THE DAILY NEBRASKAN YARSITY TRACK MEN WILL MEET NOVICES TryouU for Oklahoma-Missouri Trip Scheduled (or Stadium Field Saturday Afternoon Varsity track tryouts to determine the men who 'will make the Oklahoma-Missouri trip during the spring vacation will be held Saturday after noon, March 31, starting at 2:45 o'clock on the stadium track and field, Coach Henry F. Schulte an nounced Wednesday. The tryouts will be run off as a meet between the varsity and the best men of the tri-color teams. Coach Schulte announced Wednes day the men who will compete for the two teams. Captain Perly Wyatt, Easter, Lowe, and Snyder will com pete in the 100-yard dash for the Varsity, while Tomson, Grisinger. Becker, and Donisthorpe will be the ' tri-color representatives in this event. ' Tri-color Given Handicap The mile run will find Chadder don, Janulewicz, and Etherton of the varsity running against Downey and Garvey, tri-color men, who will be given a 50-yard handicap to make the race more inures ting. Easter, Snyder, Lowe, Davenport, and E. Wyatt, varsity, will toe the marks with Grisinger, Becker, and Donis thorpe in the 220-yard sprint. Trumble, Krause, and Thompson will be the varsity's representatives in both the 120-yard high hurdles and the 220-yard low hurdles, competing against Arganbright, Lamson, and Eagains of the tri-color teams. The Husker mile relay team composed of Captain P. Wyatt, Davenport, Camp bell, and E. Wyatt will run in the quarter-mile race against the tri-color men, Bailey, Hoffman, Mays, and True. Mays and True will be given a 10-yard handicap in this event. Two-mile Grind Sprague, Cummings, Griffin, and Kibble will wear the varsity's colors in the two-mile run while Wendt and Batie, tri-color, will try to show them some competition with the aid of a 150-yard handicap. Johnson, Dexter, and Mousel, varsity, and Strickland, Ritcher, and Batie, tri-color, will compete in the 880-yard event. Ossian and Witte will be the var sity representatives in the pole vault, while Dean, Cook, Ainsley, Euns, and Stevenson will be their tri- SPRING Should Mean a New Suit and Topcoat from NEBRASKAN TAILORS CLEANERS B-6013 235 No. 14 Ml ffil w rami -v.J,J 0 A Braeburn Cocktail Gather enough wool from a sheep (you know your own capacity and size), add to this a big jigger of style take a silk worm and a dash of the next rainbow mix properly. THE RESULT r.vv. A New Braeburn Topcoat Lined with $35 A7 'V Grid Practice Postpontd Because of Cold Weather On account of cold weather, the Wednesday football practice was postponed until this afternoon All coaches will be on hand today and urge a full turnout. color opponents. The varsity will enter Potts, Andrews, Shaner, and Fleming in the broad jump against Tomson, Griswold, Chilton, and Dean. Hurd and Ashburn will throw the shot for the varsity and Bowley and Richards will heave the pellet for the tri-color. Pott and Fleming Jump Potts and Fleming will high jump for the varsity against Cook, .Pierce Lefgren, Benbrock, Krause, anr' Huddleston, tri-color. Hurd, Durisch, and Ashburn will compete in the dis cuss event against the tri-color weight men, Gilbert and Richards. Andrews is the varsity's lone entry in the javelin throw and he will find some real opposition In James, Hor ney, Swartz, Decker, Long, Bevard, and Lepecier of the tri-color teams. The schedule for Saturday's try outs as announced by Coach Schulte is as follows: 2:45 100-yard dash; 2:55 mile run; 3:05 220-yard dash; 3:15 120-yard high hurdles; 3:25 440 yard dash; 3:35 2 mile run; 3:45 220-yard low. hurdles; 3:55 880 yard run; 4:10 mile relay; 2:45 pole vault, high jump, discuss, and shot put; 3:25 javelin and broad jump. The results of the meet will aid Coach "Indian" Schulte in selecting the team which will represent the Cornhuskers in a dual track meet with Oklahoma at Norman, April 11, and another dual meet with Missouri at Columbia, April 14. LEWIS ANNOUNCES TODAY'S PROGRAM Handball and Horseshoe Contest Are Scheduled; No Further Matches Because of Opera Horseshoe and handball games for today were scheduled yesterday by James C. Lewis, intramural director. No more games will probably be played this week, after today's con tests, because of the opera produc tion at the field house tonight. The games follow: Handball doubles Lambda Chi Alpha vs Alpha Sigma Phi, 4 to 5 ; Alpha Theta Chi vs Beta Theta Pi, 4 to 5 ; Theta Chi vs Phi Kappa, 4 to 5. Horseshoe singles Court 1. Pi Kap pa Alpha vs Sigma Phi Epsilon, 4 to 5; Delta Chi vs Phi Sigma Kappa, 5 to 6; Court 2. Beta Theta Pi vs Delta Upsilon, 4 to 5; Phi Delta Theta vs Sigma Chi, 5 to 6. I m 1 K K7M I m ; i 'j iridescent silk 'Mi'f l t TENNIS CANDIDATES BEGIN PLAY MONDAY Active Practice Session Scheduled, For Coliseum Courts; Bearg Will Coach Team Nebraska's varsity tennis squad will start active practice Monday, it was announced by Coach Ernest