THE DAILY NEBRASKAN LYRIC ALL THIS WEEK THIATER rhe Pierre Watkin Players Nineteenth successful wemc Present "NICE PEOPLE" Rachel Crothers Satirical Comedy Next Week "SQUARE CROOKS" 'Smtm cos WEDNESDAY Two Hour of Delightful Entertainment Dorothy Byton mil her SIX DANCING GIRLS "Snappy Stepper" Loring-Lessig & Co. 1n Comedy of Surpria "THE HERMIT" HARRY JOHNNY PERRY & MAHER The Singing Funster, In COMEDY CHARACTERIZATION Sorrentino Four A Mixed Quartette, Offering "A VOCAL COCKTAIL" Gus Thalero , & Gang . Presenting Fast VAUDEVILLE NOVELTY "Chin He Loved to Touch" A Rollicking Comedy Also J NEWS and TOPICAL PICTURES BAB1CH and the ORCHESTRA Election Return Tuesday Nit SHOWS AT 2:30, 7:00 and 9:00 SO ARE NAMED TO SIGMA XI (Continued from Page One.) Young, Florence Penjamin, Mrs., Uni. of Nebr. 1927. Undergraduate Associate Alrich, Benjamin M., Student As sistant in Mech, Engineering. Bordahl, Jennie Belle, Rreader and Laboratory Assist, in Botany. Burdg,' Clarence F., Senior student in Civil Engineering. FRIDAY NIGHT LYRIC THEATRE Special Mid-Night Show Starting 11:15 The Pierre Watkin Players in a NEW KIND OF A SHOW Sponsored by S. A. E. Freshman Reserve Seats at Box Office mon.-tues.-Ved. On of the greatest pictures aver produced. If you have teen it, you'll want to see it again. If you have never seen it see it now WAY ' DOWN EAST SHOWS AT I. MAT. lOc 7 and 9 NITE 20c Brown, H. Ivan, A. B., candidate for B. Sc. in Medicine. Collins, Merrit Edward, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. Elliott, Clarence Kilgore, Chem istry and Zoology. Fish, Gilbert Rolland, Civil and Mechanical Eng. Hamsa, William R., Assistant in biochemical research. Hansen, Elmer M., B. Sc. Senior in Medicine, Intern, in Uni- Hosp. Haytor, Earl W. Student, Geology, Chemistry and Geography. Jorgensen, Theodore. Mathematics and Physics. Kent, Clifford Foster. Gradiinf' in June, 1927. Kilgore, Lee Alton, Senior B. Sc. in E. E. June, 1927. Kloso, Theodora, Botany & Chem istry. Kopac, Milan James, Zoology and Chemistry. Lanyon, Wm. Liel, Pre-Medic, WE DARE YOU- to see "Movies 30 years ago" and not laugh long and hearty! This is but one of the big features on the Lincoln program the first half. Including HAROLD LLOYD & BEBE DANIELS in "Are Crooks Honest?" "Romance in a Streetcar" "The Great Train Robbery" and other early pictures CHUCK WILES Playing Xylophone and Vibraphone NORMA SHEARER "THE DEMI-BRIDE" A M G M PICTURE CAPITOL. TODAY AND ALL WEEK HE'S-HERE Today at 3, 7:30 and 9:30. P. M. DON'T MISS THIS GREAT SENSATION HE HAS THE WHOLE TOWN TALKING PRINCE ALI "THE HINDU PROPHET" New Photo Play Show "THOSE WHO JUDGE" PATSY RUTH MILLER and LOU TELLEGEN THE THRILL OF A UFE TIHEI Aalt you! Don't mi.s thU wndcr show hat has taken the ton by ,t, m there's tim. like the present. Coca today. Attend the Matinees to Avoid the NO ADVANCE IN ALL THIS WEEK A program of screen and stage attraction you'll enjoy ON THE SCREEN ieeYoufcil nua Jack Mulhall A Biff Comedy Roundup ALSO "THE VISION" Mysterious. Fascinating. Gripping Year's Prize Winning Short Story. 3 ON THE STAGE "The Night Club A Melanre of SONG DANCE MUSIC with MAE, HELEN MURRAY Singers of Syncopation LEON LAVARDE Eccentric Dancer Beaver and his Boys Election Returns Tuesday Night SHOWS AT 2:45, 7:00, and 9:00 Student, majoring In Chemistry. Moes, Robert J. Assistant in bio chemical research. Liorton, Eldred Oscar, Student As sistant in Mechanical Eng. Myers, Henry Coats, Senior B. Sc. in E. E., June), 1927. Renstrom, Francis Allen. Civil and Other Eng. Dept. Searson, Wilma Ruth, A. B. Zool ogy and Botany. k Shields, Lester Lawrence, Student Asst. in Ap. Mech. for past 2 years. Simmons, Kenneth Albert, Geology and Chemistry. Swan, Maurice Adolphus, Engr. Depts. The numbers were chosen accord ing to the following requirements: memDer 01 ine siaii 