TtTSDAV. MAHCII 12, V)2') Tin: daily m:iiuskn Timrr GRACE COPPOCK DRIVE OPENS TODAY Campaign Is Carried Out on Calendar Plan Under Twelve Captains MONEY GOES TO CHINESE Tur.'day mornlua; will open the inula Grace Couiiotk drive of the V V C A. The tlilve will last out rek, and ll Is hoped to make H the blKtest ever curried one. It ,111 b tarried out on the calendar l.lsa. with each worker held re. a:iiaill for odk day In the ear. Team caiUMlnn citrh have charge t one otolith. Mamlne lraytoii lu rhario of the entire year, and head the drive. Team captslus , : Ituih rilling. January; Dorcas weatherby. r'ebruery: Vera V- i,r March; Krtljra Colllna, April; Julia KlnVr. May; lorothy Mci'oy, j,ii,o- Mildred Olson, ,luly: One .d Aiiauat; Marie liroad, 8ep irmbrr: Margaret 8owlea, Octo Uvelyn Johnson. November ml lecember. The drive for the, moiiilia of November and iNtcem her Ik being made on the campus yj Ibe College or Agriculture. Former Nebraska Student jCtbranka'a Y ,W. C A. hae con inbu cd for over twenty yeara 10 Oiina'a V. V. C. A. and haa In iy tmmej tin outstanding Inter' national partnership. Ujace Cop ,, K. otio of Nebraska'! gradjatei. 'the pioneer builder of the mineae V. ". C. A. "ll la upon the foundation of such Uvea that liuer milnnal peace will be built," one of the chief Journal! of Asia aald of er, after her death. Knowing that her aucceasor muat h.. Chinese woman, urace io pock chose MIfs Ting Chu Chlng to h. id the national Y. W. C. A. of (ulna. Miss Ting admlnlatera the mtlonal fund of the China Y. W. C A. She la one of China's most prominent women ana la proving h rself worthy of her high posi tion. 1 Urgent Nead Now (J The finxncinl resource of China nut develoned In uionortion to il iioveioi ii'ent ot leauersnip lilionp tlie t. llinep ppopie. v num M boon the. stthject of a sudden m Hlenii.ltxr, and the Inevitable re n it Is i ivil war. Almost entirely unaided the Y. V. C. A. is provld- vg the desperately needed social Salt Company Order Croeery Bulletin A salt manufacturing com pany In Kansas haa otilered 6.' Out) ropli-s of the bulletlu "Operating Kipenaes of Itetsll Croeery Stores In Nebraska. IJ7." ronndled by tthe eoin mlltee on buslnesa researrh of the College of lluslhesa Ad ministration. It will distribute h" bulletins niniiK retail stuie h,i st-ll It product for the purpose uf information. The hullelln Is brim ivpi luted by the evtonslnn illtihlon lit llll I lie order. famous tknok in oim:iu i rsr the tilth of series, of ilUtustloiis I of current religious pittblems to be . presented ,y ,r 1 1 tint. The sub-1 Ject lor neu etk will be "liiiiuor lalliy." nd lor the roilowliig Mun- I day. "The Mr i IM(I a i World of 8i -li-iice." , Itenurreetion I'lant Added To Collet (inn Of Dakota University Vermilion. S. I). Msrrh 11 it... I for ten year, then coinplet I) ei- j urrectert overnight. That is the story of lpldolphu HelaginellH. better kuown to botanists as the Resurrection plant, a few of which have recently ben added tu the' departm.-nt of boUny collect ions at the t'ulversity of South I'skota. The Resurrection plaul U a small densely tufted club mo, neit In order of ilant life to the fern. It Is found chiefly in the southwest, ' from Artxona to Peru, although j aome specie of the plant are found i In the Black Hills of South Dakota. The perullar characteristic of the ' plant Ilea In Its anility to sppar I ently dry oji and die without unlet ! for a brief time. However, when watered It opens Ita leaves and ex-' poses a fresh green surface, rtoton I Isis claim that the plant has been' f'.If r-1 f f:-'t- '.V Is . I i e TnmTr.Fjs taki: i:m ham:i: tkst Lw Student! Trj Out for , Ilonornrj; ElcTcn Pasi Successfully Thirteen studruts or the