THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ENTRIES DOUBLE WRESTLING LIST Almost 100 Grapplers Enter Greek Meet, Making It Largest in History lahoma. Our own Coach Ernest Bearg is a Kansas conference man, graduating from Wahburn College when ha ra ce! ved hi first college football play ing. From Washburn, Bearg went to Illinois as a backfield coach. The entry list for the inter-fraternity wrestling tournament now being held, was the largest of any yet held, according to Coach JohnJSopjl, Kellogg. There were almost one hun dred men entered in the various classes, which is twice the number entered last year. The semi-finals of the meet will be run off Jan. 11 and on Jan. 12 the final matches will take place. There will be no more matches be for the Christmas vacation. Following the tournament exhibi tion matches will be run off between the winners of the inter-fraternity and non-fraternity tournaments. Medals will be presented to tho win ners in each class. Negotiations are being u to schedule a varsity wrestling meet some time in January. Northwestern will probably be the school with which the meet will be scheduled. Coach Kellogg expressed a belief that perhaps some of the men who are taking part in the dnter-frater-nity meet would be wrestling on the varsity squad. TIE GAME PLAYED IN SOCCER TOURNEY oraore and Junior-senior Uirli Cannot Score Title In Doubt The Sophomore and Junior-Senior girls' soccer teams met last Friday in the closing game of the week's tour nament. It was by far the fastest tilt of the season and ending in a scoreless tio, left the championship still in dispute. Tuesday evening the Sophomores defeated the Freshmen 1 to 0, in the initial game of the tournament. On Wednesday evening the Junior Senior team overcame the Frosh, by the score of 3 to 1. The following was the line-up in the Friday game: IN THE VALLEY By JACK ELLIOTT Nebraska's Scarlet and Cream basketball quintet got off on the wrong- foot down in Missouri last week end. Charley Black's basket eers dropped a game to Washington and one to Missouri to start out the Missouri Valley basketball season. The game Friday night with the Washington Bears was lost by one point but the Missouri tilt was some thing of a massacre of the scarlet clad boys from Nebraska. Missouri has a strong cage squad this season and will be one of the fives to contend for the 192S flag. Kansas was subdued) in their initial contest- with the Aggie Wildcat five from Manhattan, but the power of the Jayhawk five did not show up in their initial encounter. The Oklahoma Sooners were hard hit last week when Pinkerton, star Sooner guard was declared ineligible for the season. The Sooner guard was ruled ineligible on account of having played two years with North Texas Teachers' College at Denton.- Harold Schmidt, playing his last year with the Jayhawk basketball crew has received an offer to coach Junior-Senior R.W. . Cypreausen I.R. Willson C.F. Clayton I.L. Grau L.W. Shankland R.H. Stewart C. H. Ayres L.H. Kess R. B. Bergstffaesser L.B. Peterson G.K. Clarke Umpires: McDonald and Webb. Substitutions: Sopnomore Coop er, and Koerting. Junior-Senior Rogers, Neely, Carroll. Sophomore Olsen Schrick Hall Dam Olney Davis Hoy Spencer Lemley Parker , Weaver through. The loss of nine men through graduation has left a hole in the ranks of the high jumpers and hurdlers, although several good soph omores are available. The men from last winter's indoor squad who are Tost are Conger ,m!dd!e distance ace; Bonnell, middle distance run ner; Buck, sprinter; Cervi, two miler; Kingery, high jumper; Wit mer, star hurdler; Toom high jump er; Suit, quarter miler; and Bangs and Fry. Good New Men Among the newcomers who are expected to strengthen the team is Maurice Soults of Clarion, who gives promise of being the greatest pole vaulter that Iowa State has had. Dill Smith, crack sophomore hurdler, who has been bothered by a bad heart, has been pronounced fit by the college doctors,' but is now laid up with an injured leg. Included in the schedule for the coming indoor season is the Kansas City Athletic club meet in Conven tion Hall, Feb. 18, the annual tri angular meet with Drake and Grin- nell at Iowa State, Feb. 23; a dual with Drake at Des Moines, March 3 ; the Missouri Valley indoor meet in Des Moines, March 9 and 10; and