The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1929, Page THREE, Image 3

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    vi:i)m:sday. march n, 1020.
Students Waste Hours When
Preparing Semester Papers
Gilbert H. Doane States That Many Freshmen Come to
University With No Idea How to Use a Card
Index, Library or Encyclopedia
I'niwwlijr froil nwd . Wk., ht.h the hit I. .u,o. m
raiiiiit: In ho w use library. cl. ot reads are th books tbs i.eo-
1 i.t i:fiik.i'
... .....
lllilM''!') .iia.i) lli-au-
1111U come to the I'nlverkliy with
no U " ,0 u"" (Hciloiiary, to
,m notliliiK of an encyclopedia, or
i, n-id Index." aiated Mr. lxane.
it'll miii ptadnate with no more
I uo i ! of thi aubjert than
i.Vo tliey entered school."
S-udent womo houra In the
1 reparation of term papera because
iln-y are not acquainted with tba
lyatemailc method of securing In
I'lrmatlon from the library. Mr.
I mane further stated that atudenta
, lioiild lnt ti how to uie a library
in li.i liL'h rchool aa they need the
knnwilr the very moment they
I tT f ollege.
Modol H. S. Library
i:.alllt; 'he reat need for hl(h
prliiml libraries, the I'nlYeralty has
up a moUel high school II
,iar in the Teacher's College. The
I biary Is chiefly for th une of the
ut lit j enrolled in the Teacher's
1... 11 ... .. .. i. ...... . .
i i leer men senooi. mil anus .Ma
l i rti iiiii .ivwi, iiiii. ..una .11 a-
. i ii ...I- i i .. . ih.
; 1 e '-".h'it.nT'uS
,,r'l.y b.u.lents uo the b(ok.
liiiced on lis ahelves, especlully
iruclrnt teachers and students pra
I :.nncr themselves for the teaching
There la a very great need for
rii.-ariea in th? high schools of Ne
brafka. accorditifc to Alias Harris,
Nebraska ranks below many of the
nates lu regard to school libraries.
' and there are only a few school
libraries in the state worthy of
"A model high school library la a
niKlei city library," stated Miss
Harris. "A senior In high school
U ss IniolliKcnl as he will ever be.
He may become more educated and
ruin wisdom through experience
but his mental capacity Is fully de-
i-lnped afier he reaches the age
l.f sixteen."
H. S. Seniors Well Educattd
Illiili school seniors can read the
fiime books as college students and
sill it I heir lastes are guided In
the proper direct Ion. and If the
suitable books are provided. The
Lincoln Applauds
J. Novarro
"Ihe t LYING
An M-O-M Plctuis
See the
Winged Warriors
.1:107:10 SI
It an. Ha
Warlt We Plar"
in "Now and Then"
In "Mmifa and IHinre"
Art aV His 16 Symphonlsns
i Talking Picture
()0f Unuiual Lauuhs and Thrills
A Paramount Picture ,
A tmsrt atory of a boy who
foutwltttd a clever bsnd of kid
m nippers when they took his
Fox Movietone
Hilarious Romance
A It
K i V
Siloes 1.3-6-7-9 , J
mi A I-'.
1 .v- A.y.
a i. .io' w - ..ii," i
a i
Mali 1"OWH l-l-M-S
read, as the svrrase cltlsen
Dm only t nigh school education."
MIm Harris ihlokt tht tho aver
se public library )iai too much
low-lyp fiction, which the libiary
keeps to supply (ho demand of
leisure!) women, who read mfrl3
for Ihrlr own entertalutuent.
She stressed that the primary
purpose of the hlRh arhool library
wis la auppl) Intellectual Inspira
tion to the Undent and to arqunlut
lilm with Ih bolter clasa of liter
ature, rather than as a source of
reference material. "A rtudeut
ret all the facta he will neej or
remember from hla text book, pro-
Miliar It Ik a satisfactory one, and
Ihla ran be supplemented by the
teacher' loci urea; If the teacher la
at.y kind of a learner, the atudent
Mora Than 3,000 Volumes
This model library consists of
inly .1.000 volumes. It costs be -
, m ft,.rt ....... . . w
I nearly n.pito volumes. It costs be-
ZZ rear to
! Lr'"'a " ,h1 " . ,b,-v-. .,n?
