4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Eckersall and Grantlatid Rice Name Presnell Glenn Prcsnell, Cornhusker half back has again received nation-wide recognition, this time on the All- Western eleven, selected by Walter Eckersall, Chicago Tribune sport writer. He lauds the work of Presnell dur ing the past season and states that the Nebraska halfback was the hard est driving backfield roan in the en tire country and the greatest ground gainer. Eckersall named Presnell and Gilbert of Michigan as the two halfbacks on his All-Western team. Comment ia Tribune In the December 4 issue of the Chicago Tribune the following com ment appears under Presnell's pic ture. "Glenn Presnell of Nebraska The football season hr ended, the great collegiate sport has spent its season and sport lovers will now di rect their eyes to the court. Al- nas neen given me position ui rigui. ,1,. ;. a success. The Thanks- ran and Art Schroeder. More than eighty freshmen dotted the floor of Robinson gymnasium when the first call for practice was issued by Coach John Bunn Monday evening. Prospects in the freshman group as a whole this year are ex ceptionally good, according to Coach Bunn. With a large group th?s year in both squads, basketball in the uni versity for the next two or three years promises to be on as high a standard as in the last six years when the university took the valley championship each season. Lookabaagh hare resigned. The Kansas coaching staff gave its rea sons to Chancellor Lindley, saying that coopers t lion with the director of 'athletics seemed impossible. IN THE VALLEY By JACK ELLIOTT Organizations Pictures Scheduled After Holidays Because of the absence of Mr. Larabee, photographer at the campus studio, it has been impos sible for student organizations to have their sittings for Cornhusker pictures. However, Mr. Larabee is expected to return soon and ar rangements can be made for these pictures after the holidays. "The hope of civilisation is the League of Nations developed with the moral force ot Christendom be hind it," declared Sir Henry Lunn of London, Eng., distinguished author and lecturer in a recent address. halfback. This player was one of the outstanding performers in the,fiTiiif oa Su!;Bm fieU WM . Missouri v aney conierence ana one ;j i: m 11 1 I 1 - iL. 1 M llllBa - 01 we leading oacua in me cuuuiry. try , t-ii 1 loan yea xwo oiner Missouri ta.ey piayere, .j afUr tpaTelillf K,,f way were placed on the eleven, Fleck of!acro tfc eo.tm..t to np ; max to the Masker foot- year, lo stop an unbeaten victorious record is a bright feather ia the Cornhusker headgear. the Kansas Aggies winning an end berth and Lucas of Missouri a tackle position. In Grantland Rice's AI1 American selection Presnell was placed as first reserve halfback. Graver Picks Five Huskers Another All-Missouri Valley selec tion comes out with five Cornhusker Violet crew. Presnell football men appearing on the first lCorahnsker football eleven, three. Clean Presnell, thundering Ne braska halfback, ended his brilliant football career Thursday by featnr- ing ia the stiaging defeat handed the finished his the greatest Missouri was represented by ground gainer ever to play on a Ne- Jack G rover, Missouri Valley braska elc He broke "Red' official selected the all-star team and j Grange' record for yardage gained placed Randels, McMullen Aid James His spectacular 83-yard run through in the line and Presnell and Howell the New York team was one of the in the backfield. On his second! high light of the game Tharsday eleven he placed Lee, Richards and; and addjed greatly to the Hasker Holm in the quarterback. line and Bronson as halfback's yardage. Not only was be the greatest yard All men selected for the two starj gainer ia the Missouri Valley but he elevens are players on Big Six schools so the selection might be termed the Big Six selection. The best tackles in the Valley, according to G rover were Ray Randels, Smith