FOUR THE DAILY MIHRASKAN. HARE-HOUND COURS E IS TO BE REROUTED Runners Will Match Wits With Coach Schulte This Afternoon The third hare and hound race will be run this afternoon at tht usual time, with runners leavins the stadium for the course at 4:.1ii. Coach Schulte Is evidently un satisfied with the results his hares have been bringing. At the last race only three fourths of the hounds were lost, so the 'Indian" has decided to try his hand at lay ing a real course. Pchulte will select the path thv runners are to follow, and initiatf the hares, Mays and O'Neil, into the mysteries of its windings. The hares will then scatter scent over this course, and while the hounds w ill not be actually chasing Coach Schulte, they will be matching wits with him. As usual, all contestants must furnish their own transportation to the course. Journalists Will Hear Press Representative Sigma Delta Chi. professional journalistic fraternity, will hold a dinner meeting at the Alpha Sima Pht house at 6 o'clock, Tuesday evening. Duncan Trice, of the Asso ciated I'ress, will nive a short, talk. All members are urged to be present. thai the names of individual play ers be submitted in the office at leai-'t one da before the time the game Is scheduled. "Nebraska ball is a game for everybody and I expect that this tourney will open the Intra-Mural seasou with a great display of en thusiasm." declared Mary Ole sen. "Every girl should watch the bullet in board in tne Women's (!ym nasium for further announcements." BALL MEET ARE OUE Thirty Groups Are Expected To Compete In Nebraska Ball Tourney To keep the ball in the air is the idea according to the feminine ag gregation on the campus. "Hit it with the palm, fist or elbow." is j the watchword, and will be fori three or four weeks, when the worn- ' en's campus groups will compete in the first sport of the year. i The Nebraska ball tournament, j conducted under the auspices of the Intra-Mural sports league, will I hare approximately thirty group entries. All entries for Nebraska ball must be in the Thyoical Laura- i tion office In the women's gymna sium, room 202. not later than! Wednesday. Sports representatives are requested to file at this office ; a list of their first, second and i third choice challenges. According to Mary Olesen. who is sponsoring the sports program, groups entering the tourney should have at least one practice before their first game. It is necessary Prospective teachers cheer up Mussolini himself (aught school in 1901-1902. The secret was discov ered in a report in the municipal archives of Gualteri, Italy. He substituted interest for discipline in teaching. Kentucky Ki-inel BEARGMEN NOW PfJlNT TO SCHEDULE AHEAD Continued from rnur I. the HuskerOrange game In Me morial Stadium this week ill be one of the outstanding intersec tional battles in the country. Syra cuse and Nebraska are evenly matched for the oncoming battle and the mighty Husker eleven stands an even break with the Oraugemen from the Atlantic coast. Lining tip against the Scarlet and Cream Saturday wil be a fast football eleven, working around the passing nee, Hal Kaysinger. But on the other side of the line will be a big red team, heavy and heady, relying on football for its path to victory. With a line aver aging close to 195 pounds from tackle to tackle and a fast heavy backfield, Nebraska will match all Its football powers against Bay singer and his Orange team from Svracuse. PRACTICES FOR CLUB ARE DAILY AFFAIRS t out