amount would have to bo doubled
Ihe Aral year the Ubrar Ik started
In order
books. A
nient for
would Ilk
town In
Miss Harris
work, lo educate themselves to be
school libra) ians. There will be a
great demand for school librarians
In the next ten years. The library
authorities of Columbia university
where Miss Hsriis attended sum
mer school last year, predict that
there will soon be as many school
librarians as there are public
Ons Librarian for Twenty Teachers
According to an article recently
published In tVo Journal of the
National Education Association, one
librarian Is needed in the school
for every twenty teachers. Ne
braska employs 15,000 teachers and
would therefore need 70 school
librarians. There are twenty-si
school librarians In the state, some
ow honi have had no special train
ing for the work. Other states have
recently raised the qualifications
for librarians and Miss Harris
thinks Nebraska will soon follow
their example.
The I'nlverslty of Nebraska of
fers no courses for the training ot
librarians. Little ran be done along
this line until new equipment Is
added to the school. The neces
sary equipment Is rather expensive
and Miss Harris stated that librar
ians should be trained properly or
lit is not worth while to do it at
I all. She I. very interested In her
cf.jsen vocation and In the profes
sion which she considers to be a
good field for young women lo pre
pare themselves, in order to do a
work for which there Is (lie great
est of need.
IVeniMetlaF, Man-h U
I :in Waalhai- RaKi1.
:3i "Itia Art n( toina Wall luaaaad."
by Mra. True lluiiiSinakar.
12:00 (Silent.)
J;30 Soi'loloty Talk. "StSnAjSTdl lit.
l.lvlna th. Vvo:l:fi;i
lilrla." by llinh Shslkruiia, Hturt
ant In Bo lolom.
Tliarxlaj, March II
::;- Wpalhar Huxilt.
rkly Muavuiu Talk, by K. U.
. Vi 1 1 i . h. Curator.
:I0 "Ktan-laaa In Kundajnanisl Uym
na.tlca," by Teraaa Huaaman. lv
l.irtmtnt of t'hyalcal Eduction,
Womh u'a 1 m lelon.
1?:00 Kttrni T'laali.
1 2 : 10) "I 'iia th! Cow Affart tha gualny
of Milk" by I'. A. Doatia. Aaao
rlat I'rnrraaor nf lislry Hue-
JJ.20 -hoi IJttla rines.-' h W.
. i
I.cmffrl, Aaaonlat Profaaaor of
Aiilntal Huabandry.
1:30 Tw eiity-afruiid Ikbhoh of " iKa
lladln I'ouraa In M'sinnltts Span
mh, by nr. J. K. A. Aia,a. lro
feaanr of Humane lnfUSffaa.
AKatgiimrnt, l.eaaun !2 In tha
I rl.lny. Minh IS
:"0 weather llupoit.
9;;la -"KmmimiChI Arr,-iiaoria.." by Mil.
1'ruo Holimiiiaki'
15:00 "Tho Knap ana il llama kaap
er." Iv A. A. Bart. ml ant
l'rnf..aor of Arlultural Knlna
nln. 12:10 Monthly AaiUuHiiral iiiitlnok."
by Huroli I Hud (a. A Ml at a til
1'rofi.haur of Ruial Kconotnlca.
1 1:50 "Hprinf r"ar. ' hy N. W. tlalnas,
i niuiminity rTilriit'.
8:S0 Huallll Talk. 'Tha 'a (juartara
af lb Iwntal Colleaa," by Uran
(I. A. Oruhb.
2:o "Thn I .(..-Imiii I Inr. of liulapanil-
fiiw," from ilia Vai iluonlvlas
of Amarlia I'lioludi amaa
Sainnlar. Manh IS
:.;0 -VVrathvr IIPiurt. ,
:Ji 'Tim "mm of t'li- N'unirs In," by I'ruf. .1, T. I. Ink,
of tha linpartnianl of t'onaarva
i t lot. and Mm'-.
