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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1926)
THE DAILY XESH A 5 K A X t those Trio reprint copy, the mgtin will U iSawriuf Sf chx-T to those ttbo miU,niX ,r scan&l ad r.ewi Bad baroorous Lap. ; n?w hi tond fm"P-f . - tht KebrMk Kudt b,dr . . Ml cUo Seaton Wants Tlie Daily Nebraskan Mi ta 1 that they "wor-i t- rlhe University 01 ncui. sitmsTakcn hV the StURt. t let- lh S ITT o thiir frirea ,a the stxte ray ''.rt-t- the rw ATn. ioea firoa the slrit they she 1 Official Daily Bulletin From Campus rrrvii:. rriLviTTOf 1 ,-Wnrf the Cora at the rati! era .s taofaTonrjc to secure tne Urn school l T o " . .. - Tie Coaches ia th Big Ten thi of H MfiK t B mw' misa a, uie - Nebraska has lost miMOi? UNE5I-AY. OC no. Tia i"m v vc la the fx-" r tir T1 l V. rrefa mni 1 A A. VtflW fit I hl- . the cajrrxa t-crcd In receive th -Georre Little at Wix,Min; Bob wvsj.- 7,.r.l . niinou: Flfcldinr Tout . the crowd that artersas the -o.-..hA- TiT-" H.n 4. frames. I hrp that there wi - ' o, .'roTit at the rert fame, as ca raary ; eT. Teeeet Sjtrr 5rft lTippa Tin Tern the irrcT there rasst H taxes (tni. rcnrT-t to vnrd isroed thia ?biirat- unchiiraE ; Jack Wile at Ohio; Burt The Awr-raa ii iratiff jjj Iowm. CUrenre Spears . . rf -,"icT this rear, thavtt . p.. P.. In;t.. ttoa t FV. .T.0 -KT.rtr Other. 7- wrsefT rf the b v. irR:wiH & frrat deal to the fto-jGifcB Ttistlewaite at Northwwtf"-n 1 i - - - t ,r.l s.-fc. ! Utiif.iJtli-N It a raar I is -.prToitaL 7a.f f Wiw T FtT rw I"'"" Aixuvr - 1 1 , v T t.rrT" f-m.m - !j-.a r-;Mff im T. ?lIWWi Vnr-rnfc aa"r tDt4 Mftnmror THE ELECTION Thrr.crh :m r-jrtfy f the ?rn dert iVer;!. the e.t t-r f The Iailr N.rB.kaTi Tin ptrer. tivnw tr the poll at the ieruc.T. TaiT td th allrired tn ie r --.'T.t wtifr. the- Ee W.t to the rU. M W-hed v .,-1 -v.. erro rpo rf f-.T Aether ff'rrt thai "t-3t,T. w hrrw-o. I: v a v,e f tot.u.t.. the tt, hTt eierr-'.r that h. ier. re. at thi rtire-irr it -he -t '. r- TeTK ' . ' . ah at the TeaT , that vhere -ere 8 caT,ote, aa.-d ird rf the Tr Vxild here the ballots ti a cue, A nail-TiTrr TES OCT (WiCI r bsilciiir ar,d ir. the tew where TerF"T.s uyjy t at rairris-cT fne ins3fe theT irr?rectire. dfcred t rt f f the i-ciidrr-f- The fa--'ty afrrnr f the 5n dest C-f-xrrur -was prpjrrt tt va ;r-c? tinjes cenrx the ca to hwrr the way in which the vittrr to r-vr-dosted. The tIiC were pi pap'fa rot :.t Mimtfd soiei'T br -intrrci-er Studerrt Cc'Ci-- who kac rrtTirtKiy been instructed t i-e -rrr rirrfti Yhis year as this e';ertirir. vs to re -watrhed ve-r cks-'rr and ttrr : r- cancht ctctir fEyti"7- rrn.