The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 11, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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all Valley cagers.
Holt ! Second
"Vic" Holt, Oklahoma Sooner piv
ot man, who towers up Into the air
for six feet and six inches, is close
on the heels of the Oklahoma Agie
star and has sunk a total of 29 ring
ers and eleven free throws for 69
points. Holt, it will be remembered,
was Ted rage's rival on the court
last season and this year the giant
Sooner basket ace is one of the out
standing baskcteers in the conference.
In third place is another Oklahoma
man, Bruce Drake, Sooner forward
who has amassed 63 points in the
five Valley conference games.
Drake was one of the high scorers
in the Valley last season and an All
Valley forward. He not only is
continuing his record from last
year, but is going greater than ever
i before.
Sooner Ar Fast
The Oklahoma Sooners have a fast
aggregation on the hardwvwd this
year and are setting the pace fot the
Valley teams. In five encounters
the Sooner have come out victorious
and have proved to critics that they
nnt orlv have a fast machine on the
Aggie star started out in the first . offense but havt an air tight defense
game of the season with his basket , machine. The arerage height of the !
assault and has continued the bar- j southern five is orr six feet, prob
rage of baskets, setting the rwee for ably one of the tallest if not the tall-
j est basketball five in the country. j
Holt loads the souad with his
Player. Vie for High Scoring
Honors; Wright, Oklahoma
Ajgie, Leads with 72
The fight for scoring honors in
th Missouri Valley is on, and from
the outlook it is going to be a real
fight for individual honors. Several
stellar basket tossers have come into
prominence since the opening of the
Only five givnes have been played
by each conference quintet but the
total of points has nearly reached
the hundred mark. This seems to
be an excellent display of basket
shooting by Valley cage stars.
The sensational battle has ben
started by Wright, a sophomore for
ward on the Oklahoma Aggie five.
Wright, in five games, has snagged
thirty one baskets and ten free
throws for a total of 72 points. This
Huskers were the outstanding scor
ers in the conference last season and
finished close to the top of the heap.
This year Tom Elliott is high scorer
for the Scarlet and Cream quintet
but he is far down the list of basket
shooting stars.
The following list includes the
games up until January 7.
fg ft pts.
Wright (Okla. Ags) .... 31 10 72
Holt (Okla.) 2d
Drake (Oklal 26
Myers (Drake) 19
King (Okla, Ags) 24
Collins (Okla, Ags. .... 23
Coggoshall (Grinnell) 13
Churchill (Okla.) 17
Meyer, (Wash.) 10
Lovejoy (Grin.) 7
Wcintge (Wash.) . 9
Kling (Ames) 7
Do PmmM!
Davis (Grin.) 9
Landc (Ames) 10
Zvacek (Draake) 8
Staver (Ames) 7
Eckcrt (Wash) . 6
rctcrson (Grin.) 8
Yunker (Missou) J
Simpson (Drake) 4
Thomson (Kansas) 6
Stevens (Okla.) o
Elliot (Nebraska) 6
Welsh (Missouri) 6
LoCrone (Okla.) 5
.. 4
- 5
- 5
Wttw C OlUalltv
Curb Sarvic
FhoM B-2SS3 16S7 O St.
Lincoln. Near.
Brown (Nebraska) ..
Holm (Nebraska) ....
Witte (Nebraska) ..
helgfct of six feet six inches but does , Ha user (Kansas) ...
not tower above the rest of his Uthmer (Nebraska;
mates by very far. The forwards jLohiding (Washing)
areraee six two while the guards S Morris (Okla.)
only lack an inch of measuring up; Edwards (Kan Ags)
with the forwards. Nebraska fans fcnraasia Agsj
.... 3
will not get a chance to see the Jeffrey (Kansas) 3
Sooners in action on the Coliseum
floor until late in February.
