s f THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 4-H CLDB WILL SPONSOR MIXER Students Invited to Entertai-ment la Now Aff Campus Student Activity Buildiaf The 4-H Club of the College of Agriculture will hold a mixer at the new Student Activity building on the Ag Campus Friday evening, Novem ber 19. An excellent orchestra has been engaged to furnish the music for the dancing. The management will not divulge the name of the orchestra at this time as they desire to have this as one of the many surprises of the evening. All the cider that students can drink and wafers that they can eat will be on the refreshment stand at the dancers' disposal. A large barrel has been obtained to be placed at the outer entrance in which students may leave their troubles before en tering. The admission at the dance will be thirty-five cents and all university students are cordially invited to at tend the affair. and older characters on the' campus were enthusiastically received J. C. Stevens of Portland, Oregon, presented Dean Oscar Van Pe!t Stout, former University of Nebras ka professor in the College of Engin eering with a leather-bound book of letters, entitled "Words of Apprecia tion." On the title page of the book were the words "To Oscar Van Pelt Stout, Teacher. Councilor. Friend, whose sphere of influence is ever broaden ing. This volume is presented by his Students and Associates in the Col lege of Engineering, University of Nebraska. 1926." The book was a compilation of 161 letters of appre ciation written by men who had stud ied under him or had been associa ted with him. Mrs. Stout was introduced at the meeting of the alumni. The "Number One", the "Cornhusker" and the "Chant" reminded the members of old days in Nebraska. ALUMNI MEETING HELD ON COAST 115 Nebraska Alumni Hi'd Interest ing Meeting at San Francisco; Hunter, '05, Preside. Nebraska Alumni in Sun Francisco held a meeting November 5 with 113 present. Many others sent in tele grams saying that they would like to be at the meeting. One wireless mes sage was received. Fred M. Ilunter, '05, now superin tendent of the Oakland schooJj pre sided at the meeting. Films showing the commencement exercises, campus activities and some of the Faculty Record of N. Y. U., Nebraska Compared N. Y. U. Opts 34 Niagara 0 13 Allegheny 0 24 West Virginia Wesleyan....7 21 Tulane 0 30 Rutgers 0 27 Fordham 3 6 Carnegie Tech 0 10 Davis-Elkins 0 165 Totals 10 Nebraska Opts 21 Drake - 0 7 Missouri 14 20 Washington (St L.) 6 20 Kansas 3 31 Iowa State 6 3 Kansas Aggies 0 102 Totals 29 Average points New York (8 games), 19; Nebraska (6 games), 17. Average by oppon entsNew York, 1 2-8; Nebras ka, 4 5-6. Mor Women Needed to Sell Candy Saturday The Women's Athletic Associa tion needs more women to sell candy at the game Saturday. Those, who are planning to sell but have not yet signed the poster on the W. A. A. bulletin board should do so before four o'clock today. Reservations can be made for at least thirty more women. As this is the last game of the season in the Nebraska stadium, a double effort will have to be made. The wet weather at the Kansas Aggie game cut down the candy sales considerably. No special costume is necessary but every one should report at the first gate of