The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1927, Image 1

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Partly cloudy with rising tem
perature. '
First Year Men Overwhelm
Sophomore With 82 Y2
Points Over 17 Vz
Victory Gives Yearlings Right
To Remove Green Caps
On Thanksgiving Day
, The freshmen won the Olympics
and the right to discard their green
caps Thanksgiving day by defeating
the sophomores yesterday afternoon
by the overwhelming score of 82
to 17. The sophomores made a
creditable showing in the individual
events but they were helplessly out
numbered in the mass events.
When the final event of the day,
the pole rush, arrived, only a hand
ful of sophomores surrounded the
pole on which the president, Arthur
Bailey, was perched. After this event
the crowd of fresmen divided into
squads for a game of push balL It
was originally scheduled for one of
the features of the Olympics but the
sophomores defaulted, not being able
to organize a team. After the game
was completed the big sphere was
boosted over the fence and rolled
down O street by the enthusiastic
Sophomores Win in Wrestling;
Th sophomores Micceeded in win
ning al! three of the wrestling mat
ches, taking the decision in the light
weight, middle weight, and heavy
weight classes. The lightweight match
was a family affair, H. Erion com
peting for the sophomores, while his
brother, D. Erion represented the
yearlings. The elder Erion won by a
fall. In the middle weight class.
Koehne took the decision from Skin
ner. Reimers won the decision for
the sophomores in the heavyweight
The feature of the boxing events
was the heavyweight bout between
Urban fighting for the frosh and
Hurd representing the sophs. Urban
won the decision. Wilson, freshman
middleweight, held Poet, midwestern
A. A. U. champion to a draw. Tool-
ey, sophomore, took the decision over
Fussel in the lightweight bout
Freshmen Win Relay
The relay, which was a 110 yard
event, was won by the freshmen. The
lead was held by them throughout
the race.
All wrestling and boxing bouts
were held in the coliseum and were
held during intermissions of the Ne
braska-Pitt football reports. After
these were completed the contest was
(Continued on Page 2)
Dean Sealock Chosen New Secretary
Convention Will Meet In
Lincoln Next Year
Summer school sessions are be-
coming more and more important in
American colleges and Universities,
V. Montz of the University
leachers' college reported on his re
turn from a meeting of the associa
tion of summer school directors last
k. The directors met at Cornell
nniveraity, Ithaca, N. Y for dis
cussion of problems relating to sum
mer sessions. The annual meeting
W'U be held at Lincoln next year.
Uean W. E. Sealock of the Teach-
'r "liege was chosen secretary for
the coming year. Other officers are
E. F. Buchner, John Hopkins uni
versity, president; and P. C. Packer,
University of Iowa, statistician.
'hn the meeting is held here next
October it will be the first time it
has come to a western university.
Columbia University Leads List
The association is composed of the
thirty-five leading American uni
versities. It was reported that a to
J of 105,630 students were en
rolled in summer sessions at these
institutions, Columbia university at
ew York leading all with an enroll
ment of 13,857. The University of
California had the second largest
ummer school, with 6,839, and the
Universitty of Chicago was third
wh 6,474. Nebraska ranked ninth,
ijh an enrollment of 3,401.
r 4i? unlver,itie who members
01 the association, with the prom
went educators who represented
continued on Page 2)
Bi&fe Discussion Croup
To Meet ThU Afternoon
tEibl found table discussion
iKn heU at the Pilgrim hour,;,
'00 Q street every Sunday af
wnocn from 4 to 4:20 o'clock.
r'ryone is invited.
Blood Gives Address
To Club at Fremont
Professor F. C. Blood, instructor
of advertising and marketing in the
College of Business Administration,
addressed the Fremont Advertising
club Thursday evening, November
10. The subject of his speech was
"The Purpose of Advertising."
Mr. Blood has made many such
speeches throughout the middle west
Recently he spoke before a national
advertising meeting at Chicago. -B-fore
beginning his work of teaching,
Mr. Blood made an extensive study
of advertising and spent several
years in commercial advertising.
Inter-fraternity Water Sport Will
Begin With Three Games On
Monday Evening
Drawings have been made for the
inter-fraternity water polo tourna
ment. The tournament will begin
with three games Monday evening in
the Y. M. C. A. pool, announced Ru
dolph Voegler, instructor.
Inter-collegiate water polo rules
were adopted by a meeting of team
captains held in the coliseum Thurs
day. Practice sessions may be ar
ranged for by calling at the colise
um. There are about twenty-f our
teams entered in the tournament
which will begin next week and fin
ish by December 1. Teams for
feiting any game will lose their en
trance points, was decided by the
athletic department.