01 tne institu tion, who has shown noteworthy achievement as an original investiga tor in some branch of pure or applied science and has published the results of scientific research conducted by him. Master's and Doctor's theses of i more than five years standing shall not be accepted for fulfilling the re quirements. A registered graduate student who, as judged by his actual work of investigation has exhibited an aptitude for scientific research. Any graduate student who has shown marked excellence in one or more departments of pure or applied science, and any student who has completed the first three years of undergraduate work and who has shown marked excellence in two or, more departments of pure or applied science and has completed thirty-six hours of science, is eligible to asso ciate membership. j Any alumni is eligible to member- ship if a graduate of the institution of not less than five years standing on the same conditions prescribed in the first paragraph. Any professor, instructor or investigator, connected with a neighboring educational, scientific, or professional institution not having .a chapter, will also- be eligible for membership on the same conditions prescribed above. Any associate is also eligible for member ship if he has shown an aptitude for scientific research within five years after graduation. All nominations must be accom panied by published papers, articles or books, submitted as evidence of the scientific attainments of the nominee; but alumni members may be proposed to the society for elec tion by a unanimous vote of the com mittee on nominations without ' sub mission of published papers. ENGINEERS OPEN FESTIVITIES TODAY (Continued from Page One.) bronze trophy by O. J. Fee. There will be three five-inning baseball games. The Freshmen will play the Sophomores and the Juniors will play the Seniors in the first round. The winners of these games will play each other in the final contest. Open House Thursday This is only the beginning of the program that has been arranged for the week. Thursday evening from 7 until 11 o'clock all engineering labor atories will be thrown open to the public that it may see just what is going on in the College of Engin eering. Students will perform rep resentative experiments and demon strations of their work in al labor atories at this time. Each department will have its own exhibit, and every student will be given an opportunity to take part in the program. The Engineers' Banquet at the University Club Friday evening marks the close of the week's pro gram. Dean A. A. Potter, Dean of Engineering at Purdue University, will address the engineers after the dinner at 6:30. Tommy Tompkin's Cornhuskers will provide the music for the banquet. RIALTO-nou A Metro-Goldwyn Picture with ReneeAdoree Conrad Nagel Comedy Topics News Election Returns Tuesday Nit i : rs A, Jack Mhttt W JMce toy ' " " Delighting Orpheum Audiences This Week f few drops qf Aqua ftlva on your newly thaotn fact five you all-day fact comfort. h' ' ft - ft A bottle full of cold shower tingle I IKE the thrill of a cold shower! That's j how Aqua Vclva hi ts the newly sha ven ' face. This new after-shaving liquid of "Williams helps the cldn to retain its needed natural mohturc. After a shave with Williams Shaving, Cream it keeps that splendid Williams shaven feeling all day long. In big 5-ounce bottles, 50c, W What I Spot? air 53367 Vi-VlCc711 A WITHERS CLEANERS AMD DYEIZS REGAL Direct University Service from Coast to Coast Come in and look over the new Regal line of special college models. They arc recognized as the standard of style and value from coast to coast. The Shoe illustrated is the Eli an English Brogue in Genuine Imported Tan Heather Grain. The single hole perf orations area hew style Featurealso in Black. The new "RESCO" Fitting Service used