The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1927, Image 1

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    uutv "in tm
he Daily- Nebraskan
Colder with enow and otrong
northerly wind.
A. a Knew umi or
Junior and Seniors Must Have
Pictures Taken Today to
Appear in Book
Sections Will Be Sent For
Engraving Wednesday;
Plans Extensive
Complete arrangements for the
class panels for the yearbook have
been made and all juniors and sen
iors who do not report to the down
town 6tudios for their picture sit
tings today will not appear in the
class sections of the 1928 Cornhus
ker, according to announcements
from the Cornhusker office made
late yesterday afternoon.
The panels will be made up Wed
nesday and sent to the engravers
Wednesday evening. Positively no
pictures taken after Wednesday will
appear in the book class sections.
A large number of class members
have failed to respond to the edi
tor's request in having the pictures
taken, a careful check shows, but a
representative number have had their
(Continued on Tage 2)
Final Kara and Hound Chase of
Year Staged in Stadium
Tbi Afternoon
The last hare and hound race to
be run this year will be he'd this
afternoon at 4 o'clock. Coach
Schulte planned the course Monday
afternoon and promises a real run
for the closir? race this season.
Wickwire and Dexter will be the
bores for the run and should set a
speedy pace.
"Hare and hound races held this
year have bcf-n going off well and I
am pleased with the results," de
clared Coach Schulte. As many men
as can possibly turn out for the fin
al run are urged to do so by Schulte
The race will begin at 4:20 o'clock
but all contestants should be at the
stadium by 4 o'clock.
Kindergarten-Primary Club Sponsors
Affair for all Women in
The annual kid party sponsored
by the Kindergarten-Primary club
will be held on Thursday evening,
November 17 at Ellen Smith hall.
Every girl in the kindergarten-primary
department automatically be
comes a member of the club. Pre
parations are being made for a large
number and every member is cor
dially invited to attend.
Three prizes are to be awarded
for the prettiest costume, the most
original costume and the best stunt.
Tickets are now on sale. They are
fifty cents andj may be obtained
from any faculty member of the de
partment. The following are the chairmen of
the various committees for the
party: Tickets, Opal Dillon; pub
licity, Orrel Rose Jack; dinner, Hel
en Morehead; serving, Betty Bell;
clean-up, Frances Burgoin and Jan
ice Mickey; prizes, Mary Eleanor
Aldrich and Mary Quinton.
Math Club Holds First
Meeting of Year; Elect
Officers and Members
The first regular meeting of -the
Math club for the year was held last
Thursday evening, November 10, in
the Mechanical Arts building. Dur
ing the meeting a very interesting
talk was given by Professor Camp
upon "Logarithms of Large Num
bers." The following were elected
" officers for the current semester:
President, Joe Styskal; vice-president,
Frank Roth; secretary-treasurer,
Herbert Howe.
The new members chosen are as
follows: Harold Aitken, Lynn An
derson, Marie Bader, Lawrence Bak
er. Paul Barbunck, Florence Chris
tie, Mildred Clark, Gerald Evans,
Evelyn Fate, Elizabeth Flood, Bern
nard Gerdes, Grace Grosvenor,
Esther Hall, Harold Hall, Vincent
Hnizda, Ralph Lefever, Emily Lots
Peich, Anne Motis, Id. Pascalo,
"oyd Peterson, Ralph Phillips, Os
'w Pearson, Arthur Reitter, Merle
Roberts, Beatrice Ruwe, Frances
Scnerzer, Irene Searson, Ii Smith,
Maude Stewart, Emily Waters, Ho
" Wntse, Haxsl Young.
National Officer Will
Talk at Vesper Service
Mrs. B. A. Penrose, a member
of the national board of the Y.
W. C. A., will speak at the weekly
Vespers service this evening at 6
o'clock in Ellen Smith hall. Mrs.
Penrose will tell about the wider
fields of Y. W. C. A. work as a
national unit. Mary Ball will
Arrangements Made for Stu
dents Round Trip to Kan
sas Game for $4.83
The athletic authorities at Nebras
ka and the Union Pacific railroad
officials have made arrangements to
run a special train to Manhattan,
Kansas for the Nebraska-Kansas Ag
gie game there Saturday November
19. There will be 150 in the party
including the entire Varsity squad,
the freshman squad, the R. 0. T. C.
band and athletic officials.
