The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 16, 1927, Image 1

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    The Dail Nebraskan '
Kosmet Klub Selects
University Women
For Parts
Tickets Will Go on Sale Next
Monday; All Seats Will
Be Reserved
Selection of ten university women
for the Kosmet Klub pony chorus,
which will take the feature part in
the Kosmet vaudeville review, has
been made. The following make up
the pony chorus: Vivian Vickery,
Marion Sturtevant, Hilda Ulstrom,
Faye Williams, Edna Charleton,
Pauline Gettatley, Gertrude Sulli
van, Ruth Dimmick, Joy Ley, and
Madge Wright. With a male and fe
male lead, the pony chorus will take
8n outstanding part In the variety
show to be presented in the Orpheum
theater Thanksgiving morning start
ing at 9 o'clock.
Tickets for the first Kosmet pro
duction of the 1927-28 season wilj
go on sale next Monday mornmg.
All seats in the Orpheum theater
will be reserved, the price being fifty
cents. The Conway Beaver orches
tra has been engaged to play for the
Kosmet vaudeville, and will be
placed on the stage, in the P'iblix
theater idea, forming a background
for the seven acts which will make
up the show.
Variety of Act
Kapin Kappa Gamma's artist and
model acts, and the novelty song and
dance act to be presented by Alpha
Tau Omega, will be two of the main
acts in the show. Individual skits,
and many original Kobmet acts will
also be produced. A male take-off
on Topsy and Eva in Uncle Tom's
Cabin, and the introduction of a
new tango by Charles Dox and Al
Ernst are two of the latest additions
to the variety show.
The main feature of the entire
Kosmet Klub variety vaudeville is
the review of Kosmet productions,
In this act the pony chorus, as was
announced, a man and woman blues
singer, and a male and female lead
will take Dart. It will consist of
song and dance hits from every Kos
met Klub show since the first. Play
ing from the rear of an elaborately
decorated stage, the orchestra will
take a prominent part in this act.
(Continued on Page 2)
Fraternity and Sorority Pictures
For Cornhusker Will Be
Started This Week
Pictures of fraternity and sorority
panels for the 1928 Cornhusker are
assigned, and will be started Thurs
day. at Hauck's and Townsend's.
They are: Townsend's, sororities
Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta
Theta, Alpha Phi, Chi Omega, Delta
Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa
Delta, Phi Mu, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma
Kappa and Zeta Tau Alpha. Fra
ternities: Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha
Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Delta
Sigma Lambda, Delta Tau Delta,
Farm House, Kappa Sigma, Omega
Beta Pi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kap
pa Psi, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Kappa
Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma
Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Chi
Hauck's: sororities: Alpha Delta
Pi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Xi
Delta, Delta Delta Delta, Delta
Zeta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Phi Omega Pi, Sig-
ma Delta Tau, Theta Phi Alpha,
Fraternities: Acacia, Alpha Sigma
Phi, Alpha Theta Chi, Delta Chi,
Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Upsilon,
Kappa Rho Sigma, Lambda Chi Al
pha, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa, Pi
Kappa Phi, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma
Nu, Zeta Beta Tau, and Tau Kappa
Endeavor will be made to have
the sections complete this year. All
members are urged to have their pie
tures made. In order to have uni
formity in the section, the staff
urges that all pledges be included in
the panels.
A new and unique lay-out is being
used in these sections this year. Let
ters will be sent to fraternities and
sororities soon explaining these de
tails, including the assignments.
Elementary Club Has
Luncheon Saturday
Elementary club will hold a lun
cheon at the Woodburne party house
Saturday, November 19. Tickets are
65 cents and can be obtained in 807
Teachers .college. All students inter
ested in elementary education work
?e urged by the committee in charge
t be present at the luncheon.