of Missouri and Raymond Richards. The bast center according I Grover was Ted James of Nebraska. In the backfield he said there was no doubt about selecting Presnell as the outstanding halfback in the Val ley and in the country. For fullback Howell won the place as the hardest driving back in the conference. College Humor Selects A U-A dcertising Eleven While the experts are picking their all-star football teams. Col lege Humor offers the following A3-American Advertising selec tion: L. E. Mallory (Hat), YaK L. T. Schaefer (Pens), Sehnylkill. L. G, Adler (Clothes), Colum bia. C Corbin (Locks), Cali fernia. R. G. Campbell (Soups), O. Werieyan. R. T. Hinds (AL Cream), So. Dakota. E. E. Taylor (Trusts), Michi gan. Q- B. Johnston (Choc), Colo rado. L. H. Parker (Pens), Am herst R. BL Welch (Grape Joke), Purdue. F. B, Bohn (Etf.), La Verne CoL College Humor. KANSAS HAS EIGHT BASKET VETERANS Caach Allen Pats Ferry Mea TLraagh Paces; Eighty Fresaraea Work Oat Dally was high poiat maa ia the confer ence leadiag the pack by a large per cent. On the New York Sun's All American selection PresaeU was picked for the second eleven with Conner of New York university as quarter and Muter of Dartmouth aad Miles of Princeton for the other backfield position. Missouri and New York university have scheduled a three year contract on the gridiron. On November 17 next year the Tigers will journey to New York to meet the Violet eleven in Yankee Stadium and in 1929 the return game at Columbia and 1930 in New York. Again ia the New York battle a ia the Kansas Aggie gasae the entire Corahasker team starred as oae. Presaell led the bright lights of the gasae with his terrific drives through the line. PresaelTs co-stars iadaeV ea "Blae" Howell who played one of the best games of the season. His interference running aad ball carry, ing was oae of the reasons Nebraska beet the unbeaten Violet crewTaen there was Captaia "Jag" Brown at the pilot position aad Vint Lawsoa, Askbara aad Lee at eads. Bat wo cannot forget the that powerful stew wall that IteU the Violet crew ia critical moments of that Thanksgiving battle James at center, McMnlle. and Holm at guards, Raadels aad Richards at tackle. Then the reserves that were seat into the game aad upheld the work of pounding the M coached elevea until a gl braska victory resulted be forgotten- Clair Sloan, brilliant ophomwrs halfback, "Bod" Mo Bride, a anther first year maa, well last go aWa the list of asaa that played ia that PHI SI6S BREAK THROUGH SIGMA GHI (Continued from Pag 1) but were unable to overcome their opponents. Fisher, star Phi Sigma Kappa forward, was the only out standing man in the contest and rang up 9 points in the game. Kappa Psi overcame Phi Alpha Delta by 14 to 2 in their part of the afternoon program. The powerful defense consisting of Rundstrum and Morris held the opponents without a goal. However Phi Alpha Delta was able to gain two points on free throws. Durgee playing forward for Kappa Psi distinguished himself by hanging up 8 points to lead in in dividual scoring. Farm Hoase Wins Handily A terrific drubbing was given Sigma Alpha Mu in the tilt with Farm House. The Sigma Alpha Mu quintet was unable to score against the strong Farm Bouse team except by a free throw losing 11 to 1. The game was marked by good team work and steady playing on the part of the Farm House team, with a strong defense. A thrilling game was won by Delta Sigma Phi over Phi Kappa Psi 9 to 7. The game was marked by close playing throughout the contest. The Delta Sigs came from behind a 6 to 4 score at the half to win in the lat ter part of the game. Holmes of the Delta Sigma Phi team did some fine work on offense while his teammates Regier and Mason held the oppon ents to a low score. Alb arts Leads Acacia a j The Alpha Tau Omega team fuf- of 6 counters. Stransky led the scor ing list for the Delta Chi's with 4 points. Sig Alphs Gain Early Lead Sigma Alpha Epsilon rolled up 13 