Fungi Have More Important Part in Daily Happenings Than We Suppose Of all the known fungi, our giant puffball that grows so common ly on our Nebraska prairies, probably produces the greatest number of jpore97,600 billion," stated Dr. Leva B. Walker, associate- professor of Botany in the university, in a ra dio talk broadcast over the radio yesterday. "That fungi do abound is a very obvious fact. Probably everyone has had the experience of putting some thing away in the damp and a little later finding it mildewed," said Miss Walker, "or of opening a jar of jam and finding it covered with mold. So common are such experiences that we take it for granted that things kept damp will mold. Many are parasites, take their food from living plants while others live on non-living sub stances such as clothing and so on. "The foods for the variuos fungi are about the same as for an animal. The fungus must have carbohydrates, proteins, and even vitamines for its development, but many forms require only minute quantities for growth. Some few fungi are highly special ized and can only get food from cer tain plants or substances. Some few fungi have power of making food from the nitrogen in the air and so require little but water; such may be found growing on strong acid or poi sonous solutions. They are seemingly able to protect themselves from in jurious substances in the solution and yet make uso of the water. Fungi Highly Developed "Fungi have developed highly spe cialized structures for producing spores and getting them into the air. One of our common amiif. wheat forms about twelve million spores where each kernel of wheat should have developed. It would take aDout one hundred spores placed end to end to reach across the head of a pin but the spores from a single fruit body were placed from end end would extend forty-one miles. wnen one considers the enormous numbers of spores produced, one can hardly help feeling that it is strange fungi, molds and SO on I1X nnf. mnva abundant than they are. It is only the keen competition between various forms for the available food that pre vents their mutiplication. The mul titudes of spores may so thoroughly cover the earth that where ai hna a chance for growth the spore may be present to grow, and so perpetuate itself." it rX wom.D'S mos t unique theater HOME OF THE SPOKEN DRAMA I (LINCOLN OWN rrOC COMf) "NOTEWORTHY ARTISTIC PRODUCTONS TONIGHT ALL WtEK Th. Fastest, Peppiest Comedy Ew Writ tea "CRAPLE SNATCHERS" If a Hushand Caa Hava Mia Flapper Why Caa't a Wife Hare Her Cake Eater T Eves. 25c, SOc, 7Sc Mats. 2Sc, SOc An architectural drawing believed to be the oldest in the world was found at Mesopotamia, This blue print, 4,000 years old, was in a frag mentary condition, hut the three pieces which fit accurately together reveal the ground plan of an unusual ly large house. Accurately drawn lines indicate walls and doorways for seventeen rooms. Missouri ranks first in the produc tion of sunflowers, the state raisin more than 70 per cent of the com mercial sunflower seed used in the United States. New Madrid County leads the rest in production. Beniamino Gigle, world famous tenor, sang his first concert of the season before hundreds of University of Michigan students at Ann Arbor jjFriday night. He received a tremen Ldous ovation. fl"S"f8S" THE GREATEST OF ALL BIG PICTURES A M.-C-M. Picture With JOHN GILBERT ORPHEUM SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ARTHUR BABICH, Coadactinf PLAYING ORIGINAL MUSIC SCORE Mats. 35c, Nit SOc SHOWS I. 3, S, 7, THIS WEEK ORPHEUM A CORKING CROOK THRILLER IXJNT MISS ITI THflMAS IMEDY NEW MATS. 1 5c COLONIAL COMEDY NEWS VARIETY MATS. 15c. EVE. 25c Now fmmmmmmmmm One Blonde j? 1 They All Prefer J A 1 and There", a Se. ESTHER Q RALSTON "FigTirei Don't Lie" News RIALTO A Paramount Picture Comedy Topics Review Mon.-Tues. Wed. STARTING TODAY THE DIFFERENT SHOW Eve Started Aft the Trouble I 5 ' J Vaudeville AT a. 7. 9 SHOWS RAYMOND S. BAIRD "LITTLE SOUSA" MARGIE TEEPS LUCILLE SISTERS "Two Girls from a Shew" FLORENCE BRADY Vaudeville's Popular Vocalist MASON A BAILEY Colored Entertainers DeLuae la "HOT STUFF BEAVER AND HIS MELODY MONARCHS with LEW CODY AJleea Prinele SHOWS AT 1. S, 8. T. 9 MATS. SSc, EVE. 60c LIBERTY NOW PLAYING PIERRE WATKIN PLAYERS "TURN TO THE RIGHT" Famous Camedr-Drama By the Author of Unhtnln " THE REVELERS MATS. TUES, THUR5, SAT, iSc, BOc NITES 25c. SOc, 78c NOTE. Coach Bear and Nebraska University Footha.Q Team wlU Be Guests Mr. Watkia Tuesday Nifht Fellow" Dog Almost Gains Admittance to Columbia University NEW YORK The fact that he walks on four legs instead of on two is about all that kept ''Fellow" a dog, from matriculating at Columbia university here recently. Fellow, who belongs to Jacob Her bert, of