Phi Sigma Has Dinner
And Initiation Tonight
Phi Sigma, national honorary
biological fraternity, will hold a
banquet in the Palm room at the
Lincoln hotel at 6:30 o'clock this
evening. The banquet will bfe fol
lowed immediately by initiation
of new members of the organiza-t
tion. The names of the initiates
have not yet been made public,
but will be given out sometime
Meetings for All University
Women Is Scheduled for
Temple Theatre
A Chinese convocation for all uni
versity women and especially for big
and little sisters will be held Thurs-
day, at 5 o'clock, at the Temple
theatre, under the joint auspices of
the Grace Coppock committee and
the Big and Little Sister board.
Dr. W. H. Adolph, of the chemis
try department, will speak on
"Glimpses of Chinese Life." Another
feature of the program will be the
reading of Chinese poetry by Chen
Shih Yuan.
"House of Wang Faces Its Fears,"
is the title of a sketch to be pro
duced by members of h Grace
Coppock staff.
The convocation will furnish both
entertainment and Information. It
will explain what is being done with
the money that Nebraska women
sent to China last year as a memor
ial to Grace Coppock, the first Ne
braska woman to do missionary work
in China. Big and little sisters will
have the opportunity to become bet
ter acquainted with each other and
all university women.
All big sisters are urged to see
their little sisters at once and make
arrangements to attend the convo
cation with them. All university
women are invited. The program "will
last less than an hour.
Cattle and Hogs from College
Agriculture Rank Well at
Kama City Show
Animals from the College of Agri
culture placed high in all their class
es at the Royal Live Stock Exposi
tion at City, which is being
held this week. Following is a lifct
of the cattle placings: Herelord indi
viduals, second, fourth and eighth;
gvoup, first. Shorthorn individuals,
firfc". and ulso reserve champion, und
sixth; group, third. Aberdsen An
gus individuals, two third places and
a sixth ; group, fifth.
In the hog classes Nebraska placed
a first and second in Chester White
classes and first as a pen. Hamp
shire individuals, third and also third
as a pen; Duroc Jersey individuals,
second and third as a pen. The steer
classes were very large this year and
all classes were stronger according
to word received from members of
the animal husbandry department.
Speaker For
Arts Meeting
Wins Prizes
Ernest L. Blumenschein, painter, of
Taos, New Mexico, will be one of
the principal speakers at the west
ern convention of the American Fed
eration of Arts, which will be held in
Lincoln. Blumenschein was born in
Pittsburgh, the son of W. L. Blumen
schein, the composer and chorus con
ductor. He received his art educa
tion at New York and Paris and ac
quired repute early as one of Amer
ica's best illustrators.
When he was 43 years old he was
able to give up commercial art and
devote himself entirely to painting.
His paintings have won ten awards,
the highest of these being the silver
medal at- the Sesqui-centennial at
Philadelphia, which was awarded
him in a competition with nearly 2,
000 painters in the United States.
ne is one of the foremost painters
in the Taos school of painting which
is regarded as one of the most signi
ficant art movements in the history
of American painting. The Taos
country in New Mexico offers an
abundance of native material and
the "Taos School" has applied new
methods of interpretation to these
essentially American subjects.
W wonder if the only reason un
dertakers go to football game is to
watch 'em kick off.
Former Nebraskan Give
To Dr. Wolcott
J. A. Casteel, '20, of New Orleans,
La., has recently donated a number
of slides of the Filaria parasite to
the department of zoology, is it an
nounced by Dr. Robert F. Wolcott,
head of the department. This par
asite is peculiar to the South, and
the slides will be of great help in the
microscopic study of parasitic life.
Mr. Casteel, who is now employed
by the United States public health
service, in sending the Filaria slides,
has written that he has available
some very good studies of Malaria,
and will send slides of these if they
are desired. Dr. Wolcott has noti
fied him that these will be very ac
ceptable, as the collection of slides
of this kind here is unsatisfactory
both fro:,: the standpoint of number
and variety. i
Letter Tells
Of Plans For
'Turkey Trot
Plans for the "Turkey Trot," sec
ond Varsity dance of the season, to
be held the night before Thanksgiv-
ing, are progressing rapidly, accord
ing to the committee in cnarge
Letters have been sent out by the
Varsity party committee to the va
rious fraternities, and other organ
According to the "N" book, the
next Varsity dance was scheduled
for November 19. This date has
been changed, however, and the
"Turkey Trot" will be held on No-j
vember 23, as Etated above.