Bearg yesterday, who stated that he will issue a call for candidates on this date. Several enthusiasts have already been working out on the courts at the Coliseum in order to assure themselves perfect form when the elimination process begins. Three courts will be available in the Coliseum where Bearg will sponn sor the workouts. Charles Heacocb is captain of the 1923 team. Slg Alphs Lose Game To Alpha Gamma Rho First Game of Final Round to Decide Class B Basketball Champions Ends in 27-19 Score Alpha Gamma Rho defeated Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 27 to 19, Tuesday, in the first game played to decide the triple tie between Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Alpha Gamma Rho, for the Class B basket ball championship. The contest took place in the Student Activities build ing at the College of Agriculture. The game was hard-fought throughout. Both teams were hinder ed by the slippery floor which made good teamwork impossible. Phipps, A. G. R. forward, was high-point man of the contest with five field goals and a free throw. Sharp was high man for the losers with eight points. Kenneth Othmer refereedthc game. Nebraska Rifle Team Drops Fourth Match Cornhusker Sharpshooters Trail Culver and Akron in Firing Scores for Week In the matches of last week the sharpshooters failed to make a good average of wins. Nebraska scored 3529 while Culver Military Academy scored 3631, University of Akron scored 3617 and Cornell University scored 3518. In a match with Gettys burg college taking the scores of five men, Nebraska scored 1798 while Gettysburg scored 1805. The total of three losses and one win pulls down the season mark for the riders. Firing at the range this week shows an improvement over that of last week. Announcement will be made this week of the men chosen to fire in the Hearst Trophy match. HOME EC INSTRUCTORS VISIT IOWA COLLEGE Mrs. Edna Snyder, assistant in re search work in the Home Economics department, and Miss Mary Mason, instructor in equipment in this de partment, spent the past week at Ames, Iowa. They attended the short course at the Iowa State Ag ricultural College, which dealt with gas and electrical equipment. Women Plan Athletic Contests for Future Volleyball and indocr baseball tournaments will occupy the girls' sport calendar for the next few weeks. An inter-class volleyball tourney will start next week after the intra-mural contest now in progress is played off. Only one more week of practice is left for prospective members of the baseball teams. Baseball is a major sport and ten practices are required. A list of practices corrected up to date has been posted on the bulletin board in the cast entrance of the Armory. Swift Company Sends Men for Interviews Representatives of Swift and Com pany, American meat packers, will be on the campus of the University to day interviewing graduating seniors. All University of Nebraska senior interested in the meat packing indus try are invited to meet Mr. Rydman and Mr. Kopp of Swift and company in S. S. 306 at 11 o'clock this morn ing. Brick Association Man Plans University Visit j. unnin win Aaaress Engineers Friday in Mechanical Art; Paving I Subject J. E. Griffin, field man for the National Paving Brick association of Chicago, will talk to civil engineer- ing Biuaenra upon we subject I brick paving, Friday, March 30, at 11 o'clock in M.A. 206. Mr. Griffin is an expert in his field and fully acquainted with all the problems i of paving. His talk will be fully illustrated and will deal with all phases of brick paving. The lecture will be under the auspices of the student chapter of the Ameri- car Society of Chemical Engiaor. All students interested are invited Kosmet Show Actors and Actresses Rival Hollywood (By Alene Miner) The great day has come, fair co jds! You won't have to go to Holly wood to meet all the celebrities. Af ter having a glorious spring vacation you can return to the old grind of study and have some brand new he roes to sigh over. You can co to vour classes and J dream that your instructor is Jack Wheelock after you see him play the part of the young college professor in "The Love Hater." If only all the college "profs" were like him Nebraska would have an over-flow of the feminine sex. Jack Gilbert and Harry Langdon know nothing about the art of making love, for when Jack Wheelock gets started he is the kind husbands don't care to have be on speaking terms with their wives. Girls, you wouldn't mind getting slips from Jack reminding you that you have a condition or an incom plete. Ther would also be another incentive in going into his office, bet cause that perfectly barbered and well tailored "Bud" Baily is his sec retary. There is another who has climbed to the heights with his personality and talent, but let me warn you, fair sisters, not to believe him when he says that his name