IHDOOR TRACK MEET OPENS Nearly On Hundred Track and Field Men Ready For Content Saturday HELD IN EAST STADIUM Nearly one hundred track and field men representing the University of Ncbranka and the school of the Nebraska Collejre Conference are ready to go to their mark on the in door track at the stadium Saturday evening to open the 1927 Cornhusker indoor season. The meet will start at 7:30 In the East stadium. Seating facilities for the meet will not be entirely satisfactory accord ing to Henry F. Schulte, head track coach. However, he stated that he felt all those Interested would be well enough tnken care of to warrant their attending the meet. By next year, Coach Schulte hopes to have seating accomodations that will make it possible to put indoor track on a real exhibition footing here. Sta Eanibition Racas Interspersed with the dual meet which will give the varsity runners their first real test this season will be a series of exhibition races. A. O. Martin, the "flying parson" from Otoe, fresh from an eastern indoor track tour, will run an exhibition 6C0 yard race. Fitted agnnst him will be Snethen, freshman star, who cracked the inter-fraternity 660 re cord a week ago, and Dexter, whose time of 2:07 in the half mile in the tri-color meet Tuesday was the best time of the day outside of Glen John son's close to 2 minute clip. Ed Weir, holder of the varsity high hurdle record, will show his wares against a trio of coming hurdlers. Trumble, former Cambridge record breaker, Keiss, the Grand Island hurdler, and White, another promis ing youngster will take the timbers with Weir in both high and low hurdle exhibition races. Lock May Not Ron Locke has been slow in recovering from his illness and it is not certain whether he will be able to run Satur day or not. Bill Hein, his former sprint assistant, will run an exhibi tion dash with competitors to be chosen from Easter, Elkins, Miller, and Rhodes. Reports from the college confer ence schools indicate veteran teams although they have to a considerable extent been handicapped by lack of training facilities. The staff of of ficials for the meet will be headed by Earl Johnson as referee. Johnson is in charge of Lincoln's playgrounds and a valley football official. SPRING FOOTBALL PRACTICE STARTS Aspirants for 1927 Team Will Bt Work oa Soutk StaJiam Field Thia Afternoon Football aspirants for the 1927 Cornhusker team will make their in itial bow on the south stadium field thin afternoon, weather permitting. The past two days have been "sed in drafting signals and discussing strat egy. Coach Ernest Bearg has given his proteges a sample and will let them prove its practicability in the ensuing days of real practice. A large crowd of prospective grid men with a sprinkling of lettermen filled the north room and listened to Coach Bearg as he demonstrated his main plays for the coming season. The installation of a small black board in the south dressing room will provide a means of broadcasting whether practice is to be held inside or out. Coach Bearg has fired his men with the desire of winning both the Missouri Valley championship and national recognition. "It will be mighty fine to wear white sweaters, and the only way we can do it is to train hard for every ainrle came. No more sup-nps on early season games for us. We're out to win everything in sight," he de clares. Aaalyse Newspapttrs Seniors in journalism at the Uni versity of Wisconsin last year analzy ed 25 Wisconsin newspapers in their thesis studies. i IN THE VALLEY . . fly . JACK ELLIOTT The Kansas Jayhawkers came back after their long early seaon slump and took the Kansas Aggies Into camp at Manhattan Wednesday night 35 to 34. Tho credit