. W.
LiwM, Oo4rjnei!ii(ol sunsdewt
fjsr, wtiiO -ak a "The Lxwd
55fiper" (0b Ttonrad' aasd oa Fri
day, the last day off te r6.
HVwit rxiiiv LAirberiai 4!)t
seweitary. win dimntM fctay off
ifjuiienr:- u
ertriot ts Ha cfcar; ff FaftilueT L.. W.
Mif-MilJlho. rirtr wf 3h? I.'tiSTerrfty
EfifMiwjial cSa:w!k. Hi aubjecit wSM
be Tb Sere) Wiwnil from Kb
Jl .0. T. C. Jeiflei Win nre
War-Tiare MacMue Caa
la Adrance Work
Trrxwia (or IA raffbr
urmr rtifiW taaa w k r -
terday were potpwm4 f-
m, iirNXI rjx a be -
tr,t ynwas lianead for sWiiit
rss pracitlioe.
Tins B-. O. T. C. .4aKd
dent will (uet fSirtiffltg tbe -..i.s-.
vm,Aav msader tbe kd-
s. !f r-duutaiia W. W. Parker, f
Ptliim were sd for ffowr j jejTta an eplaaitJoa of tbe trr
chia givxi v4 (Larget ffai were : ry.
erect 7 ,
nmti. Cawiafc farcer
tb soachSsi r d dirtfd the
i Robert JL Krsaiil of Aiiws. Ohia.
'ia f poil
fr the F4rwse Tb ad Rather
twosj.aaiy, a aaeet 3 S of
the t'atveraf.y Vy taaeat.
Mosvday. MJunrh IS-
rT sirwMw f hi -
terei ewwc -; .
jie tnnwn "
trall da, for
Ui by the Mt
b ta 1 silr. '
Hundreds Flock to
E. Stanley Jones
Famous Missionary Quizzes
College Moral Standards,
Denounces Denominations.
Ponders Orer Coeducation
y Clment Wit.
Who would like to meet a
mho (to bold hundred! of people
breathless with Interest, who caa
play upon the emotions of a crowd
a a trained and gated m otic lan
dras music from hl violin, whose
I magnetic, compelling personality
I seises and holds la tens eager-
jne eteryone mlthln reach of bis
m ' i . . . r- c. ' KldaeU Is on th faculty
Here be Is. Ills name Is E. Stan Jof ML Iook. collefe In Mas
ley Jones, a name that Is known ehMMU M M instructor in pbyal
.everywhere as that of a great mis- CAl Sh recelred her A.
isnmaxy ana nuini aa mm iw
author of 'Christ at the Round
ble." and "Christ : the Indian , ,
Road "
Hundreds Shake Hands
Af1(.r h tvok,0 mt ,Ba Trin.
It jr Methodist church last Friday, i
' long lines of people filled tbe ceo
'ter aifles people waiting patiently'
; to clasp the hand of this man.!
i aiio words had b4d so powerful
I a message for them. Young people. J
. old people, children middle aged ;
i folks -ad luen umI somen Irom ;
f every walk of life, crowded forward j
mor1 o( eocoursriEeni from
Ib ,teBdw ..lWreeVl. youthful
recognition for his missionary and
"smuikic wort inrougooui mej
looif cDniissVa onx.
Uunng his talk the atmosphere
the forceful personality of In E.I
Sucley Jones. Now tbe tensity bad !
1 I ti... J - . m. t . 4
(riUTV. 1 Ul UI & TTXi DiaJl.
smiling through bis weannesa. wax t
puia iianly Jones, a very human ,
sort of person Indeed.
There came a luil ia the nnend-
i M ii t m rws t.
Place Rnroontativo i r
ww vovuuiuiim mv
Ph.rn C...M.: s
Chosen to Supervise
Ejection for membership in the
Barb general council was held at
&aiarday tklght at Memorial ball
Four member, were eeed from'
Tbo elected wiZI boid Uselr
I membership for one year aad wfil
stiiwlj tie general organliaiioa
J of tbe barbs In , their respective
H ciin-es. Allaa wmianas and Rath
'HatfVHd were elected at
' l-kinr-"
Ruor member are Marvla
unm. u. K est. kuib auaijerose aau
I QxaKyn. Jitiw nuembers are
G. ReS'btk. V. Pet ersoa. A.
Le ad HeJea twjs. it.op&ovore
mrmi are W. Clark. E. KIScger.