exclusively. REGAL SHOES On Display By Mr. Cush" Stryker Phi Delta Theta House SYNDICATE ADOPTS COLLEGE'ARTICLES (Continued from Page One.) on the manuscript submitted. Though any subject of general in terest may be used, the following tonics have been suggested in order to "promote interest and immediate activity in the venture : "That Older Generation" (suggested as a free-for-all discussion of the critics of the younger generation,) "What Three Americans do you Consider are Hav ing the Most Influence upon the Thought of American Youth," "Is Judge Ben Lindsay's Companionate Marriage Proposal a Remedy," "Why Go to College," "Is Christianity Des tined to Endure?" "Are Students Babbitts?" "It has been stated that the revolt in China has rung the death-knell of 'White Man's Vaunted Supremacy.' What is your opinion?" "Is the U. S. becoming imperialistic? . sen At 44 A Are we on the way 01 itome 1 ato the colleges molding or are they be ing molded by public opinion?" "When I'm Bringing Up my Chil dren," "Have we a New Morality or Simply No Morality?" "What should be the Marks of an Educated Per- ifti-ifti inn Q Davis Coffee Shop 108 N. 13 Doubled Decked Sand- wiches, Home made pastryt Unexcelled Coffee Day & Night 301 IQOOt D o OE son: Hardy Smith BARBER SHOP CUan towel aed ch - CHAIRS 116 No. 13th Street Permanent Waves THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE COMFORT OF NATUR AL CURLY HAIR. Gif fin Beaute Salon B3273 1340 M Lincoln's Busy Store Cor. 11th A O IJ4 Ths Best for L" mm m ceo. i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiimmiiiiiiiii Don't Miss The 3rd Big Day of Gold's Great ilver Jubilee 300 FINEST SPRING COATS K Rroup of JflO of the finest Coats for women ind misses that we've ever shown at SUCH a low ricel A few Twills, Ksshss and Satins but most at them are man tailored Coats of selected Tweeds. These are in styles and patterns to be had here exclusively and come in all sites, IS to 44. These Coats not only have unusual style and beauty but will icive indefinite wear. Truly an extraordinary Silver Jubilee Sale group at GOLD'S Third Floor 12 25 1 m HUNDREDS OF LOVELY DRESSES In this Breat Jubilee rroup of several hundred Silk Dresses will be found some -of the most un asual values, we believe, ever offered to the women of Lincoln. There are sires for all in a wide variety of colors and styles. The materials include Flat Crepe, Geontette, wash Silks, Printed Criffons. Geontette Over-Prints, etc. Every dress is worth considerably more than the low sale price, offering you a most unusual buying oppor tunity, at GOLD'S Third Floor 14 25 E Women's Lovely Underthings at BOO exquisitely needled undergarments Night Gowns nhrmises. Stenins. Bloomers. Princess Slips, etc. blipi re of fine nainsooks, tailored or with narrow edging; alher esrments are of fine Voiles and Novelty Cloths lace trimmed. Delightful effects and colorings. Sale PnCe GOLD'S Third floor Great Sale of Sample Bags Hundred! of new and Purn- -h all leather in those new coi m and ntylen values regularly 1.95 to 6.95 the sample line of m crest manufacturer at 25 DISCOUNT 1-4 Off Regular Prices GOLD'S Fimt Floor Chamoisuede Gloves A irreat Birthday Kale offering a nam pie lot of women's fine C h am oil uede Gloves in a wide variety of color,1 and with the fancy embroidery cuff topii. At the iair only Afr GOLD'S First Floor !!!II!HII M ay Sale 1 1 71 WF" Miffca. D i 4". ifi Dresses that were formerly priced 29,00 and others that were part of a GROUP PURCHASE which included many dresses made to sell for much higher prices, com prise this lot. GEORGETTES, FLAT CREPES, LACES in styles for street, sports, ttchool, afternoon and dinner wear. Light and dark colors. One and two piece, Moused and jacket models. ALL SIZES. MAY SALE PRICE. Second floor $ r LiJCQLH 11LD.RASKA Night Crowds rRiCEa 0.