B;4j Tli ivy. hol.,y of lirrsina. ' hy
.1. r, iliiiimrd Pb. P.. Aaam-late
Trofaaaur of I'ayelioloo'.
tanllnaril Irnin t'Kfr I.
nated level of scholarship. The
program will also contain an
nouncements of certsln pries and
This convocation Is Intended to
stimulate Interest In scholarship
among students and to focus the
attention of alumni and friends of
th.i University oh the real objec
tives uf the institution. The ajtlon
ol the I'nlverslty Senate followed,
a reuort submitted hy a committee.
consisting of W. C. Brenke, H. C.
Fllley. J- K- Kirsrnman, i. J
Thompson, and O. H .Werner.
The speaker for the occasion will
ai.y Kinii or a learner, the student1. . , ... ,
will have , sufficient knowledge of cow, !" uJ. ? V,k"
the aubject. he pursue." .fated ! r l l "m "' h.f
Ml Harris. r 10 T"' 1,,r?1"!Mo.n'1,
. lenca and Interest lu their work.
to buy ihe necesxan reptlons In regard to the work. It ' T"!"' .";::' ' reoutstinn 'U 411 II! H V
library Is n good Invest- all appears Perfectly natural. The.". "Tra,L ... v iip-ti, ...i.
any town and Mr. I oane dissection of the human boily Is a n cn n'..woraP" . 'V: "J"r" h.for. n,in.i..., . i,a. n m,
e to see the model high research of great magnitude and . ,n.v" oul ' ." " F": w ...i aai.i- ..,rr.u. ui,nt, fltvll
libra., pl.,.td in eer, , ti student begins to wonder at! " 'n'f '"" " H c" "v"' r " '"i 'jHi
Nebraska. I ih. Intricacies of natuto who T"'"! 1"" "7" .'".a ,1" Cornell university raninus. In act II VTlTy
would advise young designed It. For after all what Is : r ,ur l"w """"" r cord with a olan sussted bv Dean
i- . i is. . si. . I m T m IFir. - -. . ,. ,
wnu nivn am nuinr inr inn i anv riarrn nui n unruun ; iw i i u nHin 11
bo determined upon someumo
later. Ariangeinents '.fill be placed
In the hands of a committee lo be
appointed by the rhancellor. .lilch
will determine all details of the
Uninitiated Student Gets Scare
WhenHe Views Cadavers in
Dissecting Room. 1
Cantlnenl troas ragf I.
when they are not being worked
udod. The students then proceed to i
'probe snd prick around with their j
I sharp and shiny looking instru- .
met rney use irwirauo
in describing their operations
Their vocabularies astonish and
i even frighten the layman. Once in
' . htlo he can catch the drift of
OffkM DullMin
lalraikaral toll IHH u. l.ri
fu.f uiti... a a w 1-1... Ik
A. W, Wai .1 ala.-la. Matu ari.Uae,
Su. UI I n. . a. 9 ( 1 a 1 1. k .
ra i.l'. t-!.iK rti. ,.r In l.i.aer
af la M...tbia. Mudei.i A-
U'l l I ( fll, , ( Ag... fc.luir. I .lin '
l.:'a 'tna I'l rfil.u l I.1...1. I ..ll. a
!. a
1""M af OllJa.a .Ink, U. ti. T
ia. a
iaOr IJaia eapaalllan. CVlaauaa
Tkaraata, Maavh II
W. a kaa.d ela-tlaa r.a-a ter.idar,
Hk- al S- lan. aa, .v 0 a'wla. k
U.maaj at foo'l-aM innaai(. '
ilium. Tit-ir.ta ifurnan.
Aa ua ia 1 .m. .aa.i Siwir HI. a
kiial.a'r Ail.-uiiuia.
1 iv, 1 a ! aaua. n. nun
all. I l I a a
laHai Ktaa rta a a. anait. II
avian, Tamil Pir I'aul M ilium.
)auruat.a..t Vririaikm ba.rl.
'i lu. k Talk k !
Chaarsii auliar.
U.aaia. I.taj.u.ii aai4klan. Ca'iaaam.
t'all-Afr-li4a..t A Mt
hii'iair-, Culuga ef .Virt.-.IMia,
la k.
I KtM.ur l.m.o.n i.ul.l
1 nt.v ila.llliia fur
1 mu"
nniir f Aa ta.
o...i-t i.iB.-..ia ta,ii'i. raiiuum.
MiMMa, Marrk is
n. i ii,i t-r .. iiiiii..u hit of
airir,,.. ,1m.. I .n H.omis n a . fl.a.
