The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1927, Football Edition, Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Station k. Lincoln, Nebraska
TJr direction of the Btndent rabHsatioa Board
PnnKahed TiwiUr, Wednesday, Thursday. Friday, and Sunday
asernhurs durins the academic year.
BMarlaJ Olfioe Untrerslty Hall 4.
Business Office Unirerslty Hall 4A.
lllc Honrs Editorial Staff. :90 to t:0a except Friday and
Sunday. Business Staff: afternoons exsept Friday and
TlMtii B4itHl- nl,
TTl Nlirht B88i.
No. 141t Baslnessi Btstl. Ho.
lem, it will consult such organizations as the Inter
fraternity Council and Student Council before1 estab
lishing its rules. If student proposals or their essentials
can be adopted, much of the difficulty encountered in
other schools in securing student recognition of the
necessity of restriction, will be avoided.
Kernels Off The Old Cob
. i matt? at the noetofflee In Lincoln under act of Conaress. March I. 1I7. and at special
rate of restate provided for in lection 111, act af October
HIT. authorised January 0. Mil. .
I a year.
Blnile Copy I cent
Lee Tanee
Oscar Norllnc
Ruth 1 "aimer
ttarald E. Griffin
Edward G. Diekion
Fnnl F Nelson ....
Maurice Konkel
Kenneth Anderson
Hunro Keter
Mary Louise Freeman
Paul Marti
Manaartnc Editor
Asst. Managing Editor
, Asst. Managing editor
Florenca Swihart
Dean Hammond
Betty Thornton
Rata Goldstein
Maurice Spats
Jo ce Arret
Florence Seward
Otho K. DeVilbiss
Richard F. Tetta
Milton McGrew
William H. Kearns
J. Marshall Pitser
, Business Manager
Business Manager
Circulation Manager
Circulation Manager
All eyes will be turned this evening toward the
Coliseum where Nebraska's football squad will be en
tertained by the men of the school and a 1928 cap
tain for the Cornhuskers is in the offing.
This Cornhusker banquet is one tradition at Ne
braska which IS a tradition. All kinds of students go,
from the football cynic to the "bonfire boys". Fresh
men rub elbows with seniors; fraternity and class feel
ings are forgotten when football men, inspired by
their service for Nebraska, cast a spell over the huge
audience, until coughs are noticeable and the clearing
of throats is in jrder. Then the charm is broken the
toastmaster makes a "crack" at Presnell, and suddenly
the silence of the great hall is rocked with laughter.
Finally the crowd becomes uneasy. Whispering is
common, and when the football captain rises with a
pigskin in his hand, he does not have to call for silence,
A few words, words of appreciation, reflection, and
then some regret. Then his face brightens, he throws
the ball, and hundreds of men scramble to their feet
to see the new captain. ;
What is there about such a gathering of young
Twn, united with a common bond Nebraska which
makes them forget their everyday happenings, and
spend a dinner hour in fellowship, laughter, suspense,
and understanding?
It is Nebraska spirit!
Wednesday morning Mr. J. M. F. accused this
paper of prejudice in writing up the Sigma Alpha Mu
Farm House basketball game, the score of which was
12 to 1. He contended it was a close game although
the report termed it a "terrific drubbing".
Now, we notice that Sigma Alpha Mu forfeits a
game to Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Why, Mr. J. M. F., don't
you get your team to play another game to show this
hidden strength which scores alone fail to uncover?
Those people who argue that football 5s the most
amportant part of college life at this University should
be convinced after reading this football edition.
XI Delta . .
Every XI Delta mult be at the Armory
at five o'clock this evening. Fifty cents
fine for absences.
Komensky Club
The Komensky Club will hiive a meeting
Friday evening, Dec. 9, at R o'clock In the
Temple, room 204. All Csech students are
CI re Club , . ,
The meeting of the Hoy's Glee Club for
Friday has been postponed.
Sunday, December 1 1
'Th nnimnnoiiii. i"lul. nf the University
will hold a mretina Sunday afternoon In
room 402. Temple.
Graduating Back
The Inter-fraternity Council last night approved
a definite program which its members believed would
remedy the student automobile situation which the
Board of Regents recently indicated would be subject
to control in the near future.