for the one-point to Carmen Newland, a new man on the Kansas five, who flashed on the Hillyard team two years ago. Newland collected a total of 11 points during the evening wnn his brother forwards were still con tinuing in the Kansas slump, Schmidt and Gordon never registering once from the field. N. w.ak will ha tho hardest weak oa the Nebraska basketball schedule for Coach Black's five. Monday nif ht the Husker eafere meet the Missouri fi.. k.ra for a on-conference fame- Nebra.ka ha beaten the Tiger, once !.;. when the two teams met at Columbia. The same week-end the two teams from Oklahoma visit at N.hraaka for a pair of fames Friday and Saturday. The Sooners are lead- ;n. the conference and the Oklahoma Aggies are in second place, so Ne k,..L. fans will be in for a rare treat in sporldom next week-end. Coach Hush V. McDermott, who directs the activities of the Sooner basketball squad, has been In charge f the carina- snort at the University of Oklahoma since 1922. In 1925 his learn was runner up in the confer ence race, and under his guidance in 1928 the Sooners tied for second; place. He is an advocate of the fast, open style of play, and his team al ways is a threat in the Missouri Val ley. In the Sooner game, fans will get to see a battle of giants, besides a fast basketball game. Victor "High Holt is on the Sooner squad at the pivot position for his second year. Holt stands six feet six tncnes in hio-ht and has become a stellar cen ter under McDermott's coaching. Against the Sooner center will ap pear Page, the six foot seven inch Husker riant. These two centers bat tled it out at Norman and Page played rings around Holt. If history repeats. Nebraska will not only win but the Cornhusker fans will get to see Page at his best. Oklahoma's title as lone confer ence leader was short-lived also. After last week's games, the Okla homa Sooners were resting at the top alone, after being in a tie with the Kansas Aggies. Then Monday night the Missouri five defeated Grinnell 20 to 18 and went into a first place tie with the Sooner five. But the big artmment will be settled this week end, when Oklahoma winds up its second road trip of the season in the lair of the Tigers. Aa the season advances, several of tho Vallev teams havo dropped by tho wayside to let tho stronger sis ters pass oa in the scramble for the Valley flag. Six teams are still con sidered strong contenders and they are, Oklahoma and Missouri, who are leading the pack in a first place tie. Oklahoma Aggies and Kansas who are tied for second and Nebraska and the Kansas Aggie. Swimming is Taught at Kansas A four dav swimminz school teaching the methods of life saving, first aid, and swimming is being held at the University of Kansas. The school is free to all and is under the supervision of the national Red Cross. Weigh Stan University of Wisconsin astronom ers use a stop watch in weighing and measuring stars. You are Invited To inspect our F ountain Pen Assortment and Special Trade in Proposition C. Edison Miller Co. 218 No. 12th Brief Cases and Portfolios are made of best qual ity selected leather. Stitched with a waxed linen thread. They cost a little more than ordinary cases but give you double -wear. If your deal er does not carry j cases call at our factory at I n . . -n a HarpHam Brothers Co Lincoln, Nebraska 43 years in the bjimest IOWA BATHER HERE FOR TILT Nebraska Wrestling Team Meett Crack Iowans in Coli seum This Evening BOTH TEAMS RANK HIGH Coach Hugo Otopalik, former Ne brankan and pupil of Dr. Clapp and his crack Iowa State wrestling team arrived in Lincoln this morning, to meet the Husker grapplors in a tilt at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Coli