T II E DAILY NEBRASKA N CROSS-COUNTRY HEN HAKE POOR SHOWING Jimmy Lawii Ii DUappoiuted Second Try out Final Taam Has Baa SaUctad in Results of the tryouts for the cross-country team held yeaterda afternoon were disappointing, ac cording to Jimmy Lewis, acting coach. Barring illness, the team for the Missouri meet will be composed of Captain Hays, Glenn Johnson, Mc Cartney, Keller, Chadderdon, and Cumings. Captain Hays and Johnson showed up well enough in the preliminary tryouts held a week ago that they did not run in the final tryouts last night. Both are being nursed along carefully so that they will not go stale, as they were in good shape a week ago. Team Picked McCartney nosed Reller out in the last thirty yards after trailing him around the track in the' finishing laps. Chadderdon, former Weslcyan runner finished an easy third and Cumings was fourth. These four with Hays and Johnson will form the team against Missouri here next week. Jimmy Lewis was disappointed in the failure of most of the starters to finish. The four who earned places on the team were the only ones to complete the course. Dickson, letter man two years ago, and Sprague, sophomore, who surprised everyone by his third place last week were both taken sick during the race and forced to stop. Dickson very nearly finished but had to stop when he hit the viaduct coming back. Dledrich another good prospect, also was both ered with cramps and dropped out. Fifteen started, a somewhat smaller number than a week ago. Slower lime McCartney's time was 29 minutes, 12 seconds. Reller finished in 19 15 1-2. This time is slightly slower than the time made in the tryouts a year ago. Nebraska's team as determined yesterday will officially open the cross-country season with a dual meet with Missouri here Saturday, October 9 in conjunction with the Nebraska' Missouri football game. Men to Watch Saturday HA f i a .. 7 Chuck Everett, 154-pound Drake balfback, has been one of the backfield sensatJons of the Missouri Valley ever since he started play ing football for the Drake Bulldogs. He did plenty of damage last year when the Solemltes defeated the Huskers, 14 to 0, and he plans to elp his pals win another victory over Nebraska. Jeff Robertson, 185-pound Drake end, who helped the Bulldogs wal lop the Huskers last year, plans to do his share to help the Solemltes gain another verdict over the Beargmen. 0T :u. i Lyle Ewart, 225-pound tackle, Is the heavyweight on Ossle Solera's 1926 Drake University football eleven. Ewart was one of the men who spilled the Husker "hope chest" in the snowstorm game at Des Moines last year. Clarence Simpson probably will hold down the center position on the Drake team that meets the Ne braska Cornhuskers Saturday. He weighs 17? pounds. BAND PRESENT AT RALLY AND GAME Short Parade Before Grid Contest And at Haye; AUo Play Tonight at Coliseum The R. O. T. C. band will be pre sent at the Drake game Saturday with the traditional enthusiasm and in full uniform, with new belts, and new "Nebraska" streamers. The band will make a short parade before the game and will entertain the crowd between halves by marching on the oval. IliiSllllilllll 5- Archie Johnson, 172-halfback, will be seen in action when Drake and Nebraska meet at Lincoln, Saturday. 1 1Y W Chuck Delmege, 180-end, will be seen In action with the Butldogs when the Huskers meet Drake Saturday. Here Is the man who will captain the Drake Bulldogs who meet the Nebraska Cornhuskers in the open ing game at Nebraska Memorial Stadium, Saturday. His name Is Gall Fry, and although he weighs but 149 pounds he makes life mis erable for opposing teams. Frank Anderson, Drake halfback. 165-pound ( wr; Ronald Anderson, 194-pound Drake guard, promises to give the Cornhuskers plenty to worry about. An innovation has been created this year in that the band will play the Star Spangled Banner before all games. Another innovation is that it will no longer take in any new men without giving them uniforms. This will undoubtedly improve the organi zation's appearance as in the past more men have been taken in than could be outfitted. The band, ununiformed will also appear at the rally. ",3 Football Season Here's what you'll want for all the games and the weather to come. You positively ought to attend the first game of the year The .first chance to wear your colors. Nebraska vs. Drake WE ARE FEATURING ALL WOOL SWEATERS In Scarlet and Scarlet and white combinations. Button down shakers. Full-Overs and the hit of the season the TH don Neck Pull-Over All sizes. See Window; $5 to $10 SpeieK 'O" Street TENTH and "O" LINCOLN YEARLINGS GET DUMMY PRACTICE Tackling and Ball-Lugging Vera Not on Prof rm; Smith Loomi A New Backfield IrNn Dummy practice with the Varsity constituted the yeahisrs' football workout Thursday afternoon. Neither tackling nor ball-luRging was on the program. Passing drev the big as signment, with Wir.ta throwing the pigskin to either