Cull! of Ur twik lb quslltying eism Instion given fur entrance to Hit l'hl lielta I'hl hotiotsry legsl fiaier nltc. The e was hi-M ! Mouday aftetniMui si the law col , It. Itiltalhtii will lie held Thurs iUy. M still 1 1 III the suprt me court lumber I The lolloaliiK UK'll suicessfully paased the elimination: Clma W. Abbott. Hugo . (silo II. (iatle C lsvi. II (I. Klbr. Mmlon K : Ijince. Hsy K. Sabsta. Many C. .Sackett, Kuaeue i. Tstlor. Uni V jCanpbell, HuH I- Diriiash, dsisr K. Johnson. I Children In IJnroln and the t'nl verslty liospltal In Oiual.s. ll la le quested Dial all enertatlons lor I tie luncheon l. made by Wednri day noon ltli Min llllaiua at the rvalstrar's nffli e. ' InlrrrluKM ILixkrlltttll I'iiiaU Si for 'I on if it I linal tntrnlnx huskeiball iisn e alll le played today at 7 o'clock In thi- women's k in ii t ii in Soldo .limes and freshmen aie to roinl lor tii cti i ham I'lons h l. llot'i leitllis bate flelrati'il I lie of ' the iititt-i l4Miieii In loi Mu I g itil i ami are ti tilt ma'clied PAINTY FOUNTAIN AND LUNCHEONETTE SERVICE W iv pt. Ul nron snl -' leg luvo e.ffrn I tvry ay Willi fcnppy aods Ssrvlcs The StudcnU' Store 1 Rector's Pharmacy 13th rind P Sti. Oaiiipti rinli ill llrur Krporta on Kxpriuliliirm Csmpus dub will mei for a luncheon at the I'ntteisitv cluli st 12 o'clock ThurUi. A leport will be given concecnlne expendltiitea msde lor plat ground appsistus glten to the Home foi 1 lependent NEW YOnK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF RETAILING 3 Graduate Fellowships 5 Scholarshlvs SERVICE FELLOWSHIPS The demand for graduate students Is far grsstcr th.m th supply. One yssr of specialised training ssvss five ycari hjnd enperiencs. Illustrated booklet on lequsst For further inloi instion wr.te Or Nereis A. Brisco. Otsn, Nsw York Ueiverniy School of R tsilmg, Washington Square East, Ntw Ycrk City. ' i - - " wi iii iiiHtnirli'iii i-i i a I i Charles Hacked, world lanious sing the rob? of The, proto-. ' "tist" in tne i nicagn it ic t,pra plasm ceasea to be active.' after Company s performance or tlie i.ou three years exposure without water. known to he lesurrecteil afier lying I ,nor wl" kI" dormant for ten yeara. The. proto-' "Faust" In the Chics braska coliseum, iniiisiiay, Msrch 21. Advance ticket sales ludicate a , crowd of over k.OoO people will . greet the Chicago artists when ihey the' nofl opera at tne t nivcrsity oi .-ve-i appear on ne .rgnn nir". Guard Stops Youth Who Thought Window Was Coliseum Door Prohibitionist Claims Schools Cornhusker Pictures Kumpus Kop kaught kunning kul-! Pnhii,. s hnni and culler staiis prit krashlug Koliseuni kontesla, ; ,C1I vealed by fedi rul covem- campus studio. I The following groups are ached- 4 n S'l i uled to have pictures taken for the AVe liCnCUCU Cornliusker the lahl pari of this week and the first of next week. The pictures are to be taken at the tand other words ol an alliterative t m '. ricr-.,. .ilow ihai the educa nature), while featlvltlea were at ,onai systems ot the Culled States tlieir mgnesi lust irwsy nignt. mei,a beon tentrited by prohibition, prisoner, an abject youth aoemlng--ni jhpy how. al-to. thai the In V. V. C. A. organizations of Amer ii a have responded to the call for li.lp. Nebraska has led all other itiui'iises In supporting the China V W. C. . Chinese women knrtw ot Nebraska 'a great part In the and tl-jti- nnncnrlHt drnlv .....viiiinu iliHt hits been done forlt4rod through the window Into hit pr. ciierrington s statemeni. , " clutching hands. I In the college tear, IMS -1(5, a wet Y V C of neiun urnuri) uumrinncu vy m year, "Here w ere euiolieii in in i iji headquarters in ' nwjoi ity of one, the prisoner was lgg and unlveraiiies. of the Cnited u-rti