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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1926)
or SKAN "Experience ! the name men give to their mis take." Wilde A half shaved." IJLLi Daily Nebra THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1926. PRICE 6 CENTS PLAN PROPOSED BY REGENT FOR POTORBCABPDS Shown to Public SEYMOUR SPONSORS IDEA e mer President of Regents Former rr . . Issues -"- Statement ...n from now, when stu- !ti of the University of Nebraska dents oi i. , , , :CS;7ch after the man . . which they travel by automo E le today, an entirely different view i the campus at Lincoln may be pre d Zl the sky than that which !Lt the casual aviator who passes 0Tecr"!Z; of an idea of the Uni f Nebraska campus fifty Irs hence is available to the public today, for the Campus Planning Com mittee of Whicn ueorgw . ucjr...Uu. of Elgin, Nebraska, former president of the board of regents, is chairman, hag put into tangible form its con ception of the campus of the future The proposed plan for the univer sity campus has been worked out in a miniature model, and is now ready for the inspection of those interested It may be seen upon request at the office of the superintendent of opera tions, 205 Administration building. Purpose of Exhibit Alongside the model of the pro posed campus, is this statement: "To Whom It May Concern: "The officers of the University of Nebraska, in presenting this mode1 of the proposed development of our Cliy CUMiyUD, TYVU.u I I rect the attention of the students and observers of our building prob lems, to its chief purpose. "It is the intention of this model to present a scheme of open fairways and vistas, which shall be established as areas upon which no building shall be erected. We plead that these be not violated, feeling that their per petual preservation will enhance the beauty and usefulness of every struc ture that future growth may require. "It is not the purpose of this model to establish the design, size, height or orientation of any building; "Nor is its purpose to locate or designate a particular building to house any department on any site." Where Building! Should Not Be In accordance with this, the model presented is more a miniature of the landscaping for the future campus, than a model attempting to give r picture of the buildings that will be erected. The Campus Planning Com mittee has made no attempt to desig nate what buildings shall be placed in certain locations, nor what the size of the various structures shall be. Rather, it has designed its model with the idea of pointing out where buildings should not be built. Additions to Campus The model now ready for inspec tion is 8 feet long and 7 feet wide. The buildings and trees are from one and one-half to two inches in height, the scale being one inch to thirty feet. The height of a man on the model would be less than a quar ter inch. The model campus takes in all of the ground now occupied by the city campus, and in addition it extends tc Sixteenth Street on the east, and to the railroad tracks on the north On the model, the athletic fields are at the north end of the campus and a group of engineering buildings is jiist south of the stadium. This if in conformity to the present location oi these buildings, A miniature library building has oeen placed at the head of Fifteentr Street on S. with beautiful vistar from all four sides. To the west of the building ia the Quadrangle, parking similar to that leading to the Agricultural Engineering building or we campus of the College of Agricul turn. To the east of the Stadium, extend ing from Twelfth Street to Four teenth, i8 the Memorial Ball, an- other vista similar to that on the Ag Campus. In all, the model campus k-as thirteen vistas, each equally as beautiful as that on the Agricultural college campus. Statement by Mr. Seymour The following statement by Mr. aeymour gives an idea of what the Campus Planning Committee is try ing to do: 'It is out of our experience (out of the collesre of hard knocks, for the most part, that we form opinions governing our own lives and direct ing our owrrjudflrments and activities, a"d in like manner, it is. out of ihc experience of our University (sup Ported by a study of the experience of others of her kind), that we must formulate her future. "Now it is A vpnr nnfftwftTt.liT fart that this simple statement of a very lf-vident truth never, for a mo ftent, escapes the attention of the co-ordinate governing bodies of the Members of Faculty Lecture At Meeting Two members of the Universitv faculty spoke Friday evening at one of the general meetings of the ninth annual convention of the Nebraska Association of Real Estate Boards. Dr. G. E. Condra of the conservation and survey division gave an illus trated lecture on "Selling Nebraska to Nebraskans." "Boosting, Pro and Con," was the