-iea ceai: with by the "Vrblie w were at the T'Os. tc this was a cnTtsjGera' :f-r...t ff- rime, there ws rot a sir-p. rialio' passed ont unless the rame been ",exikji trn and -ra .tied. An mrm- tieir aehnfn pnoe- Netjrasi ree r ot berrs of the C-omsA aetea in pea-fars f Jt,7e rr havmr ynch an ortraTn faith. as far ss we could se- saaor far a 7ttnrrer ti the few There was. hewevrr. or-e pmof r f schools -wtirh tre lareer than ctrr cronced wnrt fotmd wiv the vh-h own. hst stn.:;ar r reran :7ro.r.s. w7e cotrrced. "WTiei the baliotf far Now fr.nre w trt-acy haw the or OM f f th class t ffjre-s were berrx pxTtiaaot. ni :n.-e they are wul rAanted. there were foend a r.cnv zi to Fpend thes- tiro by dr.rr.r Per of xotes far the same candicxte sach- then I be. if ve that it is- tu ct a womart rr.-wsed in exactiy the porrtmrry wr.wt w. are if t same wa-r and fa,ded t,-4rether. These ttTp si p "ty ry rot retrnesnrx therr vote were thrown oot. This can- tn tike chare r-.r.r part of the did wtrtsli rot fcar wot even if " m beTweers the tittp had cnttnted- " 'S " Tts incider.t prrrrd that wt the mnrt ca-fa! canr-ot A Worths Ortmti keen the eecaor.. erttreH- ran- To the Ec&ort - ,-r , -he Kacsas has the .-tr hawker. Ck- Toere i evicerttsc snTrer 01: .n? . . - 1 . vtux hr.jna nas the --.f-.i-rinnnas tna a. gtnderit l -oenct. who i tn, rnnes. , - Trt-v. nthpr arT srr.or.-tf have tiieir per Pot this ce ca.e. coTrritrva wi.e - , n-rtr::tif.r;su. r.r can t Nehrasita the marr ;n-.;la.r rs ;c prenor . . , . . -v. .. nave the Corn l t-Yrf T-ear. wms rather ;r.:rr... .ot... .. Tb.; crtrar.:zi.t...r. .seems tn me to 6J . . .v.. :e otw ainnr.r a r-v fw on the rsm- theie: it doe rrt detract .ri-n! WJB m. m: v-r.u-r. cas a rut. parson f.w ex- f iir and sfrnafv TTfclle we do rnt TRairrta.Ti that t"n.5 eSecaon was perfectly rieaii. we fre vesry eneoorared ow the p'rrew that has be rrie. ""e hare beard the -usual raninT of crooked wn-e bet Kw nothmp tn nor r.hserratir.TS t the 7o'.i that would i-ear ihi r r. Those candidates wpr. w-e --t-C can fee.- at lt, that they have beT. ejected fairly and TUtre'-y. Tb. fchooid make the c.tTire mesn n aor. jnore to them than they ever have befora. Let n nop tnat they will rt aowjrdinc.'r. SOSfEEOOT CARES In tb "OOier OTHnwms" coiDitit ' tvly will fonnd several vtewt on the matter r,f the fci:ir.inatinn of srnKts lrftwen ha-res. Oar snproo lioB that tiohody cared whether the ptaXiVf were cot ont or r.ot was ew dently wrmsr t e-ndenced by the irr re-iwd r.n the snbiect. Fcrtanatiy w have both sides ; prwwmtd in the opininns printed tiv dsv. One jcr conrmend the ath- 5tic lMrd. syrr.p Tay those who : ad the eaurape to propose the dras tic step rneeiv their reward." An- rthfr Irttter contTid that Nebraska ! has last soTnethrnp that was enjoyed ' - t.. Civt creater part cf the crowd.; e another says an ir. justice is be- :; .