The letter sent out read as fol
"The big varsity Turkey Trot at
the coliseum the night before1 the
New York university game will in
augurate Nebraska's Thanksgiving
celebration. The Oklahomans are
furnishing some of the best music of
the season.
"We are using but half the floor,
the other portion will be utilized as
a space for tables and chairs for
those who become weary.
"The Varsity Drag, the next
party, is scheduled for December 16
We have a big yuletide surprise for
you on that date.
- "The old rally spirit will be going
full force at this varsity dance
we'll have such a good time and
stir up so much pep November 23
that New York won't have a chance
the next day.
All Men in Business Administration
Entertained Today by Men'
Commercial Club
All men of the College of Business
Administration are invited to a din
ner which will be held this evening
ct 6 o'clock in the Y. M. C. A. Red
room. This dinner is sponsored by
members of the Men's Commercial
club. They have made provision for
a large number of Bizad students.
Entertainment during the dinner
has also been arranged. Joyce Ayers
will present several musical numbers
which will be followed by some in
teresting talks by persons connected
with the Bizad college.
Tickets for this dinner may be se
cured at the Commercial club room
in Social Sciences from the club di
rectors. The ticket sale closes at 3
o'clock this afternoon.
A recognition convocation for
(Continued on Page 2)
Fast Pace Led by
Cause of Much Unfavorable Comment
By Dorothy Nott
"Among the many evils resulting
fram the fast spirit of the age, is its
effect upon our schools. Scholars
cannot spend time to study and ex
pect teachers to do it for them."
Upon reading the above sentences
modern youth marks them as one of
the tiresome tirades which conserva
tive older folk are always making
about this generation. The com
plain is heard frequently, today,
that students are not seriously inter
ested in their school work, so the
quoted statement sounds typical of
1927. But shockingly enough, it
happens that this was not written
about the present young people, who
are supposed to be living such a
vwift pace, but about their grand
parents, who it seems, were not so
slow themselves. ,The quotation is
taken from a school report from a
small New Hampshire town, under
date of 1856.
Students of the present dsy are
often made to feel, by both parents
and the school, that they are quite
the worst edition of the human race
yet published. But another report
in this survey shows that our be
Affair for All University
Women To Be Given at
Ellen Smith Hall
Officers of Organizations for
Campus Co-Eds Will
Be Present
Arrangements have been complet
ed for an all-University women's tea
to be held Thursday irom s:du
o'clock to 5:30 at Ellen Smith hall,
under the auspices of the Associated
Womens' Student board.
In the receiving line will be Helen
AndeTson, president of the Associa
ted Women's Student board, Ger
aldine Fleming, president of Mortar
Board, Grace Elizabeth Evans, pres
ident of Tassels, Katherine Douglass,
president of Silver Serpents, Maxine
Mathers, president of Xi Delta and
Esther Qaylord, president of Mystic
Miss Mable Lee and Miss Florence
McGahey will preside at the tea ta
bles during the two hours and mem.
bers of Mystic Fish will have charge
of the serving. The members of Xi
Delta, Silver Serpent and Tassels
will assist in the parlors. Jane Glen
non is in charge of the entertainment
which will include a program and
dancine. Gretchen Standeven is
chairman of the poster committee.
A report was made by Orrel Rose
(Continued on Page 2)
Reverend Harry Will Be Here
For Series of Student
Lutheran Meetings
Rev. C. P. Harry of Morristown
Pa., national student secretary of the
Lutheran board of education, will be
in Lincoln next week end for a ser
ies of services and meetings which
will constitute the high point of the
year in the local student organiza-
tion's program of activities.