Serious consideration has been given the auto
mobile matter by the council. On the surface, their
recommendations arpear comprehensive. It js most
gratifying to see concrete, practical recommendations
for relief of the situation coming from the student
body itself.
If the Board of Regent3 can co-operate with the
students in working out methods of eliminating evils
existing in the use of student cars, the possibilities of
securing reasonable and satisfactory rules will be
greatly augmented. Self -established rules will always be
more readily followed than superimposed ones.
. Through the activity of the Inter-fraternity Coun
cil, the Regents will have definite student proposals
before them. If the Board is sincere in its attempt to
work out a rational solution for the automobile prob-
Twenty-one two sixty-three four thousand and
four hike! Bread and Butter, our AU-American backs,
will star tonight at the Coliseum. Everybody out for
the Cornhusker banquet and bring your armour for
the biscuits will fly high and far.
Gurruls! Aren't you sorry you ain't he-men so
you could see Claire Sloan up on the stage tonight?
Don't you adore him? That hearty smile? Those lovely
teeth? Ahhhhhh, those handsome Pi Kap athletes!
Zuver great big heart breaker! I'll bet he'll blush
when he sees this I'll buy him a coke the next time
I see him stacked over at the Moon.
All-Sorority Football Team
This team will be announced within the next few
days. The writer wishes to make it clear that no poll
tical influence will enter into the selection. Despite
the popular idea of a football line this team will be
composed of brains rather than brawn. I have ever fav
ored a fast, heady team heavy girls don't get around
quick enough. So watch this column and girls if you
don't make it, come back next year and get right in
and fight!
Wonder who will receive Jug Brown's last forward
pass? And 1 suppose you are wondering about the
same thing. And while we're wondering lets do some
figuring. And while we're figuring, let's try and see
how many biscuits we can throw at the toastmaster.
The first direct hit gets my pie. '
Now 5s our chance to see how the boys act when
they are away from home. Don't watch them too closely
maybe they will be nervous with so fhany eyes on
them they're not used to it
And if the speakers talk too long well, just hold
your seats and try to listen attentively no more till
the interfraternity banquet.
And if "Jug" Brown shrinking, blushing violet
gets embarassed try not to notice 5t, he's a nice boy,
and it's the last time he'll be up there.
Are those girl athalettes going to be there too?
If they are, and if they throw their knives around like
they throw their hockey sticks, I don't want to be at
their table and neither do you.
Is Johnny Everetts going to be there? Hope so
nothing footballish would be complete without her
Doc McLean will have his rubbing table nearby so
that if the Delts gorge themselves they can receive
instant first aid.
Last line: "We done our best for Nebraska."
Saturday- December 10
University Players.
Acacia Formal Dinner Dance, Unl
versity Club.
Sigma Nu Formal Dinner, Chapter
Delta Zeta Formal, Lincoln.
Kappa Rho Sigma Formal, Lin'
Alpha Gamma Rho, Farmer's Ball,
Elk Club.
Alpha Sigma Phi Freshman House
Alpha Xi Delta, Freshman House
Beta Theta Pi, House Dance.
Delta Chi House Dance.
Farm House House Dance.
Kappa Sigma House Dance.
Sigma Kappa House Dance.
(Continued from Pag 1)
squad for next season will have an
equally fast squad of ends.
Ray Randels, one of the best tack
les ever to play on a Nebraska ele
ven ia numbered among the graduat
ing football players but with Rich
ards, Lucas, Munn, Ray and a large
delegation from the yearlings Coach
"Bunny" Oakes will also be well sup
plied with line material. Coach
Oakes had one of the best forward
walls in the Missouri Valley and Mid
dle West this season and the outlook
for next year is promising.
Janes Will Be Back
At the center of the line, Ted
James will be back to protect his old
position and Will be pushed by men
from the freshmen squad. Holm and
Nebraska has ever turned out.
Witt and McBride Coming
His running mate among the soph
omores will be "Dutch" Witte or
"Bud" McBride. Both of these backs
earned letters this year and during
their first season on the Nebraska
eleven they showed Husker fans that
they will be ready to replace the
graduating veterans. With the loss of
the two regular quarterbacks this
year, McBride may be drilled for
the pilot position on the 1928 Corn
husker eleven.