b nfl""u o mhc Ul' i t-iiijiui ni J liuum CliaieH iO.VIO men MUUt'llIB am vice to Chinese women and girls, t '' dazed by his quick capture, atub-; rrasing number 0f persons In the oorniy insisicu inai ne tame iu schools and colleges afrord aiKll-; the galekeeper, and futhermor ton, opportuulties for the spread t that It was being done by the best of ,he trmh about prohlliltion, con- ! of families. On the prosecutor's side i tends lr. Krnest 11. Cherrington, was a guard who had been atatlon- general aeci-etsry of the World cd at a basement window, and wbo jaue Against Alcoholism. i averred trat tne cuiprti naa en-1 -school statistics show." says that clutching hands. Tuesdsy Pharmaceutical club. 1 J :( (Jills' Octette, 12:30. lute rmural Ilaskctball, Wednesday Hue Arts band. 12:00. Thets XI Uasketball. 12:1! (lice club, 12::!0. Mu Thl Kpsilon. 12:4.". o. The nallornl I'hina has its Shsiigl.iii. It plans the e hundred local Y W. O. A. ! ln ,ne ,nIo,ic office, In order to 95.436 women sludents. a total of I uiKllllll- mm irjirui uiri ills niui.B- u,i).ll. 111 n UIJ Wlirar. jrfll Ul a lo 1 1 1 o: nitamzHtlonH in the entire country. Rteen of the orgnrlzatlons are ln rii;e? ami oigiuy-me in ncnoom "i. t-lleees. There ate about elshty .. t t t. ! . , n f M-lmH ci a1 ics in - ....... '"-nter the Coliseum through a base- Villus!' C, till.. HUM,' . niMlr.'.n or llrltUb. auppncs Sflirie I The money that Is made in ' he i HARPER DEFINES ' doings. It Is presumed that he was i released after the proper period of ; repentance. The moral of this tale Is, of course, that one abould never ment window when one la being watched by an eHgle-eyed guavd. lime tors l- tne nniionai l. tv j ('. A. o. China. This money Is Hpeut , for the ..alarli'S and travel ol H'-cre- mrlcs. mid to help local associa tions. National conventions are IHd every few years, and coiner ?w ctery summer. At the na 'lonul llosiifis Houce social affairs held in order to tiring togemer collie ol di.T"rent races so that e Mier under. landing may be oipil. NEW RULES FOR STUDENT HONORS Conllmint from Iag I. the phrase thftt work must be done j country in "the two semesters preceding creased this one." bj quoting an example of; The heavily I.KADUATK CUKiMISI a student who carried fifteen Hours ! one semester, and twelve the se- mester after thai. The student! of. : uiouniii ne wouiu rctfise me pro-1 ! cedure of obtaining liis twenty-. licven hours the year following by makine twelve the first semester i and fifteen the last. Although this j 192.V26 there were enrolled 509.732 men and 313,183 women, a total of 822,$9.r, a trebling In a decade. "A stronger showing Is made by setting down the total enrollment of 191216. as compared with 1S19- I 26, excluding the war period when many young men and women were , ..oioad. ln the wet period the to tal enrollment was 894.373. In the ; dry period the total enrollment was 2.173.675, or nearly three times as great, while the population of the In the same period in- less than 2 percent. Increased enrollment brought with It a consequent in crease in college officials, profes sors, :utors and employes." i ' TRY0UTS RAISE PROSPECTS FOR ILLINOIS RELAYS l kitc iv 1 ll 111 ' gate him twenty -seven hours, it did; co.itimird fr..m vee t. , , ' ' ,,, ; not qualify him for activities be-1 winners. Fleming, Lamson, Thotnp- cliemi.a! engineering "28. is visiting. cause tUi twelve hours earned the son and Arganbright clipped nearly ; I twelve nours earned the first He-! stepping over the sticks In 31.9 c ...1.- it-ltli tliu 1 I: mester of this year pare the stu ,,.'