frEPNESD-W. FEBRUARY 20, 192) thru: . THE D.MIA M:nusKN Dr, Carl Engbergfs Lecture in Honolulu, Hawaii, Is Reprinted In Pan-Pacific February Issue .... i. iim rrimn of nrrnnnt lv lh (o feci tlmt education la a !" n, to fvadu manual labor," s Hi1 ilM'Umllou niadn by Dr. i.ri HnKborg, irofe8or of ap nifclianloa at the I'nlvorMiy ) S brak. t Hn w'urailonal ' m Honolulu. Hawaii, during visit 1,pr0- Th rfPrt of I'1 ,i S Rvcn In tho February Ihkii , ,!, ran Tactile Youth, a Minima !',utll",m '",,l,d ,n Honolulu. K'hxHi ion must leach u. mo,',K oilior thlnKS, the honor and li-nliy of labor. 1m It the hn ml work of a manon or that of a clork i habcrdaahiTy," lean Kngberg .aid. Stronfl Movement Befors War. Ho pointed out that before tho war there "prevailed In America a vironK iiiovi-rnent away from cul ,ini rdural Ion. Kducallon then ,-fnif to have bern evaluated by ,'h. amount of bread and bulttr It I rodw fd." As the i kmiII f Hie j ar, "American rollout- mut unl ernlllea worn irounVd nii rx Her vice men m well hh youths who dill-Inn the pif-war period r-mmlii nothing but trade and xocctiomil education. "Along with the im n ashi era v. Ins for ediM-atlon, Or. KnpheiK commenU'd, "wo 1 1 ml toilay a popu lar tendency not only ninonit youth but aUo anion their par enta that somehow e.lucutlon must Rive youth pointer to attain an eay life. Kittirntloii should clve. according to hl roncepilon, fads and Information v.hlrh enable tu denta 'io lake advamnk'e of 1 he other fellow, who had not a almllar opportunliy. "IOducatlon, In it, hint amiljil!". Is not a means to rasy life, bin ouRht to ht! a medium by which one develops what Is In him that he may learn to do xx hat he Is most fitted for. be li laimlnK. plumbing or a pifcfetlon." up her detects, Koi'cijrri women are more vericd In ihlit ait. The bow l"Hmnj I'm noli uniiiiin v.onr.i longer "Kit t m limn the aveiage. Tliu Ann r lean woman nhows lur lej' regard lexH of ni.e and Khnpe." Mm. laiiglinl M1.4S lluip"l, ait all right. And ex en reporiero I'm rollegi diiillen are lino lr they don't lake too much of her tlmu wliiion. pi lining a niory ahoui her. I (iroup IMaiiH I'lioto ! Kappa lleti picture for the ! I'ornhUMker w ill bo token V mint's ;day, rcbrtiavy 2d, at 12:30 o'clock in the campua iudlo. Heginninfj of National Military Organization Dales io Nebraska HEKK AND THERE EDNA WALLACE HOPPER DISAPPROVES OF SMOK INO, BUT PRAISES MOD ERN YOUTH rwiHmnil team T"e I. .n:npT generation?'' Mls lloppor Miiiled aiu-artlvel.t. Youth It Keen -I'm f"' them. I think they're line, ami I'm not sure that this gen I ration is noi belter than the one preceding It. The. youth Of today l kn. You can't fool them. 1 think il,,.r .pint la wonderful." Well what Is your advice to the average, modem college gill?" "Get through as quickly as you cm, with scholastic honors. Knjoy joursilf, for are the best yarn of your Hf. And above all c;n't lose your head. "It's a vunderful thing for a girl to go to college. How she conducts I erself depends upon her own bal nnce and the way In -which she has ..on brought up. It's silly for pco i li to pay that colleges cause girls tn go wrong. One doeim't have to in to college to no that. ' Edna Wallace Hopper? smiling, ivacioiiR, trcaibt intercut ed In the nhjpi't. She laughed a great deal i:i:oiH'ii ih s heavy makeup that she iie to Lice the flood and npot I. tills of the stage. She even con ii'scended to argue with the re lortor. and re'-i.-rd to drink her iiimiecHiIe until the various ques tions had been settled. Sleep Is Distasteful Time and time again she brought Expert Will Explain Chain Store Situation Seniors who are thinking of entering ihe merchandising flehl will have Ihe opportunity Wednesday to lenrn about ihe present chain store situation. Mr. J. K. Foster of the W. T. Grant company, New York, will be in Mr. Bullock's office all day iiic'IItr thoje Interested. 1'rompily at noon he Is to give a fifteenniinute talk In S. 8. 