At the fullback position, Coach
Bearg will have George Farley, who
played his first year with the Var
sity this season. Oehlrich leaves the
fullback position vacant for next
year and it will be a tough job for
Farley to live up to the reputation
Oehlrich set at that position in the
Nebraska backfield.
From the squad, of this year's
fighting Huskers, the Nebraska
(Continued from Page 1.)
open forum discussion when Mrs.
Aldrich answered questions on ap
proaching the publisher, knowing the
markets, finding time to write, and
organizing material. She gave it as
her opinion that correspondence
schools were chiefly valuable dis
couraging thos who had no talent
to write but added that they were
probably of value to some people.
Mrs. Aldrich advised prospective
writers to secure a good background
in English, to get an idea for an ar
ticle and then "live with it," and
above all to cultivate the will to succeed.
McMullen will also be numbered I coaching staff will have 32 men back
among the scarlet clad football men
for next year.
During the first three games of
the 1927 season it was almost an im
possibility for an opposing back to
penetrate the Scarlet forward wall.
Sport writers and critics throughout
the Middle West wre lauding the
work of the Nebraska line this sea;
son. It easily had the weight advan
tage on all its opponents and the out
look for next eeasoh is even better
than this year.
Rhode Had Fighter
"Choppy" Rhodes had a squad of
fighting linesmen this season and
when ever the yearlings and the Var
sity got together on the sod for a
scrimmage tilt, the yearlings could
"hold that line". With these men "or the Varsity text season
and tlm men who will return from
this .vear's r quad, things in tho c&rr.p
of the mighty Husker should look
plenty nice.
In the backfield Coach Bearg will
l.-e Cloan whose punting wag the
test variety of the booting game
pt-f-n in the Cornhusker Camp this
' ' (.n. lie can throw forward passes
"I, enal ahillty and when It comes
t-- r.;.tu!g the end or hitting the
next tall and mteen oi them are
sophomores thi3 year. From all indi
cations ,it looks like a big year for
the Cornhuskers on the gridiron.
It will be Nebraska's first year in
the newly formed Big Six conference.
The Huskers will play every mem
ber of the Big Six and three inter
sectional games. The first game of
the season is at Ames with Iowa
(Continued from Pan 1)
tor Foster was the "Religion of a
Scientist." He spoke about the re
lation of prayer to the science of
physics. He stated that the kind of
universe in which we live as demon
strated by advanced physics is ex
actly the same as that expounded by
prayer. Contending that we should
try to assume a spirit of religion, he
appealed to he Ar'idnt to give their
hearts to the spirit of the campus
of Nebraska.
Doctor Foster was introduced by
Dorothy Nott, chairman of the
looks as if he will be onejmittee in charge. More than seventy
Llia fcri-ateKt triple-threat men that
studenU attended the luncheon.
(Continued from Page 1)
some specialty features. '.
"Wild Nell the Pet of the Plains,
Or Her Final Sacrifice," a burlesque
pantomime will be staged by Xi
Delta. Doris Hosman will play the
part of "Wild Nell." Maxine Math
ers is Lady Dere de Vere. oth
Wild Nell and Lady Dere de Vere
are in love with Handsome Harry,
and in a dramatic climax Wild Nell
sacrifices her life.
Serpents Take-Off Cleopatra
"Serpent of the Nile," is the title
of the Silver Serpent skit. The
theme centers around Cleopatra
passing judgment on the campus
honoraries. Edith Grau is An
tony; Cleopatra, Thelma Logsden:
slave girl, Mildred Cole; Green Gob
lin, Pauline Bilon; Mystic Fish, Au
drey Beales; Xi Delta, Mary Dudley;
Iron Sphinx, Margaret Dudley; Vik
ings, Clara Olsen and Maurine Dray
ton. The chorus includes Janice
Foote, Marie Daugherty, Eleanor
Tipton, Irene Lavely, and Catherine
Bradley. Katherine Beekmann is the
pianist and Mary Ball reads the in
terpretation. The Tassel's stunt is called "The
Music Store." Geraldine HeiW
plays the part of the store manager,
with Betty Burnham as assistant.
