TITSDAY. MARCH 12. !.) Till: DAILY M.IWSKN Timrr RACE COPPOCK FUND V DRIVE OPENS TODAY Campaign Is Carried Out on Calendar Plan Under Twelve Captains , IjBOXEY GOES TO CHINESE TufJs) nmrniuK win open tue . . . . I'liiiixM-k drlva i.f tit 4 . . Ml .1. I. -a will l.ai a.... V n C ' ' ' tffi ,n(j n la hoped to make It iy ifeet ever carried on. It .ill b rattled n"1 ,h" ''ndar . .. with each worker hold re- rietiM for " u' In ih ai. N Company Orders Grocery llitlletins A Mil manufacturing com-T"")- In Kanaa haa onlered 6 u0 ro,,,. or lh bulkllu operating 'tp-nea of Ketall 'f???y S,om' ,B Nnraka. ::." complied by ill, com mine on business re.earrh of the College of Pualnre Ad nilnUtrailon It will rtlati 0ui th bulletin among retail ena nhl,h urn n, ,,r,,.i4 for th purpose of information Hie bulletin la being i...,ini.'d by the rviftiiiliin iilim )0 nil tin1 order. rvMors tlxou in ovvaw Trsr tli tluh of a ri of dUi-jM'.ini ! of current ivIlgUm piohiema lo be . presented by .r. un, ni. llb. , Jt lor next weeu will be liumor talllv ' an. I r.i.. ,i, r., i ..... . Im Mkrh liava rh.r. Tn "-"" ' ,1".7.7. Woild or km. - .Maoriua itbjiuiii - - P lu a ana lUOtllh i... rharse of lli entlr ar. and ih drive. Tfam captains Rdth Pilling. Jsnuary: Dorcas weaiherby. Februsry: Vera Wa ,rr. vurch: Kvelyn Collin, April; ijtui KiiJ'r. iwroihy McCoy, j,tf Mildted Olson. July: clea Ausust; Maria llroad. 8ep tenon Mrrt Howie. Octo Ke'.)n Johnton. November Md' member. Th drlva for tha 1:,ihi of Novrnibr nd Dc"iu--r bon mad on tbo caoipua U CoM-t of AKrlruliure. fcrmar Nabratka Stwdant brankA'ii V AV. C A. haa con inbulrd fr r lfny ''' ' umi V. W. C. A. and haa In ihia , (ptm'J ua outaiaudlnj Inter u'Ws! lartnomhlp. Ofc Cop i.rk, ouo of Nobraaka'a graduatea. i th pionoer builder of tb rkiaace i.w.i.a. v"" lcurrectioii Vlant Added To Colla tion Of Dakota Vermilion. S. I). Marrh II. IVad 1 for len y-arj. l!io: roinplrit 1 iv ' urrerted ovemlihi Thai It tl.ej tory of lpldolphu .acluellit. ' oerter kuoo to h.xaiilau aa thai lieaurrerilnn plant, a few of which i have recemly ben addd t ilia ' dorartnirDt of loUay collection! at In rnlveraity of South liaioia. The Iteiiurrertiou il.mt l a aiuall . denaely iufied rluh nu.n. next In ordor of plain Itf to the fern. It Is found chiefly In the ouihweit. ' from Artiona 10 Peru, although onie apecira of the plant ai-e found ' in me mack Hill or South Intkot The peculiar tliaracterlsiic of lh f.mtdatlon of auch Uvea that Inter-, plant Ilea in lu ability t0 appar pl!iODal po-" "l be built." ou of ently dry up and die without water i cbl'f journala of Alia id of for a brief time. However, when r. after her daalA. waierea u opena its i avea and e- KBOln that her auccesaor mutt i popea a irean Rreen aurrao. Hoton . j A - (Ir.n. f'nn. I lata claim that fh nlnt haa kun -w vii.a Tit -liii r'hlnv In : known to be reaurrecfel after lv!n , tenor WDO 111 IlICZ CI1VTC - i.. t . " ' " J " . . , . ., , kid the national V. W. C. A. of Mia TmK admlniatera iw ira in oe acuTe. aner inree years exposure ulthout (he water. I r-- - . T . - - -1 v - - : ' i i ( ml o o V ' ffli i . ; :!.L, ! -: I h- i y v.: ,,jt .ll 111- 1 m ? tiiirti:fjs taki: i:mka.ci: i t:st Law SluUenta Try Out or UonorKry; Eleren Pasi Successfully Thirteen aiudruta of the t'nllKi of Ur look the iualif)lnc nam Ination jlven for nirance to tli l'hl lflia Phi honorary l-l fiater nlty. The e uninati.ni aa held Mouday afternoon at the lh col IrC. Inltatton vlll be lirlil Thura lay. Marth ll In the eupr me ct.urt chaiuuer. The lullowlliK null auxraafully pataed th ekaiuliiation: ('haa W. Abboll, Hugo . ( ailoll. (iavle K liavta. II O. K.lb. rt. Mmton K lAiice. Kay K Sabata. II. ti) i:. Sackett. Kuseii S. Tavlor. Ian N I'anipbell. Hurl, U iltenaah, Daiar K. Johnaoii. (!niii ( lull ill Hour rMrN on Kxprnditurrw i'ampua tliib nlll nieei fur a luncheon at the I'ntveiaity club at IZ o'clrwk Thurotav. A Irpoil will tie riven conceililne expetilltuiea matte for pla crouinl ai'itu III en to l he Home for i pendent Children In I in coin and the t'nl ' veraity hoapltal In (iiuaha. ll la te ' quoatel Dial all iraervailoiia (or he luncheon l-o made by VHlnea day noon nh Mlaa Williams at I Ih rt Ktatiar'a offl e Inlrrrlua lt:ik"l liu) I Hnal Sri for l'uii;lil I I'll A I Intertiaaa hiakeiUal name .a III f plated IihUv i T o'rlm k In ih- women' iiinhiiii Sopl.o t .uoiea and fteahuirn aie to con'ei loi I lie ' haiilliiiiihli. Iloi'i lealiu liave dflea'id the I mil.- ol ' the upi-M'1aaiiifu In loi in. r riiii- and are innlj tus'iiied PAINTY FOUNTAIN AND LUNCHEONETTE SERVICE W arva tptrlal neon and avan. log lumnta. lxiilhK aiOfaranl i aary With Snappy Scxl Sarvlca The Students' Store 1 Rector's Pharmacy 13th and P St. t NEW YORK UNIVEHSITY SCHOOL OF RETAILING 3 Graduate Fellowships S Scliolarshlvs SERVICE FELLOWSHIPS Th demand for gradual atudents it far greater th.m the supply. On year ef specialized training saves five year hard experience. Illustrated booklet request. For further irforntion wr te Or. Norn A. Bnsco. Dean, New York llnivernty School of Re tailing. Washington Square East, New Ycrk City. that" Charlea liaiketi. woild rlnc the lauious rolo of rjici. tfjonal funds of tbe China T. W. C A. he Is one of China's nioat i-tmitiert women ana is provios rself worthy of her high posl-. -s. Urgent Need Now Hie fiaalici.il reaource of China i cot developed In proportion lo . i .. . , r'a il. vi id n"HI ! irauruuin. laotic 'he t. iiinee people. China l, tKn tli subject of a sudden nderni.-inc. .ind the Inevitable re-1 Kit (! nvil "ar. Almost cntnviy , ujidej t!ie V. W. C. A. la provld it tl.e !eierate!y needed social' (-tire to Chinese women and irls. v W. C A. oiRanizallons of Amer , shave resionded to the call for k'p. .Nebraska ha led all other urj'U-e in 'Ul-poning me c iima braska coliseum, inuiauay. March 21. Advance ticket rales iudicate a dormant for ten years. The. prolo-! "Fllr ,n tllfl 'Chicago Civic Opera ! crowd of over e.0m iople will, p!a.m caes to be active? after ' Company's iierformance of the liou- i greet th Chicago rtlt when they nod opera at the rnlveraity or .Ne-1 appear on tne .seorasKa rampua. Guard Stops Youth Who Thought IT'indotc Was Coliseum Door Prohibitionist Claims Schools i CornliusLrr Pictures Kampus Kop kaught kunning kul pril krashlug Koliaeum kontests. land other wonia of an alliterative nature), while festivities were at: mcnt figure?, show that ti e educa- tlonal systems or the Culled States ; their highest last Krlday night. The ; h,0 benefited bv proliibitiou prisoner, an abject youth aeemint-, aD4l ,h.y nhow. l-o. that the in ly daxed by his quick capture, tub-; fr,1(.jng number or persons in the bornly insisted that he came In via . schools and colleges afford addl- ' Hie gatekeeper, and futhermore ton,j Opportua!ties for the spread that It was being done by the best of tne truth about prohibition, con of families. On the prosecutor's side tends Ur. Krnest ll. CherrinRton. i World T W C Chinese women krmw . -" general secretary oi me Vebra-'xa's gieat part In the : f d l basement w indow, and who , iaue Aga'nst Alcoholism. .