Students may make the round trip
for one way price which is $4.83. It
is estimated that more than 600 stu
dents will make the trip to the Ag
gie school for the game. Tickets may
be purchased at the Union Pacific
city ticket office at 204 North 11.
The special train will leave Lin
coln Saturday morning at 7:15 and
arrive in Manhattan about 11:45.
The train Will leave Manhattan at
7:30 Saturday night and arrive in
Lincoln about midnight. The reason
for leaving so early in the evening
is in order to get the football team
back home. The Thanksgiving game
will be a hard battle and the Husker
coaching staff want their proteges
back for a full night's rest.
Miss Raymond
Will Speak At
Art Meeting
Miss Ruth Raymond of the Uni
versity of Minnesota will be one of
the speakers at the western conven
tion of the American Federation of
Art in Lincoln next week. Miss
Raymond is a graduate of the Art
Institute of Chicago, the Church
School of Art, and the University of
Minnesota. She has taught art in
Chicago, New York, and Minne
apolis. She became president of the
Handicraft Guild School of Art in
Minneapolis and when in 1917 that
school was made a nucleus of the
department of art education at the
University of Minnesota, she became
the head. She believes "that in art
teaching of the right kind lies a po
tent solution of the problem of es
tablishing the two most needed atti
(Continued on Page 2)
Sales of Autumn Number of Prairie
Schooner Are Good; Sketches
Are on Addition
Contributions for the next number
of the Prairie Schooner, Nebraska
literary magazine, are being re
ceived by Prof. L. C. Wimberly of
the department of English. Decem
ber 1 is the "deadline" for the win
ter number, Professor Wimberly an
nounced Monday. Essays, stories,
poems and sketches are acceptable
for consideration.
The sale of the Autumn number,
which came off the press two weeks
ago, is encouraging, according to the
literary magazine's business man
agers. Phi Blake and Roland Miller.
The Schooners are to be had at both
book stores facing the campus, the
Regents' book store in the Admin
istration building, and at the School
of Journalism office, University
hall, 104-B.
With the beginning of the second
year of its existence, The Prairie
Schooner will include numerous im-
(Continutd on Page 2)
Missionaries from OrUs Will Give
Prof ram at Local Church
A pageant in costume will be giv
en Wednesday evening at St Mark's
Reformed church by Livingston A.
Gordon, '17, and eight other mission
aries of the United Presbyterian
mission at Alexandria, Egypt.
Thursday evening addresses will
be given at the same place by Mr.
Gordon and hL fellow workers. The
other missionaries come from service
in Egypt, India, the Sudan, and
Abyssinia. Both programs will be
given at St. Mark's Reformed church
at 1519 Q street.
, :'' ' " J " - ''
From right to left: Dorothy Norris of Laurel, Marjorie Schultz of Lincoln, Mary Schaaf of Lincoln and
Louise Genung of Cams. Standing behind: Miss Rebecca Gibbons of home economics department and Prof.
W. J. Loeffel of the animal husbandry department of the College of Agriculture, who have been coaching the
team. The first home economics judging team to ever represent Nebraska in any contest competed yesterday at
the American Royal livestock show at Kansas City.
Interfraternity Water Polo
Games Are Postponed ; To
Have Polo Ball
All inter-fraternity water polo
games scheduled for Monday and
Tuesday have been postponed, and
ionsequently the whole schedule re
arranged, it is announced by Ru
dolph Voegeler, who is in charge.
The officials have ordered a water
polo bal lwhich has not yet arrived,
causing the postponement.
The new schedule for first round
games is as follows:
Wednesday evening
8 Phi Delta Theta vs. Delta Chi.
8:30 Tau Kappa Epsilon vs. Al
pha Theta Chi.
9 Phi Kappa vs. Pi Kappa Alpha.
8:30 Theta Chi vs. Alpha Sigma
9 Alpha Tau Omega vs. Lambda
Chi Alpha.
9:30 Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Sig
ma Chi.
The reh of the teams entered and
not mentioned here, drew byes for
the first round of the tournament.
Their pairings for the second round
will be announced later.
Mr. Voegeler announces that all
team captains are to meet in room
206, university coliseum at 5 o'clock
today, for an explanation of the
rules and playing regulations of the
tournament so that they in turn may
explain them to their own teams,
International collegiate rules will be
followed in preference to soccer po
lo rules. These will be gone over at
the meeting, and it is imperative that
all captains attend.