IiiihmI From Tasr I. " Misrahles" by Victor Hugo. Incidentally, someone pise, repre sented by Irene I.avely. thinks that Joyce (that is, from the stage standpoint) is a pretty smooth af fair. She doesn't get any more I house than the A. T. O.'s built last I year, but she fights for attention. I .lanie I.ehtihotf, as far as we i could determine, is the juvenile j lead. Kollowing is a special Inter view with Miss I.ehnhoff: "Fine." I The j ( Temple Cafeteria j . . . . ., .... t (In answer to a question tactfully put by a Nebraskan reporter as to how-ls-everything.) Barney Allan was practicing, too, but he didn't stay around long enough for any body to find out what his part whs. "The show has good, clever lines," remarked Harriet Cruise Kemmer. We stuck around and watched the co-ed chorus practice and derided that if the show has as many good lines as the chorus has It will be the greatest sensa tion since the Johnstown flood or the Fall Frolic. TRY OUR STUDENTS' ( Hot Lunches! Owl Pharmacy 148 No. 14th St. Cor. 14th A P SPECIAL Combination LUNCHES At RECTOR'S 13th and P Sts. "Something Different Each Day' 0 Operated By the University FOR YOU "j jfhe targest selling quality pencil in the werwt Classified Ads School Supplies Stationery BOX PAPER UNI SEAL ALL GREEK CRESTS GRAVES PRINTING CO. 312 No. 12th St. SIGNALS! ANOTHER SCORE FOR THE GREAT AMERICAN LUNCH Buy 'Em By the Sack Hotel D'Hamburger 1161 "Q" 1718 "O" Lincoln's Husy Store Cor.. 1 1th & O St. 'The Host for Loss Q SSI 11 our Cars for Rent MOforT" v f "om r a n't cent tn u4 patron ii a Reservations he d until 7: P. M. Tlin char nl a?;r 7:00 P. M Nw Krti ii. ")ievrolo; nm! Kr W n - f rlr.M t lown r.ites corwtj:r t t: h grxvl service. Puhit: Ha hlli-v It. 5ii ran on ait cri MOTOR XT t'OMPANT. 1120 P St i ret Alwuyn openi. H-islIS. Lost and Found LOST G1aa In Brv Laboratory, or Ko ml Science. Keiurn to Nebraflriftn off i.-a LOC'i" A ladj- rr-'j F'e-tn wrift wa.toh. Gold wuh -wrist bftr.4. rwp1. j'hora Whlttier School of Ti ?. Kthei Pn ant. 17 black degrees 3 copying! Buy a dozen Superlative in quality,, the world-famous VENUS VPENCHS give best service and longest wear. C olnml IVtirtl In !0 i alitr ft IMI per ll. .VKI Uillim Ae.. Il-H tlohoken. .V J. I ' III Have You Seen Our Line of College Rings? Silver Rings 1.50 to 10.00 Geld Rings 5.00 to 40.00 Stone Set Rings ... 10.00 to 50.00 am with College or Fraternity Emblems HALLETT University Jeweler Estb. 1B?1 117 So. 12 fa 1 r Easily written... easily read Better mark . . . enough said Nebraska Typewriter Co. 1232 O ST. PHONE B2157. 1 1 PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Phen B40S8 Red Hot Music An OrchMtra for Every Occasion Nebraska Amusement Corporation tilt I16-U Brownell Bldg. Lincoln, Neb. Just Received The Latest Fall Designs in Eaton, Crane & Pike's Fine Correspondence Papers Select yours early while the assortment of beautiful lin ings and correct fabrics is complete, priced 5c to Tucker - Shean GIFT STATIONERS 1123 "O" Street fiHafi a a When giving your Sons advice don't fail to advise them to buy good clothes at Ellingers and put the difference in the bank. ELLINGERS, Inc. 12th & P St. LITTLE SUNSHINE CAFE 1227 R Street ' JUST ACROSS THE CAMPUS SPECIAL SALE 25 Discount LEATHER BILL FOLDS BUY YOUR XMAS PRESENTS NOW LATSCH BROTHERS STATIONERS 1118 O St. BEAT SYRACUSE!! We offer you our finest selection of lunches, dinner and ihort orders. Something for very taste. A hot meal If the day's cold If the day it