FriJmsa oe,trs are M. Bread. J
um we, .oitm
parpose aad aim s of li-
r" . -
WiUliiaasis ad Mits Ila.iiVJd. Em-
ptiuls wa laid apoa o;yac:ra:jo
for athleitac eresut. ia iic3 tbe
barbs exwild effectively prt&dpii
lumriig; fanilsiied tbe 4if!riaS
ascst f.w tie next ef ti trts&zz
usA It wa roited by tho pre
ta tare a barb jwJ'i: esery asMBth
wjitaj HJ b5l ta Hw of fJadJsi
owe swial eietut.
Hesz23c Eroadj, Fordjcaj
Asd Wesdemaan AjtaJjidi S
School Program
A idbettjhdBl amaJyti of u suUm4
jijiMrasa preWd I survey
ff Vovik smbJiLe sboiOifl taa Wed
aedy, MarcHi M. at J to a -
spiimte ff dtBator 7 rTy.tor
;l K- E. Hewxliik. K- O.. Brady, Clnarie
llFordy. a4 C, C. W4Vaaa.
The wrvey was lb realt of aa
erlesded rjeriki xod sacweia
yyyfiiiTnaMu admHsratlAto. ediis
caitiwsail aBarBrMtKejs, chiiH a
eratasdiiaaT aad ftaaaK!. Ttoe rteffsJi!
ijMf tbi eerrsce wra awiar aw
!, (,Bi,Jit3sd dotissanesit rutiiUed T--
n port off a Smrvey off the Tork Sii
I uauber of the bward of edaK.
-i rojrnfflMwleiist off svthoot.
snrSa-KS! of the high
. . a- an,. -Ml Af BWf'Tairftm it
reii7 w - - - -
llom were m cw
iBiiSversSity edaeator for bot thr
twanrs bu tbe early trvenlm ra-
Engherg Add Shells
To Unique Collection
From Several Lands
rjr.CC EogVerc rof of
sbetBiatV. ba dded . a
sseos t hi he cot Wsioa ia tb
stun. Most off the aew sbeti
weie .ihrd fa HoaofosJa, darUg
rwtiwit trip and ther by iJoctar
Otl of the sosrp eaas from
- --
. . . - r ,
T"!.; -r .Z- :t. ahetl, I
"tlJZZ Jr the I
jL ""J " iaa promiant tn llf today aa It wm I
tbe first rTiU bart 1--T kid.' , ,k. .i.rZj. -h,- t
t -., . 3 ,TTu TIlT w.n s l Jffi play was wrxtciL
Shake Hands With
After Last Address
Kathro Kidtcell Get
Educational Article'
In Phyiical Revietc
Kathro K.dwell. daucbter of Col
one! Frank. A. Kid well, of th No
brask R. O. T. C. unit and gradu
at of the University of Nebraska,
haa an article In a recent lasu of
i be American Physical Educational
Ret lev. "A Sludy and Investlga
tlon of the Health of the Women
Teachers of Physical Education" is
the title of the article by Miss
( ,jweii
n Nebraska. SDeclalia-
Una In physical education for the
She later recelred her'
! master deirree at tbe University
,of Wisconsin. SI las Kid well will r
i turn to Holy ok next year.
n-,;-i;A pi, A Cfono
Organization PlanS tO Stage
Mnlior' Raaliitift
I " . "
lvli(CU J'UI diitd
unwri I niRPPTQ PI AY
nUiiCLL UlnCUlO rut I
Learnt Ladie. by MoUere. the
- . 1 4. ill I.
I gTel riTDCD U V 1 1 . 111 W
e nest contribution or me ini-
! versity Player, at tbe Temple Use
wk of 1 to AprI1 Tn
I lead are to be played by Creda
1 Bncka and Elwood Ramay.
j Creda Brick will pUy Henri ette
and Elwrood Ramay as TrtsaoOn. a
! witty but nnpoetie poet. Harlan
I Bastos win take the part of Chry-
sole the Bourgeois, henpecked bus
. band of PhlUmiata. played by
1 Irene Martin. Tbe play, one of the
beat of those written by Mo&ere. 1
et In France and Is a portrayal of
T '.w"" I- V. 7x1
t a role of the opposite type, a yocng
; lady of wct disposition.