The schedule of the later rounds
of the tournament is as follows: Sec
ond round, Monday and Tuesday,
November 21-22; third round, Wed
nesday, November 23; fourth round,
Monday, November 28; finals, Wed
nesday, November 30.
Scholarship Awards Will Be Made
To Bizad Students Tuesday
At Convocation
A dinner for all men of the Col
lege of Business Administration will
be held Wednesday, November 16, at
6 o'clock in the Y. M. C. A. Red
Room. This is being sponsored by
the University Men's Commercial
club and all Bizad men are urged to
attend. Some interesting talks have
been planned and a program of mus
ic will be given by Joyce Ayres.
Tickets for this dinner are now on
sale and may be secured from the di
rectors of the Commercial club. Buy
your ticket as soon as possible as the
sale closes at 3 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon, the committee urges.
A recognition convocation of the
(Continued on Page 2)
Geology Graduate to
Work in Venezuela
Richard Hughes, graduate of the
geology department of the Univer
sity, has recently accepted a position
with the La go Petroleum Corpora
tion with headquarters in Mariceibo,
First Home Eo Judging Team
Thanksgiving Recess
Covers Four-Day Period
Thanksgiving vacation will be
gin Wednesday evening Novem
ber 23, at 6 o'clock and end Mon
day morning November 28 at 8
o'clock, according to the official
university calendar. There has
been jome misunderstanding in
regard to the vacation period.
This gives a recess of two days
from regular class duties, plus
the week-end making a four day
Series of Entertainments for
Convention Visitors
Are Announced
A number of affairs are being ar
ranged for the entertainment of the
visiting delegates of the convention
of the American Federation of Arts
which will begin Monday, November
On Monday evening the Nebraska
Art assoc'ation is giving a dinner in
honor of the guests at the Country
club at 6:30 o'clock. Mrs. C. B.
Towle has charge of arrangements
for the event. After the dinner the
delegates will adjourn to Morrill hall
where a series of interesting exhibits
are to be shown. In Gallery A there
will be a collection of representative
works of modern American painters.
This collection is circulated by the
American Federation of Arts. In
Gallery B will contain an exhibition
of works by William S. Schwartz. In
the main corridor of the building a
special exhibition of works by west
ern painters is being arranged.
Other features will be shown in
rooms of the School of Fine Arts.
On Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs.
F. M. Hall will give a dinner for
the speakers of the convention at
the Cornhusker hotel. After the af
fair the delegates will join at the
Temple theater for a special pre
sentation of Franz Molnar's "Lil
iom", by the University Players.
'Europe Today" to Be Discussed
At Forum Meetiny
Mrs. A. E. Sheldon, past president
of the Nebraska Federation of Wom
en's clubs, will address the World
Foium Wednesday noon on the sub
ject of "Europe Today."
Airs. Slie'idon recently completed a
several months stay in Europe study
ing conditions in the respective
countiics. She has been to Europo
previously. Her ta?k wiU be baur.d
on her im, ressi'.'ii that sre gained
while touring the country. She is
the wife of Professor Sheldon, who
is connected with the Nebraska His
torical society.
All persons interested in World
Forum are invited by the committee
in charge. Luncheons are served
every Wednesday noon, with talks
following. Tickets may be procured
for twenty-five cents.
What is believed to be a world's
record for consecutive shooting was
established by E. W. Lapeworth of
Boston univeisity who scored 2,466
bulls-eyes in seven and one-quarter
Chorus and Singers for Kosmet
Variety Show To Be Named
During This Week
Announcement concerning the se
lection of women for the pony chor
us of the Kosmet Klub variety show
will be made sometime this week.
A man and woman "blues" singer
will also be announced. The two
blues singers together with the pony
chorus will play important parts in
the vaudeville.
According to the committee in
charge of this Kosmet production, it
will resemble somewhat the presen
tations in Publix theaters. An or
chestra will be placed on the stage,
and will serve as a background for
the various acts, two of which will
be presented by Kappa Kappa Gam
ma and Alpha Tau Omega. The
main feature of the show which will
be presented in the Orpheum theater
Thanksgiving morning will be a re
view of song and dance hits of other
Kosmet Klub shows. A male take
off on Topsy and Eva will be a fea
ture act, and a new Tango will be
introduced by Charles Dox and Al
(Continued on Page 2)
National Meeting of Interfraternity
Conference Will Be Held
In New York
New York, November 11, 1927.