- crfr the Cjm Cha. 5j we haw as opportunity rrw s'3 r f the fnestir.n which is ; ih lirzl situation in any enrtro- j vr-sr. "Pc fncl rrmch encr. craped ovt) tbe ric?'tit of these lettfun and will ; be g!a4 t ct more. It tt least shows j tfut 3uriJrbwy carps. ! 2 rameii the stntrtu 1 i r tie Cora Cobs seem tn i i ; p-p enra T-.thiat sail j Th'-re is fyTne'J.'.rs lack- 1 . r.f .-r.u.ji.r.t ort.-.iori 1 To tlie Eit.r: Yos tk -r -.iTj!Ter.t rpreri if the elnt-.itjM f f tSe srcr.ti the "r.a-lw :f the faf.tlua ranes- I thir.k thf-re is wm t." V rr:. Or.e rnna harder Tfl far -" - thin that txbii.itfxi tt list irtn-ci-r f v-hr. the haniJ ti-i.-----"- iT - tI-TS. re ?ar- row rtrher than :r.edftr.r . rastir r r: rf hor)fT;aT that 3,:f': little :.' iT.T-rhrrs: to the rr-i f't rvrta tars. are 7 rei rhtu .t the rheft r iir -o-r. -h r rtf (i the u- - t he :.TiZ the ;efrrrf That ? -.rt (.f the fr-rorcr FtTir.t that ias he for the Ixjst fo-TN :r -'trc- -srr (v) t-rat- rrchir.y ict ij.r.J. r.r. The )-t r col i " - ',"! rire:r fe r.CTLbrr t- :rft i. -we car., rr..v.l 11 r s5r iT -he cf thee Kcr.t. Pother. :t v.l rt. t rf ?ach arr '-" fr troatmert cf f r:st5 the cay a m crswr. rrrrr N-p ritwt Whetaer ceaerrec rr r.:c. that Daw, "tnaetiier ceserta rr r:t.. t.tat rr. a - iSirt rti pmtv- the crasac c r:-e .ne.. rewardl To the Ecitort Erer ? cnTmniT t.. tri 5. r. r'f-r-stry. jorrpthntf wlikch I r.ave f-'" n k leT i.rfr-t- nis fsnnwthrr. r t? the Com C( b " fc betweT. the fcahrw ff rcr t.-'thali fa3ne& A rtmher of yarp rr r-fin-p I had ary th.-t:rat of Leri r Ne-' rerr.rver ' b-asta trrerFttt-. x r that ore ff the best rrirnt ::.cers was the per which th t.rz .rbs utommc by then1 stmti. These cii utt vri;iT sf?n?e to trptse T'eri tn cut iocs! EtocfT.ti. bnt they rroe a pond vaasnrs. tnaT;ti (l f.tner trr-tvprsties i.rc : wed to wetT-?' STfh and theT -jf -r,-ttrwc- :n uieTx because cf v :Ktinr and tiwre atT so marr that nav rrpat rcm's and hich jd-a- rnt or, cothj.p. The "on Cojt have a: ways seamed to tne to. he wortr.ric TT vJaJflxwctt 54..xv,i; . I - - a Sw PemiiigtOH Portable COLLEGE BOOK STORE 1 1133 R Lincoln, RES.IINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY Rama 101, BmWm' Uf. Unmai EUB. CAT. N & 1th St to ram :s their Awrrw Kvks t.-. L-t: Timer. Awns f-5ire. Thre U rt aefttf Tsescar Ort.-.wr "::a- Trr-xt inr the O'.t Clii n- VCTresnaT frota ? to Lr2 T.ft f ir. the U:rtrr r: 1- Tccal . i-?r:h TTifecrj if T.i5rr.-!r.ea T.til rest v-ek rr i.Ti.t ti -:"s Dar. 4-H d TWre v-I' b a -i-H C.zt rartr pr,Cir. Octtther c, tt the Arr.rerx -1 Ac Ci'.:-ce t-airr. AL f.-rrrer ir-en.&ers r-f "be Frcr 3 t':tbs tt f f 'elect. aT-v-iruhlr fnr a ieCf5- srhovV; fn it at NehiKa. ?erh jnrr-c tt r.K coc a "her c hre hrver. .he rrAU-r- :!T rf thorr x-f-e wtarxa: te.te rrrate a sotrtt ff - rhe srnr.a .re vt WtCM ttC be t crwet irtaac to tne vxct. Cfhs. It -rLl cause a inw vitict viil Three Years Ago r 71. 