subject of an address by Dr. J. N. LeRossignol, dean of the College of Business Administration. Proposed Design for University Campus FIRST PLAY IS NEXT THURSDAY Winter Season of University Player Will Open With "Seventh Heaven" The University Players open their winter season Thursday evening de picting the Apache life of Paris a? found in Austin Strong's famous play, "Seventh Heaven." The scenes Harold Felton are laid in the lowest quarter of the renowned capitol of France and the theme follows the loves and ambi tions of two sewer creatures. The leads are taken by Nancy Forsman and Harold Felton. The play is being directed by Miss H. Alice Howell. Dwight Kirch has designed the Btage settings. Costumes have been secured from Thomas Lei ben and Sons, Omaha. Season tickets may still be abtain- ed for the Student's Matinee given Friday afternoon for $2.75. The Sat urday Matinee season coupon sells for $4 and the evening performances for $5. Single admissions are one dol lar at night and seventy-five cents for the afternoon. s yy-;-: :: i; y.:. .:;: x : : : N k.' y W v rr:: v -u.:i ri y-'m r.r f t(i,m .S: 9 . It .1 V yT t- J. V t 'X .--J TIGERS RETURN TO LAIR WITH 14 TO 7 VICTORY Valley Champ. Win Hard-Fought Contest from Cornhu.ker. Before 25.000 Fana on Annual "Dad't Day." Breaks Aid Both Team in Scoring; NEBRASKA SCORES FIRST BUT M1ZZOU LEADS AT HALF Howell Score. Scarlet and Cream'. Lone Touchdown in Fir.t Few Minute, of Play After Stephen. Recover. Fumble on 19-Yard Line x (By Oscar Norling) Lacking a scoring punch in the last half, the failed to overcome the Tigers' early lead and lost 14-to-7 tussle here yesterday afternoon to the Missouri gndsters. 1924 25 campions of the Valley. Despite the slow drizzle duniy V'?' -l : - orft noonle witnessed the game. inv game ww wt.v This detail picture of the south and east side of the proposed city campus of the University of Nebraska shows the vista from the proposed Library building at the head of Fifteenth Street on S, facing the state cap- nut, io ine group oi engineering Dunaings ai ine wesi ena oi ine campus. 10 nio iwi ukuk ijr occn v..c Stadium. The territory in front of the fountain on the right of the picture has not yet been taken over by the University. It is that between Fourteenth and Sixteenth Streets. The picture is taken from what would be Sixteenth and S, looking down S. New'Class in Physical Education is Arranged For Faculty Members An attempt to arrange a physical education class for the faculty of the University is being made by Dr. Clapp, professor in the physical edu cation department. With the new Coliseum ample facilities are present for the handling of recreative work for the faculty. Dr. Clapp plans to regulate the classes so that they will come at the instructors' most con venient time. The stage of the Coliseum and the room under the stage are equipped as a small gymnasium, both being considerably larger than the old Armory. Tennis courts, handball al leys, showers and locker rooms are available throughout the day. Should any of the faculty desire to take up some recreative work in the Coliseum, they should let Dr. Clapp know at once, in order to get the classes arranged and under way. Chemistry Department Gives Special Exams Preliminary survey examinations for all students beginning graduate work in chemistry were given Friday and Saturday. The examinations are for the purpose of determining the so.t of courses with which each grad uate student should begjn. Six stu dents from outside the state will do graduate work in chemistry this year. Swezey Will Lecture On Astronomy During Open Night Program AG COLLEGE ISSUES MONTHLY MAGAZINE Fint Number Feature. Article! by Emil Glaier, Glenn Buck, and Arthur Hauke The first number of the Cornhus- ker Countryman, monthly mapazme published by students in the College of Agriculture, was issued Thursday. In the leading article, -Tinaim, Place in Agriculture", Emil Glaser tells of agricultural graduates who disliked farming but later found some phase of the agricultural in dustry in which they were genuinely interested. Other featured articles are a siory by Glenn Buck about the better crops train run this summer and one by Arthur Hauke concerning ine n- h,.w. Hand." in which he tells of his summer experiences with the Farm Labor division oi me u. Employment Service. Glenn Buck, '26, Dewitt, is editor of the magazine this year. Emil la ser '26, Stanton, is managing editor, and Rufus Moore, '26, Schuyler, bus, ness manager. . MISS HOWELL WILL LECTURE AT LUNCHEUW a i TTnwnll. professor of nuv T. . dramatics and director of the Urn versity Players, will speak at the Op SsU club luncheon Weiy noon. Kay nisay, instructor m dra matics, will entertain wun r readings. RADIO PROGRAM FOR WEEK IS ANNOUNCED Will Broadcast Four Timet Week From Hutker Studio Over Station KFAB FIRST NUMBER OF AWGWAN OUT Humorous Publication Is Distributed S Poultry Rydberg Gathering Material for Book Material for TnTw book on the .. ,,:..