. :.';.. ,1;. : i-u-r,.i Oll!oul only twenty-seven hours. imipany of Chicago, in the teclini- (il depiu-i ment. After leaving Lincoln Mr. Swart uod will en tt Newajk. New Jer- St. Ixiuis, Missouri, and then o California on business for the 'onipany. This company controls and licenses the Lmbbs Cracking process of distillatiou. Gives Opinion of Activities "1 am not against activities," Mr, Harper said, "and think a certain amount of them fine. The main trouble is that many students lakt too many activities and neglect their scholarship, as a result. Many students come to the University just tor its social life and make the Edward 11. McUrew. M. S., in I scholarship a secondary item they dienik-al engineering '27, and V. L. Bt-nedict. B. S. chemical engineer ing '27, are also with the Universal Oil company at the Riverside plant in Chicago. Wh Dakotan Makes IMiono-I'rojectoscope Vermilion. S. I)., March 11. Joseph Tiffin, Sioux Kails, graduate of the I'niversity of South Iiakota in ''W, has designed and constructed 'new ijpp of psychological Instru "nt called a phono-projectoscope, !f use in solving problems In psy 'hology of acoustics on which he now doing graduate work at the Ulversiiy of Iowa. The new device was exhibited re ntly at a meeting of the Ameri n Association for the Advance nwt of Science, and a detailed de- 'nouon of the machine appears 18 recent number of the Anierl- "n Jourcti of Phychology. rist Church Pastor Speaks on Evolution At the fellowship meeting of the '""g people of the First Christian rcn Sunday eveninit. Rav E. the Disrinlps of Christ Ch, student miitnr discussed "'Olutlnn or. A rAMAal. n-hfa n-fis seconds. Word from Coach Sclnilte's home slates that the veteran track coach is improving rapidly from his re cent illness and he hopes to be back today or Wednesday. At pres ent, assistant coaches Kd WIer and Jimmy Lewis are directing the track activities. If present weather condition' continue, Nebraska track men will no doubl be able to get outside on the Memorial stadium track. Work will atari. KettlnR the outdoor cin ders in shape this week in prepara tion for the coming outdoor con-; tests. DANA BIBLE RECEIVES FAREWELL RECEPTION ntlnufd from ftge I. have copies to read and remember j what my friends in Texas think." I Mr. Dlble went on to say. how- j svbi. lil his welcome at Nebraska had been fully as hearty and filled resident of Lincoln. The post-office will contribute an air mail display in which an electrically lighted plane route map of the I'nited States will be Included, as well as a 7-foot model of a standard mafl plane. Free booths have been granted by the American Legion to the Camp Fire Girls, the Hoy Scouts, the Lancaster County Humane So ciety, the industrial arts depart ment of the Lincoln schools, and the Lincoln park department. PSI nil -PLANS OPEN PS VC1I DISCUSSION Psi Chi, psychology fraternity, will hold an open meeting March 18, at 5 o'clock, in Social Science 224. This meeting is one of the few which will be open to all stu dents interested, and a larp at tendance Is expected. Plans are be ing made to discuss the outstand ing theories of emotion. These theories are to be presented and critieizd by members of the organi zation. Eleanor Noh is president of the organisation. LEARN TO DANCE Expert Initructlon in BALLROOM DANCING BORNER SISTERS DANCE STUDIO 108 Neb. St. Bank Bldg. 15th & 108 N 0 r i study whenlhey have time, and their g.ades show II. Several freshmen on the "Awg wan" were lorccd to resign recently beciius.' of the new ruling. When asked ir this would apply to the Dully Nebraskan Mr. Harper re plied that they had neter made a check on the Daily Nebraakan be cause there were so many freshmen reporters who worked at odu times "What this ruling means is that freshmen cannot engage in any thing which will give them glory or i with friendship as the departure i. ii M M0N.