seum. The Iowa State wrestling team is ranked as the best in the Missouri Valley and have not been defeated this ycaf. The Nebraska matmen have also kept their slate unmarrcd this season but do not have the veteran and versatile aggregation thnt the Ames school has. Many Experienced Players Myers, who will appear against the Huskers in the 115-pound class v.ai a varsity man last year and has lost but one match this season, ana tnai to Captain Kaiser of Penn State in the dual match at Ames on January 22. Kish tho Nebraska 115-pound grappler will meet Myers. The former 125-pound champion of the Missouri Valley is Clcll Kurtn. who is handling the 125-pound di vision for the Cyclones, Brannigan the Nebraska wrestling captain will meet Kurtz. The light heavyweight division will be the toughest hurdle for the Ne braskans. Lundy. the Husker light heavyweight will meet the Captain of the Cyclone mat squad, Curtis "Pickles" Lawrence. Lawrence has a record of only one defeat since he has been at Ames and is called the strong man of the Cy clones. Anderson of Osceola, Ne braska, will represent the Iowa State school in the heavyweight class. NEBRASKA FIVE TO SET RATING IN KANSAS TILT (Continued from Page One.) hattan an dthe removal of one from the fray will not lessen the offensive or defensive strength. This is one thing the Manhattan Aggies can not hoast of as the Aggie reserve strength is limited. Coach Corsauts lineup will be the same that met Nebraska at Lincoln. Bvers. and Osborne will be at for ward, Skradski at the pivot position, Captain Edwards and Wertel atf the guard posts. Tho Nebraska lineup will be I age at center. Captain Smaha and Brown or Othmer at forward, Gerelick, An- dreson or Holm at guard. ANNUAL BOWLING TOURNEY OPENS (Continued from Page One.) of the first round are to be played at the Saratoga Alleys beginning at 4 A HANDY PLACE to get your mag., candies, toilet articles, stationery and school supplies. Walter Johnsons Sugar Bowl - B-1319 1552 "(r St nmw.i.miiiiiiniiimiiimimrai.iaiii.iiiiimiu.imiiimiiimumi m..miiro.iii,i.i.u .Hinm.m.uimmimifm..if 1 F 4 f- thn.ht. Tha laat Cueaael Calataria ane4 eeJjr ao.J e. Ask na about Rtra Store B-3214 On the Dressing able of the "Woman 'Who Tlans o Loo c3&r Loveliest! - DOROTHY GRAY'S Moiarare-Proof Dy Time Powder of velvety texture with sn J. luring piauint scent cornea in six shidea imong whidi you are sure to find the just right ahide to gracicualr complement your compa-iinn. $1.50. DOROTHY GRAY'S Sunburn Powder-- not only soothes and tones in with tanned skm but gives a charming r -""""E instead of the white washed look (ram using usual shades This moisture' proof powder, crated especially for tanneti skm. . takca away ahme and dcea dctectiocL $1.50. DOROTHY GRAY'S Rnasiaa Bleach Cream of vital interest to the woman who is even now t,iT.Hf rl Autumn fraPTTtiea and wondering how to femove quickly the Summer's toll of tan and freckles. A nightly application of the Russian Bleach Cream will bring aurprmng rraults ia from two weeks to a snoota. $2O0, $4.00. Ask for Dorothy Gray's Book contaenng impurtant ' auggeatioris for the borne care of your slua and a ccavr pica hat of the Docxhr Gay Preraranona. At Our Toilet Good3 Department THE DAILY N E BRA S K AN P. M. The pairings of the teams are as follows: Sigma Phi Epsllon vs. Theta Chi. Phi Kappa vs. Thl Sigma Kappa. Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Mu Sigma. The individual standings of the games are as follows: Bala Thala PI . . . . ... lt 2nd Srd Total C.ama (lama Cams !. V.tla M5 l 1 Waller i l "?J Kub. 171 l6.1 1 " P. v.u. im m i Walls . 