Dance numbers will be given by the
following: Jeanette Dean, Vernice
Welch, Opal Wright, Faye Williams,
Edna Schrick, Kathryn Arensburg,
Marjory Georgia, Marjorie Sturde
vant, Esther Heyne and Janice
An admission fee of twenty-five
cents will be collected at the door.
The members of Mortar Board will
sell popcorn and ice-cream during
the evening and the Tassels will also
have a concession. The party will
be over by 9 o'clock.
Athletic Board Has
Developed Progiam
(Continued from Page 1)
been built by the work of this ath
letic board. They are the Memorial
etadium and the Coliseum. These
two athletic houses are rivaled by
few similar buildings in the Valley
conference. The stadium will seat
the largest crowd of any football
stadium in the conference.
The Coliseum offers ample seat
ing capacity for all Varsity basket
ball games and wrestling meets and
is the center of all intra-mural
sports. The high school basketball
tournament with more than two
hundred basketball teams entered,
was played off almost entirely on
the floor of the Coliseum last year.
Besides being the athletic center
of Nebraska during the winter
months, it has become a social gath
ering place for university functions
of all sorts.
Don Lindell
Don Lindell, another back field man who
will be lost to the Hunker duad next sea
son. Don played the quarterback position
being shifted there from an end position.
He weiiths 178 pounds and hails from To
peka, Kansas, Coach Beam's old home town.
Western intercollegiate stock
judging teams are starting prepara
tion for similar contests at the Na
tional Western stock show at Den
(Continued from Page 1.)
formance. The beauty and majesty
of the vision in the cathedral is one
of the most Btriking scenes staged in
any production by the Players. The
play was repeated in answer to the
many requests that marked its first
appearance three years ago.
The action of "Candida," takes
place in England In about 1895, and
Just that time of year
when they taste awful
Buy 'em by the Sack
Hotel D'Hamburger
114 12th St. 1718 "O"
was presented in the costumes of the
period. All the cast, which was
small, was good. Ruth Clendenin
as "ProBsy," the stenographer, pro
vided the comedy to the play, which
was otherwise serious, dealing with
the loves of the Rev. Morell, and
MarcJ)banks, the young poet for
Candida. .
There will be evening perform
ances both Friday and Saturday,
starting at 8:20 o'clock. This after
noon there will be the usual stu
dent's matinee, starting at 3 o'clock
and an additional matinee Saturday.
He Pays Highest Cash
Prices for slightly worn
Men's Clothing and Shoes
1505 S St. Over 10 years In Lincoln
Intra-School Sports
Show Development
Continued from Page 1)
murals, football furnishes the money
to maintain this program. Football
built the Coliseum in which about
234 inter-fraternity basketball
games will be played this year as
well as several other inter-fraternity
sports. The stadium was made pos-
sible by football, under which intra
mural track will be run off.
Due to football a large number of
sports have been added to the pro
gram this year. Some of the events
are water-polo, hare and hound, and
boxing, and according to the athletic
office it is probable that more will
be added before the season closes.
Another important event which
has been added to the intra-mural
program is a carnival copied after
Ohio and several other large col
leges. The carnival will be held
February 3 in the Coliseum. The en
tertainment for the earlier part of
the evening will consist of boxing,
wrestling and relay races, and a
dance is planned for the latter part
of the evening. ,
Capt. Jug Brown
Glenn Presnell
Arnold Oehlrich
Ray Randels
Williard Bronson
Clarence Raish
Bob Whitmore
Lloyd Grow
Evard Lee
Vint Lawson
George Shaner
Leon Sprague
Loren Beck
Don Lindell
Rudge & Guenzel Co.
is proud of the Scar-
let and the Cream
Football Team.
A Wonderful Assortment
of Moderate Priced
Christmas Cards
Your nama and address neatly printed
or engraved at reasonable prices.
Graves Printing Co.
S doors South of Unl. Temple
The Collegians
Fri., Dec. 9
Saturday, Dec. 10
Our Heartiest
to the 1927
Varsity Football Team
Coaches and
Reserve Players
One of The Greatest of
Cornhusker Teams