points over 7 for Pi Kappa Phi in their game. Sawyer again starred for the Sigma Alpha Epsilon team by hanging up 7 points for individual scoring honors in the contest Sigma Alpha Epsilon earned an early lead over their opponents and easily held it during the game. An easy contest was won by Sigma Phi Epsilon over Delta Sigma Lamb da 17 to 7. The winners clearly out played the Delta Sigma Lambda team on the offense while the de fense held them down to 7 points. Holmes starred for Sigma Phi Ep silon by piling up 7 points for in dividual scoring honors in the last half of the contest, Krause playing center also played a good game and was runner-up in individual scoring. Sigma No Wins Loose Game By gaining a lead in, the first period of play the Sigma Nu quintet put Omega Beta Pi on the short end of a 22 to 14 score Loose playing featured the game. Thomsen alone piled up 13 counters for his team while Lamb of the Omega Beta Pi team rolled up 10 points. Beta Theta Pi buried Delta Sigma Delta under a score of 22 to 2. The Betas held the opponents to 2 tal lies while they themselves scored al most at wilL There were no out standing stars on the Beta team but the defense held the opponents down while the forward wall hnng up the scores. Calvert rolled up 5 counters for individual scoring honors. Alpha Gamma Rho and Phi Gam ma Delta fought a hard game to a tie. Couldn't Break Tie. After adding four extra periods to no avail the game between Alpha Gamma Rho and Phi Gamma Delta L was declared a tie by a score of 14 to 14. The game was fast and hard fought, neither team being able to get the jump on the opponent. Roth, playing on the forward wall of th Alpha Gamma Rho team was the out standing player of the contest and rolled up 10 points single-handed. Phi Kappa emerged victorious over Alpha Theta Chi by a score of 21 to 7. The contest was easily won by Phi Kappaj with a defense function ing almost perfectly. Heacock of the Phi Kappa quintet led the scoring of the day with 17 points to his credit. In the last game of the evening Pi Kappa Alpha met defeat at the hands of Phi Delta Theta by a score of 18 to 15. Pi Kappa Alpha fell behind in the early period of play and was unable to maintain a lead at any time. Johnson and Snethen starred for the winning team. Snethen rolled man for Wiren, Kemmish for Can non. Phi Alpha Delta; Carter for Bradhorst, Kesham for Morris, French for Rundstrom. Scoring Kappa Psi; Durgee 8, Rundstrom 6, Cannon 2. Phi Alpha Delta; Eggers 1, Cannon 1. Ph Sigma Kappa Sigma Chi King f Gere Fisher f Hagemiester Jensen c Bennett Jones g Minor Nicholson g Millner Substitutions Sigma Chi ; Poppe for Gere, James for Millner. Scoring Phi Sigma Kappa; King 2, Fisher 9, Jensen 2. Sigma Chi; Gere 2, Hagemiester 3, Jensen 2, Minor 1. Delta Theta Phi Theta Chi Wallace Karrer Beckford Bignell Davis, f Hull f Teale c Jones g Sailor g Davis Substitutions Theta Chi; O'Neill for Karrer, Welch for Davis, Karrer for Beckford, Davis for Welch. Scoring Theta Chi; Bignell 4, Wallace 10, Beckford 2. Delta Theta Phi; Hull 6. fered defeat at the hands of Acacia by a 15 to 10. The fast attack of UD tal of 10 points for high point Alburts in the earlier period of the!mn- game gave the Aeacians a lead which was never threatened during the Ne -Nearly Kansas Lawrence, Ksn., Dee. L tortj candidates for the tasketbaD team reported for prac tice when the first official practice was fceld this week. Dr. Forraat C Allen, athletic direc tor and basketball coach, plans to bold a short scrimmage at the end of each regular practice for the next three weeks ia order to get a team ia shape as rapidly as possible for the first fray of the year against the Kansas Aggies here Dee. 16. Eight men from the varsity foot IhJI team were among the group who reported for basketball. They were: Harold Schmidt, captain last year; Glnn Burton, co-captain this sea son. Boh Mauejr, Art Lawrence, Don Cooper, Harold Hauser, Allen Coch- Vriit