I The play Is well known aad is
' generally landed aa baring great
i merit because of the plot which is
i Tbe selection of this play for pro-
y CnlTerity pUyera.
follows a study made of It by tbe
Continental Drama Oass.
everyone ia urged by the bos I-
i , lhl. -rv-ire. -ftl w
! , ,t tbe Rosi P. Curtice Com-
, g.-
in e sy i
wi s
r mm ilKPTSPUR
. T , .
A letter from disiact Japan ba
bee received by Prof. Maurice H.
Weseeo. of the department sf
wwrk In wrttlsi- a Tdctlotiary of
Eogiash Grstamar. Tbe dlctloBary
l&eJnde many new word, slaag
acd collocruial eYprecioG, aod
correct wnag off exvofusin- word
coflaiiiled 1 textbook form.
Tbe letter wa mailed February
1. 121. by M. G. Mori. Kadra
bocpltal. svear Tokkaicii, Mly
PrefedUtr. Japaa. A excerpt frcca
use Kiur w u wbi.
1 sua ecus off tbos who are find- j
log ynr Tsery ef Ers3
Gramssar both iBsxrwctir aed ta
terectleg re4Ja. I am glad that
yow are careful to describe th
word 'Jap not merely a cottaTlal
bat a 'dlsdcrtwas." Tbe te
snacb word are meed oa both side
of the PaciCc, t&e betuter for the
reHaULqa betweea I be two coeav
brother of Dean Worcester Relates
Experiences Had in Southern Isles
Ob bi fiwt " br tbS week.
Gewrje S. "'rcr. father of
Ua A. K&rfA. professor of
ediscatsoaal py-bo3ory, recalled
soine fasneresittJig; er4t9Cs ia the
Pbulfp-ptae UUmti wbr be pet
Cre years.
Mr. Worcocter 4 of typbooa
wb;c"? be T5ertxd wfciHe oa a
raaxh 6 (Ice At !
twelve lacbe of r6 ffeJI CTemlght,
the raj gvg bad CKed cp and
wa raw&i&a; over I the ooraiag.
Natrre bonces were bJowa down by
m wto4 nee loot
5tJ mdic wercLr
"" T. . h
A typfcooa
a that the
fonrsd two ae wy.
iS'fer- from tord la
wtad bSow f rt from ot direc-
ta. the ootVer. bet not 1 a
wbirflag taaaser frost a3 cUrecU
at .
1 Ar in Advcncensswt
Mr Worcester 1 t (
e4r- rears oiS aad
1 t wetl Know
a aa agrv.-tirarasw :a ,--w trg-a
H hktiitated sandera asethod of
faraiag: there axd wa the first ta J
bis recuos) to si v v
registered K!VeteFrVc caiCe
scd aa a4odi( airy bara.
H3 brother. Draa C Worctr. at
the Usee of Us death a few years
ago probably kaew twor about ta
PhCippae thaa ay r aa
H asad two trip a atrJlt
from the ttrverrlty of MJchigaa.
ketm the Islaads fnns AoerV
C Vyeele
He wa
W f the rrt omawrie. et
FP7 1 that PoOo. be
Teachers Say That Football
Must Be Confined to
Academic Year
Faculty representatives finished
the work of Big S:x officials at
Norman last week and look down
all tbe bars on spring football prac
tice. Heretofore spring practice has
been, limited to fifteen days snd tbe
conference now has no rule to limit
the practice sessions in tbe sprltg
but leave It up to the decision of
the Individual Big fill school.