The schedule as fixed by the
drawings is:
Phi Delta Theta vs. Delta Chi.
Tau Kappa Epsilon vs Alpha
Theta Chi.
Phi Kappa vs. Pi Kappa Alpha.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Delta
Sigma Lambda.
Delta Sigma vs. Sigma Epsilon.
. Wednesday
Theta Chi vs. Alpha Sigma Phi.
Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Alpha Tau
Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Sigma Chi.
Novel Debate
Form Used at
South Dakota
Vermillion, S. D., Nov. 12. In
stead of being seated on the plat
form, the debaters will be scattered
throughout the audience at the de
bate between the University of
South Dakota and State College No
vember 15, in accordance with a new
plan being instituted at the univer
sity this year by L. S. V. Judson
professor of public speaking and
coach of debate.
No debaters will be seated on the
platform which will be occupied by
the chairman, the parliamentarian,
and the time-keeper. The question
to be debated will be introduced by
a member of the audience in the
form of a resolution, followed by a
motion to limit the debate. Upon
the closing: of the discussion the
question will not be voted upon
There will be a non-decision settle
ment, disposed of by withdrawing
the motion, referring it to a commit
tee, postponing it indefinitely or by
laying it on the table, after which,
if no further business is brought up,
a motion for adjournment will be in
(Continued on Page 2)
Executive Committee of Engineering
Group Convenes Saturday
Dean O. J. Ferguson of the Col
lege of Engineering was presiding
officer at a meeting of the execu
tive committee, the sixth district,
American Institute of Electrical En
gineers, m his omce aiuraay.
Members of the committee are R.
B. Bonney, A. L. Jones, and W. H.
Edmunds of Denver, and N. W.
Kingsley, C. W. Minard, and M. Ra-
gen of Omaha. Dean Ferguson is
vice-president of the institute from
his district, which includes Wyom
ing, Nebraska, Nort" Dakota, and
South Dakota.
Davis Returns From
Long Southern Trip
Prof. H. P. Davis, head of the
dairy department at the College of
Agriculture, has returned irom an
extensive southern end eastern trip.
He attended the national dairy ex-
position at Memphis, xenn., ana
went to Washington, D. C, where he
studied the work of the dairy bu
reau, United States department of
Agriculture. '
Rally To Be Held For
Team Monday Morning
The football team will arrive in
Lincoln from Pittsburgh at 9:30
o'clock Monday morning over
the Burlington.
Students are urged to meet the
train as a welcome rally will be
held at the depot The commit
tee of Innocents in charge is re
questing that where possible 9
o'clock classes be dismissed early
to enable students to be at the
station to welcoma the returning
Committee Adopts New Ideas
In Music and Decorations
For Second Varsity
The "Turkey Trot", the second
Varsity dance of the season will be
given at the coliseum the evening
before the Nebraska-New York
Thanksgiving game. The committee
reports that this party will be some
thing entirely different for Varsity
dances. A rally will be one feature
of the evening, Phil Sidles, Nebraska
yell king will lead yells and songs
throughout the party.
The rally and torch light, parade
to welcome the New York team to
Nebraska will start at 7:30 o'clock
and will be over by 8:15, thus giving
the students plenty of time to pre
pare for the rally dance. The rally
effect to be carried out is something
new in Varsity parties.
Decorations To Be Unusual
A professional decorator has been
placed on the committee, and decora
tion for the evening will consist of
many new and novel ideas. Lighted
badges of the Nebraska fraternities
will be used in the lighting effect.
"The Oklahomans" will furnish
the music for the dance and will be
one of the features of the evening
with their varied entertainment and
musical hits. This is the first time
"The Oklahomans" have visited Lin
coln this season and are assuring the
Varsity party committee satisfactory
New Plan Is Devised
A new plan has been devised for
utilizing the coliseum for dances.
The orchestra will be placed on the
stage and the front two-thirds of the
floor will be used for the dancers,
while the rear portion will be used
for tables and chairs, and refresh
ments. The two sections of the floor
will be petitioned off and three arch
ways will lead to the dance floor. ,
Decorations for the party will be
in accord with the Thanksgiving sea'
Well-Known Editors Will Speak At
National Sigma Delta
Chi Convention
Lawrence, Kan., Nov. 12. J. Al
fred Spender, editor of the West
minster Gazette, London; and Carl
C. Magee, former editor of the New
Mexico State-Tribune, now of the
Oklahoma City News, will be two of
the chief speakers at the thirteenth
annual convention of Sigma Delta
Chi, national journalistic fraternity,
to be held at the University of Kan
sas November 14, 15, and 16.