There will be a special student
service at the First Lutheran church
at 13th and K streets next Sunday
morning, November 20. All Lutheran
students and those interested are
urged to come. Rev. Harry will de
liver the sermon for the morning,
As a climax of the national secre
tary's visit, an all Lutheran luncheon
will be given at the Grand hotel
from 12 to 1 o'clock on Monday, No
vember 21. Rev. Harry will be the
chief speaker, and there will be
(Continued on Page 2)
Pre-Medic Society
Sponsors New Paper
Nu Med News, new pre-medic
sheet, sponsored by Theta Nu, has
appeared on the campus. Theta Nu
is the pre-medic honorary society.
The first issue was recently! pub
lished. It contains news items con
cerning the embryo doctors, an ed
itorial department, and a humor
section. ,
The staff is as follows: Lawrence
Larson, editor; T. C. Mason, asso
ciate editor, and James Rick, busi
ness manager.
Grandparents Was
loved ancestors had their faults too
One school reported four or five
boys leaving school, because they
. . A 1
were not allowed to cnew tonacco
during school hours, not to spit on
the floor of the school house.
So centuries roll on, new genera.
tions come, and old ones go, but hu
man nature remains much the same
Modern educators are realizing that
fact. Educational institutions pro
fess to train teachers who have char
acter, an understanding of human
nature, and a genuine interest in
young people. A prominent teacher
once said that our schools have al
ways served as ballast, giving stabil
ity in turbulent times. The aim of
the school, through sane methods,
and morally responsible teachers, is
often said to be to help boys and
girls to develop into well-balanced
men and women.
"Never fear," say modern teachers,
"for in twenty or twenty-five years
the youfh of today will be conscien
tious parents much aghast at the
swift pace their children travel, and
at their lack of scholastic enter
Memberi of Kindergarten-Primary
Club Plan Program
The Kindergarten-Primary club
will give its annual kid party for all
members of the kindergarten prim
ary department November 17, at El
len Smith hall. All members are in
vited to attend.
An interesting program of enter
tainment is being planned, with a
prize list for the cleverest costumes.
Awards will be made for the pret
tiest costume, the most original cos
tume, and also for the best stunt.
Tickets are now on sale and may
be obtained from members of the
department faculty. The price of
the tickets is fifty cents.
Skeleton Is
Subject For
Recent Work
Homer B. Latimer, instructor in
the department of zoology here until
last year, has recently published a
paper entitled, "The Post-Natal
Growth of the Chicken Skeleton,"
which is largely based on experi
ments conducted in the biology lab
oratories of the University of Ne
Professor Latimer took his A. B
degree at the University of Minne
sota in 1907, and his master's there
in 1908. His term oi instruction
here began in 1916. The work on
chicken skeletons was begun during
his last few summer vacations at
Minnesota and was completed here
The paper is dated September, 1927,
and contains a number of diagrams
and illustrations.
Professor Latimer has made many
of his observations upon oven-dried
skeletons, which he prepared by
scraping the bones as clean as pos
sible, and then drying in an oven.
The studies were made over the
whole period of growth of the fowl
and covered both Bres. It was
found that the newly hatched chick
loses 70 per cent of the weight of
(Continued on Page 2)
Novel Decoration Will Feature
Nineteenth Annual Party Held
In Coliieum
Preparations for the nineteenth
annual Military ball are rapidly be
ing made. The committee chairmen
report that the work is constantly
progressing and that everything will
be in readiness to make the ball an
unusual success.
Decidedly different decorations
will feature the party, the idea be
ing to present a very military de
sign. There will be four large flag
draperies along the sides of the. col
iseum, and from the center of each
drape two flags will extend toward
the center of the room. On the
stage will be a fortress with scenery
in back of it, and on top of it
flag. A spotlight will be trained on
the flae and a fan behind it will
keep it rippling constantly.