Ths only restriction which now
appllsw to spring foot bail session
Is that It must be confined to ths
academic year. Tbe faculty repre
sentatives reaffirmed the one-year
eligibility rule In force In the Mts-
sourl Valley conference long before
the Big Sli organisation was
Objections Overruled
Dr. W. J. Manley of the Univer
sity of Missouri, secretary of tbe
faculty organization, said there bad
been considerable agitation for a
cnange in tnis ruie oecause oi mm
fact that junior college graduate
transferring to Big Sli schools!
were prerented from more thaaj
one year of conference competition, j
The rule require that an athlete,
must be a resident student one year
before, be U eligible for varsity
With no restriction on the
win drills. Nebraska's session
w ODT tfirecuoa of coacr
-Bunay- Oakea. wl.l continue antli
late In ApriL Coach Dan A. B1J
would not have had a chance to "
here for the Prt workouu 5f
the old rule of fifteen days pra
Students Keep
Postman Busy
Cnrin r 'if nil 9 ISOnce and of the Gradaate Col- or Birnett appeal for a number
OUriUly Jl UUo I eSe, Dean James has helped to Cf tlW scholarships to be given
I promote scholarly Ideals In the vonhy and needy students.
Students of tbe University of ! University. He favored the policy Mr sawyer Is a graduate of the
Nebraska have few secrets from of building up a dUi;nruihd lac- i University of Nebraska, receiving
those official of Station A who ntly by drawing young men tiained j m degree In electrical engineering
nave charge of the campus mail. : In the leading universities and ad-jjn u,t y r Sawyer was a mem
Condltloa slips, grades, personal r randcg them as they de eloped . ber of tbe 1SJ7 graduating class,
letters, and parcel go through the ! teaching power and evidence of i SUady Progress
hands of Ray Hatch, the rampu ; productive scholarship through re- oaversity ho was af-
suMia or .L "
IMrtrt. Tr yar. the
two hare been the connecting Cnk. j
na far a postal communication 1 I
concerned, between toe L Diversity
and the rest of the world,
that's the lonar and tbe abort
a they describe the postmen In
the office. ;
On the other band, the out gofnc
mad is inspected by the post-,
mtctreas aad her assistant. The i
QTjaniJty of mail Is constantly la-
i constantly Jn-1
Satorday. The
riHiiir she said si
9 receipt of tbe past
j corded for March im. Ilrtt clan
mall caa been nnuswuj ; .
the registrar aJoee sent oot nearly
! tea thousand p during the
I lrjodrr M form the ct.ef,
! portlo.i of th fourth c!a mail.
ir bbuibs "
j (ii:r .kew tbe studeots clo
first and secotad clas taafl with
theSr laciadry. Woe unto amy mag -
sine and paper hidden In the
jj vbe Us writ case are
ooened for larpectJoa at tb man
soft office Sajch smsiggling U
cheatls: Uacle Sam ct of seven
cent a pocsd.
w. c a. plans
easts: service
Tbe animkl V. W. C. A. Easier
srrk wlU b beld at Verpers
Tae-adar evesiec at EJea Smith
t.. . .1. l.., -sl
be read by Bb ShaUcrot and the
choir fii sins anthets, "By
Earrr Morning Ltgbt" and Then
wa Igwtnsmea'! ra tike ejrtabHiifh-1
-neat of the CttJSoa "Lpr Cobwyj
d the PhCip-xisie Geeeral Ho-
Prtfeor 'orcser himself j
eiBt two year hi the USaads, part
fij limn Aervtaift the work n
f ahont twenty sebools there. Le-j
re carried on
ft" K'uFllwl, i;
native dSaSect that they are
i.iera onjy is uuh nr.Bi
they rpek their own tobzae.
Teacher Very Acarc '
Teacher were crce nd tb
uttuxei sere oft!!
Lred fat thi aerrlce for ;
S primary grade. Ixctor Wor-
I . " - ...
' ' T ' 7
ctr e tin ca Into the room
a im IV. . ' I. f3ktn muR.
L ktzVT waa Lt
I .. , .. Jl- T-
. JT. - ZvT -x,.- LT.
-"" .
bora la th year lv centvrie;
Tb loa had id that the her
had beea bora Ave oratories sgo.
Of anre this Bttatalioa 1 raividir
II eeftire hetter Before ther etn'A
"gradaatr" the girl were rewitlred
t bare icieacy ta piaia sewing,
aad lace-work aad emsrotdery were
alM tht.