More than 100 delegates will come
from the various chapters at schools
(Continued on Page 2)
Television System
Of Public Address Here Wednesday
How moving pictures are trans- tures in a hurry. Television is an-
mitted by wire to a distant screen
will be told by Dr. M. B. Long of
New York in a public lecture at the
University of Nebraska Wednesday
Dr. Long is a member of the tech
nical staff of the Bell Telephone
laboratories, where the television
system has been developed within
the last few years. He will explain
the process by which on April 7 of
this year Secretary Herbert Hoover,
speaking from a platform in the na
tional capitol, "appeared" before a
New York audience and addressed
The lecture is unuar the auspices
of the College of Engineering and
will begin at 8 o'clock in room 206,
Mechanical Engineering building. It
is open' to the Lincoln public.
Television is a scientist's dream
come true, say faculty members of
the College of Engineering. The
transmission of "still" photographs
by wire has become so developed
that newfpapers now maks free use
of this means of obtaining news pic-
Kappa Kappa Gamma and Al
pha Tau Omega Submit Best
Skits to Committee
General Plans for Variety
Vaudeville Show Are
Nearly Complete
Skits submitted by Kappa Kappa
Gamma and Alpha Tau Omega were
selected for presentation by the Kos
met Klub for their variety show in
the Orpheum theater Thanksgiving
morning. Fifteen skits were sub
mitted by fraternities and sororities,
and considerable difficulty was ex
perienced by the committee in
charge in selecting the best act sub
mitted by a fraternity, and the best
one submitted by a sorority.
The characters for the Kappa act
are an artist and his models. The
entire skit is fashioned in the form
of a review, and includes a great
deal of singing and dancing. The
artists models in this act will rep
resent latest successes in broadway
theaters. Elaborate scenic effects,
and spectacular lighting arrange
ments will be featured in this act,
About thirty girls will participate in
the Kappa skit, and the latest broad'
way song and dance l.its will char
acterize it.
Music Featnres Fraternity Act
The Alpha Tau Omega act will be
novel as to music. It will include
songs and dances, interspersed with
dialogue. Three pianos will be used
in this musical skit, and the act will
feature a new Nebraska song written
by Joyce Ayres and Lamar Burling.
These two artists will also play and
sing several other original numbers.
Hal Childs will take the leading r61e
in the Alpha Tau Omega skit
Tryouts for the pony chorus of
(Continued on Page 2)
Annual Drive Begins With Meeting
Of All Captains and Workers
This Afternoon
The annual Y. M. C. A. finance
drive will be opened this afternoon
with a meeting of all the captains
and workers in the Y. M. C. A.
rooms in the Temple at 3 o'clock.
Cards bearing the names of all men
in the school will be divided up be
tween the twenty teams. Sherman
Welpton, general chairman, declared
that it is urgent that all men report
for this meeting.
The real work of the drive will be
started Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock,
with a dinner at the Grand hotel.
Several speakers will be included on
a short program following the din
ner. Immediately after, the teams
will begin soliciting and will con
(Continued on Page 2)
Film On Asbestos Will
Feature Program Today
A three-reel film on "Asbes
tos" will be the feature of the
university museum's weekly pro
gram at 4 o'clock Sunday in the
lecture room, lower floor of Mor
rill hall. The film deals with the
production of asbestos from its
discovery, through the mining
stages and marketing, and illus
trates the many uses to which it
is put.
Will Be Subject
other step forward, and is more com
plex because it requires that trans
mission of a complete picture in
about one-eighteenth of a second,
whereas several minutes are re
quired -for a complete transmission
in telephotography. This has made
necessary an enormous speeding up
of the optical and electrical actions
involved, in order to reproduce ef
fectively the posture and movements
of the person whose motion picture
is being sent over the wries.