The place for the chaperones will
be marked off by a barricade
sandbags, rifles, and machine guns,
The orchestra will be at one side of
the center. A huge canopy will be
(Continued on Page 2)
Past President of the Nebraska
Women's Club Federation
Talks Today
Mrs. A. E. Sheldon, past president
of the Nebraska Federation of Worn
en's clubs, will address the World
Forum at the noon-day luncheon to
day. She will speak on "Europe
When interviewed by a reporter, J
Mrs. Sheldon grve out a few points
which she is going to feature in her
speech. "I am going to give my im
pressions of the people as far as I
came into direct contact with them,"
stated Mrs. Shetdon. She completed
last summer a trip to Europe, where
she had the opportunity to obtain
first hand information concerning
the conditions of the country. Mrs.
Sheldon has toured Europe previous
ly. . She is the wife of A. E. Shel
don, who is connected with the Ne
braska Historical society.
To those who are not acquainted
with v,he purpose of World Forum,
the committee in charge invites
tne committee in tiiaijc
.m-j , lJTo ,,-
everyone to attend the luncheon this
noon and become acquainted with
the speakers and officers in charge
of the luncheon. Tickets may be
procured for twenty-five cents at
the Temple building. Tickets at the
door will be on sale for thirty-five
cents. The meeting will last from
12 o'clock until 12:50.
Gamma Lambda Will
Entertain Tonight
. Alpha chapter of Gamma Lamb
da, men's national honorary band
fraternity, will give a smoker and
dinner for its members tonight at
the Grand hotel at 6 o'clock.
Twenty-five are expected to at
tend. The organization will discuss
new candidates and outline its
program for the rest of the school
year. An election of new officers
is to be held in the near future.
Gamma Lambda is to promote
and foster activities which im
prove the band. Alpha chapter is
the parent chapter of the national
fraternity of college bands.
Organization of Teams
Y. M. C. A. Drive Is
Carried Out
Ninety workers of the Y. M. C. A.
annual drive attended the banquet
held last night in the Grand hotel,
The banquet was held for the pur
pose of organizing the teams and
getting the drive under way.
In the first speech Sherman Welp-
ton, campaign manager, emphasized
organizing the teams and placing the
responsibility of the team on the
captain. He also stressed promoting
competition among the teams by
turning in reports of the drive each
Joe Hunt, president of the Y. M.
C. A., explained that the drive was
more than a financial drive. It is a
drive based on Christianity and for
the good of the students. Mr. Hunt
pointed out some of the benefits of
the Y. M. C. A., such as bringing
nationally known speakers to the
campus and the distribution of N
All Should Subscribe
It was pointed out that on the
campus of Iowa State college 3,000
students contribute $2,600 while on
the Nebraska campus the goal is only
$1,250. Carl Olson, the last speaker,
stressed selling the Y to the Uni
versity. In order to put the drive
(Continued on Page 3.)
Sneathen Wins Last Hare and Hound
Run of Year; Final Figures
Are Announced
Phi Delta Theta clinched the hare
and hound title in yesterday's chase
bringing their total of points up to
an even 300, while their nearest
competitor, Delta Tau Delta has only
220 points to their credit. This
race was the last of the series spon
sored by Coach Henry F. Schulte.
In spite of the cold weather 124
men turned out for the final run.
Wickwire, Delta Sigma Lambda, and
Dexter, Theta Chi, acted as hares
for the race. Sneathen, Phi Delta
Theta, won the race and was also
high point man for the event. The
course was three miles in length.
Appropriate trophieR will be pre
sented to the first fifteen high point
men in the runs. Their records in
all the races have been computed in
making the awards. The honored
men are as follows: Dexter, Theta
Chi; .Tanulewicz, Phi Kappa; Ether-
ton. District III: Wickwire, Delta
Sigma Lambda; Skidmore, Tau Kap
pa Epsilon; Sneathen, Phi Delta
Theta; Campbell, Phi Delta Theta;
Jamrog, Phi Kappa; Ritcher, District
III; Kunter, Y. M. C. A.; Mays, Phi
Delta Theta; Olson, DelU Tau Deita;
Yorly, Tau Kappa Epsilon; Daven-
(Continued on Page 3.)