107. CAPITOL Mon., Tues. & Wed. RICHARD DIX With RUTH ELDER In 'Moran o the Marines9 A Paramount Picture up the question of cigarette smok ing by college girls. She in not a narrow minded fanatic, but sub stantiates her arguments with the proof. She likes life ,and wants to live as. much of It as she can. Kven sleep Is slightly distasteful to her. "I get. about six hours of sleep each night," she explained. "1 wish 1 could gel along on four. Did you ever stop to think how many hours, days, years of your life ou spend in an unconscious state?" She agrees that college students need more sleep than that, but she I advocates regularity of sleep. Ac cording to 'her, sleep cannot be 1 made up satisfactorily, hut it would be i-ather a habit. The amount also I should no vary much. "What," inquired the reporter, "do you think of the girl who drags 'out a compact and starts making 1 up at. periodic intervals?" He ex ; petted a disdainful expression o i contempt at this feminine custom. Approve Makeup "The only 1 rouble," retorted Miss Hopper, "is that they don't do it i often enough. If you don't like that !'l suppose you prefer to look nt a i shiny nose. No? Well, one cannot bp loo particular. One Is more often j not particular enough." Vanity Is the protect ion upon which women should rely, from Ihe , many evils. "This is also ex Idem in style trends. I strongly approve of mod ern styles, but ihe American wo I man does not use her judgment. iShe should attempt to make herself i as beautiful as possible to cover Osaka. J(apan. (IIM -Since iht? Toklo earthuimko of l!)2;l, this city, the Industrial center of the nation, Is Japan's largest clly. The compuratix-e figures now siand Toklo 2,218.400; Osaka I,- Sort. Osaka thus Is the elex-j enth largest city In the world, trailing New York, Ijondon. Herlln, I'arU, Chicago, liuenos Aires, rlul 'adelphla, Momow and St. IaiuIs. ' Pittsburgh, I'a. (IP) Telex I slou is sdll In Us Infancy, accord ing to David Sarnolf, vice presi dent of the Rtdio Corporation of i America, who -poke here recently. "It may bo tapping at ihe xxin dow," be said, "hut II Is still In the i laboratory stage of development." l'orty million dial (xxiblers in 1 ln.noo.ono homes now have the ad .vantages of the radio In America, 1 ho also said. New York IP.) In 1Si;k when ! William Cullen Iti yant Kemp was a . freshnmn at Columbia university, a r.mlxe bequeathed him $2,.")00 a i vejir flJ Jong as he remained In col- ! Kemp had a practical mind, and ! so, when he died on 1-Vb. 4, he was s 111 a student at Columbia univer sity, having done not a lick of work but study lor 60 years. Besides one degree not listed in the catalogue (D. P. M. Doctor of Perpetual Motion, donated by stu dents with whom he ras popular), on. I tln.t.a n ritkirret'K ICemn had ' the following degrees: M. D., A. P., A. M.. I,. L. .M.. L. 1.. It.. Vh. D.. C. 1 V. K. K., Mech., K., K. M Vhar. ClKIU. Pullnmu, Wash. Refuting an ar- ; tide by Dr. Frederick Raud Rogers I of New York City stating that ath-jletk-s have no beneflcal effect on the beauty of women, Miss Helen Smith, head of women's physical education in Washington State Col I lege states: i "Athletic exercises and games, if I conducted out of doors or In well ventilated buildings cannot help but enhance the beauty of women. They will stimulate circulation and i perspiration, two vital factors In j health maintenance, and will aid I'lilxetslty of .VehntsUn Is the home of Pershing UHIes, a national oi ganlitatloli roi basic eoui se R O. I". C. Kindcim which Is similar to Srtibunid and lllade lor the ad vanced course stu.bnis. The mem bers aro picked by their military: appearance and proficiency In ihe1 manual of arms. j This oi'gnnixniiou is a national j honorary mlliiarx liuieiuily, was, rounded In 192 by Hri l.leiiteu-l ant John J .Persuing, iheu com- mandunt of (he I'nlverslly cadet' i-orps. The membership la limited to slity, consequently there Is ul- i ways a walling lift Tor the next , try out. Inhibition drills are Rixen from; time io time so that the members j are continually practicing. An exhi bition drill xvas glxen ul the recent i Cornhusker carnival of similar nalurt Is scheduled to be given ibis spring either in Om aha or Lincoln. matlon ui Imimna. Chieuao, North-! 