-t and tl . v app"'' deeply ' "'erred that the culprit had en- "School statistics show.' .,u heen done for l"reJ through the window into hit pr. Cherringlon's statement fiiiivrinr nanus Tueaday Pharmaceutical club. 12:in. tiirls" Octette. 12:30. lntermural Ilaskctball. 11:? Wednesday Clue Arts baail. 12:00 Thetx XI Uiisketball. 12:15 tilee club. 12:r.0. Mu Phi Kpsilon. 12:4.".. The na'lnral Y. V. C. A. "iir.a i'f headquarters Jur.rf.ai. It pli.n the woik iwait or.e i.iii.iired local Y. W. C A. -nniutinnr in tl;e entire country, r iero vt the oricnrinations are In m ml eiehiy-flve In si hooU ai. -'ieee Tl.ere are about el;hty ts ir, ir. China. Ctfty of whom . Cl.ir;e. mil ihiny either jirir-n or I'.riti.-h. Ci.rpl.ef trie Tbe inn-y ilia: Is made in the . ve ph , i he cticnal Y. W ; .lf. C'una. This money is spent r tbe .-a ri and travel of secre .f. and to iie!p local assoda zii. Na'!i.;-.l conventions art t" every ' years, and cou'er "iei ei fummer. At the na mA H. Hmii-e social aflaiia t hed !: . rd-r to Urtrg together n!e o. ''.i.Tren: ices no that ? ''r u!;.it. landing may be cf--ed saya ' resident of Lincoln. The post-office 'thai : contribute an air mail display m ihm. .IW . ... r IIIVIS a wet in wmcn nn eieci ncaiiy iipmeu f Peing decldely outweighed by a year, '.here were enrolled in the col-! plane route map of the I'nited in. majority of one, the prisoner was leges and universities, of the Cnited j States will be Included, as well as of i forced to take up temporary" abode Stale 164.073 men students and : 7 -foot model of a standard niafl in tne atnietic oince, in oraer to 95.436 women siudents. a total or ; yiu. cocitate and repent over hla wrong ' 259. .".11. In the dry college year of . rYi-e booths have been granted doings. It Is presumed that h was j 192J 26 there were enrolled 509.732 by the American Legion lo the released after the proper period of ; men and 313463 women, a total of ;ump nre c.ins, me o acouia, repentance. The moral of this tale 822,895. a treblins in a decade. the Lancaster County Humane So la nr rnn rue that nne alinuM naver "V airnnrer hnainr la maile hv ClotT. the Industrial arts tlcpart- enier the Coliseum through a base-; aettlne; down the total enrollmr nt j ntent of the Lincoln schools, and nient w indow when one Is being of 1912 16. as compared with 1919-1 the Lincoln park department, watched by an eagle-eyed guard. .26. excluding the war period wl en I . " . manv vouug men and women were j I'M CHI rLiAINS ill HARPER DEFINES .abroad. In the wet period the lo-i PSYCH DISCUSSION WW ittt ro pnp tal enrollment was 894.373. In the; STUDENT HONO&S 2.173.673. or nearly three times as ..Heard fram Pa(e i. -great, while the population of the the phrase that work must be done country in 'he same period in In "the two semesters preceding creased less than 25 percent, this one." by quoting an example of The heavily Increased enrollment a s'udeui who carried fifteen houra j broufiht with ii a consequent in one semester, and twelve the se-, crease iu college of.'ieiais. piofes- niesier aner mat. l l.e siuuent .0rs. utors and emnloves. thought he would reverse the pro-! ceduie of obiaining hi twenty. , JRYOUTS RAISE oven hours the year following by i pineppr"rc vtw making twelve the first semester and fifteen the last. Although this ILLINOIS RELAS gave him twenty reven hours, it did Miinurl from raee i. nut qualffy hlai for activities be- w inners. Meming, lmson. I liornp- RADLATi: CIIK.MIS1 MSI I S I.N LINCOLN KtE.ii-t li Swartwood. XI. A. in :jr.i'ii tEKineerir.g 2. is visiting ULitKoin tor a few days. Mr. j'irto'i was Icriiieily with the It'v;... t-. ..... a n I i. r'' ':' "'":'".