the Sta dium not later than 1:30 Saturday. Reorganization Planned Plans for the reorganization of John Hopkins University to place it back on the graduate and research basis intended by its founders were discussed at the recent celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the in stitution, the first of its kind in America. SEVERAL ALUMNI ARE CAMPUS VISITORS HERE Among the recent Alumni visitors on the campus were: Clarke L. Ryan, Hastings; F. Campbell, '15, Bartlesville, Okla.; Anna Little Brannon, '98, St. Helena, Mont.: Mary Wilson McGahey, '98, Lincoln; Welnida B. Stuart, '99, Lin coln; Darken Woodward Burgert, '00, Lincoln; John V. Cotelyou, '97, Manhattan. Kansas: Meredith T. Reneau, '18, Gates; Mrs. Meredith T. Reneau, Gates; B. H. French, 'U, Pace: Lamont L. Stephens, '14, Loup City; Frank T. Kotenek, '25, Youngs town, Ohio. A HANDY PLACE to get your mag., candies, toilet articles, stationery and school supplies. Walter Johnson's Sugar Bowl B-1319 1552 "O" St Six sophomore co-eds of New York University were kidnapped by a large number of freshmen co-eds and were held for twenty-four hours. DANCING CLASS Every Tuesday and Fri day 8 p. m. 6 lessons $3.00. Two hours prac tice free. Open daily for private lessons. Franzmathes Academy 1018 N WANT ADS LOST Black Waterman Fountain Pen by Helens Gillo. Call B1737. STEAM HEATED rooms for girls. One large room with kitchenet. SECURITY MUTUAL BARBER SHOP, 12 & O Adv. Formal Invitations SEE THEM AT GRAVES 3 doors south of Univer sity Temple Also girl wants roommate. 1520 L-4785. EHE1 WELCOME WEST! NEW YORK VARSITY CLEANERS Roy Withers, Mgr. B3367 316 No, 12 St Drive-It-Yourself All New Fords & Cryslers We Deliver Real Insp'ance) National Motor Car Co. 1918 O St. B2125 De Luxe Transportation The Omaha Lincoln & Beatrice Railway Company, (INTER URBAN), has established a MOTOR COACH SERVICE of the highest ' class, with coaches of the very latest pattern, balloon-tired wheels, air cushion seats and every convenience for the comfort of its patrons. Coaches every half-hour between 12th and R Street, and Univer sity Place, via State Agri'l. College. Ten minutes running time between the down-town campus and the Agri'l College. FARE : Ten cents or three tickets for twenty-five cents. WATCH FOR THE GREEN COACH Vi.lt the Lincoln Artists' Exhibit Only two more days of the Lincoln Ar tist's Guild Exhibit. Sixth Floor. Cor. 11th and O Sts. Lincoln's Busy Store iromminnvranuKMiiwiwiuci "The Best For Less' Dili mm IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM MiiMiireimrniiinnaininnmmr IIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIII1H.1 i Prof ram for Friday at 4 p. m. MUi Edna Ben eon will talk on "Textile. In Horn Furnishing." Sixth Floor. PEER Days at SPEIER'S A wonderful merchandising event, offering newest styles of young men's Overcoats and Suits Smart single or double breast ed box back and tubular fashion ed overcoats'. Latest two or three button trim fitting suits. All weaves, all colors. Regular $30 to 35 values 1 See Our Windows Corner 10th & O LINCOLN'S FASHION CENTER i I U Two Days Only - Friday and Saturday - This GREAT PRE-H0LIDAY Sale of Toilet Goods This probably will be our last sale of the year of Drugs and Toilet Goods, so it