'western, Illinois and Minnesota. An' eilelishe rki.tnslm trtllipalKn Is to he tin lertukeu this spring at which j Iilino chapters In tin' principal' schools in Hie country will be or- John P. MtKnK'hl Is natioual colom l and Kay Snlinia, also of , Nebr.-inka, is natioual adjutant. , Sheruian Welpion 1 laptaui of A' compaux. Caplaln lle'niy Y. l.ynn 1 of the department of military sci ence. Is In tiling'' of the Pershing Rifle work. because of Ihe Iocs of ten mem bers throuKh leaxtng school or pin-, motion to the adxanced course, lix outs will be held this week to till I t lie ancles. Owing to the In-1 creased popularity til I'eif llltiy HI-1 flea, a large numbernre txpected Another drill' to be on hand Tuesday and Wed- ' nesday nl five. It Is neressary for a! prospective memher lo attend both ! Ii jnuts. Names of those io be laken ' ,hlty. Class spirit Is hard to work i tip among 3,0o0 freshmen. ) The Ohio Sinie Kanlern. undei I graduate daily, has beeu .dltoi Ul ; Uliig against hating for some time as a "vhlldUh" practice. New Haven, Conn. (IP) Upon rupltal representing gifts and subsidies of I7.r.o00itu Yale univer sity is to establish an Institute of human relation lor the scientific InvcKtigitilou of man s and ihe hu man family's behavior Iront ihe physical and mental, the indlxldual and social viewpoints. It has been I announced by President James Rowland Angelt. Th Institute Is designed to bring together sociologists, bllogists, pey- j chologisis, and economists, who will combine with their colleagues In such applied fields na law, medi cine ami psychiatry to correlate knowledge of the mind and hotly and of Individual and group con duct, and to study further tho Inter-' relations of the many factors In fluencing human actions. New York. (IP) Dr. Hob.H J. Leonard, dlivttor of the School ol - H umeri Arv Invited To Attend V. V . 7Vn All iinlxt rsity women, spi lally fiesliiiu-n. nro United 'o attend ihe Y. W. C. A. na dance In Lllen 'itilth ball, th s atteitioott hi'twi'tn 4 and l o't loi k. Decorations will m rsst'1 shades, Julia Rid" r aiul Mini' Ine Disjloti will serve. KdtlfilUou ut Teatlieis' college, Co lumbia UlilXeVsitx. XV. is killed list, week when he till tiom lis ninth floor apiiitnnnt b'-r . The prot.vt stir had been MiHeiing Iroiii an ai Inek il ii,llti"tla. and was deb li ons Ul the time iif his (nil. THE STUDENTS' CHOICE -tio'itl cooluiio;, ri-nvwulil M-iees, CHIIVellit'llI loelltiolt. Temple Cafeterici The national beadquailers and In will Im announced the latter also Company A are at Nebraska. ' pari nf the week. The ritual Inlil There Is also n chapter nt Ohio n tlou is the only one ued nowThe ( Slate, Tennesee, and Iowa. Other! famous rough Initiation of past chapters are In (he process of for-'years has been abolished. j ani aat i (he digestive systems In clearing! has wou games, losl 5 and tied up the complexion and making tho, 2. This is (he best rerord of any it dividual morn alert and ener-1 school in Ihe Pacifle Coast and i 9 gellc." "We admire the athb'tic type of girl today," states Miss Smith, be caiu.e athledrs foster health and without health there is uo Hue beauty. doubtless will stand with any oilier Cnlvers Ity record. i Columbus, O., I'eb. 17. "Rough ! stuff" fraternity baring was barred j at Ohio State university by at .Ion of a faculty committee last week. I Los Angeles. Calif.