That television will become a vi
tally important phase of electrical
science is accepted by students of
the new process. Whether or not
the commercial introduction of tele
vision will occur as rapidly as that of
telephotography, however, it is very
difficult to predict
Dr. long's lecture at the univer
sity Wednesday is described by Dean
O. J. Ferguson of the College of
Engineering as one of the most sig
nificant of the public meetings this
High Point Man
Blue Howell, smashing CornhuS'
ker halfback who scored the two
Husker touchdowns against Pitts
burgh yesterday in the east-west in
tersectional clash at the Pitt sta
dium. Howell's playing against the
Panther eleven was one of the out
standing features of the game and
brought many favorable reports
from eastern football critics. How
ell scored the first touchdown early
in the first quarter after Welch
made his sensational run after the
New Honorary Colonel Wil
Be Presented at Annual
Military Party
The ticket sale for the nineteenth
annual Military ball is moving along
fairly rapidly," according to Ira
Brinkerhoff, chairman. Several of
the men selling tickets have called
for a second allotment and the sale
has been on for only three days,
Brinkerhoff urged in a statement
yesterday that in the fraternity
houses, the upperclassmen be allow
ed to secure their tickets before th
underclassmen. This has been the
rule in the past, since it is custom
arv to limit the crowd.
Henry Jorgenson, chairman of the
(Continued on Page 2)
Team From Department of Home
Economics Takes Part In
Kansas City Show
The department of home econom
ics will have a team in the Intercol
legiate meat identification and judg
ing1 contest to be held in connection
with the American Royal Livestock
show at Kansas City, Missouri, on
November 14. The following stu
dents will comprise ths team: Louise
Genung, '29, Carns; Dorothy Norris,
'29, Laurel; Mary Schaaf, '28, Lin
coln; Marjorie Schultz, '28, Lincoln,
Five teams have entered for the
contest The Nebraska team is be
ing coached by Professor W. J. Loef
fel of the department of animal hus
bandry. A part of the expenses of
(Continued on Page 2)
Many Are Shown Colored Reels On
Silkworm at Morrill Hall
Large audiences of Lincoln school
children attended the showing of a
colored film on the silkworm, given
by the university museum in Morrill
hall last week. The film was shown
every afternoon at 4 o'clock, and
fourth, fifth and sixth grade pupils
attended in a body.
This will be a regular feature at
e museum, it is planned, rums
will be shown once every two or
three weeks.
Students Investigate Problems and
Write Reports of Findings
The classes in food economics, un
der Miss Gibbons and Miss Peters,
are having reports on marketing
problems which have been investiga
ted by individual members of the
class. Some of the most interesting
have been on the following subjects:
'Observation of Women's Market
ing Practices"; "The Number of
Brands of Canned Goods Carried by
Single Store"' "A Comparison fn
Price of the Same Products in Dif
ferent Types of Grocery Stores";
"Imported Products in a High Class
Grocery Store"; "Effect of Size of
Container upon Price"; "A Study of
Food Advertising."
Nebraska Gridmen Are Defeated In Spectacular Game Before
Crowd of 25,000 Rooters; Howell Makes Two
Touchdowns and McMullen Kicks Goal
Huskers Hold Opponents To Low Score and Outplay Them At
Times But Are Unable to Overcome Panther Lead;
Howell and Presnell Are Outstanding Stars
(Special to The Daily Nebraskan)
Pittsburgh, Pa., November 12. In the most spectacular
game ever played in the new Pitt stadium at Pittsburgh, Pa.,
the Nebraska Cornhuskers held the strong Golden Panthers
of the University of Pittsburgh to a 21-13 score before a crowd
of 25,000 frenzied rooters. The Husker3 not only held the
Panthers to a low score but outgained, ourushed, and outpassed
the potential champions of the east, scoring nine first downs
to Pittsburgh's eight.
On the first kickoff of the game, Richards kicked to Cap
tain Welch of the Panthers who caught the ball on his own
three-yard line and then pulled off the greatest feat of the
day by running 97 yards through the entire Husker team for a
touchdown. After he passed the 35-yard line the Panther cap
tain had an open field for a touchdown. Booth added the extra
point from placement and the score stood Pitt 7, and Nebras
ka 0.
Panels for Junior and Senior
Sections Will Be Sent To
Engravers Wednesday
The panels for the junior and sen
ior class sections of the Cornhusker
will be sent to the engravers Wed
nesday morning, according to Dwight
Wallace, editor of the yearbook. All
pictures appearing in this section
must have been taken by that time.
The Nebraska yearbook will con
tain one of the most elaborate sec
tions which will appear in college
annuals this year. The staff, the
members point out, are going to
considerable expense for these sec
tions and so have been particularly
desirous of having a representative
number of pictures appear.
Panels Must Go Wednesday
"A large number of juniors and
seniors have not reported to the stu
dios. The panels will go to the en
gravers Wednesday regardless of the
number who have had their pictures
taken," the editor declared.
Cards are being sent to all class
members who have not had their pic
tures taken, urging them to do so.