Taxvar. Marah IS
e'-liak. 10
. 'taaaaa
K Man'" jt.iiM?'avakat.
I 101 BlUUent or llUOIsn aiiaium
, son finds that he la there to n-
! vesUgate and 'to locale the Intricate
vesugaieanu to locate uie imnraie
iaii.uM.nM j " , Wllce. Kesler Is "Ihe equal or Mich-
demand the relation they bear to., . nnnl
Am f kk At Kail" A sSak Ts tvu I al I ii UI a
work bs dlacovers his former de -
search laboratorlea are directed by
men who are carefully dissecting
every Idea which their w ork has
reference lo. And II Is through sum
work that truth ia found. It Is by
snch work that real thoughts are
separated from the unreal ones,
This Is the attitude that the anat-
omy student gets as he goes about!
the work of dissecting the human
(nitnar4 from rfa i.
directly or Indirectly, to escort one
or more of the weaker sex to her
pslatial abode?
Physicists and chemists are vle
Ing with each other to establish the
Identity of this unknown quantity.
Who will receive the honors? No
one knows. Perhaps It will be a
lawyer who will catch the mlsere
ant and subdue him with volumi
nous Latin phrases.
Columbus. Ohio (IP) Wesley
0. Kesler, product of Voungslown.
Ohio, and end par excellence on
the 192S Ohio State football team,
Is In a fair way toward earning the
"all-around" belt on the Buckeye
After being named on practical-
Iff APBPV ill. Antrim n team of Im-
- J I
portance In the country aner tm
jiluse of ihe lf2 XiUI sushuii,
(Fesler turned his sttentiona lo
basketbsll and hss already won a
remilar berth. He plays either
rnsrd or center with equal facility
and hss proved to be a scoring
power in the attack of the Buck
eyes. ' WUli anolhei puarler of his
sophomore year to go, Fesler will
have two choices of activity this
(spring In baseball and track.
Youngstown South high school,
where Fesler prepped. did not
boast a baseball, team when he waa
In school, but those familiar with
his diamond prowesa claim that he
has the making of an excellent
first baseman. His brother, nay, I
was captain of the varsity base-:
. 1.-1.
ball team here some yeara ago and i
one :or the best outfielders in
Buckeye history.
In track Fesler
holds a high
Air Corps Head Speaks at University
of Kansas on Air Photography Work
Lawrence, Kau. - Recent devel
opments In aerial photography
were described her eloday by L. S.
Powell of Lawrence, lieutenant col
onel of the Air Corps reserves, Id
speaking ou the University of Kan
sas "Engineers' liny program.
Mosaic nhotogran s made In map
ping .operations, w- .f described as
the most Important development of
aerial photography at the preaent.
While a vertical photograph, taken
at a height of six miles, will take In
19 square miles. It is not conveni
ent lo lake pictures til till height,
snd 10.0OU feet is the more com
mon. "An srea of almost sny extent
can be photographed In this way,"
Mr. Sears said, "snd by Joining of
Individual pictures a mosaic can be
made that will be uniform to scale,
snd as satisfactory as a single huge
Depth Given Maps
Apparent depth can be given to
nisps from the air by taking two
pictures the proper distance .apart
for example, 600 feet apart If
taken from 4,000 foot elevation.
The two pictures placed side b
side, and viewed through a mtrroi
tvne of stereoscope give a remark
ably accurate Idea or the height ol
i.niirMng, mountains and other ob-
Keading or maps
It All Depends On You
127 NO. 12TH
1 :
Wild West Awgivan Issued Saturday
Features Portrait of Western Queen
Vatjliii( a JmiiImii of Muxliiel abeu of h line V .ii un of
Mathei. .Lr.iaki weatrn uuectl I"1" wt,,' "' ''' leuilnlne view.
.1.. un.i u... f ih!lK,ln u l-rraenird m
Aau aa ielied Faturday.
MU Maihera Hi f I11 led to lbs
honor by vote of the student body
tVbmary 31. Hlte nulla Iront way
oul weal at North I'lalte. Nebrk.
It a member of I'l Una I'lil and a
Junior In the readier,' rollefe and
Kt-honl ol Kli'e Alts.