1 0 104 " fir. Total Siima Nil- Markrr ... Mrliaffln Srhroyer llallry ...... Vott 64ft S2 COS ! tut 110 111 16a 14 167 nd UN 14ft ion n 10S Total SH4 41 189 IM 411 14 160 111 lit IAS Gr. Total Srora Sigma 1 Hits. Kappa Sigma Krall I'aulaon Kkatrom Krynolda - Waller 64 5t 60 1964 Nut. 1064; Heta Theta l'ls 1t 200 l aa 166 172 2nd 220 140 17 121 1S8 Ird 167 ie ISO 142 160 Total 600 444 4.1 420 479 Or. Totals Delta Upallon- Kdmonda ....... liorton Van llurkirk .. Kraaae Jonreneon 00 80S 684 2900 lt 180 140 m . 184 181 2nd rd Total 1 165 600 117 U 60S 181 181 405 145 210 648 160 lit 462 XI Pal Phi ... Gr. Total 777 718 7M 227g Score: Kappa Sliima. 2S90: D. U. 2S.6. lat 2nd 8rd Total Rarely Weitfall Steven .......... Wurts Beck Gr. Total Zeta Beta Ta Neman ... Kay Guirenheim ... Stern Roaenthal 1IU 18 141 4HS .... 140 125 167 441 10 12 1.19 161 164 160 470 424 14 147 166 440 742 74 752 2247 I at 110 1.15 14 176 171 2nd !8 118 167 144 128 Srd 106 114 166 166 151 Total S0 667 422 466 460 Or. Total 746 7S 2 2061 Scora XI Tai Phi 2247: Z. B. T.. 2061. RIFLE TEAMS ARE CHOSEN (Continued from Page Ono.) intor-onllecriate contests are: Ellery Plotts, Lumir Otradovsky, George Shaffer, John Welpton, Dan Fagan, John Bover. Ralph Major, Bernard Kossek, George Horacek, and Harry Dwyer. The Nebraska Corps Area Team begin this week their competition for the rifling supremacy of the colleges and universities in the Seventh Corps Area. The competition in the corps area is being run off in stages, with the first stage, consisting of the prone and sitting positions, to be completed this week. Paul Beyers, John Boyer, Bernard Kossek, Harry Dwyer, John Welpton, Lumir Otradovsky, Frank Clewell, Frank Miller. John Webster, Richard Kossek, Ralph Pray, J. C. Lentx, Lawrence Baker, Charles Towle, and Fred Sundeen are the fifteen men who make up the Corps Area team. nmmi.vism'.ix Capitol feprisj Co. 313 SO. 127 ST. LINCOLN. NEB. Bf78 Special! Nebraska Seal Nebraska & N Stationery Quire box Paper and Envelopes 49c Graves Printing Company Three doors south of UnL Temple inicmaroniwimiiuimuramtiitmmmi 127.SOO aaaala aarrae at Rda aV Bruabiaf Lacquer far aU Furaitura New. B'3214 WEEK END GAMES DETERMINE FATE Oklahoma Af fie Camas with Missouri And Washington Will Decide Their Positions Stillwater, Okla., Feb. 10 (Spe cial) Boosted into a tie with Kan sas Aggie cagers for second place in Valley circles by the victory of Mis souri over Grinnell, the Oklahoma Ac-tries will determine, this week-end, whether they will retain the position or will again retract to their early season standing when they meet tho Missourians at Columbia, Friday, February 11. and the Bears at Wash ington, Saturday February 12. Defeat of the Nebraska quintet by a score of 27 to 24 following a 29 to 21 victory over the Kansas Aggies carried the Aggies to a tie for third place wllh the latter team. Then a morn recent unset of the 'dope buck et, when Missouri defeated Grinnell, tied Missouri with the Oklahoma unl- irarattv tnr first nlace and left the second niche open to the tied Okla homa and Kansas Aggies. Earlv season reverses in the loss of tho first two Valley games on their schedule caused much pessimism and gloom, temporarily, to settle on the Farmer camp. With stringent train ing and hard practice, the Maulbetsch men made a spectacular come-back ac-ainst their later opponents. Loss of tho Grinnell game at the first of the season, though, is much be moaned by the Aggies as it prevents them from being tied with the Soon ers for first place. Popular Songs Sang German version of American pop ular inrin were sunir in the German class at the University of Cincinnati. The songs translated and sang in German included "If You Knew Su sie," "Remember," "Rose Marie," "Yearning," "My Wonderful