4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Cornhusker Defeat Iowa State 13 to 18 (Continued from Fage One.) kcrs had a five point load before Kling scored a basket for Ames. T. Elliott followed with another gift toss and E. Elliott did likewise 'for Ames. Brown made the score read 8 to S with a pretty shot from the side. The prettiest shot of the evening came when T. Elliott followed up a long shot and batted the ball through the hoop. Iowa State brought the scoring of the half to a close with a free throw by Arnold and a basket by Kling. Kling opened the final period with his third basket of the game. T. Elliott sank his third consecutive free throw on Miller's foul. It was Miller's fourth offense and he was taken from the game. SmBah made a pretty shot for his third basket of the evening. Staves raised the Iowa State total to nine with a free throw, but Brown and Eckstrom took the heart out of the Ames five by both caging side shots. Iowa State's fi nal effort came with two baskets ir rnpid succession by Arnold and Grimes. During the last five min utes of the game neither team scored. The summary: Nebraska IN THE VALLEY . . .by ... "Zim" and "Zim" . It looks ai if the Oklahoma bas ketball team is out to win the 1926 Missouri Valley championship. The Sooner have stretched their wins in the conference to five and to date have suffered no losses. The Sooners got away to a bitf start on their northern trip Thurs day night when they defeated the Kansas Jayhawks at Lawrence 29 to 21, Half time found Kansas in the lead, but Oklahoma team was not to be denied and in the second half they came back with enough points to win. last year after the end of the bas ketball season and if this is the case he would not be eligible until the sec ond semester of this year, although he has been holding down his regular position on the Jayhawk team. Prof. It. T. Scott of the University of Ne braska will be one of the members of the eligibility committee that will pass on the Schmidt case. UNTERMEYER MAKES POETRY COMPARISON (Continued from Pag One.) D FT TF Pts Andreson, f .... 0 0-0 10 Smaha, f 3 1-3 2 7 Milenz, f 0 0-0 0 0 T. Elliott, c .... 1 3-5 15 Eckstrom, c .... 1 0-0 1 2 Brown, g 2 0-0 0 4 Lawson, g 0 0-0 2 0 Totals 7 4-8 7 18 Iowa State B FT PF Pts E. Elliott, f .... 0 1-2 0 1 Kling, f 3 0-2 0 6 Anderson, c .... 0 0-0 2 0 Fennema, c .... 0 0-0 0 0 Miller, g 0 0-0 4 0 Arnold, g 1 1-2 2 3 Staver, g 0 1-10 1 Grimes, g 10-0 0 2 Totals 5 3-7 8 13 Referee: Giles, Washington and Jefferson. SALEM'S Home of the Malted Milk Lunches HOT WAFFLES OYSTER STEWS B 4589 We Deliver 19th & O CURB SERVICE The Grinnell Pioneers put up a hard fight Friday night against the Sooners, but it was to no avail, Ok lahoma winning 86 to" 27. Saturday night marked the last game of the trip for the southern team when they met Drake and a win would put them far in the lead of the other confer ence teams. When Kansas lost to Oklahoma on Thursday night it marked the begin ning of the end of the Jayhawk reign which has lasted for three years. This defeat made the first time in three years that Kansas has lost more than one game during a Valley sche dule. The team representing the Kansas institution had previously lost their opening game to Washing ton. Dame Rumor has it that Schmidt, star forward on the Kansas basket ball team, is ineligible for athletic! participation under Valley rules. It is. stated that Schmidt quit school University Librarian Attends Dedication Gilbert II. Doane, University li brarian, represented the University of Nebraska at the dedication of the new library building at Iowa State College at Ames on Thursday of last week. The principal address was given by Dr. W. O. Thompson, for mer president of Ohio State Univer sity, who wa m Lined. l recently for the annual meetings of orirsnized ag- ricullure of Nebraska. son's "Child's Garden of Verses." John Masefield, combiner of beau ty and brutality; Alfred Noyes, re garded as Edgar A. Guest with favor by half and disfavor by the other half; Harold Monroe, picturer of man's relation to' inanimate objects; Humbert Wolfe, "fearless critic of political life." Carl Sandburg, fulfiller of Walt Whitman's prophesy of an American language and "laureate of industrial America;" Robert Frost, poet of the "new" New England, not always grim, often tender; Edgar Lee "Spoon River Anthology,' a docu ment if nothing else. Edwin Arlington Robinson, "an intellectual aristocrat," Amy Lowell, "violently over-praised and viciously attacked," Vachel Lindsay, a "John the Baptist accompanied With a jazz orchestra." To close Mr. Untermeyer read two of his own poems. "Prayer" and "Calaban in the Coal Mines." Professor Fedde Gives Lectures Miss Margaret Fedde, professor of home economics, spoke before the Woman's Club- at Fairbury on Tues day, January 12, and will lecture at Beatrice on Monday, February 1. The Armand & Marie Revue Head lines Another Merry Musical Vaudeville Bill at the Lib erty Monday The opening bill at the Liberty on Monday matinee should please all lovers of good vaudeville entertain ment. The program included, a ma novelty instrumentalists; Charles sical comedy terpsichorean favorites, "Armand and Marie", with Lishin White entertainers, a quintets of Stuart and Harry Lash, a duo of singing comedians; Hayes & Tate, in songs, stones and banjo solos; the Jack Hughes Duo, an unusually clev er and versatile team of instrument alists, and the Hedleys, presenting a unique novelty called "In the Moon light" The eighth chapter of "The Green Archer" news and comedy pictures and Babich and his orches tra. Coming the last half of the week, Bob and Gale Sherwood and their Entertainers, and an excellent supporting bill. ADV. WANT ADS 'Typing Wanted. Themes7W papers. Call L 82fifi ... ... . . HVf. thirty. NOTICE: FRATERNITIES ORS0? KUKlTlh,S WISHING TO MAKE CHANGE BEFORE MAY, JUNE OR JULY. For Rent. Will lease three or five years, thirteen ' - - uuuse two blocks south of the State House' ime sieupinif rooms, two baths, hot water heat, fire place, four, stall . rage. Former home Pi Kanna Address J. W. M.. 1725 Sn 9ftti. Lincoln, Nebraska. gj "Have your next Banquet or dance at the. LLK.S HALL." Also your pat ronage solicited at the ELKS CAFE." 1 V IL y B-m8 Capital Engraving Co. 3!9 SO. 2T ST. LINCOLN. NEB, j All I can say today It, J J that I wish you good J I luck this week, and I 1 I know you'll have it. I r-ttTtrflirlLI"J'L"1" ltjT'i" 1 Varsity Cleaners ROY WYfHERS, Mr. B3367 316 No. 12 St. NEW FORDS and CHEVEROLETS FOR RENT RENT-A-FORD MUNSON 1137 P B 1517 B 1644 WE DELIVER NO EXTRA CHARGE If You Are The Right Man WE NEED YOU If you have commercial ability if you are ambitious, loyal and industrious the S. S. Kresge Company needs you. A wonderful opportunity is no- at your command and opportunity to work up to a store manager's posi tion and to acquire a great and valuable knowledge of merchandising and general business. A store manager's position is one requiring men in whom the qualities of resourcefulness, versatility and alertness of mind are marked. We prefer men between the ages of 22 and SO years men who are willing to work hard to an e'nd that will prove well worth their labors. We will send you full information upon your request and will also arrange with you for a personal interview. Personnel Dept. S. S. KRESGE CO. Kresge Bldg., Detroit, Mich. I , When you see a Fellow showing off the label in his new suit you can be sure that it's a Kuppenheimer .from ht heumr of Mippmkrimer giodclolhaa HllllllillilllHIillllNIKIiHllllHllllilM Paid for rep 7S Books COLLEG E. H. LONG, Prop. Facing Campus STORE H.lf ,f f f f .i 'v I ,, a, :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: - n - ,.