The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1929, Page FOUR, Image 4

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iniMnuuR I m.r MIMUII I - - u iiuh iw -
i H Mil UnUL uuunw
More Than 400 Universities
Are Invited to Attend
Annual Event
Lawrence. Km. Vrnounrrnn n
of events for ine seventh i ;i
kanHas Relays. April 10. wtit
mailed today by Dr. K. r. All-n. di
rector of athletics at the Univer
sity of Kansas, lo more than 4u0
universities. collfts sud hlh
school ihroUKhoui the I'nlU'd
The prosram this yesr will con
lulu six relay rvfuti In the unlvr
tty class: four In each th rollfse
and (he high ichool. and ton sp
i idl fi-ld riii. In addition, the
decathlon. established flrt last
vt-ar. will be continued thli year.
Major John I.. Griffith, commie
miner for the ni Ten. will be the
nleree for the relax. In connec
tion with the relay, the twenty
r.iat annual Kansas high school
list a meet will be held Apill 13.
Relay team placlnu well In the
Friday meet will be Invited to com
pete In the relays the next day.
The program m detail:
1'nlversity relays Quarter mile,
half mile. mile. J-oille. i mile and
medley (440 jards, 88H arils. 1320
yard, mile).
folleee classHalf mile, mile,
mo mile, medley.
High tchool 'lafii Half mile,
mile, twomlle. medley.
Special event a-MO yard dash,
110 yard hlh hurdles. JOOOmeieri
run. shot put. discus. Javelin, hlin
jump, broad jump, and pole vault, i
and the decathlon.
r'lve of the decathlon event
the 10i meter tun. the bioad Jump.
the 16 lb hot put. the hUh Jump.
and the 400 mter ruu will be run
oil Friday afternoon, and Ihe re-,
malum events Saturday morning. I
The Saturday llt : 110 meter high
hurdle, dlacua throw, pole vault.
Javelin throw, and l.t0 meter run..
Athletic Department
Colli for Managert
All football :nnira are re
queued to report for work on
Thursday of thl week. Foot
ball aull will ba checked out
tbe last three daya of thl week
and It will be neretaary for all
atudent manager to be on
shall Ido
willi that
J or cleaning
V Cleaners
223 N. 14 ST. -LINCOLN NEB,
a wk' vacation with a touch of
th flu. "The grand old man of Ne
braska" dug right In thl wk and
pushed hi Scarlet and Cream
trackatera -id' than ever. Coach
Schulte h t decided whether
h will t am to the annual
llllnl car... . champaign or not
If he do he will take a quartet of
hurdling atar to enter in th hut
tl race, a new event on th Illinois
Relay program. The ahuttle team !
mad up of four mn, prfrabt
hurdler a th event I running
th high hurdle. Lamton, Tomson,
FUming and Arganbright are th
four promising cinder track artist
In thi event. Coach S'hulte will
announce later In the wsk a to
whether he will make the llllnl
mt or not. Th Texa Relay, th
Kansas Rlay and other are on
deck for the next few wsska and
the Cornhusker mentor hopes to
make a many aa possible.
Coach "IU'liny" Oaken, head line
coach, who will have charge of the
pprlng football practice session
until the arrival of Head Coach
Pana X Bl'olc announced that grid
Imn intra wnulil he checked nut to
football men Marling Thursday and
continuing tumugn aiurnay. io
tin. Lor linn much evnopla a larue
turnout for the spring sessions aa
baseball w III hinder only a rew men
mm rennrtlnr for the anting drills.
Clair Sloan is listed on Coach
"Choppy" Rhodes baseball squad,
and it is very probable that the
llashy halfback will not be out reg
ular. Coach Oakes stated last night
that the list of freshmen footballer
will be exceedingly large and some
place amongst those yearlings grid
ders is part of the Cornhusker line
for the 1929 football season. With
such men as led James, Elmer
Holm. Dan McMullen, Bill Calla
way, Cliff Ashbuin. Leroy Lucaa,
Glenn Muun and many others all
leaving the Cornhusker line this
year, means that some one who
most of us have never heard of be
fore, will be playing in there regu
larly next fall.