DoCer Worcester' trip of bv
pectloa of hi cchoot were avad
ta small boat propelled by paddle
whe there wa ao wtad. He would
im iw fKe vj!ftiBs srer Birht.
n. ,wu. eim swa.
as with bias aad whea t wa
thrvegh with the would tear tbe
Donor to Kiigin-i-ni
W. H. Sawyer, graduate In clas
of "J7 bo announred rl:t of $:
as a scholarsliip fund for -ncinT-
tn ,tadrnl.
i ., n.n.
inanCeilOr OldlCi nCdiUlia
lih fVillono H3rl Ha.
ny UOIieye nedU nt
Helced School
i Tint the L iitverMir or oraa
, pre;e4JMrt bf lfce reirnation ol
H G Jlmes of the An and
; sciences, and Graduate Colleges,
wbo accepted the presidency of
.the University of South Iako:a. is
. lbe opmton of chancellor E. A.
i Burnett. HI statement follow:
i "In tbe resignation or ueau
James the University of Nebraska
j loses one of its outstanding pro-
i lessors and administrators. Af
idean of the Colleges of AM and
.wTlT -..V.k m - l -
they eooM only reach a coamaad -
Cs'b ill mm Tmr X.
jBMMl chooses
, tsjti r0?r h i He was appointed by the govem-
ZOlley LefTier Will U02Cn!tr. o u o, vlrtorU ia
PrOdUCtlOn With CaSt Of ;Arra:m to iJvt-l?t and report
Eighty Students
t-imh fr the lead::: ro!-s in
tte rarratr Fair eat.t
.ere fceld dmriftg the week aad fte
ii, w-j k ttire-i by NMn
;i jjy fefa: Charlotte Joyee,
( We(iir water: ahw r.i..Ti j
Eiaaa; Htistn mi'. Ai3t; b i
imI D-frP.r fimr&Vs AClTKflfl- h
, trw . r rv-ifir- ncade Fr.-iav '
i ty rjoros.ty Nrrl. csJ:win f sl.e
1 jeant committee for th:s j'eri
girim sJected for
f w.. Evelyn Knctx. Oieii
5 rwwfcT LrachsJof'-, Lisco's; Vix-
j cbamibertir. Maiywood : Sy tl j
Holladay. fwtals: Annte Erf.JiH,
Lfnieoln: AlSie Forasiir. HasAnem:
Geveriere Br-p. IJccoju: JS!,o!ili4.i formuUUon of Dr. E.
TeTrt J;J1 rav
TTse cajrt of tie fgeant A I'ay
At NVytfigJir.' lnclnd efrhy
bonie eywuomScs Mmdesit. ZAl-y
i,r f-f.iiarjv Plaver. :!l
. . . j .a.:. .Peyi tin cna-h Amiv Ia in rjrmAA
i! cemt'o iaw -.-"
while Mii Ass!B"e lnw. F,z.e
im i,- w:i rf!ret tV caoe
riirtai:ft. Tle if..'- t:a'tf
tbled to trjrj pr; 1
dianely aod -yf-.t"f r-!rar-
a!s are ;-i to b fj-jlr way
,. ti.uer sari of Jfar'J. in c."e
fira9a Or Iw
the Fair May 4.
frf'joa at
D. L. Zrickson Will Address
Organization on Subject
Of Local Flyinf
wf YxS&vrx. UecoSn ciry en-1
gfiseer wtJl aJdre the tr.:,
c'?iD Ot UncOin Itieir iwjrynin'j
atoner at the Grand hotel, K'fr.
jfarcb Z at :i ocio'. r.
I Erv k-!! wis! s4k tj;ya t3ie .b
ect "The Ivefyt-me-.t of An iastom
te ia
All mdi wh are U.:,:.l
Jt isvi" '1 t'"',
ri '!
to ttead the bsct may attend
i' . - m .. .-ft.
W'Mt'rErf.'k5t. La been In
tt of the aew Un
U3ICip l.I K J
npoa airport design
and ue a-s-
raa,tB?it cf avtaik
avtatioes. After the
Wtare Mr. Ersrfcsoo will lead aa
informal dlsnMioa (oa art ton
in genersl.
DWt Be SlUf Iu
Cathrra View Feat area
Work oa the "Dro'l T S'.lly" 1s
stse of tbe Awgwan, featsrisg the?
Kosmet ICcb play is prorresslag
aad will be ready for dtstrihotioa
a boat April I, according to IioarU
editor. The final iscue
of th year wtD be known a the
8y-Bye- aimber aad material on
gr-saauag swei wiu w
tvle for that a umber.