the Illinois Relays at Urbana, March 17. floor 2. Delta Tau Delta vs. Sigma Nu, 7:00 o'clock, floor 3. Phi Kap pa Psl vs. Phi Delta Theta, 8:35 o'clock, floor 2. Cage Pilot CYCLONES EXPECT FAST RELAY TEAM Material Available for 2-Mile Relay Promises to Be Speedy; Other Prospect Poor ' Amis, Iowa, Dec. 13. Another record breaking 2-mile relay team is promised for Iowa State with seven half milers, four of them letter men, working out. However, prospects in the other divisions for the indoor track season are not as rosy. The scholastic axe is threatening to put some capable performers on the in eligible list. This year's indoor track squad, numbering 45, includes 20 men from last season's strong yearling team, six major letter men and five minor letter winners. As usual, Coach Bob Simpson's Ptrflfinoo will Via etrnnw in Vi o milla basketball this season at Hays j distances, with some hopes for im Teachers' College at Hays, Kansas, provement in the sprints, providing Schmidt is one of Coach Phog All- several promising sophomores come en's mainstays on the court this sea son and should Schidt decide to take the coaching offer, the Kansas five will be hard hit. Although Nebraska lost the open ing two-games 'on the 1927-28 bas ketball card, the going after the holi days should be just plenty tough for the Valley teams who line up against Nebraska. Nebraska lost Page last year but Charley Black simply had to have a tall rangy center and Glenn Munn, the six foot six inch lad has filled the position. Munn looks every bit as good as Page and lacks only experience. This is the big boy's first year on the Varsity tage squad and with a little more expe rience he should be able to give Holt of Oklahoma a real battle for the tip-off. Both centers cover the same distanee from head to foot. Bill Hargiss it the third coach from the Kansas conference to land a coaching job in the Big Six. Gwinn Henry started the line when he left the College of Emporia at Emporia, Kansas for the head coaching job at Missouri. He was followed by Ad rian Lindsey, coach of Bethany Col lege at Lindsborg who is now at Ok- LAST PRE-HOLIDAY CAGE TILTS TONIGHT All Except Two Class B Greek Teams Will Be In Action In Coliseum Tonight The last round of class B inter fraternity basketball, before Christ mas vacation will begin tonight at 7 o'clock in the Coliseum with eleven games scheduled. Tonight will mark the largest number of games in any evening in if ,.yx-, I I i ? I J S I I i I s i - i ' I ' ( i I I Nebraska High Schools Request White Rats to Utilize in Experiments A number of high schools in Ne braska have sent requests to Profes sor Rebekah Gibbons of the Foods and Nutrition division of the Home Economics department of the Uni versity of Nebraska, asking for young white rats to be r.'cd for de monstration experiments. Rats of the same ego are to be used to show the effects of good and poor diets vpon the general health and rate of growth. This past week rats have been sent to tho home ec onomics departments of high schools of Brainerd, Elgin, and Gothenberg. Basket Veteran The Husker captain, Tom Elliott, veteran basketeer, led Charley the B class tournament. Only two Black's team on its first trip. Elliott teams in the tournament will miss action. Only thirty three games will re main to be played in the preliminar ies of the B class tournament after Christmas vacation. Twelve games will be required to determine the winner in the final league. The schedule for tonight is as fol lows: League 1 Beta Theta Pi vs. Theta Xi, 7:25 o'clock, floor 3. Sig ma Phi Epsilon vs. Delta Sigma Phi, 8:35 o'clock, floor 3. League 2 Phi Gamma Delta vs. Alpha Sigma Phi, 9:00 o'clock, floor 1. Delta Sigma Lambda vs. Si; '.na Alpha Epsilon, 9:00 o'clock, floor 3. Delta Upsilon vs. Delta Chi, 9:00 o'clock, floor 2. League 3 Phi Kappa vs. Theta Chi, 7:00 o'clock, floor 1. Pi Kappa Phi vs. Pi Kappa Alpha, 7:25 o'clock floor 1. Farm House vs. Xi Psi Phi, 7:00 o'clock, floor 2. League 4 Phi Sigma Kappa vs. Tau Kappa Epsilon, 7:25 o'clock, CALL MIKE B-4743 He Pays Highest Cash Prices for slightly worn Men's Clothing and Shoes ISO 5 S St. Over 10 years ia Lincoia You Are Always NEXT AT STURM SHOP Franks c Franks 11S So. 12lh. "Come on in and spread!" COMES day when your family pry themselves loose and send you a box of eats . . . cake four stories high, turkey, candied orange peel, fudge, and other good things. The cry goes round. Your friends gather. Wash down the eats with "Canada Dry." This ginger ale has a delightful flavor . . . tang to it . . . dryness . . . sparkle. It has a subtle gingery flavor because it is made from pure Jamaica ginger. It contains no capsicum (red pepper). tmj. V. I. Pit 00. The Champagne of (finger les" Eitrect imported from Canada and bottled h the V. S. A. hy Canada Dry Gingir Ale, lnt vpontcd. 