4: .. V V THE DAILY NEBRA3KAN Seniors Juniors Come a-runnin', boys, Don't you hear that noise Like thunder in the sky, How it rolls along, In the good old song, For the sons of Nebraski. Now it's coming near With a rising cheer That will sweep all foes away, i f Mr t2lsS(0 f )i s- Sophomores Freshmen Vacation Time And Where Do You Go From Here? w HERE ever you go what ever you do It's a af e bet that Society will make heavy demands on your services. Festivities of all kinds, r- parties, dances, picnics, bathing, sports: Aside from these there, is your everday personal appearance in business it too, de mands consideration. Good clothes and affability are the passport to success in business and pleasure. What ever you have planned for your Vacation, and for the months after, you'll find here the most comprehen sive, distinctive selection of summer wearables for men Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits Those wonderful light tans and grays, at $35 $40 $50 Flannel, Gaberdine and Dixie Weave Summer Suits Those cool, porous suits that the summer breezes blow right through. Suits so well tailored that des pite their light weight they will hold their shape. Flannel Trousers . You just can't get Through The Summer without a pair of these light colored flannels to wear with a blazer or dark coat. Let us show you some. $5 to $12.50 Summer accessories want to bt ' sn complete harmony with the season. Lightness and liveliness are characteristic of our selection. Complete your summer ward robe before your departure. The merchandise in the home town stores lacks the spirit of "Old Nebraska" So, with all our vim, We are bound to win, And we're going to win today- For Nebraska and the Scarlet, For Nebraska and the Cream, Tho' they go through many a battle Our colors still are seen. iff So in contest and in victory We will wave them for the team And 'twill always stir a Corn husker The old Scarlet and the Cream.