-,!fW herbarium in Bessey tne uiiivci.j pvdherz h.i.. L Vib. is spending several ing tne doii r.ous colleges. The radio program for the week beginning October 11 has been an nounced. This is the second complete week of the radio programs this year. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday are the days on which pro grams will be broadcast from the University Studio, over KFAB (340.7). They will include weather reports, university news, agriculture and high school programs. 9:30 to 9:45 a. m. Daily Weather Report and Forecast by Prof. T. A. Blair, director ior ine Nebraska Section of the unitea States Weather Bureau. University news and special announcements. 10:30 to 11:00 a. m. Home and Farm Monday, Oct. 11. "Cold School Days Made ComfortaDie Dy xiui Lunches." Miss Allegra Wilkens, As sistant State Extension Agent in Boys and Girls Club Work. "Know Your Sewing Machine." Miss Helen Rocke, State Extension Agent in Clothing. . , Tni-aHav. Oct. 12. "Breeds oi fox i- trv Rocks. Reds, Wyandottes. Mnrarfpn. Instructor in Husbandry. Wednesday, Oct. 13. "Wha: nau Pf in the Lunch Box?" Misi Marjorie Clark, Instructor in Foods . . i rttnif-mAYif, nf Home orl ri 11LT1L1UU. iciai wi.v..- - Economics. "Adult Education x or Women." Miss Birdie Vorhies, Mate Supervisor of Home Economics Edu cation. ..... Friday, Oct. 15. "Helping nnaren Grow " Miss Rebekah Giboor.s, Head of Foods and Nutrition Division, Ue oartment of Home Economics. 'Con trol of Household Insects." M. H. Swenk, Professor of fcniumoiogy. 1:15 to 1:35 p. m. High School Convocation Monday, Oct. 11. Musi- by Ger trude Giermann, violinist. Educa tional Progress in Nebraska" by John M. Matzen, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Tuesday, Oct. Vi. Frances Bolton, Soprano "J hat Our Engineering Students Uck. Dean 0. J. Ferguson, of the College of En- Wednesday, Oct W. Readings by Miss Edna Gingery; of the Depart ment of Dramatic Art Friday, Oct. 15. The nsal pro gram will be given by Miss Helen Holmberg, pianist. - 3:00 to 3:30 p. Departmental AddroiM Monday. Oct 11. J"! Tendencies in Nebraska." Dean W. (Continued on page 4) The first Issue of the Awgwan went on sale yesterday. It is entitled the Kickoff Number, and is a thirty page magazine. A distinctive cover drawing by Bob Barr will make the humorous nublication stand out among the others. The Awgwan is headed this year bv Macklin C. Thomas, '27, Editor, Louis J. Turner, '28, Business Man ager, and Merle S. Jones, '28, Asso ciate Editor. The Editorial writers are Wm. Card, '28 and Ethelyn Avres. '28. The artists for the issue are Torgny Knudson, '.7, Editor, Bob Rnrr. V. W. Carlsen. Geo. F. Koehn- ke, Henry Rosenstein, Allen- Klein, Peter Coniglio, and M. L. Parker. The business has been-handled by W. Joyce Ayres, Bob Douglas, Spen cer Bruce, Fred Daly, Catherine Bradley, Charles Cox, Austin Haller, and R. E. Ogier. Review Playi and Book The issue is filled with illustrations one of which is a full page comic by Knudsen. Two pages of book and play reviews are a feature. The rest of the issue is left for the wit and humor, which is rapidly making the Awgwan a popular campus publica tion. Contributors of this month's num ber include Florence Seward, Jack Elliott, Pauline Bilon, Mary Alice Race, Virginia Randall, H. Cogswell, Bess C. Dodson, Alan C. Mcintosh. An opportunity to observe Jupiter and its satellites will be 'given the general public at the first open night, Tuesday, October 12, of the Univer sity observatory. The observatory will be open from 7 to 10 o'clock on the second Tuesday of each month of the 1926-27 school year (instead of the fourth Tuesday as it was last year.) There will be a brief lecture at 8 o'clock, illustrated with lantern slides, regardless of weather condi tions. Before and after the lecture the telescope will be available. Jupiter and three -satellites will be visible early in the evening and later the fourth satellite will also , come into view. Professor G. D. Swezey, University instructor of astronomy, will give the series of lectures. The topic of the first lecture will be "What we mean by Stars, Planets, and Satellites." The series of lectures during the year will touch upon the principal topics with which astronomy deals and so will serve aa a brief course in ele mentary astronomy. DIRECTORY PROOFS POSTED THIS WEEK Text by Patterson Issued Next Month First proofs on "Problems in Logic," a new book by Dr. Charles Patterson of the department of phil osophy, have been read and the book will be out the latter part of Novem ber according to word from the pub lishers, the Macmillan company. Dr. Patterson deals with the problem oi logic by the "case method." The first part of