Marshal Craig,' high scoring for
ward on the Missouri Tiger basket
ball team, ha been selected to
lead the Tigera on Big Six court
next year. Craig was one of the out
standing forwards in the confer
ence this year and placed third in
the scoring column. Down at Kan
sas Forest "Frostie" Cox, guard
ha been given the title honor
ary captain of the Jayhawker ba.
ketball team for next winter. Ce
wis on of th clsverst guard In
th Big Six thi year and hat Just
completed hi first yar with the
Nebraska went through the pres
ent aeaaou without basketball
captain. Coach lllack appointed ao
acllug captain of the Hcarlet fivi
before each game. The plau Beam
ingly worked out In great shape.
lUney Urate. K.tuer Holm. Carl
Olson aud many other acied a the
captalu dining the seanon'a tmea
aud It proved no successful that the
Allilello Department may deem It
advisable to use the same plan neit
year. The acting captain Idea haf
been tried mauy time before and
proved ucelul lu oilier achooli
and now haa had Its luitlul chance
at the Cornhimker school. I'raclic
ally the aame five will be back neit
seaMiii ou Hie ba'dooda and ther
should 'be fle captain among
Intramural Office Releases
Schedule for Greek
Intramural handball will get un
der way again Thursday when 1Z
..n.. in pet Into action. Quite a
few of the first round games have
been played In the singlea tournar
ment. . . .
The schedule for this week roi-
Handball doubles.
Thursday, March 14.
Phi Sigma Kappa vs. Delta I'psl-
Ion. 3:00.
Alpha Theta Chi vs. Sigma Alpna
Mu, 3:00.
Delta Tau Delta vs. happa Sig
ma, 4:00.
Farm House vs. Phi Kappa Fsi,
Beta Theta PI vs Thl Gamma
Delta, 4:00.
Handball singles. rnursnay,
March 14.
Delia Tau Delia vs. Delta Chi,
Friday. March 15.
Sigma Chi vs. Sigma Alpha Mu,
Delta Upsilon vs . Phi Gammt
Delta, 3:00.
In 1910 one student was enrolled
for graduate work at the Oklahoma
A. and M. college. At present there
are eighty-one enrolled.
Prog' Allen Plans for Next
Year's Campaign as One
Man Leaves Team
LAWRUVCE. Km.-Dr. F. C. Al
len and hi University of Kanaa
basketball protege can took for-
ward to a successful roun
. ... iinri nlv four member
of the varsity squad and n,7 on
member of the regular n
loot throimh graduation thla aprlnf.
With an ee to future revenge
... n.a inei lost In the paat sea
son, successful eicept for tbe reo-
ord of game won anu .
..nirnia art Drart Icing
itallv mull Mirch 1. A uuiuber of
the most promising or in irr.u
men squad are also working out.
Clarence McGulte. Leavenworth,
and Robert Maney. 8t. Joseph, Mo.,
guard: I-o Dodd. Uwrence. cen-
.nrf 1 rnv Plumlev. Arkansas
Cltv. are the regular who will b
absent net year.
McGuIre la the only one who
played on the regular first string
..Ui. xnm ninlinn Oklahoma
m 1 ..- -
City, Okla.; Russell Thomson, Kan
sas City. Mo.: rioya mimoj,
Dorado: and Honor Captain For
rest Coi. Newton, all will return
for another year of competition.
Among the outstanding yearling
who will be contenders for nevt
vear's squad are: James and Frank
Pausch. Wichita; Orvlllo Claunch,
Kansas City, Kan.: Ted O'leary.
Lawrence: Otto Rost. St. Louis.
Mo Charles Rohrer. Sprlngton,
Tex.; Blonn Miller. Fort Scott;
John McNeil. Wichita.
Final checkup on the 1928 -
earnings show an increase over
last vesr despite the fact Uiat the
Javhawkers finished In a tie for the
reilar position In the Big Six con
ference. The net ''rnln8, T""?
$6 702.S1, an Inrresae of 1102. si
over last year, the previous high
season for earnings.
In 1927, the last year that Kansaa
won the Missouri Valley champion
ship, the net earnings amounted to
only 15.921.84. Total receipts for
Fine Art. band. 11:00.
Tbeti XI Basketball. IMS
Glee club. IM0- Mt
Mu Fbl Kpsllon. 11:45-
the eeaaon were $14,700. The Call-
. - A ,1V ta
fomla senes aoura ui. ..- -
this amount with $14000 realised
on the three tame aeries.