A sketch 01' Mla Mathers by Tom
McCoy la a feature of the Wild
numb..-, th mver drawn
';by Jaim-a I'lckeilns;. It
1 three rolor drawlnc of aupiosedly
Wild Writ art-no.
1 the love affulra of t'ayuse Char
" ley Mid KUIe. the daughter or Ht.i
' I'biuah 811m, are related by the lu
.1. . imiii: Ue Hill McC'leeiv In his story.
j -i sruo l'harle'a Mistake." An-
lothet- wiia west siory enuueu
I "Scarlet Wood." deph-ts another in-
tereatlnc epUode lu the history of
I ,tP,rl town (;,, nuldl.
.. ..,,.. ,u-i nn wild In the number of the Awffwaa. Th
aiitliora are filly protected by the
; ahcool mark of !
' h blh jump a
i pole vault.
5 feel
7 lnche. In
feci lu the
nd II
At younkstown he esrnej letters!
, ....k.ii .n.l I...Li.ihull fnr tnn
, j In track ArroVdlng
J ,iU foolbm cochi i. jona W.
lQ ,iU ruolba cocn, i. j0hn W.,when he first began playing foot -
Mli Tolo davi
1 .-".
Syracuse, v i . (IP) - nai ne
cans nia lauuewue c.ass
aucie.i Dy rrotessor csi r.r.. oa....
!f the Syracuse Lnlversity depart -
Inwnt of Political Science
- A chairman, elected by ihe mem-;
bers of tho i class, presides oveer the
croup, with the professor acting as
silent listener. .wemDer. oi iw
class compose the troupe. The
i chairman appoints nuraoer ot nia
colleagues lo assist hlra In realls-
Ing the alms of, the group which
, io urmw u.wur. i."
the United States.
A committee of committees was'
'appointed In September, and they
lu turn appoint various class mem
bers to serve on the different con-
stitutlonal committees. Reports of
Ikusk rvAm. Itlinaa Sa v-afc t ant Ail
these commltttees are presented
and discussed at each class meet
Ins. Knrly In the semester a promin
ent student on the Hill was re
primanded because he chewed gum
Incessently in class. A Ion end
heated discussion followed and It
was finally decided to establish n
refreshment stand In the class at
which the members may purchase
rahdy bars, chewing gum and pea
nuts. or not there should be dating at
Ohio Weselyn athletic, contests is
now a matter a moment on this
H is an age-old custom here that
no dating Is had at games. An
srticle In the Transcript stirred up
much sentiment on both sides of
II,. Aiia.lUn r. t. A holltn .nnAa
s--i, w. o,-
with t. uim u st-iiiiuKly mostly in i
favor of no dales, and the men ,
most In favor of them.
Austin, Texas (IP) Thero will,
be one well-clad mau at least in !
the neighborhood of tho rnlversity
of Texas if he dons all the uninen
tlnables which he purloined from
the Kappa lelta house here re
cently. When the girls went tip stairs!
after dinner, they frightened the I
burglar out of the house, hut not
until he had gathered a consider
able number of dainty silicn
articles from the wardrobes, and
some cash.
Kugene, Ore. (IP) The I'nlver-
slty of Oregon football team has re
turned from Hawaii, where It
played and won two
against tne manners.
There was great rivalry against
Mue Webfoots and the Islanders,
by studying the longih of shadows,
also was described by Mr. Sears.
"Two possibilities now being de
veloped," Mr. Sears said, "are the
flashlight photography and 'quick
work' photogrsphy. Already, suc
cessful Instantaneous pictures have
been tsken by means of dropped
" 'Quick-work photography has
been developed to a point where
r,lf( m.a nan ha talron 1 a Inralflv
Ilium tlirilllll, U('vi7iwj,f-u nun i lu- .
Ished In the airplane, and dropped j
In message tubes within ten min- (
utea from the time of exposure."
Classified Ads .
Lost and Found
ltT Vallow anil wllt link lirai'
with atnnaa. 1t un lainiuw
Tlmrattay avaning. Tt'-wanl. l.TTfift.
IjOFT Whita Mataoll'liat, lain K. ii.
It. on awaattMtiit: north aide or S 8.
Monday murnlns . B1S0S. Bninatt.
i.lMT Wnlla (old
ring, call
H"'J. R-a-att.