the book is devoted to logical methods and this is followed with specific illustrations of the manned in which logical processes are appnec in the various sciences. The book will be used by all classes in logic. MANY ALUMNI VISIT CAMPUS DURING WEEK Among the callers at the alumni office the past week were: Frances Wyman Rivett, '14, Omaha;, Mary Rokahr, '14, Laramie, Wyo.; Edwin Norris, '24, Pittsburg, Pa.; Raymond C. L. Greer, '16, Portsmouth, N. H.; Lary F. Herring, '22, Waterloo, I.; Beatrice Jones Campbell, '19, and H. W. Campbell, '17, Elgin, Nebr. WEBER IS ADDED TO AG COLLEGE FACULTY A. D. Weber, formerly of Kansas State Agricultural College, is a new member of the College of Agriculture faculty, taking the place of E. D. Fox as instructor in animal husbandry. Proof Sheett Will Be Placed for Inspection in the Social Sciences Corridor Proof of the 1926-27 student direc tory will be posted the last of this week for students and faculty mem bers to check their names and make corrections. Necessity of checking all telephone numbers with the record of the tele phone company has delayed final pre paration of material for the direct ory. However it is expected that the book will be out by October 25. The proofs will be posted on the main bulletin board in the Social Sciences building for three days only. Cards will be provided for stu dents to make any necessary changes The directory is compiled and pub lished each fall by the University Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Re checking of all material in the book is expected to eliminate many of the errors which have proved so aggra vating in the past, according to Joe M. Hunt, '29, Scottsbluff, editor. NEBRASKA WINS DISTANCE RACE Husker Cross-Country Team Wins, 24 to 31; Hays Takes Second Nebraska's cross-country term de feated the Missouri harriers 24 to 81 Saturday although Steele of Missouri took first place. Captain Hays finish ed second, about half a lap behind. Roland Locke won the exhibition 100 yard dash between halves in 10 1- A.f Vacaf inil TTpiti tied BCVUIIUD liai. wbdvv. -" A for nppond. Locke cot away to a poor , start but quickly drew away from the field and had a big lead at the finish. Chadderdon, Reller, and Sprague finished third, fourth and fifth in the cross-country run. It was made over the regular five mile course. Steele of Missouri ran the distance in 27 minutes, 31 sec onds. Captain Hays ran in fine form but couldn't overtake the Tiger. Chadderdon showed great improve ment in taking third place. He ran fifth in the last varsity tryouts. Rel ler finished about twenty yards be hind Chadderdon. Sprague Passes Two Sprague, sophomore runner, had to pass two Missouri men after get ting onto the stadium track for the final lap and a half in order to take fifth place. Sprague and Lemon raced shoulder to shoulder down the final stretch with Sprague pulling away in the last fifty yards. Twelve men started, the first ten to finish counting for points. They finished as follows: Steele, M.; Hays, N.; Chadderdon, N.; Reller, N.; Sprague, N.; Lemon, M.; Harper, M.; Morningston, M.; Lewandowski, M.; McCartney, N. Winner's time: 27 minutes, 31 sec onds. Carter Has Article Published in Review "Wind as Motive Power for Oper ating Electrical Generators" is the title of an article by G. L. Carter of the local weather bureau which soon to be published In the "Weather " a monthlv publication of the United States Weather Bureau After a close analysis of the wind velocities and periods of calm in Lin coin over a period of ten years, Dr, Carter comes to the conclusion that in the whole there is enough wind for the satisfactory operation of electri cal plants, although there are occas ional calm periods of more than four days. sprriMEN PLANS ARE GIVEN TO ENGINEERS Two sets of specimen plana for use in classes have recently been given to the department of civU engineer ing. A. F. Robinson, bridge engineer of Santa Fe, New Mexico, sent a set of drawings of standard steel bridges Structural plans for a nineteen-story Chicago apartment house were do nated to the department by Smith and Brown, consulting structural en gineer in Chicago. Washburn Will Speak At Chemistry Meeting Dr. N..R. Washburn, now instruct or in the department of chemistry, will speak at the meeting of the Ne braska section of the American Chemical Society Tuesday evening. His subject will be "Variations in the Surface Tensions of Solutions." Dr. Washburn completed his work for the doctor's degree in chemistry at the University of Michigan last year. Dr. C. S. Hamilton will give a report on the recent meeting of the Amer ican Chemical Society at Philadel phia. Dr. F. W. Upson, chairman of the department of chemistry and councillor of the local section, and Prof. C. J. Frankforter, chairman of the society, will speak briefly. . Morley Will Lecture