Detroit, was Drought before Columbia psychologists, where he was put through an intelligence test which astonished the learned pro fessors. The dog is a German shepherd, five years of age, and his master in sists that he displays the intelligence of the average eight year old boy. Herbert claims that Fellow knows between 300 and 400 spoken words. He obeys a number of intricate com mands, given in the ordinary con versational tone with very few in flections, and he has a good memory for names of people. Introduced to several in the room, he later picked them out when their names were called. When his master asked him to see if the car was still parked outside, the dog amazed the professors by going to the window and looking out with his front feet on the sill. Herbert says he taught the dog by talking with him in a conversational tone as he would to a child, and the dog has now come to have an almost human expression. Professor Hertzler Says College Suicides Caused by Imitativeness Former Champion In Stanford Class Fight Palto Alto, Calif. (IP) Tb S tan ford university freshmen, led by the ex-champion flyweight boxer Fi del La Barba, were defeated las. week in the annual "mud battle" with the sophomores on the campus. The sophs were led by Eric Fienz, who holds a record in throwing the dis cus. Krenz once in the fight threw La Barba in the mud pond when the two met personally. Concord, N. H. (IP) The first lap in her race for the mayorality of Concord was won by H. Gwen dolen Jones, 21, pretty university co ed, when she overwhelmingly de feated Representative Edward D. Haskell and ex-Mayor Willard, K. Flint at the Primaries this week. Miss Jones now will face Mayor Fred M. Marden in the final election. A course in present day fashions will be given at New York University this year. "Suicide as I understand it is simply an illustration of a significant fact in sociological principles of sugges tion and imitation. The thing imi tated ia either something unique or popular or something a superior has done," asserted Professor J. 0. Hertzler, Professor of Sociology in the University, in talking on student suicides. He pointed out that the first two students to commit suicide were col lege students who were studying ab normal psychology, stating that their acts were possibly due to a peculiarly morbid state of mind resulting from this study. These boys were univer sity students, and because of this, were given a large amount of news paper publicity which would not have been given to ether persons under the same circumstances. "This was a unique occurrence and was followed by quite a wave of sui cide by partly unbalanced young folks pushed to the point of desper ation or otherwise unbalanced," said Professor Hertzler adding that, "If you 'have an unusual form of sui cide with much publicity, it will be imitated." He made the statement that sui cide among students is really nothing unusual. The students, because of their position which puts them more or less before the public, receive publicity which others do not. In vestigations show that there is as large a percentage of young persons not students committing suicide as there is of students. "The newspapers are responsible for a large amount of the suicides among students," he declared. "A unique form of suicide at a time when that type is getting publicity will enable relatively unknown peo ple or people with what psychologists know as an inferiority complex a chance to gain a certain amount of publicity, however dubious it might be." This latter form of suicide takes place more often among high school students who, because of their home life or other non-harmonious envir onment, do not have the opportun ity of expressing themselves. Be cause of this they develop a morbid or unbalanced state of mind, to which this oportunity presents itself in an appealing way. Much of the suicide among young folks, aroordipc to Profe'wfyr FrtT- Party Favors Vases Doraines Perfumes Card Cases Bracelets Leather Goods , Smoking; Articles We Apply Crest to any article Order Now. Well Hold Until Wanted. HALLETT UNIVERSITY JEWELER Estab. 