- 'Tident only twenty-seven hours. I en.p.o.w.a ny me unerwu u . stales that the veteran track coach : le m.L'i .ii iuk ra.iuij cent illness and he ! Psi Chi. psychology- fraternity, ' w ill bold an open meeting March IS. at 5 o'clock. In Social Science j 224. This meeting Is one of the ! few which will be open to all stu dents interested, and a largo, at tendance Is expected. Plans are be ' Ing made to discuss the outstand ing theories of emotion. These theories are to be presented and critioizd by members of the organi zation. Eleanor Noh is president of . the organization. cause t. twelve hours earned the son and Arganbright clipped nearly i lart requester of last year and the a second from their previous lime, ; twelve nours earned the first ne- stepping over the sticks In 31 9 , t inesier of this year pare the stu- seconds. t word from Coar li .chulte s liome . ,J'e oi Chicaxo. in the tec'uni ' ien ir.ein. "I am not azainst activities, .Mr. i-'Ur ienvii.c Lincoln Mr. Swan-. Harper aaid. "and think a certain xd wiii t.. to Newark. New Jer- - arr.ount of them fine. activities and neglect !'. St. I.uis. Misiouri, and then ; trouble is that many students take tUli'on.ia on business for the 'i'Sny. This company controls M lxeL--s the Intbbs Cracking wets of dilil!ation. Umxid II. Mcorew. M. S., in ical eiifineering '27. and W. L. "telKt. B. S. chemical engineer- their e ades show l! ''27, are al-o with the I'niveraal i Seveal freshmen on the "Ag 'i WTiiacy at the Kirerside plant wan" were (oreed to resign recently i Chicago.' ' because of ihe new rullnp. When ai-ked if tins would apply to the Ulll DulvOtail llakes l'-."J Nebraaksn Mr. Harper re in . . pi.-i that they Had never made a I Iiuiio-rroiectoCOe , (.,R,ck on th(. x,-brakan be- . 'cause t'v-ie were so many freshmen josepli i h ..,j , i 0(iu limes from his re hopes to be i back today or Wednesday. At urea Iho main , ,.. I LEARN TO DANCE Expert Imtructlot in BALLROOM DANCING BORNER SISTERS DANCE STUDIO ICS Neb. St. Bank Bldfl. 15th A O r i Jimmy Lewis are directing the mo man, . ..i ...r, , tn:k activities .DP r .u..v. a . .rjjnu , ,f pref.IU Beanjer .-oudition- studen.s come to he Iniversi,, , NebrJ8ka tra,.k mP jum for it. social life and mske the ; HCholan-h.p a .econdaiy Hem-ihey Mlmorjll Miiu Iraok- Worfc """J '- -" .ill aian i-.ulnir ll-e niurfonr rln. ders in Shane ihi week in prepara tion for the coming outdoor contests. ."wilion. S. ., March 11. , 1 J'S- .Sioux Kails, graduate of the rsiiy 0f south liakota In hi deitiened and constructed '! of Dsvchologlcal lnstru- 'st eallej a pbono-projectoscope. w In solving problem In psy "Jt 'of acoustics on whtob he s doing graduate work at the Jriity of Iowa. "s new devi.-e waa exhibited re at a meeting of the Amerl- AtSO: DANA BIBLE RECEIVES FAREWELL RECEPTION (ntlaae4 f..m fage I. have copies io read and remember what my fri.-nds In Texas think." Mr. Bible went on to say, how- Wbat Ihia ruling means is that; ever, that his welcome at NeLraka freahmen cannot engage in nny- had been fully as hearty and filled thing which will give them glory or with friendship a the departure fame or publicity on the campus. , from Texas. He will come to Lin Preshmen cannot be kept from coin to take charge of spring train working on the Nebraskan nui.lng (u a short time, their name must not appear over I storiea or iu the mast head. T ex-' LINCOLN EXPOSITION Tu i R-lto I w plained this lo tie Agwan editor ! OPENS AT COLISEUM 1 hank y. . . j. It would &e IUlpo.