Nebraska Les Scorer
Nebraska, this year is minus the
scoring aces of lst year, CWrk
Smaha and Ted Tage. These two
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Five minutes to play
The score 21-0 agai-tst dear old Siwash. "Brown, the great
est Siwash quarter-bad, gets the halt He rushes down the
field for a touchdown. But one isn't enough. He males
another . . . another . . . another ... until the score
stands 28-21. And Siwash wins. 50,000 people go crazy.
They yell themselves hoarse. Brown marries the girl and
is now mining fire-proof coal in Labrador.
Well ! What of it ? Brownie, bis girl and all tbe bunch
drank "Canada Dry" ater tbe game, tbe coolest, most
thirst-quenching ginger ale they'd ever tasted. Because
it containr only pure Jamaica ginger, if. bas a delightful
flavor ... tang to it . . . dryness ... sparkle.
Drink ''Canada Dry!" The Champagne of Ginger
Ales. When your friends drop in .
on every occasion.
ilea. V. S. Pst. Off.
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Extract imported front Omnia and bottled bt the V. S. A. by
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in Cauda, J. J. HcLouiklm Limittd. EttobtisJud U90.
, flay H dart and carrf
' The fwmt "Canada
Dry" on tht bottle cap
nvtm that ac one can
fnt oner m last one m
1. v
Pettibone (Drake) 2
McCoy (Okla Ags) 2
Flamank (Missouri) 1
Channon (Missou) 2
Schmidt (Kansas) 1
Tarisho (Drake) 0
Kiergan (Okla) 0
Baker (Missouri) 1
Quinn (Okla) 1
Ingram (Grinnell) 1
Hill (Kansas) I
Maney (Kansas) , 1
Christianson (Wash) .... 1
Fleming (Okla Ags) .... 1
Youngman (Kan Ags) .. 1
Ashby (Drake) 1
TnUerson (Okla Ags) .... 1
Burton (Kansas) 1
Hrockway (Kas Ags) .... 0
White (Okla Ags) 0
Culbertson (Okla) 0
Wilhelm (Grinnell) 0
Mark (Grinnell) 0
The following players have parti
cipated in Valley games but have
not scored: Noble, R. LeCrone, Bir
kett, Taylor, May and Crider (Okla-
jhoma); Lawson, Armstrong, Gohde
iand Lewandowski (Nebraska); Kew
I land, Unruh, " Henderson and Me
jGuire (Kansas); Lamson, Taylor
and Treadwell (Amos); Waldorf,
! SmiHiiir and Brown (Missouri);
Wilson and Meyers (Oklahoma A. A
Roach (Missou) 4
Brown (Ames) 2 3
Kurz (Washing) 3 1
Krall (Nebr.) 3 1
Craig (Missou) 3 1
Mettel (Kan Ags) 3 I
Stattoti (Okla Ags) 2 S
Fall (Grinnell) - 2 3
Silverwood (Kas Ags) .... 3 1
Munn (NVbrska) 3 1
Corrough (Grinn) 3 1
Ruble (Missouri) 3 0
Jones (Kas Ags) 1 4
Barnes (Drake) 2 2
Olsen (Nebraska) 3 0
Niblick (Okla) 3 0
Woods (Aiea) 2 1
M.) and Bowt-si (Drake).
Mild Weather Mikes Outdoor
Practice Possible; Prospects
Look Fairly Bright
numerous but what can bo expected
from them will not be apparent until
later in the season. Among those
Coach Schulte will watch are Glen
Johnson, Norris Chadderdon, Robert
Spraguc, the big three of the cross
country team; Louis Etherton, Car
rold Griffen, James Batie, and Clar
ence Kibble.
Timber toppers are more plentiful
than a year ago, due largvly to the
addition of Harold Trumble of Cam
bridge to the list of varsity candi
dates. Krause and Fleming of last
year's team should go stronger than
they did in 1927.