1871 117-119 So. 12 "YOUR DRUG STORE" Who said "Our Team" couldn't play Football? Owl Pharmacy S. E. Cor. 14 P. Phone B1068 The Mogul Barbers will give you That Well Groomed Appearance The Mogul Barber Shop 127 No. 12 New Styles in LOVELY NECKWEAR Featuring the clever Fagoting Design in Collar and Cuff Sets $1.95 to $7.50 Fashioned of georgette, crepe de chines and lace-dainty neckwear in more styles than you can imagine. In flesh, tan and white-ruffle and lace trimmed. Included are collar and cuff sets, panel styles, collar and jabot combinations and tie effects. J Neckwear Street Floor ler, is due to a combination of imi tation and a disturbed mental state. This is a mental condition which is common in the adolescent period. In this period, the young person is easily susceptible to influence and example. He is much more likely to act on an impulse btimulated by an other's example than is an older per son. "Many suicides among high stu dents," he asserted, "may be caused by the physiological and psychologi cal state which is often characterized by a morbid and unbalanced mental condition." Professor Hertzler has made a study of suicide and its causes from the sociological side of the question. His opinions are based on scientific study and research. Ph.D. Degree Does Not Produce Men Who Are True Scholars, Is Found New York (IB) Declaring that loss than twenty-five per cent of the holders of the Ph. D. degree are pro ductive scholars, the American His torical Association laid the blame on college and university presidents who seek degrees for their professors for advertising purposes. The social sciences and particularly the departments of history show an amazing lack of scholarship, accord ing to the report which was the re sult of a nation-wide survey for the purpose of finding the best way to expend income from the million dol lar endowment of the association. Nebraska Alumnus Is Acting Dean of Botany Ernst A. Bessey, graduate of '93, is now acting Dean of Botany at the Michigan State Agriculture College. He is the son of former professor Bessey of the Nebraska department of Botany. . Amherst, Mass. (IP) Two forms of freshman hazing at Amherst col lege were abolished by the students here this week that of capturing freshman for performance at sen ior meetings and that of attempting to disrupt the annual frosh banquet. A proposal to abolish the annual class scrap between the sophomores and freshmen was defeated. The Silver Medal Bull, Sulton Tel ivo is the sire of the new champion and her dam is Varsity Ultimo Norma. The Harvard law school is the largest of its kind with an enroll ment of 1508. Middletown, Conn. (IP) Frat ernities are to be put on their honor to report to proper officials any cases of intoxication at fraternity dances at Connecticut Wesleyan university, according to a new ruling passed by the faculty this week. The annual convention of the Rocky Mountain Interscholastic Press will meet on the University of Colo rado campus in November. Silver loving cups and ribbons will be given to publications who stand first in their respective divisions. A new women's dining hall has been opened at Ohio State which will seat 600. Three O'clock Closing Time for Boston Prom Boston, Mas.. (IP) Three o'clock in the morning is the time for the closing of the junior prom at Boston university next spring, ac cording to a new ruling just made. By the same ruling interdepartmen tal functions must close at 2 a. ra. and fraternity parties must cease at the early hour of one past mid-night. Careless smokers are blamed for $50,000,000 worth of the large an nual fire losses of the United States. Half of the students enrolled in the University of Wisconsin summer school were teachers. Since the war, divorce is becoming more common in England. Latest figures show that one marriage out of every hundred ends in the divorce court. Home Cooking Lunches, Dinners, Pies & Cakes FRAT LUNCH 321 No. 13th. NEWEST GIFTS THAT EVERYONE WILL LIKE Unusually beautiful and original gifts lor the home writing desk may be iouod incur CJhriGt- xnas display. This handsome new Wahl Fountain Pen Desk Set with genuine Mexican Pedrara Onyx baseand tapering. guaranteed Wahl Pen is only $7-50. Other soiling Wahl Deck Sets to $35-00 Do Tour Christ-mat Shopping Early Tucker-Shean STATIONERS STUDENTS SUPPLIES 1123 "O" ST. Scf Our TTintfov iREIER Comer IQth & O Street Black Scotch Grain Oxfords These are good looking shoes, and such a pleasing change from the usual tans. They are winged tipped, with a smart saddle, a heavy single sole and leath er heeled. They fit snugly up to the instep. Ask to try them on. You'll like them very much. $Q50 ( Main Floor. On time for a Lifetime Well ordered indeed will be the life of tlie man who is as dependable as his SheafFer's Lifetime0 pen. Ever ready when needed, &ivin& tKe best at every call, doinfc flawless work without com plaint for a lon& lifetime. And the Lifetime pen is unconditionally guaranteed for just that brand of service. A dependable performer I It is the pen that spends the most days in the writing hand and the least in repair shops. It costs more because it is worth more. -Lifetime" pen. $5.75 Lady "Lifetime". $7 JO Other lower "Lifetbrt" Titan overtime penal to match, $125 At better stares everywhere ml Mm SHEAFFER'S V- PENS PENCILS SKRIP W.A.SHEAFFER PEN COMPANY FORT MADISON. IOWA t i i 'i ii a -i j : -w fcVw