The new auditorium ha a larger
seating capacity than old Roblnaon
g,mna.lum. and ceoun,u.n !
the Increased attendance despite
tbe Indifferent ucce of the team
for tbe pal two seasons.
Floating UnivrTMt)
Establish Bureau
Students of Floating University
who dlUngulh themselves In their
studies while travelling around the
world will be Mslsted In obtaining
suitable positions after their return
home, according to announcement
made today.
The I'ulveielty I establishing a
placement bureau which will at
tempt to place the right man In the
right po.ltlon In International cor
poratlon. In con.ui.r and d plo
niatlc services, and varlou other
activities where tialnlng on an in
ternational scale is of value.
Thl ervlie will be free to those
students who win ra ting rnlver
sity degrees of Master of Art
Baihelor of Arts. "achelor of
World Affair, or the Floating I nl
versity Certificate. Preference will
be given to atudent who win these
degrees or Certificate with honors.
Delta Sigma Pi Will
Hoar Talk by Hind
Delta Sigma ri. fraternity In the
College of Business Administration,
will hold Its regular monthly dinner
meeting at the Llndell hotel this
evening. C. E. Hinds, treasurer of
the First Trust Company of Lin
coln, will deliver a short talk on
"The nanklng Situation In Ne
braska." ' - '
Feature Dance$ Are In
Invitations Are Sent Out to
State Court Champions
From Chicago
St Taul's basketball qulnteL
1, th nine-
winner or - .
teenth annual Nebraakahlgh-schoo
has been nvitea 10
L."w w.i i.irnM to be sponsor-
ed by the University of Chicago.
Three other Inviuuons m
been sent out to the various stale
champions. More will be sent out
aa soon as the champions navo
been decided.
St Paul by virtue of winning tne
tournament last year entered the
national meet but was ellni nated
In tbe flr.t game before ;PjJ
high school by a score of to 80.
The 8alnts were then eliminated in
the first game of the consolation
by Purdy, Tennessee.
Other tesms that have been In
vited are Laudel. Delaware. Ports-
Store For Open lloute
Open house will again be held
In the gymnasium for all univer
sity women tomorrow night
from 7 to 1:80 o'clock. Feature
dances and other forma of en
tertainment are In store for
those who attend. Plans are be
ing made for future dances on
other Saturday evenings lo
mouth. New Hampshire and Colnnv
bla. South Carolina.
Ycrsonal Printed
The m4i la sWn
lm VBlTnlly
Srwta Ormy rniMl
rrlaua ttallMMt, Bi
Immtlr Btmlar. fmH
I r ,Ubr mas w
n4 srMIHj.
Drop into our ior
OMd see thit fxni
flcnool Supplies and Stationery
On 1tth St. outh ef Temple
se bnv rx.
orr. 1 1"
print with
nam u4 )
Int. r with
ExDrt Instruction In
101 Nsb. St. Bank Bids- 15th . O
Are on display i" our show room, see thorn before you
buy your Bpringr dressi-s.
Mary Jane Garment Co.
1423 O ST.
From TA Cefmii, QtirlTf Mmflit
Are More
Unlveriity men hivt ot
bold patterns out. The prrtent
trend toward formality la
undergraduate attire even In.
eludes undenhorts. Solid color i
and Shepherd check end-mndVJ
end madrases are most called
for by carefully attired young
men. A new and thoroughly;
desirable feature of under
shorts is a waistband which
It adjustable in the back
through an ingenious placing
of buttons and flaps.
ill ii i
I "a advertised"
How many times you see those two words in the course of a day's shopping
"This article for sale-as advertised."
And those two words are as welcome as they are familiar, for. they form a
bond of confidence between the merchant and yourself. They are his
guarantee to you of worth and value.
Here is an article that has been described in your newspaper. Its merits
have been told; possibly, too, in price. You know exactly what you will get
when you buy it. You know its quality, its utility; you know how it fits into
your needs. And when you buy it you know you are getting not some un
proved substitute but the specified article as represented.
It is easy to understand why that phrase "as advertised," creates a feeling
of confidence. You have learned to depend upon consistently advertised
products. You know that the maker has confidence in them, else he would
not spend the money calling your atteniton to them day after day, and
month after month. You know that they have been approved by the most
critical of investigators - the buying public. And above all you know
from experience that buying goods "as advertised" is the best investment
that you can make.
It pays to read advertisemnts in your paper.
Th.s Dally. Nefomskaira