Definite assignments are being given
to the class members by the stiff
and if the students do not respond
to this, the staff members say it will
be necessary to omit them from the
class sections of this year's book.
More than 800 member have re
ported thus far, leaving an equally
large number who are to report be
fore Wednesday in order to appear
in the book.
Y.M.C.A. Opens
Fiftieth Year In
New York, Nov. 12. The student
work of th Y. M. C. A. in 700 col
leges tnd universities, 200 prepara
tory schools aiid 50 theological sem
inaries of the United States and
Canada is celebrating its fiftieth an
niversary this fall under the greatest
stimulus since the movement was
launched at the Louisville interna
tional Y. M. C. A. contention back
in J 8 77.
This stimulus is the assurance of
an enlarged measure of self-govern
ment as a major division of tl e Y.
M. C. A., co-equal in status with the
home division under the jurisdiction
of which it formerly existed as a de
partment. Action toward this goal
has just been taken by the National
Council of the United States at its
fourth annual meeting in Chicago.
The change will not become com
pletely effective until a constitution
al amendment is ratified a year
The National Council of Student
associations also advocated a mea
sure to counteract the growing mate
rialism and "realism" of the col
leges. "The greatest need" it de
clared, "is a restatement of religious
truth in terms compatible with the
best knowledge and tht n?t scrupu
lous intellectual honesty." Experi
mentation was urged to find meth
ods to , solve the issues arising out
of "changing standards of marriage
and relations of men and women,
conflicts between racial groups and
industrial and international rela
tions." .
Bicycle riding is the latest sport
for co-eds at Northwestern university.
After the first minute of play
Presnell caught the next kickoff on
his own two-yard line and raced to,
the 43-yard line before he was
stopped after a beautiful gain. The
Huskers made several small gains
through the Pitt line but were forced
to kick. Pitt completed a 17-yard
rass on which play Bron3on was hurt
and .i;..ain "Jug" Brown replaced
' an.
Nebraska got the ball on downs
and Presnell ripped off his second
brilliant run of the game when ha
sk-rttid the Pitt right end for a
thirty-one-yard gain. Howell broke
through Pitts' left tackle for eleven
yards and Presnell added four more.
Afior two plays Howell went over
the Pittsburgh goal line from the
two-yard line to score Nebraska's
first touchdown. McMullen made
his placement try good. This touch
down came after a powerful iifty
yard march down the field by the
Husker backs, and ended the scoring
for the first period.
Pitt Makes Second Score
Pittsburgh's second score came as
the second quarter started when
Pitt had the ball on her own thirty
six yard line. Hagan ran to the far
left side of the field, cut straight
down the field, juggled through the
Husker secondary defense, till held
on open field, and raced sixty-three
yards for the second Pitt touchdown.
Booth added the extra point, making
the score Pitt 14 to Nebraska 6.
Captain Welch later scored when he
took a long' high pass from Hagan
and ran sixty yards for a touchdown.
Booth again kicked goal. The half
ended soon after with Pittsburgh in
possession of the ball. The Huskers
far outplayed the Panthers for the
remaining of this period but the
Pittsburgh line stiffened when the
(Continued on Page 2)
Home Economics Professors Attend
Land-Grant Colleges Meet
The University of Nebraska will
be represented at the Land-Grant
college meetings to be heM in Chi
cago, November 15, 16, and 17 by
Professors Margaret Fedde and Mary
Ellen Brown of the department of
home economics.
At the home economics section the
following subjects will be discussed:
1. "Present Social Problems of the
American Family."
2. "Present Economic Problems of
the American Family."
3. "Present Education Problems
of the American Family."
Professor Fedde is on the program
to discuss the third topic.
Many Graduates
Visit Department
Among the visitors at the depart
ment of home economics last week
durin gthe state teachers' meetings
were the following graduates of the
class of '27 who are now located in
towns throughout Nebraska: Gladys
Martin, Arnold; Lulu Baugh, York;
Alberta Grandy, Alvo; Dorothy
Heldt,' Nebraska City; Helen Hilde
brande, Gandy; Mildred Larsen,
Exeter; Marion Overholt, Tecumseh;
Mary Runals, Stromsburg; Esther
Tritsch, Lewiston; Ethel WelL, Wy
more. Doane Give$ Readings
To University Women
Professor Doane, university li
brarian, will give readings for
the 4inivr!ty venu'u Suadty.
Selections from Vachel Lindsay
and other contemporary authors
will hm T"fA at th W-i
house, 835 North li tttwwea 5
end 6 o'clock Sunday afternoon.