The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 10, 1926, FOOTBALL EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
tatlna A, Xlnaola. Nabraaka
Oadar Dirtli of tha Sudan Fubllaatlaa.
Palllahad Tundir, Wadnaaday, TWadaf
rWdr and Bundar Bornin durlnc la
aaadamla iraar.
Kdltorlal Offlol Unlvaraitr Hal) .
Bnainaaa Offleaa Wait Hand of Btadlnm.
Offlea Houra Aftrrnoona with tha aiaap
Man of Friday and Sunday.
Talaphonaa Editorial t Ilm. No. 141;
nanlaaai Bm. No. 77 1 Night. Ht.
""intarad ai aacond-claaa mattar at th
eatofflca In Lincoln, Nabraaka. under act
ai Conar.aa. March I, 1H79. and at apaci.l
rata of pnatat provided for In Section 11 OS,
at of Ostobar I. 117, authoritad January
i. int.
, rMr a Mmaattr
Rlnajla Copy. 5 cfr.ta,
Tlata T. Haoklar -J tor
VUHaaa Oajnar Managing Editor
Arthur Bwaat.......Aaa't Managing Editor
iaa Tanea. .Aaa't Managing Editor
aTanaa W. Gomon Neola Bkala
Frd R. Elmmar
A. Hralay Ruth Palmar
Ktnnrth R. Randall
Bllaworth DuTVau Rohart Laaeh
Mary Loula Freeman Dwlght MeCormack
Oerald Griffin Arthur Sweat
l-li... Hnlot-hlnar Lee Vance
T. Blmpaon Morton Buaineaa Manager
Richard F. Vatta ...Aaa't Buaineaa Manager
Milton MrGrew Circulation Manager
William Kearna Circulation Manager
Elsewhere in this, the special foot
ball edition of The Daily Nebraskan,
the 1926 season will be reviewed at
length by well-qualified sport writ
ers. There will undoubtedly be much
commendation of the work of the
team and of Coach Bear?, but we
feel that another word of praise on
our part will not be amiss.
Nebraska came through the 1926
football season with flying colors in
more ways than one. In the matter
of victories, we have a very credit
able record with six victories and two
defeats. Both of those defeats were
very very close, the kind of game
where anyone was lucky to win.
In the Missouri Vsjley final rating,
Nebraska emerged second with more
victories than any other Valley school
over- Valley opponents. It was by a
very narrow margin that we lost the
championship of the conference.
But there is more than this visible
record of so many victories and so
many losses. Nebraska has come
through another season with the re
cord everywhere of having a good
hard-fighting sportsmanlike football
team. The boys this year as always
have played the game hard none of
them ever play it any harder but
they have played it fairly. They have
been gentlemen and they have won
the respect of thousands through
their actions.
Through the two intersectional
games, the fame of Nebraska's foot
ball teams has been carried to the
two coasts. The New York team and
followers including a large number
of sport writers went back to Goth
am praising this institution although
complaining of our weather.
And then came the trip to Seattle.
Our defeat and the way the team and
coaches took it will probably make
more friends for Nebraska than a
victory would, as much as we would
have liked to have a victory. That last
minute drive down the field only to
be stopped by the gun on the two
yard line will go down in history on
the Pacific coast. And then when the
players and Coach Bearg said "We
were defeated by a better team," Ne
braska stock took another rise among
the gridiron followers of the coast.
So we haven't won any national
championships nor conference cham
pionships but we have played eight
mighty good games of football. And
to the men who carried the colors
of Nebraska in those eight games we
extend our heartiest congratulations
and thanks.
There is no denying that the main
. representation of the University to
the outer world is through the foot
ball. That is why we are so gratified
when our teams play the games they
do. That is why Nebraska should, and
does feel proud to do honor to:
Alonzo Stiner, Avard Mandery,
Roy Mandery, Cecil Molzen, Frank
Mielenz, Robert Stephens, Joe Weir,
Frank Dailey, Cliff Ashburn, Victor
Beck, Willard Bronson, John Brown,
Lloyd Grow, Willard Burnham, El
mer Holm, Edward Howell, Theodore
James, Evard Lee, Leroy Lucas, Don
ald Lin dell, Daniel McMullen, Wal-
lace Marrow, Vinton Lawson, Arnold
Oehlrich, Glenn Presnell, Clarence
Raish, Ray Randels, George Shaner,
Leon Sprague, Robert Whitmore,
and Merle Zuver.
Plans are already being formulated
by the department of botany to re
peat next summer the courses given
in the Rocky Mountain National
Park in Colorado in connection with
regular summer session work. Two
courses will be offered the first term
A general course for students and
teachers which will partially fulfill
the science requirement for gradua
tion is most important. In addition,
an advanced course is to be given for
those who already have a good foun
dation in general botany. The classes
will meet for the six weeks at Camp
Olympus m Estes Park. Dr. B, J.
Pool, chairman of the department of
botany, will continue in charge of
this special work.