-TU2S..WXD. fame or publicity on the campus, Freshmen cannot be kept from working on the Nebraekan uui their names must not appear over stories or iu the mast head. "I ex plained this to the Awgwan editor. It would be Impossible to keep the freshmen from doing seme of the minor work but their names must not appear In the mast head of the magazine." When asked if he considered the honorary band fraternity, an actlT Ity, Mr. Harper said that lie didn't consider any fraternity, profession al or social, an activity. Students Invited to Watch Hiding Meet The Girls' intermural horseback ridine meet will be held Wednes day, March 20, at the Coliaeum, at the State Fair grounds, instead of Wednesday, March 13, as pre viously announced. The meet will begin at 6:45, and aveiyone la ln vlted to watch the events, accord ing to Mis Margaret Ames, who ia ia charge of the meet. Iowa Regent Separate Landscape Architecture Ames, Iowa. March 11. Land scape architecture will be taught at Iowa State College in an Individual department in the future, accord ing to a decision by the Iowa State board of education Friday of last week. from Texas. He will come to Lin- I coin to take charge of spring train- , ing in a short time. I CONGRATULATIONS! LINCOLN EXPOSITION !x, , , r i wa OPENS AT COLISEUM ;Thank yo.U! .Betuse 1 wa8 (onlinarri from I. initiated? to furniture, will be shown. Resides j that, there win be several booths 'No! Because you are wear that carry a civic interest for every i : a n-w Snrins Suit - j ""O " I o Ycvr Drug Store9 Sprlnp Ir, coming but w arc al Wdy ; tine, cutennq to your needs with jut a little better service. The Owl Pharmacy 148 No. 14th St. Phone B1068 From- ORIGINALITY We specialize In clew, original Oriental Noveltie From Ash Tray to Dressing' Robes. Our stock features the unique at reasonable prices. NIPPON ART GOODS CO. 128 SO. 12TH i The aaast papular rea-te-el cereals eerveel in the dining room of American colleges, eatiaf daks sue! fraternities ara made by Kellogg in Battle Creak. They include Carn Flakes, Pap Bran Flakas, Rice Kriepies, Krtsmkles, and Kelleft's Skradded WhoL Wheat Biscait. Also Kaffee Hag Coffee the coffee that lets yen sleep. CLASSES, campus activities, social events and sports demand health. But constipation can steal your health. Its poisons permeate the system, sap vitality and often cause serious illness. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN, because it sup plies roughage in generous quantities, is guaranteed to bring prompt and permanent relief from constipation even in chronic cases. Just eat two tablespoonfuls every day. With milk or cream or fruits or honey added. Ask for it at your campus restaurant or have it served at your fraternity house. i i AUBRAN ALL-BRAN 5wS?v SS? iLJ a" fc- 3Lav STv H I mm Avm. mr- mM Sfe Si I S 5rN mm.. T r w V K I lie lost; but... HE lost that particular race. And so, honest effort and tense con centration got him nothing. But in industry this line spirit would not be thrown away. f In that respect industry is fairer and kinder than college. It ap- TO plies a jnan's high qualities in useful channels. It opens to all men a field as wide as all human endeavor. One may qualify himself along purely engineering lines. Another may contribute his powers of commercial reasoning. Another his ability to ana lyze management problems. These three totally different qualifi cations just begin to define the possibilities in one industry alone the telephone making industry. Western Electric SINCE 1 8 8 2 MANUFACTURERS FOR THE BELL SYSTEM. 1 n IO ii- io les tt?h lu ass s of rlor lose tho have it of ia of ,esig- ED ICT ted h t of and vice M. the led ind ns ry h e.