1 Iam was t":erti-a dert rf ths "Teawcm lmercji-m "X-r-Jirz i-nz Frnrtrc Assoettar.. TjMrrr "CTtt tacti- trid or cf the marr rnr? in the Cfntttsker fnrchaii marrr.iie. was f-iftd to ratv -jLrr. tne "f-ST in :94. at a bwrret &t the "hiTrber rf CcirmerrE. .5c Host.w Fltmer. a rnetr-ber cf tv- nrnrrrr. was .f rtPS hirnrrjirT ' 'frl cf the caift rcv Tnerrt. ir Toc-.ra-AE t? elected chttr- mau rf tne t ,-irry ehrasata oe:eTtoj: . .y,f c- uatrt Volunteer Cor.rr"ir.T. !ncu.r.tT.'i''ta. trmitTT C was Trewrrtf-d with the .Tr.Tr.a,aca.rt'f . SB far the ciTT.TiT.v r-Pi meet- CaoaJn 'r fr.ted the rttp t: sack or. the drill Held. Two Years Ago :". bet i't.; frnrty war the wra fr .Ti the .".-.r,ter for F?:hrrrrticas n ne AwcwET.. vith Kaot a Titria t-TT Tr and Heta rere.: :t.s t- -T-a arid thtrd honors, iitntm I'h: ;' ta .- tv Lnd rr.a ht i.isjior. f-nterr.;:r vrp EFi-ad f.rpt prtr.f f ir tne best-cec- .Tit-.-: Mvrorrrv j.ri.t fratfrr.rtT honses ' r ZlonieconMi.F car. '''.r Petrova. artrfV and play - rt.t. ptv.te at a :Tertl or.r.rr.cs.ttoT: r. the TeTTTiie Thr-att-r. l.ii Prtrava .rtarea :n "Ilu'T'.cane" at a local 7775 - drcsscd people kCJfT mike any mistake about r the rrt appearance r Uys in your college work. Neatly typa wrtrten reporrv IdCtttre rraascrtp tior.s and theses create a favorable impression on the "powers that be. " Get a Rerrunctnn Portable and dress cp your work. Your pro fcssars will appreaate the cleao- cut, legible writing and the 1 "af zt r- thic cnnrnaTUii! will be reflected ia the marks you get. Resnington Portable is rJje port able. It is the smallest, lightest, and most compact machine wsh four - raw standard keyboard. Handiest, fastest, most depend able, and simplest to operate. Weighs S?a pounds net. Can be bought for as little as $13 down and SS monthly. Street Nebr. pris clnav. tiS ptre a tc va-- ticrtT si the Wmmt Frrriatic Par- rtris axe irrrrtfi. ?raiert -rta expert t beJre TTJSjaoTjnM. or sxt 'tis tre trr r..i ;i the trnir tf the irrijratac-r Christiaiirr to ir-ivjittal tad trmatiojial rroyrcs are tf , . "cCoci :r. WerresniaT at Fa.-ttitr HX A.5. A. E. A. 5. A. H, lwra.r ""tH j,t Arriccircrol Frrtreenrx ijej - rc--.her T. Any fcttfTid. ore .r.tcrrst-2 tttar aot-T tni -Ti5 Ferttrpd fr-r the rr.r- the ru.U0T. by the Ut.Tfr?-.r It O. J. Ferrsxsor. ti the C;.i,re ' :f the KansBS-NrssJa septic r f f the Soaety far the i'rrr-'.rt.: - ef He f rr.eertnr Education. Students Vote for Fall Class Officers iC t'Wtir.ned frsvm Or?'. ' adrjr. The idermty rt the Hurrr- L.ry Cki will i kept .