$2,000 BENEFIT
: Electric Executive. Donor
. Of Fellowship. Is With
New York Firm
j Member of Class of 1897
Answers Plea From
Faculty Head
H. Sawyer, nginerlng necu
tlve of New York ciry and former
1'nlvep.l-y of Nebraska student.
hs donated IZ.Wi to the Unlver
rity for a scholarship fund for
-nrin-Tinvc students according to
an announcen)-nl made by Cbanrel-
Z. A. Burnett Saturday. The
to b- known as "The W. H
Sawyer Nrnolirump t una tor
It It
f,;hr securities whkh are legal for
th inves'ment of funds or savinrs
banks under the Nebraska Uw. In
,n ,UB1 w,,, vr'
.(f - tual one and it is tnougnt mat
'about $!'" a year will be derived
I f""n 'i '" purposes
Mr. Sayr na rroTlflKi ttAi ine
fun4 de.irr.ated by the dean
,,nJ faculty of the college and that
he shall receive the entire year's
income from the Invested money,
Financial need, scholastic record,
; r.d character f tbe applicant will
I be considered In determining who
hu receive the scholarship, only
! npperc lass men are eligible and
preference will be shown students
0f electrical engineering Tha
donation Is in retoonse to Chancel-
1 fraternity. FoUowfng gradaaOoo.
T connected
' with the General Electric company
of Schenectady, New York. Sine
I 'hen he has been an engineer fa
'New York from lSi to 1JH: Tic
president of E. W. Clark acd com
pany Matarement Corporation of
j CoI'jrr.V-u. Ohio. 114 to 122: presl
Ident of the East St. Looi and
. Stibcrtaa Railway company and
a:r::ia:ej con:par.:es. tsu to IZ7.
oa the iV.trt.m brown coal electric-
i'y r'-c-ration scheme acd power
'Liglt Co.-p(ratioa.
- H fj f OTA llf TV IfllirO
( r DN I" T NK
j Students Hear L3St AddreSS
t -r:-s.. f .11 i-
mi iiuuiy nicuiuuit
Church Friday
That lr..i rtSKin :tiil eapres
1a to tlt.-z.ff.irn tfee
aaly Je ia Lis lecture at
j TtirJ-y it. E. ctorf.h Friday niglt
" fch f-aried IJ ecd of h series
. "f IJisv.n addresser. Pcjip'e who
I ar.d who srke to effort to express
l?" ... '. ...
or.ers rT lei ot-ea
r : -- '
ras to one
of depwrioo, he !ntim.'d.
Man's Vrt of God is In eorr.t
, cwmOKt r. sflfKiy etre.
"cJory of the sr.rorger
Joe rJKatls a wn for CtrSrt. Tbt
rraAe irvtai fur ir.r the rhurrh
twfay to Si vtth tke fact that
;i trttttt wslhout sarriflce.
Ourtr,ja-!"y wiJhflwt i' cros
1 wot Ciri tiat.l'y."' Ixmnr iimt
declared. The religion that salia
f'.es tbe -A'.nrz. clal, moral, aad
ecotBAffiiic rel of the world 1 to
be ItcrA by sacrtfiefng all for
Chrt'. and forgeulng oneself.
i .
The weekly Sunday program talk
M 4 orlock ia Morrill hall will be
J jp,-, By MarJorie EhanafeK. ctxra-
or of risaal edacatioo of th Ui-
versity of Nebraska. Her topi will
!. "The Tiger in Vocr Hon.' At
Z. Sanday afteraooa a cbBdm'a
prfram will he given, of which th
subject will be Rlp Van Wlakl."
Sum pie Study Slogans
Tb Da;!y Xebraakaa costja
oes it catcpaiga for stody slo
gan with tils Isaac. All ta
dt are efigfbl to submit
matter for this feature, aad
those who slogans are ac
cepted will be earned asder t
fine. The Nebraskaa cT5c ta
th basement of t'nlverslty kail
will reeeiv material for tha
"Simple Stady Slogaa" box.
Today' aiesan.
"Some peopV who bay boo,
staJy them."
rridsy's llssiri.
"Some stadevt stody. Look
at the P. B. K..
Adete EUler.