-s.nie ... m.mv - ntiaard from fmf I. lniliateaf - v UiAMIIS! "'"2,:. i rreThmen trim doing -m. of b. . lMrnl, 1 t . "Wo i Vh4 machinr.ppear. bu' .Tl? ,h'- ,ber' " be "'-"' oih No! Because you are wear 4 tecent num wr .hSSrt ot ia lDe hed f the I ' lc interest for ever, . nrinft it ) Z' !ai number of th Anierl oarru 0f Phychology. 't Church Pastor Speaks on Evolution to the ft.li. ui. r of the Hrst Christian j;1" uunday evening. Ray E. i-- the iis.nii. .r fkri.i u ,,"J,J,?nt Psstor discussed ""Btlon and Oeneala . Thla was KoTUEa.-wn). I Tfurco 7e2lic G magazine." i when aked if he considered the , honorary band fraternity. n actlv- Ity, Mr. Hartr ald that lie dldn 1 1 consider any fratenilty, profession-; al or social, an activity- Students Invited to Watch Hiding Meet The Girls' intermural horseback riding meet will be held Wednes day, March 20. at the Coliseum, st the State Fair ground, instead of Wednesday, March 13, ss pre viously announced The meet win begin at 6:43, and sveryone U to rited to watch tbe events, accord ing to ilia Margaret Ames, who is in chsrge of the meet. Iowa Regent Separate Landscape Architecture Ames. Iowa, March 11. Land scape architecture will b taught at Iowa State College in an Individual department In the future, accord Irg to a decision by the Iowa State board of education Friday of last week. 'Ycur Drug Store9 Spring ir. coming but Mr are al i." : hire, catering to your needs with Jjt a little better aervlce. The 0vl Pharmacy 14S No. 14th St. Phone BlOes From ORIGINALITY We specialize in clever, original Oriental Novelties From Ash Trays to Dressing Robes. Our stock features the unique at reasonable prices. NIPPON ART GOODS CO. 128 SO. 12TH i A aiti 3 The following group are acheJ- i t e i J , uled to have pictures taken for fhs I Are CnCl IlCtt I Cornhusker the las-l part of this ! week and the first of next week, j Public school and collcee Mails- The pictures are to be taken at the j tics, as revealed by federal govern- ! campus studio. . TU at pwlar rady-l-t ciimIi rrd i lb dining roomi of American crlleget, atiwg claW a ad frwUrwitiat ar aaad by Kallegg Baltla Creak. Tfcay include Car Flak. P Bran Flak., Rie Kriapia. KrwmWUa, aael KalUts' SWr.eld.d Wk.l. Wheat Biacwit. Ala Kaffa Hag CnT Ik caff that lata ya 5-i '' l" 'I C6rt ALIBRAN ,uyoT CLASSES, campus activities, social events and sports demand health. But constipation can steal your health. Its poisons permeate the system, sap vitality and often cause serious illness. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN, because it sup plies roughage in generous quantities, is guaranteed to bring prompt and permanent relief from constipation even in chronic cases. Just eat two tablespoonfuls every day. With milk or cream or fruits or honey added. Ask for it at your campus restaurant or have it served at your fraternity house. ALL-BRAN 5 3T1 .yhWj. i t M I5aw 4 He lost; but . . . HE lost that particular race. And so, honest effort and tense con centration got him nothing. But in industry this fine spirit would not be thrown away. In that respect industry is fairer and kinder than college. It ap- plies a jnan's high qualities in useful channels. It opens to all men a field as wide as all human endeavor. One may qualify himself along purely engineering lines. Another may contribute his powers of commercial reasoning. Another his ability to ana lyze management problems. These three totally different qualifi cations just begin to define the possibilities in one industry alone the telephone making industry. Western Etectrtc SINCE 1 8 8 2 MANUFACTURERS FOR THE BELL SYSTEM. i IB a- IO- les igll la ass; s ot rior lose th" have it of ss of .esif?- NT ted h f of and vice M. the led ind ng rv h e