1,'lHT Pulr of la" In
('. arl. Call B48.14.
Temple Cafeteria
Offers You
, . k. iKiu.i.M iii-aaon Dfivs ssv nn liven un 10 111s
a story en-
Hiled "The lowbov of the lert"
by Vliflnl t'aulkner. It tells of
the adtenturs ol Mis Kvell Ways
on the .Sahara
Marajarel hftpnc uew her Idea
of "one ot theui leU hut rodo
qtieeiiH ' for 'he March All.
"Adventures In lietnentlH" Is on
tliiu.d In this laaue. 'the 101 respon
dent fiuin the "UktiKe unlveiKltv In
the Itiiwl or miiienila tells some
thins: of the sorority (Ills aud let
ter men theia,
Virginia rtu!kn-r l the low-
down on the some ol the latent
T . " 0 .V". . -
IMHlklt in nvr Slews HI 1 lie .wuar
. 1 1 n
a isrve nuniuer or raiifmiiH, aiuau
1 11(11 res and Jokes are a pari of
the March WT'd Wst Awgwan.
"""" "
Warren Chiles. Jack Klllotl. I'aul
-k.. .I.. ... - 11 1 .. . . 1 . . . '
iallui. l.sSslle lillman. .Veal Co
ition. Hubert losing, liordon larson.
William Vccieerj , Wendell Mellor.
Itoter Itoblnson, Horence Seward.
Klmont ulte. listen Whltmore
and Merceiiei Worhner.
'the men reported, the Ilawalans
' remembering the besting they got
1 from l'regon In 19?1.
Clark, one of the Haw Han play
ura la romitvH In h the atrnnreat
man on ihe Inlands. It Is said that
ball, be nearly killed aeveral inen,Pss served a tenure of tit
,aml was kent off the team until he i The aveiace time of rnnilr.t.nns ai-
learned lo control Himself. I lie l
The respite Is designed clve
the students mote lime to prepare
. for ,he fnR,. j
i rrlncPton N J.-(IP)-Recause ,
nuny Princeton students had ac-
qulred lh. habU of hKMnK 1Pir
oiKHrpllPII before leaving the
i chl4p.1 aftPr ,ervces. the student I
rmincU WRB nioved to pa a re(lo.
)ut)on calling for the end of such of" Ul(( w.(on of ,
, whora thp rnlver(1v of MiMN0ll
ns planning to erect a new dormi
tory, have brought an injunction
suit to have this construction
One of those bringing the suit
explained that ss a taxpayer he ob-
j loc8 ,0 lh ouU of ' ,
new building, and believes the uni
versity should apply It Instead to
professors salaries.
Syracuse, N. V. (If) Sidney F.
Foster n graduate of Syracuse uni
versity. Iihs received Ihe distinc
tion of being tho younceni iiihii
ever to be lelected to the Supreme
court of the state of New York.
Foster Is thirty-five years of age,
where as those elected usually are
famous lawyers of the Btate. The
term of office is fourteen years,
and the salary $16,000 per year.
Atlanta. a. (11) That good
looking clothes to create an Impres
sion was recently demonstrated on
Sandwich Shop
230 So. 14th Phone B7889
"Lincoln's Busy Store"
See Our Special
T ,ar). -
k. ji . .. Jr
"In Holeproof, I feel that I am add
ing to my ensemble the subtlest, the
smartest, hosiery that csn be hurl.''
A New York society leader, she is
one of tha many imart women whi
choose the authefcic Holeproof
shades, created
d by lucils af
(ime ff Nrttf Cnnlnf! fAlnPf
JVIHS. VI I HIT atl lllaa witfi
K Raaa arUne for
3 peach and its com
lanion pastels.
Mardl Ores
Blond d'er or
pale and hrilllsnt
; Champagne for
sunburn, ahoea snd
; .--hartrewe.
GOLD'S street Floor.
Art Exhibit Viciurv
Co StHin to Kana City
IVtures hhh made Up the
Nebiakka Art assoilation's
annual exhibit have been taken
from their positions In the gnl
lerles In Morrill hall, and are
being packed and aulppe.l 10
Kansaa City. Here they mil be
put on exhibition under I lie an
apices or the Kaunas City Art
lime of (ieorgia Tech's classroom
when the prntessor asserted Hihi
he always ttave belter insika to
I hone dresVrd In white shirts'l
aooil looklnc ties.
