THE DAILY NEBRASKAN a M 1 g VARSITY CAGE MEN DEFEAT IOWA TEAM Huskers Lose. To Kansas Ag gies, Now Preparing For "Oklahoma Team After losing a Valley contest with the Kansas Aggies and winning from Iowa State cagesters, the Varsity basketeers assembled under Coach Charley Black for the regular Mon day afternoon workout at the Col iseum. All of the cagemen are in ex cellent condition after the recent game with Iowa State and went through a fast practice session un der Black's direction. Saturday's game with the Iowa Ag gies wa2 a listless exhibition on the part o'i the invaders. Taking advan tage of the laxity of the Iowa visi tors, the Huskers flashed an improved brand of basketball and were out in front at the end, 37 to 26. Glen Munn, towering pivot man on the Nebraska quintet, used his height to' good advantage and snared the high scoring honors of the evening with a total of thirteen points. Sta ver, captain and forward on the Iowa team, ranked next in scoring honors with eleven- markers to his credit. Othmer scored first for the Corn busker men and Taylor and Lande evened the score with a couple of foul tosses. Before the Iowans could score again, the Husker bombard ment had run the point total up to ten and from there on the Varsity men were never headed. With the score standing 27 to 21 after an Aggie rally, Coach Black inserted some new blood into the Varsity lineup, and Grace and Elliott promptly put the game on ice by sev eral eucctssful efforts at the basket, Witte, Munn, and Olson collaborated to run the Varsity total up to 37 points and the Iowa cagesters had to be content with garnering 26 points. In losing to the Kansas Aggies Saturday evening, Jan. 21, the Hus kers displayed a lifeless game and failed to connect with the basket in numerous attempts. The starting quintet, with Elliott at center, Brown and Witte forwards, and Holm and Krall guards failed to function with any degree of efficiency so Black in serted his so-called reserves. GREEK TRACK MEET BEGINS Interfraternity Cinder Events Are To Be Run Off This Week Just that time of year when they taste awful good. Buy 'em by the Sack Hotel D'Hamburger 114 12th St. 1718 "O" CONTEST STARTS TODAY Greek letter cinder artists will swing into action this afternoon when the winter Interfraternity in door track meet gets under way be neath tho east stands of the stadium. Contestants will be limited to men who have never competed in an in tercollegiate meet. lhe winning fraternity of the meet must finish at least two men in each event in order to be eligible for the trophy. The meet will be staged on the pentathlon basis as in former years. The event3 will be run off during three time periods: 3:15, 4:1-5, and 5:15 on the days scheduled for the various events. Participants may compete in either event at any of the three time periods indicated. The events to be run off this af ternoon are the mile run, the high jump, and the fifty yard dash. Coach Henry Schulte urges that all frater nities have their entrees on hand for the "gun." Wednesday afternoon, February 1, the pole vault, fifty yard low hurdles, and the 440-yard run will be run off. The shot put, broad jump, and two mile run are on the program for Fe bruary' 2, and the fifty yard high hurdles, the 35-pound weight, and the 880-yard run for Saturday, Fe bruary 4. The relays will take place at the athletic carnival, Friday night, February 3, at the coliseum. WANT ADS MEN" STUDENTS We have three nicely furnished rooms all ready to move into. Close tto school. B-4743. WANTED 10 men earning own way through school for the sum mer months, .6 to work part time now as college representatives. Nol samples to carry experience not essential but preferred. Not a "nous e-to-h ouie" proposition. Minimum earnings guaranteed. Personal interview required. See R. P. Stearns, Cornhusker Hotel. Here two days only. Tues. and Wed., Jan. 31, Feb. 1. Thei Man's a fool who puts water in his gasoline. He's a bigger fool who eats poor food. You get the best food at the Golden Candlestick, 226 So. 12. ' Photos by Hauck and Skoglund are the ideal gift. Attractive frames and folders of all sizes. Tinted por traits a specialty. First class work for everyone. Prices reasonable.. Adv. You Are Always NEXT AT STURM SHOP Franks & Franks 116 So. 13th. i i Don't Forget The Greenback Family STUDENTS DEMAND QUALITY and on that we have built our fine School Busi ness. If by chance you buy from us and are s? not satisfied we feel grateful when you tell us. eCZi tl:. i m. i 1.1 crsA i ins is your siure tuiu we want iu serve yuu as d - you reel you should be served. We value your good patronage and feel you deserve the best. Supplies for All Departments of the University m Greenedge Paper grows more popular every day. It's Boxed. SPECIAL Genuine Leather- Note Book $2.50 Sheaffer Pen Headquarters Greenback Notebooks of steel construction. Khaki: Grey-Flexible and Leather of Black and Brown. LA TSCH BROTHERS Stationers & School Supplies 1118 O St. 1 1 ! ' ! ' i n r 1 1 1 1 p i 1 1 r ; i 1 : l r II in 1 IT r it i r i t I r I ! ! 1 1 1 1 r ilmlimum iiiiiliiMilliilllillllllililll lllHIMMIITHIIIIIMI'mmiMII 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimu""""! i iiiiiiiiMiiiini OE30I I0E301 I0C30I noaoi lomoi IOOOI IOE30I I0E30E0E30I lonoi I0E30I SODOI IOE30I IOBOI XOEXOC Yoi ooilc and o D o upplie Right o 0 0 0 0 o are a P rices 0 n 0 LONG'S )LLEGE BOOK STORF. Facing Campus n o 8