On Maya Civilization Dr. Sylvanus G. Morley, well- known archaeologist who has special ized in investigation of the ancient Central American Maya civilization, will give three lectures at the Uni versity next Sunday and Monday, October 17 and 18. Sunday afternoon he will speak in the Temple theater on "The Maya Civilization, the Most Brilliant Aboriginal Culture in the New World." "Chicken Itza, the Holy City of the New Maya Empire," will be Dr. Morley's subject Monday morning and in the afternoon he will Speak on "The Maya and Aztec Hier oglyphic Writing." struggle, with Nebraska gaining their yardage through the line and Mis souri relying on the aerial route, ine scoring was made early in the tilt, with two of the three touchdowns resulting from "breaks" of the game. Husker hopes for a victory soared high in the first few minutes of play when Clark of Missouri fumbled and . Stephens of Nebraska recovered on the Mizzou 19-yard line. Howell rip ped through the Tiger line for a first down in four tries. In three more plays he ploughed eight yards for the only Nebraska touchdown. Brown place-kicked the extra point. Clark ia Tifer Star Clark was the -shining light for the Tiger squad and provided the best play of the game when he returned Browns punt thirty-seven yards through the Husker team for a touch down early in the second quarter. Clark mad$ the second counter a few minutes later when a partially blocked pass bounced into bis hands and he rushed past the Nebraska player for a touchdown. Stuber outclassed the field in the kicking game. He was punting forty yards consistently and made good on the extra point after the first touch down. His second try was blocked by Stiner, but was allowed when a Ne braska man was offside. In the latter part of the second half he attempted a drop-kick which went wide of the goal posts by a few feet. . Brown Sprints 38 Yards Nebraska displayed a powerful of fensive during the last half and threatened to score on several dif ferent occasions. Jug Brown started the first rally with an elusive thirty- eight yard run to the Mizrou 18-yard lino. He was forced out of bounds before he was stopped. The Huskers lacked the necessary punch to make a first down and lost the ball on the Missouri 13-yard line. The second march toward a touchdown started when Raish recovered a Tiger fumble on their 48-yard line. Marrow, Bron son and Beck ploughed down the field for consistent gains which failed by only a few inches to result in a touchdown. Other attempts fell short when the Huskers failed to make their first downs after pushing the Tigers back to their lair. "Wallie" Marrow, a side-stepping young ball-toter, is rapidly polishing off the rough corners of inexperience. His performance in yesterday's game places him on the list of Coach Bearg's hard-hitting boys. Elmer Holm, a valuable interference man, is another new man who attracted much comment in the Mizzou fracas. Slippery Field Slows Came The slippery field and the numer ous penalties slowed down the game to a considerable extent. The Husker line showed an improvement over its appearance in the Drake bout, but the backfield play was ragged at times, especially on the defense. Before the game a delegation of several hundred South Omaha boost ers paraded around the field to their special section in the west stands. Several hundred Dads and Sons, who were celebrating their fifth annual Dad's Day, also filled a special sec tion in the west stand. "Nick" Amos and his two assistant cheerleaders, "Dutch" Weymuller and "Chick" Dox, appeared in their flashy new uniforms. The starting line-ups: Nebraska Missouri Sprague LE (c) Bacchus Randels .LT Lucas Raish LG Walker Mary Kinney Will Lead Vesper$ St vice "What a Student May Get Out of Prayer and Bible Study" will be the topic of the Vesper serv ice, Tuesday at 5 o'clock in Ellen Smith Hall. The service will be ld by Mary Kinney, chairman of .Bible Study on the Y. W. C. A. cabinet. Dorothy Thomas will give a talk on "Prayer" and Asevath Scbill will discuss "Bible Study." The special music will be a vocal solo by Mary Elizabeth BalL James . C Smith McMullen RG Miller Stiner (c) jRT Studebaker J. Weir RE Lindemeyer Brown QB Stuber Stephens .LH Clark A. Mandery RH O'Sullivan ; Howell FB Flamank i Substitutions for Nebraska: Dailey for Stephens, Presnell for A. Man dery, Holm for Dailey, Bronson for , Brown, Brown for Bronson, Zuver for McMullen, Merrill for Presnell, Bronson for Brown, A Mandery for I Holm, Whitmore for Raish, Beck for I Howell, Shaner for Sprague, Lawson for Weir, Stephens for Bronson, Mie- ilens for A. Mandery. Substitutions for Missouri: Le for Studebaker, Diemund for Flamank, Gann for Miller, Tarr for Bacchus, Diemund for Flamank, Smith for Lu cas, TutUe for Diemund, Drurnm for Walker, Brown for Lee Westcott for Gann. (Continued cn page 2)