21 West 43 d Street. New York. IT. T, In Canada, J. I. UcLauthim Limited. 'Bit Milked 1890. . Play it dark and eifyt Tka name ''Canada Dry" on tka bottle cap meant that no one eon put over a Imt one an you. CANADA OH who was expected to be the center of this year's five, made his first Valley appearance of the year at a forward, position where he made a creditable showing. Scoring five points during the trip, the captain showed his old form on the court. Freshmen at Columbia university who do not pay their dues are inelig ible for office, for service on com mittees, and are not allowed to vote in class or college elections. Chicago Lays Plans For Athletic Events ' April 4, 5, 6 and 7 will see the University of Chicago national in terscholastic basket ball tournament, which had forty-three teams repres enting thirty states last year. This will be the tenth annual meet of the basketball tourney. June 1 and 2 will see the twenty-fourth repitition of the annual track meet at Chicago, in which there is expected to be an even larger number of entries. Miss Mason Departs For Home at Wichita Miss Mary Mason who is an in structor in the division of Foods and Nutrition and in charge of home economics classes of the department of home economics, returned to her home in Wichita the past week on account of illness. Mrs. Edna Snyder will have charge of Miss Mason's classes in equipment, and Mrs. True Homemaker, her foods classes. Miss Mason expects to resume her work in the home economics department at the close of the holidays on Jan uary 4. j "ft: I . f s ir 1 "Jug" gets into nearly every and. is a hard man to guard. Hj8 strong forte is follow-in shots. Even Glenn Munn with his excessive height can eeldom out-point "Jug" at the followjin game. It is reported that the Illinois stadium pays all athletic expenses and in addition; brings in a yearly profit of $100,000. The total re ceipts from the stadium this year were $350,000. "Jug" Brown who ia playing his last year of basketball for Nebraska. WANT ADS LOST Alpha Omicron PI jewel pin. Call B-5088. Reward. DDEAL Two large cozy Well-furnr ished rooms in private modern home, garage. Close in. 1505 "S". B-4743. See Hauck and Skaglund for your Cornhusker picture. The best in th business at portrait work. The ideal Christmas gift is a photograph by Hauck and Skaglund. Adv. Salesmen wanted We can use six men to sell "Who's Who in Lincoln." Excellent opportunities for stu dents. Call B-4041. "YOUR DRUG STORE" Wishes you a vary happy Christmas and all food things (or th new Year, Owl Pharmacy S. E. Cor. 14 P. Phona BlOM Hotel Cornhusker Wants to figure on your Parties. THE B & F OMAHA SHOP will be ready to supply your vacation clothing needs next Monday. "BOB" "BILL" BENNETT&FLUGSTAD Ground Floor Medical Arts Bldg. Omaha jj , ! C S FOR DAD P f Robes j Gloves VI Ties il Shirts J Handkerchiefs K Smoker Sets j Lighters St. Easy Slippers Hosiery Gloves Handkerchiefs Scarfs Lingerie FOR MOTHER Robes Silk Hosiery Handbags FOR BROTHER AL Lighters Gladstone Bags Hose Ties Smoker Sets Robes 1 Pajamas ' Scarfs Shirts HEY! HEY! ALL YE LAST MINUTE CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS GIVE A LISTEN! Is all your shopping done if not come in arid select your gifts from the finest stock in Lincoln. (Sounds like bragging but it's right.) And despite the rush there's still a range of fine gifts that will bring delight with their giving Plenty of service and by chaps you know on the Campus who are ready and willing to offer every assistance. SO TEAR IN TODAY AND TOMORROW! WE'LL HELP MAKE IT A MERRY CHRISTMAS! FOR SISTER SUE Handkerchiefs Smoker Sets Hosiery Gloves Bags Hosiery n FOR HER Smoke Sets Gloves Bags Overnight Cases Lingerie Pajamas Robes ?? IP WCSZ FORMERLY ARMSTRONGS TO Q 1 7j "tfl K, jfc 6il --Tr- ' 01927 MNtfM