THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THURS. FRL SAT, BEN LYON MAY MeAVOY In The Savage AlNew Comedlea SHOWS AT I, 3. t The Burlington li making a $3.00 round trip rata to Omaha good three dayi in addition to date of sale. You can co up to Omaha Fridav and r. turn Monday for only $3.00. Adv. LYRIC ALL WEEK CMTf M. Cohan'a Oreatast Corner "So This I London THE p1EAR,REPrWABT.NBrFLAYERS POPULAR PRICESi Evas. 75c 50e Mats. SOc-aSo E Bos Olliet Phone B-4M8 Th. DIVINE "SPARK" OF CENIUS Glowed In Breast of America's Newest Star In THE SEA BEAST" Dolores Coatello in "The Third Degree" ON THE STAGE ALENE CAMPBELL PREMIER MARIMBIST NEWS COMEDY SCOTT. Organist ION W. Will Hsvs a Special Musical Entertain ment in Addition to Reeular Prorram tvery Thursday sJ villFVII.LE irj.mi lVlktduut oots THURS. FRI-SAT. Harrison's Merry Makers With Dynamite and Baboon Bruce) The Pair of Jacks (Jack Bell and Jack Davit) from Station W F A A in A Novelty Radio Battle) of Songs Hal Neiman "ONE OF THE FOUR HORSEMEN" Greenwald & Weston Present Nine Red Peppers with KENNISON SISTERS Gary and Huston A The University Five BABICH and the ORCHESTRA SHOWS AT 2:30, 7:00, 9:00 MATS 25c EVE. 50c URPpUMi ALL THIS WEEK 'A Bit Carnival of Fun, Song, Music and Dance Buster Keaton 'n His Latest Laughfes? "The General" Lloyd Hamilton Screamingly Funny In "NOTHING MATTERS" VISUALIZED WORLD NEWS ON THE STAGE ED EARLE Hines & Smith The Popular Vaudevillians "Vocalists and Instrumentalists" The Novelty Girls A Sxutt of Talented Beauties r- - - -- BEAVER and his BOYS , MID-NITE FROLIC Friday Night DELTA GAMMA GIRLS In "A Songfest" 7 VAUDEVILLE ACTS 7 2 ORCHESTRAS 2 Doors Open at 11:13 P. M. All Seats Reserved 50c MA?tf,WS AT 2:30, TiOO, S:O0 ATS 3Sc, ' ft-TE SOc RIALT0 FRI. SAT. RAYMOND GRIFFITH la You'd Be Surprised also 3rd chapter of COLLEGIAN Notices FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4 , , , Glee Club Glee Club will meet in Morrill Hall at 6 Friday Room III. Tryouts for new first and second tenors from 4-2 Friday. -L . A- c- E- The A. 8. C. K. will hare their picture laken for the Curnhuaker, Friday at I., o clock. Chorus Chorus will not meet this week. Dalian Literary Society Open meeting Friday February 4. Every body Invited. Pailadian Literary Society wi" b '"d meeting, Friday, at H :a0 p. m. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5 W. A. A The W. A. A. concession picture will be taken Saturday morning, February 6, at ten thirty. Meet at the campus studio. Discussion Croup of A. and S. College The discussion group of the Arts and $inoo $750 I HATS CHARMINGLY DISTINCTIVE 1000 and 750 TWO DISTINCT AND INDIVIDUAL GROUPS THAT DEPICT THE CHIC MODES OF THE SEASON NOVELTY STRAWS-FAILLES-FAILLE AND STRAW COMBINATIONS THE SHAPES ARE THOSE CLOSE LITTLE HEAD HUGGING STYLES, IN FASHION'S NEWEST BRIGHT AND PASTEL SHADES AS WELL AS BLACK. ' The Band Box LINDELL HOTEL BLDG. Corner 13th & M Sciences College will meet Raturday, Feb. 6, at tan o'clock In the Temple. This meet ing, the first of the new semester, Is es pecially Important In that a method oi procedure win De adopted, and everyone Is urgently Invited to attend. Chess Club University Chess Club meeting next Sat urday evening at T :D0 In the Y. M. C. A. room. Temple, All students Interested In chess, invited. A. W. S. There will be no A. W. 8. council meeting this month until further notice. Orchestra Orchestra rehearsals will be held In the Dramatic Club rooms. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Catholic Student Club The Catholio Student Club picture will be taken 12:00 noon, Feb. 7, at the Campus Studio. Be on time. Vlklnge TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Viking picture will be taken next Tues day noon at 11:46. Iseet at the Campus Studio. Ames, Iowa, Feb. 3. Special: With more than 1,200 farm men and women actually enrolled, the twpntv- fifth annual Farm and Homo Week at Iowa State is running" smoothly on the third day of a flve-dny program. JMne weather, with promise of lust enough coolness the rest of the week, combined with good roads, has caused all roads to "lead to Ames." Saturday, high school boys and girls from the rural districts will gather for a state judging contest. Three Years Ago Dr. R. G. Clapp, head wrestling coach at Nebraska, was elected as member of the advisory committee on wrestling rules for the National Inter-collegiate Athletic Association. The American Society of Agricul tural Engineers elected as officers, L. G. Samsel president, Thomas Koontz, vice-president, and Claude Wlcger, secretary-treasurer. Drive-It-Yourself All New Fords & Cry tier. We Deliver Real loswvance) National Motor Car Co. 1918 O St. B212S Have You Seen The New Spring Caps at SPEIERS? niiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiii MiMiiiiiMiiii i mini i ill""" I'"""'1 "Ui'"n iimiiiiiimi ummiiim miiimiiiiiimiiniis i TODAY'S SPECIAL LUNCrf 30c Salmon Loaf White Sauce Bread and Butter Sandwich Cuke a la Mode Any 5c drink Super Soda Service from our Sanitary Fountain R. H. LAYMAN, Fountain Mgr. y LINCOLN, NEB.; C. E. BUCHHOLZ, Mgr. um lm i iiiii 1 1 mi 1 1 in j rum m 1 1 lit mini inn imiiiiiiiitii nm mill nniiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiuiii iiimmimmiiiiiuiiiii STETS The. air of diJiincQiort, imparted, by a smart, becoming hat remains a. long time "-if the. hat is Stetson. made Eight to FortyTkUars Write for Interesting Booklet The STETSON HAT in LITERATURE John B Suuon Company. VkiUlfkM ON HATS Sliiled or?ottiaSCen ORPHEUM Week Com. Mon. Night, February 7 Twice daily thereafter 2 :20-8 :20. AT LAST! THE EAGERLY AWAITED EVENT OF THE SEASON. "THE WHOLE TOWN WILL BE TALKING ABOUT IT." FIRST SHOWING IN NEBRASKA OF "THE YEAR'S GREATEST MELODRAMA" (Bmm Wit A. RONALD COLMAN . Nch Beery-Alice Joyce-Neil Hamilton-Mary Brian It's a Paramount Picture COMPANY'S OWN TOURING SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA I0-S1.6S. MATS. S0-7Sc-$1.10 ' . . All Seat. Reserved Seats Now On Sale Mall orders given carelul attention Tenth at O Street Where Style and Economy Meet CORRECT STYLES FOR THE SMART MISS NOW SHOWING Lovely New Spring Dresses A Delightful Showing of the Advance Spring Frocks Featuring the New High Shades in Crepe Jolie, Flat Crepe and Canton Crepe On sale on the 3rd Attractive Styles for All Occasions Dresses for street and shopping wear Frocks for the schoolroom and office Afternoon and party dresses f In all the New colors All sizes 14 to 40 AT 650 The Inexpensive Section offers a wide range of clever New Dresses, following closely the smartest New styles seen in much higher priced dresses-daytime and dance frocks -in practically all the favored ma terials and the Newest colors. A selection of styles and values we believe unsurpassed at the price. Featuring the Favored Materials Beautiful Crepe Jolie Mirror Crepe Frost Crepe Canton Crepe AT 6 In Our Popular Priced Section Lovely New Frocks of delightful New High Shades-modes for every Mid-Winter occasion emphasiz ing exquisite quality fabrics-beautiful Crepes and New Color com binations, soft Crepes and rich Canton Crepes, fascinating for dancing and evening. Paris Dictates New Shoulder Bowknots New Lattice Effects New Parisan Fa go tings New Beaulah Sash