THE DAILY NEBRASKAN The Daily Nebraskan Station A, Lincoln, Nebraska. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION f th. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Under Direction of th Btudent Publication Hoard Puhllihod Tuearlay, Wxlncaday. Thiim iay, Friday and Sunday mornings during the aradrmie year. Editorial Offices University Hall 10. Office Hour Afternoons with the ex ception of Friday and Sunday. Trleohones Day. B-6HBI. No. 142 (Editorial, 1 ring: Business, 2 rings). Night B-K82. Knt.Tfd aa second-class matter at the postofflre In Lincoln. Nehranka, under act of Congress, March S, 187, and at special rate of postage provided for In Section 110). act of October S, 1017, authorised January JO. 11)28. SUBSCRII'TION RATE ti a year $1.26 a semester Single Copy, 6 cent EDITORIAL STAFF" Edward Morrow Editor Victor T. Hackler Managing Editor J. A. Chartat Newt Editor Juliua Frandsen, Jr News Editor L. L. Pike News Editor Ruth Schad - Ncw Editor Doria K. Trott. News Editor Millieent Cinn Ass't. Nfwi Editor Arthur Sweet Ana't News Editor Alexander McKie, Jr Oontnhuting Editor Volta W. Torrey Contributing Editor Poris K. Trott Contributing Editor V. Royce Went Contributing Editor Bl'RINESS STAFF Otto Skold Rusinoss Mnnager Slmnaon Morton ...-Aaa't. HuMlness Mar.airer Nieland Van Aredale.... Circulation Mnnaircr Richard F. Vett.... Circulation Manager WE ARE REPRIMANDED In another column of this paper will ho found a communication from three students in the College of Business Administration in which we are corrected, aye! even berated, for an editorial which appear ed recently. Among other things, we learn that we are a Grim Joker, and lacking in a sense of delicacy. As to the sense of delicacy that may be true; but as to being a joker, we hesitate to accept the label. We have been, we fear, somewhat fail ing in a sense of humor, and while we thank our correspondents for commending our wit, we fear that the compliment is scarcely justified. We are informed that there are other colleges more deserving of condemnation than the Bizad Col lege. Upon that question we will not comment, chiefly because our editorial however unintelligible it may have been, was not meant to knock any college in particular. We have never taken a course in business cycles, and ill success in that cannot account for our alleged vic iousness." We were exposed to a semester course in bookkeeping in high school but since that time we have shunned all things that smack of ledger and balance sheets. While we cannot claim to have been a bril liant success in the high school ourse mentioned, we did pass, and it does not remain as dust and ashes in our figurative memory (mixed meta phor, but what of it?). Not having had any experience in this line, we must decline the invitation to aid the class in business cycles. We are compelled to agree with the statement that there are to. many staffers in college, and to deny that the College of Business Published in tit interest oEleC' trlcal Development by en institution that will It helped by what ever helps the industry. Administration was singled out for our barbs. It merely served as a convenient instrument to illustrate a larger idea. As to tho wager on tho number or percentage of Bluf fers in tho respective colleges, why csk us? We are not informed on the subject, nor do we intend to spend several weeks at tho executive dean's office tabulating records to find out. Besides, betting is im moral. But to be more Rcrious. It was not our intention to single out the College of Business Administration for criticism. We might as well hnve referred to the other technical colleges on the campus whose re quirements of cultural subjects seem to us too small. We attempted in our inexpert way, to write some thing of an allegory to point out the error of going through college without becoming educuted. "THE MESSIAH" The, annual presentation of "The Messiah", Handel's oratorio which will be given in Memorial Hall at 10 o'clock this morning, is one of the few genuine traditions that tho Uni versity has. Today the oratorio will be presented for tho thirtieth time. "The Messiah" has now come to an almost inseparable part of the Christmas season at the University. While most of the students have no great interest in music, this oratorio has always been well attended and is appreciated widely. The University chorus, under the coaching of Mrs. Carrie B. Raymond, is entirely com petent to make "The Messiah" a success. Other Opinions The Daily Nebraskan assumes no responsibility for the senti ments expressed by correspon dents and reserves the right to exclude any communications whose publication may for any reason seem undesirable. In all cases the editor must know the t identity of the contributor. No communications will be publish ed anonymously, but by special arrangement initials only may be signed. A PROTEST To the Editor: We the undersigned (and prob ably all Bizad students) resent the editorial in Tuesday's Nebraskan en titled "The Grim Comedy." The person who wrote that editorial is certainly a Grim Joker and lacks a sense of delicacy in singling out one