- Coach How-i The informal initiations" of the! ard Jones was recently' given a fraternities, under the committee's new five vear grid contract at the. orders, must not last longer than! T.'nlversitv of Southern California. I " hours, and must be "confined to! the premises. The Coat-Skirt Ensemble is a favorite for spring hr n In commenting on (his. President Von Klein paid high tribute to Coach Joneh' work during (he four years (hat he has been at 1". S. C. "The new- contract lendered Coach Jones comes as an apprecia tion of his splendid work dining the four years he has coached the 1'ntversity of Southern California's football squad. Primarily devoted to the building of character and to producing the highest types of man hood, his work at Southern Cali fornia has had a splendid moral in fluence which has permeated not only the Trojan football field, but also the entire university campus and community as well." During these four years T S. O. ?lm e the "luugli stuff" put on by the fraternities in the usual hell week that precedes the administra tion of the formal ritual. Is the only vestige of hazing left on (his campus, the faculty order means (hat within a few years hazing will be a thing of the past. It has been years since fresh men were hazed b sophomores at Ohio State, for there is virtually no class spirit left at the univer- 13 Notice. .'"Ti K T'm It. ft AlTf.w lii c fy Stors st ;"6 "S Sirt. will Rfpn-tM rt tut; who hh plrl fMI na-tle-lr tnrf slfmt two wl.nin. Official Bulletin Social Calendar rriilsy, l'ehmary All ha I'dls Thets. house drnit-e. Hturl. l"rtraury M I'm Alphu I vita, formal at Corn hunk, -i I hl t lii Th"l. l'fni-fil l rl(1t. t'lla S'pinii I.miibilH. hoi ptt wVh' Mplia Hlunm I'lil, dinner 1hiic and formal nt l.iii.-oln. t I'tnlv Vine fynfrega tlonat Chim-h. I'l kiii'i'ii Alplm iri'slnnaii parly, clisii-t.j- liou?e. Wednenrtay, tVbroary to. Alpha Ksppa T"l. meetlns. I eVlo.-lt, i Commercial liub rooms. Komnet KlUtJ tOOUI". 7 to 10 0 Ploclt, , Temple I remhinr r.tfle. tryout. Tnter'iatetnlt.v Touncll, t robatlon com- , nlttee. Morrill hall. Koom S. T to : o'clorki ! V. XV. C. A. for all Vnirsity women, j 4 to 6 o'rloik, Ellen Snittli hull. Clrl Commer. lal club. Bnral mef Ins. i o'elO'W, ICllen Snilili hall. Mi-rtltiK of frmeri'lty representatives' with Junior-Senior T'rom .-oinmitteo In i room l'i7, S-lnl Selen-e. i o'ri.,i-k. i World Forum. N't-brankajl hou-l, 12 o-clo-k noon. ! Thnrmlaj. Pnmry V. W. C. A. Interrarial taa, 4 to 6 o'l.-V lTt'rYi !5mllh hftll. lel: S'ffllia Pi meeting, ! Cluh room. 7 o'rlo.-k. ' VVIfllVT, February M. T. M. r. A. and T. W. C A. pat'ty, ! Ellen Smith hall. Patarday. Tehi-oarj li.l. li!homa-.".biaWa nifsllms h Coliseum. o t-lock. The Proper Climax r..4-.4.-4j j For any evening T la .i.i es n Tim . V PIMers. Dell. iciout tooas i tastefully pre 4 pared by our I fount a I n ex I perta, f r I endly I service and a I cheerful atmos phere combine to make the evening a success. The Drug Friendly. Store." if i ' At I! THE SMARTLY STYLED COATS are equally appro priate worn with the matoh infc skirt, or as a sepa rate coat, for spring. Twceda in ombv e. eheeked atul bonlrreil patlorns are tailored i . j. . . i - t : m now ana reireNiuiiK slyles. With long cont, and wrap-around KkiHs of self material. Black borders give accent ti one model bright 'ker chiefs and scarfs cre ate the ensemble thenic of others. Bright but tons and colorful bou tonniercs lend color ac cent. Priced, 55.00 and 75.00 r3 v omen s bhoi Second Floor. v0 XJii5i M' n m aia. I II m tar w M a S " rw f m W t iD ca c ca !) th a th th n !! M. W. DeWITT i ? Diii.r. Prvxr.rlotlon Pharmacy T i Pillars Krescnpxion 16th and O B-4423 T I The newspaper is the servant of its readers. Keep in touch with the news of your campus. Show your school spirit in supporting its activities - Subscribe now for the Daily Ne braska!. Second se mester, price one dol lar and a quarter on the campus or one dol lar and a half mailed. TO SENIORS Who are planning to enter the Business 'World What Other College Men Have Done . With Kresge "Graduating from Western Reserve University m 1921,1 began busineet life with Hi idea that I was fitted ior mana gerial work. 1 leh ray comfortable desk work and Marled in the stockroom. Then I worked successively as floor manager, assistant manager, and manager. I then received my biggest promotion, and today I am happily located in an ex ecutive position, with increased respon sibilities. The financial return that ha come to me exceeds all that I had expected." Colby B. S. '15 Wesleyan M. S. 1917 A Phi Beta Kappa became an instructor until 1920, then assistant hesd chemist lor an Eastern manufacturer until 1922 when ha entered ths Kresge orramntxm to take the training course. 