will pay you to anticipate Christmas and Holiday gifts as well as winter needs NOW at the extremely low prices prevailing, while supplies on hand last. The sale is for TWO DAYS ONLY Friday and Saturday. Do not miss it. Use this ad for your shopping list check the items you want NOW. PHONE ORDERS FILED. JUST CALL B1211. S & H GREEN STAMPS AN ADDED SAVING CREME OIL SOAP 16 bars for only 1.00 2.00 SEA SPRAY Bath SalU. For this sale at 1.00 Creams and Lotions 65c Dr. Berry's Freckle Cream SSc 50c Djer Kiss Cold Cream 39c 35c Dacfett A Ramsdells Cold Cream 24c 60c Dacfett A Ramsdells Cold Cream 43c 1.00 Daggett A Ramsdells Cold Cream - S3c 1.50 Dagrett A Ramsdells Cold Cream 1.29 35c Froitilla 26c Hind's Honey A Almond, 95c A 45c Honey and Almond, or Cucumber Lotion, at 27c BATH SALTS large I pound jarl 46c Absorbent COTTON 1 pound, sterlized 34c Sterlized Gauxo 1 yard by 5 yards. 2 for 85c, each 43c IVORY MIRRORS Seconds of 10.60 Mirrors 1.79 60c E. W. Hopper's Cold Cream 49c 60c E. W. Hopper's Vanishin Cream 49c COc Ingrains Milkweed Cream 39c I Oc Jerren's Lotion 43c 1.10 Othine single or double 93c DOc Woodbury's Vanishing Shampoos and Tonics 15c Amami, 2 for 25c, each 13c 1 JOG Blondes Shampoo 83c Oc Canthrox Shampoo, 2 for 95c, each 49c tSc Dauderine Tonic 29c 60c Danderine Tonic 49c l.OO Danderine Tonic 79e 75c Fitch's Shampoo 49c 1.35 Fitch's Shampoo 98c 25c Golden Clint Rinse or Shampoo 25c 60c Hennafoam Shampoo 43c 50c Krank's Lemon Shampoo . 39c 1 -00 Krank's Lemon Shampoo 79c SOc Lucky Tiger 35c 1 -OO Lucky Tiger 79c SOc Watkin's Mulsificd Cocoanut uu SOc Packer's Tar Shampoo " SOc Palmolicc Shampoo 15c Wanous Bags, at 38c 43c 35c . 9 ft 'H " Talcums POND'S CREAMS Cold or Vanishi-c 25c & 39c KOTEX S'tary Napkins at the dot. only 25c Amoilin, 3 for 55c, each 20c SOc Amolin, 2 for 75c, each Z 39c 25c Boncilla Talcum, 2 for 35c, each 19c 35c Encharma Talcum, 2 for 35c, 1 Or 25c J A J Talcum, at 20c Queen Talcum, in the g on. pound can, at . 55c TANGO Powder Pufls at 2 for 15c each 18c LAVENDER SETS 1 Toilet Water. 4 Soap 89c 25c Mavis Talcum, 3 for 50c, each 17c 25c Squibbs Talcum, 2 for 35c, each 19c 25c Spiro, 2 for 45c, each 23c 25c Zinc Stearate, 2 for 35c, each 19c Face Powders 0e Azurea or Le Trafle 63c SOc Java Rice Talcum . 45c SOc La B lac he Face Powder 31c 1.00 La Blacbe Face Powder 63c SOc Mavis Face Powder 37e 60c Pompeian Face Powder 43c SOc Woodbury's Face Powder 39c Oc Djer Kiss Face Powder 37e Compacts and Lip Stick 75c Ashes of Roses Rouge, 2 for 1.20 ach 63c SOc Djer Kiss Rouge ., 39c ft Tooth Preparations 3 for 25c Colgate's Tooth Paste, 60c rorhans Tooth Past SOc lodent, 2 for 75c, each SOc Ipana Tooth Put., 2 for 75c, each ... M 30c Kolyonos, 2 for 45c, each 30c Lyon's Paste or Powder, 2 for 45c. each SOc Pebecco ; SOc Pepsodent 39c Squibb s 70c 39c 39c 39c 23c 23c 42c 3c 39c 1.00 MEYER'S BABY SOAP I at the dozen bars 89c l-OO Pycope for Pyorrhea Soaps 25c Cuticura. bar 25c Germicidal, at 85c doz. Gold's Harwater, doz. 16c 1 Oc Ivory Soap, bar 7e 5c Guest Ivory, dozen bar 47e 10c Sayman's Soap, S bars 28c 5C Woodbury's Soap, 3 for 59c, each CASTILE SOAP 4 pound bars fog 1.00 18c 20c BATH SALTS Night Cap brand 69c COLD'S First Flo 21c PAG Soap, 27 ba 1.00; 4 bars for 15c Antiseptics & Mouth Washes IjOO ClycothmoKne 89c Lavoris, 89c ( 45c and 23c Listerine. 