Sttftdenta Surrey Near Daril's LaVa
Fach summer engineering students
of the University of Wisconsin spend
l:x -v,c-ks in a surveying camp at
rvv;'s Lake.
(Continued from pag one)
The band was entertained at dinner
by the Nebraska Alumni association
of Portland, and afterward played In
t,A lnhhv nf th Multnomah hotel.
Later in the evening they broadcasted
from a radio station in 1'ortiana.
On tie return trip, the bund was
awakened in Oxford, Nebraska, by
the high-school band of that town.
Not to be outdone, the men hurriedly
dressed and serenaded the Oxford
band in return. They played at other
stoDs on the way back, including
Holdrege, and at Hastings paraded
through the business section.
Although band members did much
tn pnnhlft the nrcanization to go, they
wish to especially thank the student
hnrtv and athletic denartment lor
their loyal support and generous help
in the undertaking.
Thin trio was undoubtedly the
lnnccst one to be taken by the uni
versity band for many years. If the
band is able to go to New York in
1928 when the Scarlet and Cream
nlnvs there, the nrcanization will en
joy then the same distinction that
the team will; of having gone from
coast to coast, a distinction wmcn
few college bands have ever had.
Freshman Grid
Squad Finishes
Active Season
(Continued from Page One.)
to charge their opponents off their
collective feet.
Tha Linemen
Linemen who saw active service
are: Morgan, LiewandowsKi, ana
Toms, ends; Richards and Munn,
tackles; Craig and Ray, guards; and
Case, center. Toms suffered an in
jury just before the big game and
was unable to participate. A showy
pair of tackles, Richards from Paw
nee City and Munn of Idaho, caused
the Varsity more trouble than they
wished to admit. Ray was the "scar
let thatched" member of the team
and bolstered the middle of the line
in commendable fashion.
The backfield contained a quartet
of stars, featuring Elkins, a heady
quarter; McBride and Sloan, halfs
of unusual merit; and Farley, a full
back of excellence.
Until the 1927 season rolls around,
the loyal supporters of Nebraska
football speculate on the prospects of
a national champion next year.
Learn to
In Classy Studio
Luella G. Williams
Guarantee's to teach you in
six lessons. Toddle and all late
steps. Reductions to students.
Call for appointment.
1220 D St.
The hottest off the wires.
You cannot afford to be
without your own outfit,
when you can buy a set up
like this at Ellingers.
Our Special Tuxedo
1-Ballroom Tux
edo 1-Wales Vest 1
1-Tuxedo Shirt
1-Tuxedo Collar
1-Pr. Holeproof
1-Pr. Suspenders
1-Set of Studs
1-Tux Tie
Get your order in early,
as the supply will not last
Students Clothes
12th and P. Sts.
t ni u.k.,m,n will aoeak at a
dlnne'r at the city V. M. C. A. tonight at
t o'clock, under tha auapicea of tha coa
mopnlllan Club. . .
Meeting of Piano and Saaophone Plr
Prof. Henry Cox wanta all piano ""Mia
and aaxophona P" to meet In Library
10, Dee. 16, Wed., 12:45. Meetlns will
laet only a few mlnutca.
Green Goblin Meeting
Green Goblin meeting next Tuejday eve
nlng. Dec. 14. 7. Pi Kappa Phi houee.
Everybody out. Important meeting I
Kappa Phi
A Kappa Thl Chriatmaa party for all
membera and pledgee will be given at the
houee of Miaa L. M. Hill. 908 So. 11 bt.
Saturday evening at 8 "'cloclt'
Komeaky Klub
All Caech atudrnta are cordially Invited
to attend a eoclal meeting Friday evening
at 8:16 in 204, Temple Building.
Lutheran Club
Lutheran Club Chriatmaa Tarty. Satur
day evening. Dec. 11, H P. M.. Armory.
Chriatmaa program, refrehmente, and
gamea. All Lutheran atudenta are eapecial
ly urged to attend.
Friday, Dec 10
Cornhuaker Banquet for Men Scottish
Cornhuaker Coatume Tarty for Women
Acacia Home dance.
University Playera Temple Theater.
Alpha XI Delta Formal Cornhuaker.
Phi Sigma Kappa Houae dance.
Tau Kappa Epailon Winter dance Roae
wllde. Saturday, Dec. 11
Lutheran Club Armory.
Univeraity Playera Temple Theater.
Varaity Dance Coliseum.
Lambda Chi Alpha Tea Danaant.
Sigma Delta Tau Houae Tea.
Alpha Delta Theta Houae dance.
Alpha Omicron Pi Houae warming.
Delta Chi Houae dance.
Delta Delta Delta Houae dance.
Delta Sigma Phi Houae dance.
Delta Upailoa Houae dance.
Kappa Delta Houae dance.
Kapna Pai House dance.
Phi Gamma Delta Houae dance.
PI Beta Phi Dinner dance.
Sigma Kappa Formal Lincoln.
Sigma Nu Formal dinner dance.
Theta Phi Alpha Houae dance.