Miss Alma Bering Stops
College Monday
at Ag
Miss Alma Bering, '23, was a caller
in the department of home econo
mics on Monday. Miss Bering holds
the position of dietitian in the Shep
pard and Enoch Pratt hospital at
Towson, Maryland, near Baltimore.
This is a hospital for nervous and
mentai diseases and has about 180
patients. Miss Bering has charge of
the food for about 400 persons each
Miss Bering majored in chemistry
... i w.i.o
and elected some home economics
niTOrsitT. rv.
work while in the university. She
spent six months as student dietitian
in the Presbyterian hospital in New
York City following her graduation;
She attended ;the meeting of the
hospital dietetic council held in con
nection with the American Hospital
association in Minneapolis recently.
University Faculty Man Is
Elected President of
Association y
Organization Composed of Men
Working on Technical
Dr. G. E. Condra, director of the
conservation and survey division of
the University of Nebraska, was
elected president of the American
Soil Survey association at a meeting
held in Chicago Tuesday, November
15. Dr. Condra will succeed Dr. Shaw
of the University of California. The,
association which Dr. Condra is to
head is an organization composed of
' Dr. C E. Condra
men working on technical soil inves
tigations in the United States and
Canada, and is well known through
out the country for the benefits it
has given by means of its investigations-
While in Chicago Dr." Condra is to
speak before the first national for
estry conference which was called by
the Chamber of Commerce of the
United States. The purpose of this
meeting is to arouse the interest of
the public in the affairs of the nation
al forests, to extend state and fed
eral cooperation, to stimulate and
encourage forest owners, and to dem
onstrate the ability of private en
terprise to handle its own responsi
bilities. In his address Dr. Condra
will discuss the "relation of soils to
the distribution of forests.'
Attends Exposition
Dr. Condra will also attend the
International Travel exposition which
will be held at the Hotel Sherman
in Chicago during the week of No-
I vember 21-26. At this meeting he is
! . ... . a J.1
to give an inustratea lecture on me
things in Nebraska which tourists
should see.
Dr. Condra was born in Seymour,-
Iowa, Feb. 2, 1896. He attended the
Western Normal college, Shenan
doah, Iowa 1889-91, the University
(Continued on Page 2)
Mrs. B. A. Penrose of Y. W. C. A.
Talks at Vespers Services
On Field of Work
Mrs. B. A. Penrose, a member of
the national board of the Y. W. C.
A. spoke at the weekly Vespers serv
ice last evening in Ellen Smith Hall
on "The Wide Field of Y. W. C. A.
Mrs. Penrose gave snapshot pic
tures of the most interesting centers
of Y. W. C. A. work both in foreign
fields and at home-, stressing the idea
that the chief purpose of the asso
ciation is to promote Christian prin
ciple;; of conduct and living.
Mrs. Penrose, who is the wife o
the president of Whitman College in
Walla Walla, Washington, is just re
turning from a convention of the na
tional board which was held recently
in New York City.
Preceding the talk Margaret
Crone gave a special piano solo.
Mary Ball had charge of the meet SCHEDULE ALTERED
Officials Are Waiting for New
Polo Ball and Matches
Are Changed
Inter-fratemity water polo games
scheduled for Monday and Tuesday
evenings have be.n postponed, thus
causing the postponement of all
games. The officials have ordered
a new polo ball wtuch has not arrived
causing the delay.
The schedule as rearranged is as
8 -Phi Delta Theta vs. Delta Cbi.
8:30 Tau Kappa Epsilon vs. Al
pha Theta Chi.
9 Phi Kappa vs. Pi Kappa Alpha.
9:30 Delta Sigma Lambda vs.
(Continued on rs3 3)