89c, 45c and 23c Lysol, 89c, 45c and 23c Sodaphine, 89c 45c and 23c SOc Zonite, 2 for 85c, each 43c 1.O0 Zonite, 2 for 1.65, each 95c BATH CRYSTALS Wristley's, 2 85c, each for 43c TOOTH BRUSHES one lot at l for 35c each 19c For Men 35c Barhasol Shaving Cream 29c 35c Bay Rum 19c 35c Colgate's Shaving Cream, 3 for 95c each 35c Eau De Quinine 53c SOc Cloco 2 for 75c, each 39e Sue Molle, 3 for SOc each 41c 35c Palmolive Shaving Cream, 3 for 65c, each 22c 75c Stacomb, 2 for 1.25, each 65c William's Barber Bar, for 25c, each 6c Patent Medicines 40c Fletcher's CastorU, 2 for 65c, each jjc 1.00 Nujol 1 I..." s7e 65c Nujol SOc Phillips Milk of Magensiai2 for s5c. each 4Se 1.00 DE MIRACLE one sale for only 67c 5.00 INECTO the set for 4.39 1X0 Squibbs Mineral Oil 2 for 1.45, each , 73c DUSTING POWDER Imodium size, S for 1.00, each 35c Princess Pat Rouge, oa OO sale at only . aJaC li$ BATH SALTS Sea Spray brand 21 for 1.45, each 2 SO Djer Kiss Double Compacts 2.05 SOc Kiss-proof Lap Sticks 39c Toilet Waters and Perfumes 75c LISTERINE Tooth Paste tubes for SOc, each 17c 2.2S Arurea Toilet Water 1.00 Blue Mooa Perfume, 2 ex. 1.00. 1 az. 1 DO Luxor Toilet Water . 1.25 Mavis Toilet Water 2-OS SOc Wristley's Toilet Water 1.00 White Rose Perfume, ez 1.7S Djer Kiss Perfume 1-00 Lilac Perfume, ounce I -00 Wisteria Perfume, ounce 1.00 Lotus Perfume jounce 1 XX Hoaey Suckle, euace SOc 69c 8 3c 24c 59c .. 1.39 69c Z 6c Fem-o-nap Sanitary Napkins Box of 8, 4 boxes 89c Box of 12. t boxes 1.00 Box of t, t boxes 25c 25c Pluto Water, 2 for 35c, each .. 19c SOc Pluto Water, 2 for 75c, each .... 38c 30c Sal Hepatica, 2 for 45c each .. 23c 1-20 Sal Hepatica, 2 for 145, each - S3c Cough and Cold Remedies 1 Oc Vaseline Oc SOc Laxative Bromo Quinine 24c 25c Meatholarum, 2 for 40c, each 21c SOc Meatholafcum, 2 for SSc each .... 43c 1.00 Mentbolatum, 2 for 1.6S, each SSc SSc Vick's Vaporub, 2 for SSc, each 29c 7Sc Vaporub, 2 for lis, each 65c 75c Analgesique Baume, 2 for 1-25, each fic SSc Musterole, 2 far 55c, each 2c Household Needs Household Aasoaia i7e 26c Carbons Cleaning fluid, 2 f or 45c, each 23c 00 Carbe-a. 2 for 1.75, each 89c 25e Caster Oil, cold pressed 19c 0e Eaergine Cleaner . 75c Glycerine, 2 for 1-2S, each 65c 1.50 Larvea with Spray 1 19 1.00 Larvex wit-out spray 79- 10c Peroxide ..Z!Z le 25e Pond's Extract, at c SOc Pond's Extract .IZIT" 46c 1 -OO Pond's Extract . ' ac 2Se Saaiflush, 2 for 4Sc, each Se 30c Wilso. Cleaner " 23. 2.50 Meimen's GIFT SETS I for only m I 2.27 FLOWER A Perfume Sets attractively priced 1.59 VANTTfE INSENCE SOc size 4-e, Z5e Iza 2 for 45e, each 23c f A G SOAP 27 bars 1.00. 4 bars 15c COMB, BRUSH, MIRROR SETS in the distinctive f P Cleopatra pattern M and of fa wn. l Fibreoid make. Ben- TF ationally priced at 'a the set only Other Pieces to Match Priced Ac. cerdiagly. GOLD'8 First Floor Sensational Sale of Fine Ivoryware Handsome Du Ra FT V I unrnrura -t Via Kir BliT:r10PPiee U incIol'ng- Comb, Brush, CcLlJ ,i ' J ' f I""1'' Bo N,i , Sho, Horn! Jt -h. tk- Fi,- -irrorl-th. Mirror FOB ONLY mt 8ET COMPLETE 7 95 ANOTHER 10-PIECE SET la decorate. Pearl oa amber 10 piece set that would sell regulerly for at least X0.00, now 1&S n