Tole vaulters are as yet a minus
quantity and the same thing is true
of the two jumps. In the weights,
Coach Schulte has Ashburn, Hurd,
and Durisch, the three dependables
vhrt with Tosnisil made UD his weight
c.fto4h last vpr. Tosnisil will beilk UP
. . . J r-.. I., leaaek al Florida
missing as Will Aimy aim .iinnr.., 1
floor work. Tho Husknr captain
could not hit tk rim with regularity
as h did in th Missou imi on st
ral occassion lot wild passes slip
from his hands. On tho whoU it
was complete turn of svants front
tho gam with tho Tigers Saturday
Tho Missouri Valley wrestling
race gets under way Saturday when
Oklahoma meets Missouri at Nor
man. Missouri has a powerful
squad of grapplers this season and
will probably give the Sooners one
of their hardest matches of the sea
son. The outlook for the Sooners is
very bright for the season and they
will be a- real contender for the
wrestling title in the Valley.
Coach Charley Bachman, former
Kansas Aerie football coach who will
'take up his duties as head football
l..rk Florida nnlversitT this fall
" .... at 1 . .
throwers, leaving him weak," ected Joe no.smger ,
in the spear event.
New prospects both from the fresh
man of last year's ranks and from
the novice ranks may be counted on
to fill some of the gaps left from
last year. Right now, Coach Schulte
is keeping his eyes on the military
track meet for prospects.
Outdoor track workouts is the
agreeable January novelty which
Coach Henry F. Schulte and his
Cornhusker track men are utilizing
him. Holsinger was on 6f Bach
man's plunging backs on the Wildcat
eleven this fall. Holsinger did not
get to play at the close of the season
on account of illness and did not get
in the game against the Cornhuskers
at Manhattan.
Coach Ray Detrick, basketball
mentor at Ohio Wcsleyan has com-
' pelled all his basketball men to wear
jraloshes during the basketball sea
son. The ungainly mudguards are
,to be worn for more than one season.
NebrasksV triangular meet with j Detrick, who has turned out several
Oklahoma and Misscuri to be held at 1 0hio conference championship fives
Norman on Apn'! 9 has been can-J says the galoshes not only protect
celled due to the f.-Jct that it comes j the wearers from colds, but make
during spring vacatioiT. Athletic of- j the players faster on thtf floor as the
ficials at Missouri anJ Oklahoma change from the heavy overshoes to
have agreed to have a meet oii April , the light basketball shoes makes the
H and have invited Nebraska to j feet feel lighter,
make it a triangular but as yet Corn- o
huskcr officials have not accepted, j Lloyd Haha of Nebraska seems to"
be America's chief hope for a middle
lahotna athlete will try out for dec
athlon honors in the Olympic tryeuts
.1:. "rUFn FILim Nekraa.
in Uic-.r auempw 10 gri m1 j j,,,,,. won the decatholon bon
for the 158 seawn. . . 1 ir. i. Lincoln
6 With retrular schedules compiled 1. . . . .1.. 1 .
- lilt nnncr n wo " -
for all groups of varsity candidates, JeU for h
" making it ptssaMe lor eacn group 10
6 work out together at least three
6 times
Tom Churchill, University of Ok-1 distance man in the Olympics
Anutterdam this summer. Hakn
this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Accord
ing to Coach Johnny Kellogg, who
in charge, all contestants may weigh
in between 11 o'clock this morning
and the beginning of the matches.
Ho als ostated that any wrestlers
who fail to appear automatically for.
feit their match.
Indications are that the outstand
ing match of this meeting will be the
Lindsog-Hurrcn 125-pound mix and
the match between Mallette and Ab
bott, who wrestla the 135-pound
Following is the schedule of
Heavyweight class: Peterson, Beta
Theta Ti vs. Regier, Delta Sigma
Thi; Kochnke, Phi Kappa Vs. Ben
nett, Acacia.
175-pound class: Sailor, Delta
Theta Phi vs. Cox, Alpha Gamma
Rho; Brainerd-Walker match wrest
led, resulting in a win by Brainerd
by a fall.