Watche were never as popular as BOW AH mr watches are truar aateedl iiaaejnecea. If not y"n j; a mew etse All j, jv J lisaJLes la our stock. I0.C3toG3.C3 HALLETT ifii,3. im 117-119 is The Pitt Panthers will meet Ice land Stanford university in the an nual Tournament of Roses football game at Pasadena, CaL, on January 2, Pitt officials have announced. Down am the Kaw a hag cloud of dust has risen emer the Kaai scaooI with the resigaatioa of the entire Jayhawker football coachiag staff. Caach Capoea, h-ai football neater aad hi three assa-ttats; Joha P. Seba, Harold Steele aad Cay game, naoaenaon neia aown ms rinrw. .. . I position on me 10 mar a van avamir- : -.,, ably and was high point man with 7 J p-x counters. I 0 Alpha Sigma Phi won a hard jQr. f.-V. t T-V, 1. -US It ciose piaying on we pan 01 doid teams featured the game until in the final period the Alpha Sigs displayed some fine form and piled cp 8 points j while holding the opponents to 2. The Delta Chis led at the end of the ; first period but were tied before the I whistle for the half by a score of ! 7 to 7. Norling was again high-; point man in the contest with a tally j Results were as follows: Kappa Psi Phi Alpha Delta 1 f Eggers f Corcoran g Bradehorst g Wiren g Melhouse -Kappa Psi; Warde- Sigma Alpha Ma Farm House Bender f Smith Rosenberg f Baldwin Finkelstein c Rooney Guisberg g Alexander Sokoloff g Miller Substitutions Farm House: Rice for Miller. Scoring Farm House; Smith 3 Baldwin 4, Rooney 2, Rice 2. Sigma Alpha Mo Bender 1. Phi Kappa Psi Delta Sigma Phi Tagg f Holms Wells f C. Mason Young c Eno Francis g Regier Milholm g J. Mason Scoring Phi Kappa Psi; Young 3, Wells 2. MiJholm 2. Delta Siema Phi Eno 2, Holm 4, Regier 2, Ma son 1. Acacia Alpha Tau Omeca Kresinger f Watt Chadderdon f Brande Alburts c Hanson Castleman g Richards Sabata g Scherzinger Substitutions Alpha Tau Omega; Holm for Watt, Craig for Scherzin ger, Wirsig for Hansen, Scherzinger for Hansen. Scoring Acacia; Chadderdon 7, Alburts 4, Castleman 4. Alpha Tau Omega Brands 2, Richards 3, Holm 1, Wirsig 4. Sigma Alpha Epsiloa Pi Kappa Phi Morrison f Davy Sawyer f Davies Morris c Strand Bolton g Sloan Grow r Zinnecker Substitutions Pi Kappa Phi; Car penter for Strand. Scoring Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Morrison 4, Sawyer 5, Morris 2, Grow 2. Pi Kappa Phi; Davy 1, Sloan 3, Davies 2, Zinnecker 1. Delta Chi Stransky Horney Jackson B. Horney Longman Substitutions Alph f f c g g Alpha 1 Sigma Phi Norling Konkel Urban Margaret Halbeisen Sigma Phi; Curtis for Urban. Scoring Alpha Sigma Phi; Nor ling 6, Konkel 3, Urban 2, Habeisen 2, Curtis 2. Delta' Sigma Lambda Sigma Phi Ep. Eisenhart f Oehlrich Ossian f Fodinger Wickwire c Krause Louthan g Elliot Catlett g Farley Substitutions Delta Sigma Lamb da; Wright for Eisenhart, Winfrey for Wright, D. Eisenhart for Ossean Sigma Phi Epsilon Holmes for Oehlrich, Whitmyer for Krause. Scoring Delta Sigma Lambda Ossean 3, Wickwire 2, Louthan 2. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Krause 8, Elliot 4, Holm 7. Sigma Nu Omega Beta Pi Fosler f Oakes Thomsen f Lamb Parker c De Bey Mackey g Ginger Porter g Nelson Substitutions Sigma Nu; Beck for Mackey. Omega Beta Pi; Green wood for Nelson. Scoring Omega Beta Pi; Lamb 10, DeBey 4. Sigma Nu; Thomsen 13, Fosler 7, Forter 2. Alpha Gamma Rho Phi Gamma Delta j Roth f Boatsman Roddy f Bernard Stone c Holmquist Hall g Kanegy Powell g Kivett Substitutions Phi Gamma Delta; Bullbrook for Holmquist, Shaner for Kanegy. Scoring Alpha Gamma Rho; Roth 8, Roddy 5, Powell 1. Phi Gamma Delta; Boatsman 3, Bernard 4, Full brook 2, Shaner 5. Delta Sigma Delta WANT ADS ' Organisations, Fraternities SororJ. ties! Do yon need money? A golbj opportunity to raise money for tht new fraternity or sorority house or pay off the debts on the old ones. ty0 investment or obligations. Mail Ja, quiries to Daily Nebraskan, Bus. Of. fice.