1-U ia now a manager of a Kresge store and cUims: "Today I find myself receiv ing a greater income than th teachers and industrial acquaintances who sought to discourage ma for making such a radical change of occupation." A Missouri University graduate enthu siastically relates the following: "In June ol 1923, fu ft I had been presented with my much treasured sheep akin, gray haired gentlemen with years of trrprri re said to me: 'Just what the future holds for you will depend largely the sesos you sow during the not Jew saara. Take toy advice and selec some good eompany, begin the bottoa end work your way to the top.' I followed his advice by eurungta the stockroom of Kmsge store on Decem ber 8, 19J3. Today I am managing my Erst store, happy (a the thought that I em on the toad M success," 1 AFTER the years of collet then there come to many men th tnott trying period of their career. What place does the world have for them? For what niche hat their train ing best suited them? Where do they fit? It i to these seniort who have ndt yet fully decided on their future that thia advertleient it addressed. ( The S. S. Kreage Company haa an opportunity for college rnen who are ambitious enough and capable enough to reach the top yet who are willing to start at the bottom. These men we train to be store managers and to occupy other executive positions well paid positions involv inga ahare in the Kresg profits. Th men selected are given intensive preparation for their future executive positions, they are instructed in every detail of store management and they are advanced as rapidly as they become familiar with the Kresge policy and the Kresge methods of merchandising. The work is not easy but the reward ia not small an executive position in the Kresge organization which operates 510 stores with an annual volume of business close to $150,000,000. II a career such as those described hen appeals to you, writ our Personnel Department and a Kresge representative will be sent to gfv you a personal interview. i What Others Have Done You Can Do A Buck sell College graduate write "After graduating from college with tie degree ol B. 8. and M. A. I accepted a position as Chemistry Instructor in a small college. Alter two years s an in oauctor.I became dissatisfied and decided to eater the business world. I became ecqusiated with an enthnsN ssdc Kresge aunager, who gladly ex plained their system ol training men te become store managers. Shortly after that I started in the stockroom, received pro motions according to my ability to ears them, and today although a sucossslul store manager I em ia line lor still greater responsibilities. I knew of no other ergaahatien where a man's efforts will be better repaid thaa with the Kresge Company." a An alumnus of the University I Mich igan class of 1922 says: "The na portent problem confronting me the last semester ia school was choosing the 'Job' that would begin when campus days were ever. To make the right etart ia the business world was my smbieon. I turned down several soft snap jobs, the kind that paid fairly well to start but held no future, for a stockroom Job with the Kresge Company which paid little te start but offered a definite future. I com bined my education with good common sense, and after applying myself diligently. I was rapidly promoted to greater respea sibillties. Today I em manages ol s good sized stare, and gladly recommend the Kresge Company as a mesne to a definite end. providing you possess the necessary Cuslincaooae cad whole hearted desire te succeed." . PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 2 iRESGE GO 5-10-25c STORES 25c TO $1.00 STORES KRESGE BUILDING DETROIT ; i