THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Oklahoma Daily Will Stage AlWniuertity Hog Calling Contest Gorman,. Okla., Dec. 19 For those who are homesick, the Okla homa Daily is going to stage a hog calling contest, to be held at 4 o'clock next Monday afternoon on the uni versity oval. Those students who have not had n.f.mifv to exercise their an ope""" ' lungs with the familiar old "Poo-oo-e of the farm will have that op portunity this coming Monday. No one will be barred, except pos sibly members of the Whirlwind staff. Contestants will have to be eligible scholastically, this requirement be ing that they'll have to be passing in at least five hours of work. Entriei Mutt File All entries must have filed by noon Monday. They must register in the Oklahoma Daily office, in the base ment of Science hall. In order to make the contest clos- DbAffiQUSE I WORLD'S HOST UNIQUe THEATER WORLD'S OST UNIQUe THEATER tOME OF THE 6POKEN DRAMA C' t unco own tract copniJ jwpTEWORTHY ARTISTIC PRODWONSj TONIGHT ALL. WEEK A DELIGHTFUL COMEDY "PIGS" A story of the trlali and tribulation! of a small town family and tha "boy who bring home the bacon." Ev'ngs. 25c, 50c, 75c. MaU. 25c, 50c. NEXT WEEK LIBERTY "NEW TOYS' DOLORES COSTELLO IN "Old San Francisco" A STORY OF SAN FRANCISCO BEFORE AND AFTER THE EARTH QUAKE. THE GOLD COAST, THE CHINESE DUNGEONS A THRILLING MELO-DRAMA! BABICH AND ORCHESTRA ORPHEUM ORGAN SHOWS ll i Hi - tm HIL. 10cl a&LVTlUU 1 Week" C Thl LIBERTY GLORIOUS FAREWELL WEEK Pierre Watkin Players Presenting- "The Unkissed Bride" THE SEASON'S FUNNIEST FARCE! with DULCIE COOPER J. GLYNN McFARLANE PIERRE WATKIN MATS. TUE-THUR. SAT. 2:30 25c-50c NIGHTS AT 8:00 25c-50c-7Se PHONE B-45S5 A Roaring Auto Racing Story COMEDY NEWS "MASKED MENACE" Episode 4 Wow Showing E-pisooe CDLOFIIAL Behind Him Lay the Dread Past Before Him ft MAW'S, COMEDY NEWS Shows- I. 3. 5. 7, 9 I HIS WEEK RIALTO More Kick Than a Cocktail for Two Lew Cody Aileea Pringle Owes Moore IN An M-G-M Picture "Tea For Three" VAUDEVILLE Morcy Harry Barton & Young Slnring Coaiediana in "IT'S ALL IN FUN!" ptsy Erelrn French Sisters Melody Twins In a Little "BITS OF THIS AND THAT" Dorothy De Vere's . ' Girl Revue A DELUXE OFFERING OF JAZZ, YOUTH BEAUTY BEAVER and MONARCHS Featuring 'The Sunrise" CHENOWETH at the WurUtaer Pictures of LINDBERGH in Mexico City Ke-Ko COMEDY Mat. 35c Nite 50c SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7. er, it was at first thought that faculty members would be barred, but the bars have been let down and faculty members as well as students may en ter. Entrance in the contest should be made as soon as possible, and train ing should be begun. Suitable prizes will be given the winners of first and second places. Date Allowed 3 Dates will be allowed the specta tors at the contest. Or would the spectators be auditors? Although the judges for the con test have not yet been chosen, it is probable that the county farm agent, several members of the faculty and a student will be called upon to award the prizes in the competition. Suggested coaches for the pre-con-test training in hog calling were an nounced Wednesday as Buck Gar rett, Maynard Kennerly, and Dr. A. K. Christian, all of whom have had experience. Petition Reinstating Uni Night Approved (Continued from Pags 1) the Student Council, which, sitting as a jury, will hear these charges and make recommendations to the chair man of the committee or student or ganization for the punishment of these individuals." These require ments have been made for the pur pose of eliminating undesirable ma terial from the program. No definite arrangements have been made as yet concerning a prize for the best skit. In the past a cash prize has been given, but this year a cup will probably be given instead. Although plans are not yet com pleted, it is expected that a skit will be presented in University Night by an organization of alumni of the uni versity. Meetings will start after the Christmas holidays, and a time will be set for the submission of skits. System of Flashers Will Send Greetings Vermillion, S. D., Dec. 19 "Yule tide Greetings" will be flashed across the campus of the University of South Dakota from the Christmas tree which has been erected there. by the Young Men's Christian As sociation. The tree is placed in the center of the campus directly in front of the administration building. The large fir tree has been entirelv "wired by students of electrical en gineering. The system