-errrt ur.rtl . the r.irfct cf the MUtttry- haL &c cnrdiiar to an ar.HMmre7r.ert rrae ?everai weka tea ry Ci-crtl r.ffi-r-.tls. Nine knadrpd aiit tw-r.ry-f :t were ri"T, ;:ir the Her. rmry Co'it'TieL the wntiier havrr.r a :xtr-seve-c naitrity vote. Eobert Daver.p-rt wti ertfd prpsiderrt of the Jnttir-r -71 ass wrrh a three-potrt majtrrry over T'cr.iuc. Ctnrpbeli. Oer one htzrdrpd arid :.:"rr rnrre -r-itps were poil-d thai yar thar last. Council Tnerrrrr :r. t r.-;rcf ri the ekftion cecitrd Tusay v rmr that they beiievpj -he -.rrtprf shown ;n the eiertn.B etf-may to be dendtdly prpatw this :r. the prev!f.t twn years. MISS WILSON WILL ASSIST IN UBRARY riM! Efrther TLlson of En-.ticrta. Zans rpcer.t':y appotr.tfd assifttrt reference .'Irmrttn. took ttp her in lit rr ctar. ifits TTilsori reee:ved her ihrn'-r rrtr.:tx at the Enrpcna rtat NotTnal h:-hool and comes to the "ni rArsrty from TVeiiir.rtor.. Hans.. here she to librertan. Standard Rent-a-Ford Co. 1137 P Street B-1644 NEW PLACE NEW CARS FORDS BUICKS COLE S LOWEST RATES. COURTEOUS SERVICE. NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED New Ail Wool ;LANKEr For Students t.he Annua r.ade ty a it H.':n-.t'f :tad, Iowa. See tr.e i lar.ket5 ar.d you will realize their hirr. qual.ues at ence. Iljrtracirir.arj f.zie in weave. These numbers are r-articularly at tracriTe. The Amona Household Blanket All Wool Grey Blanket. Eig- Si2 ue e 66xx0. An excellent val - The Amona All wool sateen bound Elan ket. size TOxsO. Tr.e namber everybody wants, pair All Wool Amona Favorite Another plaid rnrsber. Eonnd in sateen. 66xS0. You can't help but like this one, pair OKI DM " ,, cttM 2lr. Jeati-T. "tti I tee t r5- sot vt.t fhoxii hii f tnost ' ifB.i i bttiiiixxs 'wTtt them- Tbir cikei w-tvrrp it wrli be i assai. to rt E'ra. .Vj. Strct . p-. r- -r.nWWBM(i t h 1 Zji'tTE h.arns xrj: are rrw tt tlnf drifts : .tjts. U Ktaced tha tne rr-aaer Tpa-i r-e t- s tix tus r:'-T r'1 rtr -r. the ?m-ct,i tr. t'rort rf : ikTr it -ie riiaer bKii:,r, ta iire rr the sostrrnM comer: ft tne .-ui..... -ce :t t t tiiiir.r fast rf 5 jrti' FREAOTHSML BE HAILED SATURDAY Leave Ar.y 7erscr. Teariinr r xruade rf the :y c : liirf.E may recti; ve free rap cf the r.eit Awsrwax by brtra-nty; the T.tite tad tadresB to the Aw f VT.Z. i fire in the tiastanent id TiiJ--1.'; hr 4 o'clock Thcrsday 1 aiteraoor- C tries wi2 1 rcaiied rext 1 SURE UPER' ERVICE A A THE MOGUL 127 N- 12th St. riarbera to Nebraska M A Handy Place to Stop GRAVES FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES 3 a nvtb of I'mm my 7.75 - Zero Plaid 13.00 1 1 . v .i "" s. .... v--.,., -?rs- - u- A YvjuXo CfO or, , rw(M U PERMANENT WAVES MARCELLING SHAMPOOING The Nebraska Co-Eds Shop Mrs. Tripp's Permanent Wave SKop 117 So. 14th St. B-63S3 Cadet Drill Shoes The Real Thing $2.98 1132 "O" SL Cor. 10th amd O St. i I.! 'i0'mm - : 0 ; ' . 5 : ci . v.-. . . i N ,-St. -.v. ...... .s-o -'.v. 1 . SiM i . I ! ...t WTI . ,l-R I A 1 t . . TO- v Xt1 a l- ttr VO 1 wmmk tt ' or cix -unfa " oeew Lljjcclri, ?7ebr.