Money Secured For
Intramural Program
(Continued from Page One.)
other track events. Each fraternity
must compete and score at least two
men in each event in order to receive
entrance points and in order to share
in the scoring of additional points.
The weight division in the wrestling
will be 115, 125, 135, 145, 158, 175
pounds, and heavyweight with two
pounds overweight permitted. Weigh
ing in will take place four hours be
fore the scheduled time of the bouts.
Club Plan Jewelers
1042 O
for Men and Young Men
Unusually fine domestic and foreign mater
ials made up in the American way by "Dobbs"
presented by this store for the man who
wants to be ahead of "the season and style trend
for 1927.
Priced to say value Plus to all
E May we suggest one of these for his "Christ-
s mas?" Come in light and dark combinations
Green, Tan, Brown, Gray.
$3.50 AND UP
An organization may enter as
many men in the cross-country as it
desires, but only the first three to
finish will score. At least two must
finish in order for the organization
to receive entrance points.
The standing of the fraternities is
as follows:
Theta Chi
Farm House
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Mu Sigma
Alpha Sigma Phi
Pi Kappa Phi -
Delta Upsilon
Lambda Chi Aloha
Pi Kappa Alpha 3
Acacia 80
Kappa Sigma 30
Delta Tau Delta 3
AlDha Gamma Rho. Sigma Phi Ep
silon, and Phi Kappa, have paid their
entrance fees, but have not yet en
tered in any of the intramural sports.
The minimum number ol contes
tants reauired for an organization to
receive entrance points are: basket-
a . liri
ball 5, midwinter track 8, oaseoan ,
wrestling 3, cross-country 3, tennis,
3. handball 4. volleyball 6, horseshoe
4, bowling 5, and rifle shooting 4.
This is the season when everyone
is thinking of how they can best re
member friends and loved ones at
home. There is nothing that will be
more appreciated than a Townsend
Photograph. They possess character
and style that are representatives of
the better things in photography. Ar
range for your sitting now. Adv.
Home of the
Real Malted Milk
A drink that will satisfy
We Deliver
Across From Gold's.
"If it's New
It's tht Dobbs"
Footbrill Means
Most to Students
(Continued from Page One.)
i with tha college work of the
members of the team. It was the feel
ing of the committee that a real na
tional championship is seldom decided
in a post-season game and that the
season from September 15 until
Thanksgiving day is sufficient in
The importance attached to vicior
in and defeat was considered to be
much too important in most institu
tions. When a coach has worxea 10
tha riPRt of his ability and the team
has pkyed its hardest, opinion of the
school, the coach, or the team snouia
not be lowered because tney were ue-
feated by a better team.
Varaity Teami Too Important
It was the opinion of the commit-
Every section is filled with gift articles, displayed to make your'selections easy.
Shop here before you go home, and be certain of having purchased something that
will be deeply appreciated.
are delicious and attractive enough for the most particular gift. Every
girl loves our "Witching Hour" chocolates.
is filled with beautiful, interesting and unique things from many for
eign countries. If you are looking for gifts that are different from
the usual thing you will find them here.
I Comirruriicaiion 1
tA at Ann Arbor that the majority
of colleges and universities concen
trate too much on varsity teams and
civa too little attention to athletics
for the undergraduate body as
whole. The status of athletics at liar
jard University was accepted as ap
propriate for all schools in the coun
try. It is as follows:
"Athletics at Harvard have a three
fold purpose: to encourage exercise,
to stimulate recreation, and to los-tor-
anortsmanshin. Development of
the mind is the college's great aim,
but without your health you will fall
short in mental progress, in service to
your fellow men, and in appreciation
of your most cherished asset.
"We hope all of you will become
candidates for some University team.
Not all will make these teams, but
none will fail to reap the benefits of
athletic games which develop
Ours is Literally a
Gift Store
215 Comedy Team
230 Ventriloquist
250 Trained Seals
3 00 Orchestra
3.15 ilNieht in Jaif
3:45 DghtmngArtistd
40 bong&Dani
430 "ABotDogs
5W GrandH
Why not-
a vaudeville manager
for "faculty adviser"?
NOBODY understands the principle of a bal
anced program better than the manager of a
vaudeville house.
That's a thought to you men now making out
your study programs. Balance the chemistry
with English literature; balance your calculus
with economics.
It all gets down to the fact that in industry
today v electrical communication included, you
will find men well-grounded in tbr specialty but
broad in human sympathies n.ei of the "all
around" type who can shoulder big responsibility
in a big organization.
Vestern Electric
Makers of the Nation's Telephones
will in win. tha mD.A i. ,
' - v-D in in,,
power of unselfishness, the subordin
ation of self for your teammates anii
the college, and last of all, the ij
timable possession, courage." "
Other articles concerning the V
tional Students' Federation of Am "
ica convention will continue the rll
port of the athletic committse.
Hardy Smith
Claan towal utad on each cut.
116 No. 13th Street
Numhir il Stritt
ft WAi
V M.Y.I 1 I