15S-pound class: Stone, Alpha
Gamma Kho vs. Simons, Delta Theta
ITii; Heldt, Delta Tau Delta vs.
Nixoli, Farm Ilouse.
145-pound class: Martin, Phi Kap.
pa Psi vs. McKinney, Delta Theta
Thi; Nelson, Omega Beta Pi vs.
Buchanan, Alpha Gamma Rho.
DeFord, Delta Chi vs. Benson
Theta Chi; Mallette, Tau Kappa Ep!
silon vs. Abbott, Beta Theta Pi.
125-pound class: Lindsog, Theta
Xi vs. Hurren, Tau Kappa Eprflon
Stransky, Delta Chi vs. Karrer, Theta'
115-pound class: Houchen, Omega
Beta Pi vs. Spence, Alpha Tan.
Omega; LaRue has already won his
match over Brandhorst
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week. Coach Schulte is be-
5 : ginning to get his proteipes down to
hard work.
Track candidates are numerous
with the exception of the sprints,
but at resent the Huskers look
woefully weak in the field events.
The loss of Locke and Hein two years
ago left the Huskers without a first
iclass sprinter and prospects for the
preseTrt season are none too bright.
Sprint Candidates
Cantain "Perly" Wyatt can be
utilized in the sprints as was neces
sary last year but this deprives Coach
Schulte of the premier quarter miler
of the valley. Art Easter, member of
last year's freshman squad, is a
promising sprint candidate, but he
failed to place high in the sprints
PHI Delta
Taeta HauM
The Sooner trackman will bare
something to shoot at in an attempt
to beat out Elkins. Tke "Cbtef" to
gether with Kakn and "dp" Locke,
two Nekraskans, are in training for
tke Olympics at present.
Reports are coming up from the
school on the Kaw favorably stating
the increased successes of the fresh
man basketball squad. Coach John
Bunn is handling the yearlings and
has the brightest outlook among his
first year Ken. He has organized
a tournament at tbe JajLaker
school whereby the latent basketball
abilities of his frosh can be brought
to light.
Bob Krall, Husker guard played
a bang wp game against tke Wask
inetoa eaintet Monday aigkt. Bok
in last year's freshman valley tele-land kis mate, Elmer Holm spoiled
graphic meet.
The quarter mile looks stronger
tban it did a year ago. If Captain
Wyatt can be used. Coach Schults
will have a real mile relay team
from the present outlook. Besides the jker guard men and tke Bear oifense
ScottsblufT flash, he will have his was disorganized.
brother Earl Wyatt, star on last
year's freshman team, and "rat"
Hoffman, who surprised the track
know-it-alls by qualifying for the
440 finals in the valley meet last
spring and running a close race for
a place.
Distance Men N umerous
Distance men, largely derived from
last fall's cross-country team, are
many a ringer and on w
casions turned tke St. Louis effense
into riot. Washington passes tkat
were almost sure, were nabbed by
one or tke other of tkia pair of Has-
Tom Elliott, kolding down tke pi
rot job on tke Scarlet quint was
completely off form in tke Wasking
ton game ia both basket snooting and
ia training for tke big event as well
as Elkins and Locke, two other Ne.
braskans wko are good bids for tke
Olympic team.
Anyone disappointed with the
game last Monday can at least be
consoled with the fact that the
Washington aggregation has a plenty
fast basketball combination and are
booked to go far in the race for the
1?2S championship flag. Coach
White has a quintet that held Kansas
to an extra period to win and when a
basket team does that it has done
from Agricultural College. These
men must We single and ready U sail
about Ftbrsiary 1. Write detailed
letter of application.
John C Shepard,
Central City, Nebraska.
Kellogg A
Start at 4
Tki. Afi
The semi-finals cf the largest in
ter-fraternity wrestling tournament
ever held at the university will begin
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