hot, a cold meal. We invite you, Fathers of Cornhusker men and women. Our service Is unexcelled, our food delicious. Lunch with us, dine with u. We're glad to have you. Ickjl Hour Cafe Students' Eating Place 136 Tlorth 12th Phone B1G94 CPvfHJG MACK P o A NOTHER year has rolled around, another Cornhusker Eleven takes the field on HEAP'S BAY s WE have welcomed Nebraska's students, 1 so do we welcome their Dads. MEAT SYEACUSE yrSK Nebraska men about our clothing STYLED CORRECTLY PRICED MODERATELY WORN EXTENSIVELY ADLER-ROCHESTER SUITS TOPCOATS OVERCOATS WILSON BROS. FURNISHINGS ' AND OTHER SELECT LINES Always for Nebraska Inc. 1212 "O" Street Don't Miss This Great Mlllliury Event--Tuesday! In a nral Special Purchase Sale Event Yon must mt fail to h lioi-c curly Tiiesikiy In participate in this sensational soiling of fine. now I ii 1 1 and winirr iihi.. Doors open at S :i!0 a. in. UOI.IVS Third I'loor. On Sale 8:30 n. M. Tuesday Inclmli'il arc fine Velvets. Kelts, Novelties, etc., ami in all tlie wanted tones as well as black. Kvery wanted new shape and in all head sizes. Not more than 4 bats to a customer. (SEE WINDOW) A Clearance of 300 Fine Hats From Our Pattern Section Included Entire Millinery Floor Space Devoted to This Sale. Extra Salespeople. Iwisli 1 teg ym WmHi Una Ms (M MM ynvelty Designed Papers With Tissue -Lined Envelopes You will find qualities worthy of stationery usually sold at twice the price! For only through a great cooperative selling by thousands of merchants throughout the I nitcd States is such a value made possible! Just Think of These Points of Value! 4? sheets and 4S envelopes . . . Designs and tints created only for this selling IS combinations of colors Keige, Ivory. White, Blue, (Jreen -and novelty finishes . . . Kibbon lies . . . Artfully designed, hinged, drop-front box. You'll nant at least a half-dozen boxes at this loc sale price! (See Window) GOLD'S Thrift SquareStreet Floor. ONLY BOX! Women of Discrimination ('house "1 unity Fair VANJTY FAIR'" Bloomers of Silken- VESTS knitted of soft ese, these full cut, lustrnu. beautiful Silk- j perfect fttltug HUmni- ; f-iifs. the superior arn ! m are fashiuned of that ' madp of puro silk ami, u p e r I o r yarn that FiiiiibfrK. In xiz,. S6 to nfara and launilrrn no 42 and in iink. P'-n h nlruly. In k. innk. I unu melon. i fii. n skin and nmlon. ualr i Silkenesc C'heuiisi and lovely French Panlies In dainty ptyU.. Vmi will lov thr-m fni binR fo prartiial uj attrartjy''. ik! th rome In six' a 31 to at only-- I 95 g95 CtOLIVH Third Kloor. FREE-! Another Lol of Those Rid, Hew, Hew Paper Covered... Hosiery Boxes Vanity orDrcsser (rit en You With Each Box of Beautiful Bobolink Silk Hose The i;)moilS liobol -iks! Pure Silk! With ravel stop! Silk well over kne"! Narrowed ankle! Tbree-eam back! And with all of HirHf br-M-of-all feature. ROBOI.INKS A FIR H'U.V OtTAKANTKKU to aattrfv or we will Riv you nw ones KltKK without ijurstlon. Von urr Inc miI' JurtRp. In all I he new fall and wmti r shades. I I Sobmijui )a II SiUi Hose Tea Time Rose Taupe Pearl Blush Rose Moon Silver Bamboo Evenglow Riviera Blonde Parchment Flesh Stone Pastel Peach Dove Grey Etc, A rich 6-compartment Hosiery Box for your dresser or dressing table FREE with every box of Bobolinks at Single Pair 98c) GOLD'S Street Flot cT (cr Liberty Box Office CO TICITS . the NEWEST KOSESEIT ZIM3 661FBq IS Production TV7 Friday and Saturday E vcsirngS'-LIBEHTY THEATRE - - $1.00 -7c? - 50c I i 1 1 i 1 I si i h 11 1 ;4 1 II