-t Adv. Pi; Spatz, Hube, Hall. Scoring Beta Theta Pi; Calvert 7, Lohmeigier 5, Walquist 6, Lahe man 4. Delta Sigma Delta; Brauer 2. Phi Kspp, Janulewici Heacok Bushee Campbell Carkoski Theta Chi; Alpha Theta Chi Karlson f Jacobson f Mortensen c Aksamit g James g Substitutions Alpha Lameraux for Karlson, Ray for Mon tensen, Sutter for Jacobsen. py Kappa Kaveny. Scoring Phi Kappa; Heacok 17 Janulewicz 2, Bushee2. Alpha Theta Chi; Karlson 1, Jacobson 2, Morten sen 2, Aksamit 1. Pi Kappa Alpha Samulsen f Johnson f Leffler c Lepecier g Burgeson g Substitutions Fhi Delta Theta Lindll 2, Snethen 10, Johnson 7.' Pi Kappa Alpha; Samulsen 2, John son 2, Lefler 6, Lepecier 4. Phi Delta The,, Zimmer Lin dell Snethen Mentzer wonnsoa Hopfer Ulasak McMaster Harris Carlson Substitutions Delta Sigma Delta; Cutts for McMatser, Brown for Har ris, Brauer for Carlson. Beta Theta f f e g g Beta Theta Pi. Calvert Lohmegier Walquist Laheman Egan You Are Always NEXT AT STURM SHOP Franks & Franks 116 So. 13th. COLLEGE MEN WANTED TW Advertising Publistuag C, Ann AiW, Micaifaa effcr oppartnaitr tar an atstaaam- coUcfc nun in eaca city ta 6t luu lata full tins iUiibm ana1 district snaaacer far attractive ha af calendar, blatters, grartsac cardsj and advertisiBt' aoveities. Gaod pen anility, excellent saarul character, and ta dustry essential. Sellinc experience wita beak I. utensils, coiiece publications; or siaular sales work highly desirable. Men interested in paying- all af college exseasrs aad permanent pa it km on graduation acceptable. All work is arliiag, no coUectioas or detiwrie. New trail an open Dexeeaber IS im tins for fuH va cation aeUiag. Pissxsl action necessary. Write folly today, gtrag age. coilece ectivitsu, and aeixtag experience. ADVERTISERS PUBLISHING COMPANY Dept. CS32 Ann Arbor, Michigan Today at Rector. FRIDAY. DEC 2 CciBoiid Twaa Fish on Toast Car a ta oxd Any Sc drink 25c Ala 4 Other Sa'rUI CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS From TDCKER-SHEAN 1123 O Street Gifts that are Sure to ple&Be For Him For Her Diamonds Watches Silverware Fine Clocks Jewelry Leather Goods Fine Stationery Fountain Pens Desk Sets Pen ana Pencil Sets Games, all kinds The pleasure of a Tncker Sbean jjft vrHI lire in ineiucry Ions after less ketirz srJtg are forgotten. 1 W- -nanS. 9 mi AJ.iXa. K1 1 nature's WiriterBalIroomLwites)ou . . and here arc just the skates to wear .... The perfect fit and correct bal ance make skating a pleas ure. Youll be proud of these fine tabular skates arfachfd to shoes. Sizes for everyone, for every kind of skating. I W! Urmtm tahwgoa aw. ff 1) otv me n TbaOnaf ha r iiiiiiinioM ".cot as ijtstxnf riinsinina A Onainr rVfi vciad as ijtstmg For tale tj ttadmi Sportufg Cooii, ILtrdmrnre d Dipwtma Stem Scoring Sigma Alpha Epsilon:!' ' I S v c& y This mammoth steam tor bine with a total capacity of 208,000 kDopatts 2S0 bOO horse power) ariu be installed ia the new station cfUueSlat Lane Oeaerat faf Company near Cfajcaga. Vn'hxt a anriluag contract betweea tibia huge grserat tof ttnit and the group of borne deriees it operates MAZDA lamps, fans, vacsxaai cleaners, and man others. Yet General Electric makes both. When Xerxes wept HTHE great Persian ruler gazed from a hill . -L top upon his vast army of a iriillion men. It was the largest army that had ever existed. And he turned away with tears in his eyes because in a hurdred years all trace of it would be gone. 1aat army was a symbol of power, destructive and transient. Today in one machine, now being built in the General Electric shops, there is combined the muscular energy of two million men. This great machine, a steam turbine, is also a symbol of power a new power that is con structive and permanent. Its unprecedented size, a record in construc tion cf such machines, is a pledge to the people that the electrical industry is on the march, ever on the alert to supply plenty of electricity at a bw cost to alL GSMSSAL .OlNIKAl IIICTHIC "FTP 7-t7t? COMPANY. ICUINKTADT, W S W TO