Sloan or Toms for some good gains. A new backtield rr. in, Smith, is the latest luminary in the freshmen's fast backfield. Hia allaround ability will probably soon be utilized by "Choppy" Rhodes. Regulars on Sideline! Several regular linemen were on the sidelines nursing minor injuries received from previous Varsity mix ups. Craig, Richard and Broadstone stayed away allowing fiushce, Munn and Jeffreys to partatce in the tussle. A patched lineup went the pace, showing up especially well on the offense. It had Bushee and Munn, tackles. Jeffreys and Ray, guards. Lewandowski and Toms, ends. Case, center. Sloan and Witte, halves. Elkins, quarter, and Fnr.'ey, full. New Kansas Building The skeleton of a new auditorium looms on the campus of Kansas Uni versity. The building will seat more than six thousand persons. It will be roguhly in the shape of a horse shoe and will be made of reinforced concrete. IN THE VALLEY ..By.. FRED Z1MMER m ,u mill iM the inaucrura- iUIIluuvn ..... - tion of the 1026 Cornhuskcr football season. Drake University of Des Moines will be the opponents for Coach Bcarg's men. The game is ...twuinlnfl for 2 o'clock in the Ne braska Memorial Stadium. last two the Tha naoers have been full the I . few days of the doings of the teams. Nebraska papers tell of Huskers' chances and prospects whiU Iowa naners are setting .,;f a ballvho about the Bulldo 1 w Now that TerythinB has been it is up to the two teams to oxhi their skill with the pigskin. up gs. id bit From all pre-season dope it is to be believed that the game will be close. The two teams are very evenly matched in regard to weight, speed, nnd venrs of experience of the play ers. The only marked advantage that can be seen at the present time goes to Nebraska. In the matter of re serve strength the Iluskers have it he Drake Bulldogs. Coach Bearg has command over three teams which do not vary much In playing ability and this is what Coach Solem of the Des Moines institution lacks. We are only hoping To? one thing. That is that the weather roan will b more kind to the Nebraska football team this year than he was last It Socially Correct Even before they are opened, letters reflect their importance, when written on Eaton, Crane & Pike's Correspondence Papers This quality stationery is always cordially received in homes where tasteful distinction in correspon dence' papers is appreci ated. The newest styles are now on display Ask About the Grafology Service Tucker-Shean 1123 "O" St. 2J22J2jj22ijjj2j22gii3S!sBBsissv Let's all pray for a lood day Saturday. Good weather and a Victory for the team. Varsity Cleaners Roy Wythers, Mgr. B3367 316 No. 12 St. Ladies Hair Cutting Marcel 75c Rock's Beauty Shop 22th and R Street Phone B-5055 Lincoln, Nebr. DANCE .,.,...--..,....!'.,',, I'MtMIMHtlllf Mill V"VIMn AT ANTELOPE PARK EVERY Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday SERENADERS PLAYING "BLUES AS YOU LIKE THEM" will be remembered thr.t the majority of th rs piye lh" " were played under adrerse weam conditions, such as rain, mud, snow J I-.. The bit man at Wasblnftor who makes the forecasts has prom- ised us a good day for Saturday. We hope that he may be rifht. A. in the line-un for the Saturday game we have nothing to say. It has rwon nicked so often that we have given up all hope of picking the start ing Nebraska line-up. One thing ceis tain is thnt Coach Bearg will Btart o tnnm which any Cornhusker follower may well be proud of and we believe that his judgment will return the Huskers victors at the end of the fray. WANT ADS FOUND Black key case with keys. Fountain College Book Store. Call at Stntion A. WANTED Boy roommate. 316 No. J8th St. LG681. WANTED University girl to work for board and room. M1138. WANTED To rent room at reason, able price to one or two girls wh0 will care for baby occasionally, Phone B4305. x STEXMliEXfED rooms for girTTfor rent. Prices very reasonable. Block and a half from campus. 1520 R Street. L4485. Laundry Mailing Boxes BUY DIRECT FROM THE MAKER 1.25 1.50 1.75 Box without cover 40c Western Tent & ' Awning Co. 144 No. 14th. St. A. R. Capron, Pre. DANCE TONIGHT BECK'S ORCHESTRA 9 PIECES 9 SATURDAY NIGHT THE REVELLERS THE LINDELL PARTY HOUSE LINDELL HOTEL EAT AT RECTOR'S DAINTY FOUNTAIN AND LUNCHEONETTE SERVICE Special Noon Lunches Rector's Pharmacy C. E. BUCKHOLZ, Mgr. Standard Rent-a-Ford Co. 1137 P Street B-1644 NEW PLACE NEW CARS FORDS BUICKS COLE-8 LOWEST RATES. COURTEOUS SERVICE NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED FOR HIM FOR CHRISTMAS . LET US LAY ASIDE ONE OF THESE STRAP WATCHES. MAKE SMALL PAYMENTS. IT WILL BE PAID FOR BY XMAS. BOYD JEWELRY CO. CLUB PLAN JEWELERS 1042 "O" LINCOLN ' . t UtiJil .. .fttttttt i I A : STETSON loots Kmart- CXTO-rrr v wvMjr day of its unusually long life in hats the best is real economy. STETSON HATS Styled for young men ruri n i i him n; Mayer Bro.., Ben Simon & Son., Magee'., Rudge & Guenxel tO.. dDeier'a i.