of flashers which will send out the holiday greet ing was also devised by these stu dents under the direction of B. B. Brackett, professor of electrical en gineering. The letters, flashing out one at a time, will spell the Christ mas message. Pottery Exhibits Are Added to Collection Additions to the Indian pottery exhibit were made' at the museum last week. An interesting painting, "The Treasure Jar" is now a part of the exhibit, and three fine pieces of Guadalajara earthen ware have been added. This display is on the north corridor of the lower floor, Morrill Hall. SAWYEI bKlZJ SLICKERS L-.lV rctn . I 53 V fc&vQ? ssA rtCfl Emm' riManc. mwmj ,Ttl Five More Shopping Days Until Christmas. Buy your favorite instru ment this year. Altstadt Instrument Company 1210 "O" Typewriters For Rent All standard maks special rate to stu dents for Ions term. Used machines portable typewriters monthly payments. Nebraska Typewriter Co. 1232 O St. B-2157 Don't Forget 'Dad and 'Mother' A Nice Clock or Lamp A Pretty Vase or some thing in Silver for their Table. Let it have Hallet's name on the box. "Quality Jewelry" Only HALLETT UNIVERSITY JEWELER Estab. 1871 117-119 So. It California Editor Aims Thrusts at Societies N That Do Not Function U. C. L. A., Los Angeles, Dec. 19 (P. I. P.) Striking a telling blow to those "joiners" who infest and harm all colleges, James F. Wickizer, editor of Vie Daily Brum, in his edi torial column, The Stray Cat, has turned the cleansing light of public ity upon those clubs that exist only to give joiners enjoyment. Various organizations meet often enough to "promise" to accomplish something good, and then to only de cide upon organization badges, are being exposed in this column. The articles name prominent or ganizations that have done nothing but run up debts with the year book, disturbed the business of the campus and annoyed the legitimate and sin cere organizations. The series of exposures began af ter the Press club, campus journalis tic society, had doiJed to disband since it "accomplished nothing" and couldn't fulfill its financial obliga tions. In disbanding, the Press club expressed the hope that all other campus organizations in a similar predicament would follow their example. EXTENSION MEET ARRANGED Workers of Colorado Will Convene In Fort Collins in January Extension workers from over the state will meet -for their anhual Ex tension conference in Fort Collins, January 9 to 13, 1928. A distinctive feature of the con ference will be the crops and livft-. stock schools. The committee in charge of the program, moreover, has secured speakers from the indus trial organizations for each of the four days to show the inter-dependency between agriculture and industry. Crill Declares Hose Made from Cornstalks May Soon Be in Vogue Vermillion, S. D., Dec. 19 Girls may soon be wearing silk hose made from South Dakota cornstalks pro phesied Louis N. Grill, secretary of agriculture in speaking to a conven tion of students at the University of South Dakota, x on "Resources of South Dakota". Artificial silk will be made from the stalks of tall corn of South Dakota, said Mr. Grill, as il lustration of the possibilities of in dustrial development in the state. Power, agriculture, industry, and minerals were emphasized by the speaker as the four great possibili ties for development in South Dako ta. The power possibilities of the proposed dam at Mobridge are al most unlimited in the opinion of Mr. Crill. Thousands of factories could be supplied with the power capable of being developed at Mobridge, he said. Besides the possibilities of the Missouri river, - many small streams in the hills might be made to furnish industrial power. Graduate Engineers Make Visit to Campus Among recent visitors at the Col lege of Engineering were: Stanley Bracken, a graduate in electrical en gineering in 1912, now technical su perintendent of the Hawthorne plant, Western Electric company, Chicago; Don J. Young, civil engineering '24, former instructor, in department of civil engineering, now with the Woods Bros. Construction company at Ottawa, 111.; and George C. Hail ing, civil engineering '25, now with the Union Pacific railroad at Elk horn, Nebr. Two Hundred Attend Mixer at Ag College Approximately two hundred stu dents attended the Ag Club mixer held in the Student Activities build ing last Saturday evening. The "Polka Dots" furnished the music for the evening. Clarence Clover, '31, entertained during intermission with several selections. Professor and Mrs. R. C. Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Yocum chaperoned the party. WE Set, the Standard of NEAT APPEARANCE for Nebraska Men. Mogul Barbers 127 No. 12th. jfhe largest selling quality pencil 17 black degrees 3 copying At all dealers Buy a dozen Superlative in quality, the world-famous 7ENUS VPENOLS give best service and longest wear. Plain ends, per dor. Rubber cods, per dot. $1.00 American Pencil Co., 2IS Fifth Are,,N.T. MalmofUNIQUEThm LraJ Cuiorrd Pencils in 12 colors $1.00 per dot. CHRISTMAS CARDS A large assortment from 5c each to 1.00 each. LATSCH BROTHERS Stationers 1118 O St. A Gift of Beauty for Long Service Superbly designed, fin ished in your choice of most attractive colors, the Royal Portable Typewriter is a Christmas re membrance with universal appeal everybody wants one, anybody can use one. It is a writing machine that will render invaluable service to every member of the family, at home, in school; in the office or when traveling. Built by veteran craftsmen, notable for ease of operation, the Royal Portable is priced at 360.00 complete with hand some carrying case many prefer gradual payments. NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 1232 O Street Lincoln, Nebr. Phone B-2157 PORTABLE ji TYPEVniTEIt COLORADO SCHOOL GIYES NEW DECREE By Taking Course at Agricultural College Trade Teachers Can Attain B. Sc. Fort Collins, Dec. 19. Because of tha insistent demand for teachers and supervisors in the trades and in dustries, the state board of agricul ture at its annual meeting- here this week, established a course for such teachers leading to- the degree of bachelor of science in mechanic arts and approved the recommendations of the faculty council to confer that degree on four teacher? who have completed the work. Colleges heretofore have not trained men for teaching trade and industrial work offered by high schools and industriol organizations. It has been nec-ossarv to employ journeymen in the differont trades, most of whom have had no pedagogic training and limited college training. The Colorado Agricultural Collega tvied to help these teachers and the school boards employing them by en t'bling those who have sufficient training in specific trades to com plete the work for u degree by tak ing basic courses in English, science and education. This move on the part of the state Just ' that time of year when they taste awful good. Buy 'em by the Sack Hotel D'Hamburger 114 12th St. 1718 "O" CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS From TUCKER-SHEAN 1123 O Street Gifts that are Sure to please For Him For Her Diamonds Watches Silverware Fine Clocks Jewelry Leather Goods Fine Stationery Fountain Pens Desk Sets Pen and Pencil Sets Games, all kinds The pleasure of a Tucker Shean gift will live in memory long after less lasting gifts are forgotten. board of agriculture is an important one for many men and women in trade and industrial education. It means that those who have mastered a trade may complete their work either during the winter or in the summer and qualify for a degree, and meet the educational require ments for high school teachers. NEBRASKAN TAILORS CLEANERS IT PAYS TO BE WELL DRESSED B-6013 235 N. 14th THE THIRD RECORD OF TWO BLACK CROWS OUT TODAY THIS IS THE BEST RECORD OF THE YEAR TAKE A FEW RECORDS HOME WITH YOU Lincoln's Leading Music Store For Over 40 Years. V N ft V n 9. A 1 h 1 1 COTY PARIS,, jfragrance of Tantalizing (gaiety BLUE and silver box luxuriously tasselled in silk cut crystal flacon of slender, exquisite shape the two .ounce size of Parfum "Paris,, is a gift cf subtle grace, it expresses the joyous, lilt ing temperament. Created in smaller sizes, too little enchantments for the purse. J U I IIP? pi I in .. Ir M 1 :I..;..1.. I ill I .i. I i id $1.00 2 or. Crj'tal FUcon IN FANCY BOX $6.75 $2.00 I or. $3.75 IH M A n n ""l1 Tia,"rii. each It may not look so, but he is referring to his friend's new Waterman's. But, unless he owns one, he doesn't know half the story. Waterman's looks good, but the real test comes in use, and that is where Waterman's truly excels. We recom mend for college work, Waterman's 01854 R.R. The holder Is made of stainless ribti 'rubber. A metal lip-guard pro tects the cap from breaking; a pocket dip insures against loss, and solid 14- carat gold nib will give service for years. It has big ink capacity. Tfcrt deader from whom you buy your supplies teUt .W jr.. ... - . r WM3f! if ) TRAD!