is Al Abbott, as it is really George Gesman. He is not the ultra-sophisticated actor like Wallace Berry or Lon Chancy, but he is Mr. Personality Plus. As a true fixer he is no slouch, even if he has been in more cabarets than all Holly wood knows about. He is the newest in flaming youth with the looks and dance. You've never seen such taps, waltz taps, love taps, and clog taps in all your life. Second warning remember he has an impish little partner who has no inferiority complex, so it might be well not to put your return address on your letters when you write for his autographed photo. Ratney Is Villian Adolphe Menjou won't even reg" ister as the polished man of the world to the women fans after Elwood Ra mey appears as the Italian villian. He is one of those slick bland types with the oily eloquence that sweeps the girls of their feet. "He's the loganberries fat and sour," says Mazzie of Dr. Santitia, played by Carol Dubry. But girls watch him because he and the count ess have been old friends, very per sonal friends sometime in the dark past. You used to shriek for "Blue" Howell on the football field, bu like ecpeniuiusmice it inters! vauiidi uiuiur juu wu. a a mii mmm wm m w A cn IOTM CT I TMfflt M UFR lllllllllllilllilllllllllllli'lllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllill i Order QO-OP. BOCK STO Stars in Technique Wayne Munn and Babe Ruth he has sacrificed his name to the theatrical profession, so now you'll have to be content with clapping your hands and have supressed in your heart the de sire to be in that Italian patio where "Blue" is the servant. Blue Print for March Now Bting Distributed March issue of The Nebraska Blue Print has been printed. Copies of the engineer's magazine are being distributed, and sub scribers are urged to obtain their copies at the Co-Op Book Store immediately. Girls' Basketball in Nebraska High Schools Shows Great Decrease Interscholastic basketball for girls is a thing of the past in Nebraska as indicated by the replies to a ques tionnaire sent out by Miss Miriam Wagner of the physical education de partment for women to all high schools in the state. The survey was carried on by Miss Wagner as state chairman of the na tional committee on women's basket ball of the American Physical Edu cation Association. The decrease in the amount of girls' interscholastic basketball being played, is due to the new ruling of the state High School Athletic asso ciation which provides that no high school which supports a competing girls' basketball team may enter a boys' team in the state tournament. Before this rule went into effect the amount of basketball played by girls was appalling. The new state league of High School Girls' Athletic association which was organized this year is opposed to interscholastic competition among its members. . B3367 VADSITY. CLEANERS AND EVERS EN Your - - ( y shall 1 do Sag! with X-y that f Caps and Gowns and Invitations Now Best of just east No Deposit Required Nebraskan Is Printed By Men In University All printers are not students and 11 RtnHonts are not winters. Never theless the printers employed in printing the Daily Nebraskan hap pen to be students. An all student force has been employed on the me chanical side of the paper since the opening of school in the fall of 1926. The personnel of men employed in setting up and printing The Daily Nebraskan is: Kenneth Lewis and Henry Brainerd, linotype operators; Wendell Morris and Ralph Pray, floor men, and Carl Wurm (non- student) pressman. All of these men with the exception of the last named are carrying regular schedules in the University besides their work in the printing office. These men are all enrolled in the School of Journalism. Lewis and Brainerd are seniors and Morris and Pray are sophomores. When he was bored with a recep tion which was being held at the University of Washington in his hon or, Floyd Dell, modernist writer, skipped out and went to a dance with two-co-eds and a Daily reporter. Overheard In a -Greek?- Cafe A B C D Red Flannels M N O Red Flannels A B lVTs GRADS the smart new two piece underwear white Gym shirt and bright colored track pants. 69c to $2.50 Mens Service of Temple O R on Caps and Gowns The renowned forensic abilities of Harvard undergraduates was given a distinct shock recently when a de bate team from Charleton college came out of the West and won an au dience decision in a verbal scr :v the Harvard team. WANT ADS FOR RENT: Furnished rooms for men. 511 No. 16th. B-4451, i Photos by Hauck and Skoghnd are the ideal gift. Attractive franieg and folders of all sizes. Tinted por traits a specialty. First class work for everyone. Prices reasonable Bigger and Better Hamburgers 5C Pie Chili Soup Sandwiches Drinks Give Us a Trial Hamburger Inn 317 No. nth. Vi Block Swth oi Unl. Library Furnishings street floor. R Hj at . , ... aW 'l to tttend.