1 lie same Instructor te(entl'
sent a atiiilenl to hUronm to cIisiirc
his sweater for a coat. The student
' returned dre.sed lu lull luv.-.lo at-
Misauiils. Mont. I II' ami Mem i
, lantaianta Kslmiu) K. M. I.ii'le,
professor of ph)sirs and radio
'onerauir at the Hlste univfiall t
1 J . ". ' l ... I.I .. '
company wltn Irvin Meritt and'
'Joheph lirore. uildeiKradiialea.
climbed to the 8tmo fool lew I of;
Mount IaiIii lecetiily. This Is the
first known record of any titiempli
; being made to climb Ihe peak lui -.
Ing the winter months.
The trip was made on aluix and :
snow four feet deep was encount
j ered. The climbers look numerous
pli'turra of the suirounding cotmtry
which will he shown before th
. Slllrtvnla Mniim.lnxr.
1 lie average full time
;at the Oklahoma A. and M. college
Vests And
Of Fine Glove Silk
for women who love dainty
and practical things
ored in bodice style, ami arc in
colors pink, peach, white n ml
Priced, .v.)
with clastic knee arc fashioned
with yoke front. Smooth fitliiiv;
and 'oumfy. Colors pink, pcai h.
while and black.
Priced, 3.00
without clastic at knee; yok
front. Colors peach, pink,
while, black and beip.-
Priced, 3.00
U X 1 ) K I W EAR Second Floor.
Corner llth & 0 St.
Display At The Greater Lincoln Exposition
These smartest wouieu everywhere have accepted
Holeproof Hosiery because It is absolutely keyel to tha en
Finble, so correctly keyed twcaiite l'adlnic PsrHinn f.hlon su
tlioiity ... tAicila . . . stylca It.
Here Wednesday Only
Gladys SiitPhcn KiPlinPi
for th Hoieproof Hosiery Company, 111 hr Wednoy, To
a an aw rrcarain me Kiwiron oi
Ho Need of
Choosing the wrtartest shade of hosiery for each en
semble need no longer be a matter of guf-.siag. For
lurlla, Parisian color export and enaomhle rrpator. forseea
each color process of tha seaaon and than amftly craales tha
one correct hosiery shades for It in Holeproof.
Chiffon op Service Weights
S the French Doll Manikins
These imported French Doll Manikins, in our win
dows, will show correct ensembles ss regards the smart
en modes for spring-. We alo invite veu to view our Fprinj
window displays showing the season's newest apparel.
the of all IM IIlbeM ttt lie iii.:
Is & 1 yeaia.
i;i ten iwhiii lain aiu
d. lits at the liklahotna A and M
coll. fe are eaiiilnt I loir way tl.iu
IhkjI either III whole or In pit.
This Is iiioix than M perx nt of the)
etiMie aiuileiit hhI .
I'm 11II101 tit In ill" I nUiii ...
Katoaa Itn a iiiii. mi i,h n-.i nt 11
!,' jears In the iM ahiiiaii aophuiii.iie
claaoev. and tuoie 'liau J In .-n . :i
III I lit rei of tb' l'lileiliy.
W'omin'a 1 lull, ol ill lea 11. ..
I . a unit- it . in. in l liulil no nn.
id 1 lie Spuoiii 1 I I. Mr M.ix iiiii
Ait at the I nher-in o1 Knoa 1 1-
ptk.i .ittd l.eie:ii.i'li n' t(
New Cari for Rent
i t
I atact. rs.da e.stiei - a ' ann --t j
J CHIt rsltls. all al.laa Tims lHi(l
f blyini at t p. .it Mrtarvaliuet hri.l t
um'l ' P ni.
I B-. IS 1'."0 O i-rH I
'ountnin itnd Luncheonette j
Wa aarve
' ing luni hat
v'y tty
,rt 11 urn
g il.t.i
With en.puy
Soci.l S-i'i.e
The Students' Stoic
13th Bud P SU.
"The Best for Less"
me ronwi nosinj -
1 95
odg an
n n r n n
l-J aal U tmJ
tSr I ' the conversation when the students