The Interfraternity conference, an
nual gathering of delegates from
practically every men's fraternity at
American colleges and universities,
will meet at the Hotel Pennsylvania
here November 25 and 26. More
than 200 delegates, representing 60
different fraternities and coming
from a hundred institutions of
learning, will be present when the
conference is called to order by
Judge William II. Bayes, chairman
of the interfraternity organization.
A number of college presidents
and a score of deans and professor!
from all sections of the country will
meet with the fraternity delegates
(Continued on Page 2)
Cosmopolitan Club Take in 24 at
Frular Meeitng Sunday
Twenty-four students were admit
ted to membership in the Cosmopol
itan club of th university at the
business meeting of the Cosmopol
itan culb members which was held
Sunday afternoon at the home of
Professor and Mrs. L. F. Lindgren.
The applicants admitted are: Eve
lyn Lagcrquist, Solomon Taneres,
Ruth Armele; Walter Kiener, Miss
Fedde, Mariano Vivit, Raymond
Niederhaus, Margaret Hyde, Mrs. L.
F. Lindgren, Gerald Pierce, Emilie
Papez, E. H. Logan, William H.
Miles, Lela Marshall, Millard Woods,
Teresa Brown, Maxine Holmes, Cleo
patra Ross, Louis Swingler, Rose
Richmaud, Helen Davis, Jose Navar
ro, Serafin Gergantiel, and Benja
min Madamba.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Palmev vrere
elected honorary members.
Subscribers May Secure
November Awgwan Issue
Subscribers to . the Awgwan
who have not yet secured their
copy of the November issue may
get them this morning at Long's
College book store for the last
time. After this morning they
may be secured in the afternoons
at the Awgwan office in th base
ment of U hall.
Secretary and Active Head of
Rhodes Trust Talks Here
Next Monday
Phillip Kerr, of London, England,
secretary and active head of the
Rhodes trust, will address the uni
versity convocation at 11 o'clock
Monday morning November 21, at
the Temple theater. While in Lin
coln, he will be the guest of Paul
F. Good, secretary of the Nebraska
committee of selection for the Rho
des scholarships, and he will be hon
ored at a dinner to be given No
vember 21 by the former Rhodes
scholars of this vicinity.
Mr. Kerr is a graduate of Oxford.
He went to South Africa with Lord
Milner as one of his cabinet in the
reconstruction of South Africa after
the conclusion of the Boer war. Up
on the successful completion of his
work and of the organization of 6clf
government for South Africa, Mr.
Kerr returned to London where he
was editor of the Round Table, a
quarterly review devoted to problems
of government. In 1916 he became
secretary to Lloyd George, then
prime minister of England, which po
sition he held throughout the re
mainder of the war and through the
peace conference. Afterwards he
joined the staff of the London Times
which position he relinquished to
take up his present duties with the
Rhodes trusts.
Mr. Kerr's visit to the United
States is for the purpose of acquaint
ing himself with American cohdv
tions so that he can more efficiently
conduct the affairs of the Rhodes
trust in reference to the Rhodes
All 11:00 o'clock classes will be
excused in order that students may
attend the convocation.
Presnell Fails
To Boost Score
But Holds Lead
Glenn Presnell, thundering Corn
husker halfback and Nebraska's can
didate for the mythical Ail-American
eleven, continues to lead the Miss
ouri Valley in scoring honors. Pres
nell failed to score in the east-west
clash with Pittsburgh but continued
to hold the lead among conference
"Blue" Howell, running mate of
Presnell, boosted hie total in the
Pitt-IIusker game and crossed the
white line for two touchdowns to
advance his total to 41 points. The
Panther eleven was watching Pres
nell in the intersectional clash at
Pitt but failed to figure of the
plunging work of Howell and the
Omaha back slipped across his two
counters for the Scarlet.
Presnell has lead the Missouri Val
ley scorers since early October when
he jumped into the lead after the
Grinnell pnme at Lincoln. Although
he failed to score against Pitt his
54 points accumulated in five games
till stood high in the conference.