One," and "Tea for Two." Drive-It-Yourself Atl New Fords & Cryslera We Deliver Real lasaxranca National Motor Car Co. 1918 O St. B2125 "AN OPEN LETTER OF INVITATION TO ALL NEBRASKA CO-EDS" WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR EN LARGED SHOE DEPART MENT AND INSPECT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL ASSORT MENT OF NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR THAT HAS EVER BEEN DISPLAYED. war "A PRETTY 3 EYELET TIE" THE VAMP IS OF WATER LILY KID. THE QUARTER IS OF BLACK AND PARCH MENT VALENTIA KID. HIGH HEEL. Styles of Tomorrow Shown Here Today All Wanted Styles LINCOLN'S GREATEST SHOE VALUES Honor System Will B Given Trial at Sevaaa School Next Semester svstem will be riven a trial during the coming fall r la., .at XT somester at tho university vada, according to a decision reached bv the Arts and Science faculty re- - . . II J .. cently. This system proviu superior studont a spoclal opportun ity to pursue independent study in his major flold under supervision of his major instructors. Any junior with high standing ia eligibw to the UrinnAnHcnt study plan. The department shall outline with a student, a dctauea program ui w.o i. ,o numicd hv the student. wura. w w r - At the end of the semester tho pro- . 1 ! 1 t 9 ltA gress and the accompnniiiom. . j i ...III 1m roared hv ' oral Or Bvuaent written examination or both, given ... . 1. , l tku M t. - .AmwiitroA ni B.E 1CHBL If the results prove unsatisfactory .t...nnf win ha renuired to re- me Diuuii , a il. wuriiinr nlflss nrocTam of lurn iu w' ., k -- l...4Afr an the department. Any nuuwm . . . . 1 l-aV a.l-1. J vf rolled in ino lnaepenuun, dv.uUJ mov vMiinturilv return to the IUU1 DC iHHJ - regular class program at the end of the Junior year dui ai no omcr wum. WANT ADS BOARDING Home cooked meals reasonable, 1602 "Q" St. B5283. WE WISH to employ a few ambitious University women for run ume summer positions. If you are an xious to earn money, if you wish to gain valuable experience, and if you appreciate the fact that hard work is necessnry for worthwhile results, send your application. Give name, address, telephone number and men tion any experience you nave nau teaching or in business. Address, Valentines Give her a ring, bracelet, or necklace. "Gifts That Last" New novelties now in , HALLETT UNIVERSITY JEWELER Estb. 1871 117-11S. 12th $385 To $785 WIDTHS AAA to C SIZES 2 to 9 "A DAINTY ONE STRAP" FEATURED IN PORCE LAIN KID. 3-LMCH HEEL. "PASTELLE". AN OUT STANDING STYLE OF THE SEASON. s i --- PATENT KID VAMP PASTEL QUARTER CUBAN HEEL Loll Beemer, care of Dally Ncbras. kan. WANTED Ten mon for summer employment. About $30 a .v . start. See Mr. Brobell at 434 Bankers ure mag. on Tiday afternoon only. WOULD YOU like to make f500 or more this summer, or $1 per hour? Call Mr. Trice at L52D2 for appoint- ment on fTiday. VARSITY CLEANERS Roy Wythers, Me. , B3367 316 No. 12 St LEFAX For Engineers A loose leaf hand book on every technical subject Ask us for a catalog. Stadia Reduction Tables 10c 6 place Log tables 30c Trig Functions 25c and many others. 200 Blank Forms Pocket Size Every Student user is an enthusiast TUCKER-SHEAN STUDENTS' SUPPLIES 1123 "O" St EXCLUSIVE NOVELTY FOOTWEAR. HERE YOU FIND NOT MERELY SOME THING "NEW", BUT A CHARMING VARIETY OF MODES DISTINCTIVE LV COLOR AND DESIGN FOOTWEAR FOR EVERY TASTE FOR EVERY PURSE. "A BEAUTD7UL SNUG FIT TING PUMP". SHOWN IN PARCHMENT KID, AND CLEVERLY TRIMMED WITH ABBO PATENT SPIKE HEEL Beautiful Shoes for that Valentine Pairty All Wanted Colors VALUES Lola ef partlaa this I waak-snd which maana i a lot of you ahould. I aand ua a few duda lor I I cbanlnf and praaalitf. I i avwna miaawauuunuiMiiM n