Presncll's points have all come from
touchdowns while Howell has been a
trifle more versatile and has kicked
five goals from placement In to
tal touchdowns, Presnell has nine
(Continued on Page 8.)
Hunt, Olson, Hall, Hager, and Mead
Co to "Y" Meeting On
Cotner Campus
Joe Hunt, president of the univer
sity Y. M. C. A., accompanied by
Carl Olson, Ivan Hall, Gordon Hager
and Wilbur Mead will attend the Ne
braska State Student Y. M. C. A.
conference at Cotner college, No
vember 18, 19, 20. These- men will
be' representatives from the Univer
sity Y. M. C. A.
Marking the first year of the sec
ond half century of the Student Y.
M. C. A. movement, and the first
of the three years marking the nine
teen hundred anniversary of Christ's
Public Ministry, this conference will
be held to promote the interests of
(Continued on Page 2)
Annual Finance Campaign for
Religious Organization
It Being Staged
Final Organization to Be Made
At Meeting at Grand
Hotel, 6 O'clock
The annual Y. M. C. A. finance
drive will get under way tonight.
During the next three days every'
man in school will be personally ap
nroached by one of the 130 workers
taking part, the committee declares.
The goal is $1,250 and represents
that part of the total budget of the
organization that is spent directly
for student activities.
The drive will open with a dinner
at the Grand hotel at 6 o'clock fol
lowed by a short period of final or
ganization. Similar dinners will be
held on Wednesday and Thursday
evenincrs. for the purpose of check
ing results and issuing cards to the
workers. Soliciting will not be
limited to evening work, but will be
carried on throughout the three days
of the campaign.
All of the workers in the Y. M.
C. A. finance campaign are urged
to be present at the dinner this
evening at the Grand hoteL At
tendance at this banquet counts
toward the total number of points
for each team. The men who
have not yet selected their cards,
for soliciting have been asked to
do this in the Y. M. C. A. office
before 5 o'clock this evening.
Sherman Welpton, campaign man
ager, explained yesterday, that the
drive is not for new members to the
"Y". It is an organization for the
entire student body, and is open to
any oen. Its activities are not
limited to a small group of members.
The Y. M. C. A. cabinet is chosen
from the student body at large and
in its pi an 3 it strives to carry out
those things that will benefit the
school. Welpton also explained that
the $1,250 which the students are
asked to contribute is used only to
pay for the activities which are of
direct benefit to the school. Part
of this money is used to bring noted
speakers to the school, and part of
it helps to maintain the reading
room in the Temple. The other ex
penses incurred in the operation of
the Y. M. C. A. secretary's office are
paid by alumni and friend's of the
Budget Explained
"The budget of ths organization
spends about $2 per student," ex
plained C. D. Hayes, general sec
continued on Page 8.)
Means Is Winner in Individual
Stock Judging! Leu Is
In Third Place
The University of Nebraska senior
live stock judging team placed
eighth at the intercollegiate judging
contest held at the American Royal
Live Stock exposition in Kansas
City, Saturday November 12.
Cecil Means of Red Cloud was
high man in the individual stock
judging contest and Archibald Lea
of Curtis was third. Other members
of the Nebraska team are: Paul
Jenkins, Gothenburg; William Sny
der, North Platte; Robin Spence,
Crab Orchard; and Louis Taggart,
The Kansas state agricultural col
lege was announced as the winner of
first place in the American royal
livestock show college judging con
tests for teams of five persons each.
The contests were held Saturday
night The Aggie judgers scored
4,314 points out of a possible 5,000.
Other point winners and their scores
Texas A. and M., 4,282; Univer
sity of Illinois, 4,281; Ohio State
college, 4,277; Oklahoma A. and M,
4,276; Iowa State college, 4,241;
University of Missouri, 4,266; Uni
versity of Missouri, 4,226; Univer
sity of Nebraska, 4,215; University
of Wyoming, 4,210; University of
Minnesota, 4,203; University of Wis
consin, 4,163; Colorado agricultural
college, 4,109; Texas Technological
college, 4,990; South Dakota State
college, 8,707.
Lans New Geologist
For Texas Company
Charles Lane, '27, will be geol
ogist for the "Texas niKminatinjj Oil
company. Mr. Lane's work will
tale bim to the auihera portion c