ttFtVMULtSm'.'CC 7 i a ..'If RINTtRS!VaWWlUiUltf av. roll ' I MIMI PtlrTMUmfl I fl 1 1 '313 SO. 12T ST. LINCOLN. NEB. B"fJ78 ti i an "Our pioneering work has just begun" RECEN TLY some one said to j a prdminent official of the Bell Systerh: "Your pioneering work is done. Ypu have I created a system that 5 n neighborhood of the " 0 ,-- r e executive repliec ur pioneering wbrk lias ju Each day prints ev discoveries, iments, all cal ing lor ioned handling on a VI ever before. If I vtkveA youfig again m years,! would cwoose t .e telephone; business woHc even more auickiv than I . . - I T I J m i lid Published for the Communication r "cistern Electric Cempasy Maters of the Nation's Telephones college to criticise when the same criticism may bo made of any col lege on the campus and of some more deservedly than tho College of Busi ness Administration. What inspired the editorial is not for us to say. Perhaps the writer knows whereof ho speaks from ex perience. Perhaps he tried to "re vel in bookkeeping and business cycles" nnd didn't find them so easy, hence tho bitter taste. Certainly the class in Business Cycles would wel como nny help which this all wise editorial writer would give them in solving the greatest of all business problems. No doubt there are too many Bluf fers in our college. But why Binglc us out? We are willing to wnger that there are no more sluffers in proportion than there are in nny other of "the colleges. Had your editorial been written in a spirit of fairness, applying to the wholo University, it could hnve been endorsed, perhaps, by everyone. We challenge the things you in sinuate against tho students of the College of Business Administration and ask you to subnTt proof to sup port your charges. Very truly yours, ERNEST WITT, VERNON MORRISON, ELMER C. BRATT. Christmas Tea Given By Home Ec Faculty The Home Economics faculty gave a Christmas tea on Tuesday after noon, December 15, from 4 to C o'clock, in the Home Economics par lors. The decorations were ever green branches and white candles, with a Christmas tree in the center. Punch and small cakes were served after which the following program was given : Carols, solo by Miss Huk lcy, "The Other Wise Man" by Mrs. True Colbert. WORLD FORUM GROUP HEARS RABBI SPEAK (Continued from Page One.) in the world and none of us have a monopoly of it." Following his address a discussion was held by all the students who could remain. This was the last meeting of the World Forum until after the Christmas holidays and the next meeting will ba on the Wed nesday the week school reopens. Hotel De Hamburger 5 c Buy 'em by the sack 1141 Q St. Phone B1S12 new prob- neiv devel- Droaaer- larger scale for ifiy life Industry by Ten Years Ago Many unique entertainment fea tures wero planned for tho Y. W. C. A. nnd Y. M. C. A. Holiday Fete to be given at tho Temple. The German dramatic club met in Faculty Hall at tho Temple, the at traction of the evening being the presentation of tho prologue of Schiller's Maid of Orleans. In ad dition to tho club members, many visitors were present to sco tho play. Frof. G. E. Barber returned from St. Louis where he represented the University of Nebraska at the meet ing of the faculty members of the Missouri Valley. Prof. C. A. Itobbins spoke before tho Businesr Law class on "The Law and tho Business Man." A special Christmas musical ser vice was held at the Y. W. C. A. Vespers. On The Air University studio, broadcasting over KFAB (340.7). Thursday, December 17 9:30 to 9:55 a. m. Weather re port, road report and announce ments. Calendar Friday, December 18 Sigma Chi dinner dance, Lincoln. Tau Kappa Epsilon house dance. Acacia dinner dance Univer sity Club. Phi Kappa Psi house dance. Lambda Chi Alpha house dance. Omega Beta Pi house dance. Alpha Theta Chi house dance. Pi Kappa Phi house dance. Saturday, December 19 Phi Delta Theta house dance. Don't put it off any longer, save time and avoid delay. Buy your tic ket home at the BURLINGTON City office. ADV. Santa knows that he will want the newest in sox from Ellinger's On The Corner 12th & P. r BEFORE YOU GO HOME FOR CHRISTMAS FARQUHAKS NEBRA3KA5 Notices Advertising Club No advertising Club meeting this week as was previously announced. Latin Club The Latin Club tea will be held on Thursday afternoon between 4 and 0 o'clock at IIarwd Hall. A. S. A. E. Picture Tho A. S. A. E. picture will be taken Friday at the Campus Studio at 12:10 o'clock Christian Science Society Christian Science Society will meet Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock in Faculty Hall. Mystic Fish There will be a Mystic Fish meet ing in Ellen Smith Hall at 7:15 on Thursday. Horace Mann Club There will be a Horace Mann Club meeting Thursday at 6:15 o'clock in the City Y. M. C. A. Latin Club The Latin Club tea will be held on Thursday afternoon between 4 and 6 o'clock at Howard Hall. The Hauck Studio Skogland Photographer 1216 O B2991 n W e careful in the selection of your hats. Consider their style and their quality. STETSON HATS Styled for young men For Sale by Farquhar's, Leon's Inc., Mayer Bros Co., Ben Simon & Son, Ma gee's, Rudge & Guenzel Co., Speiera, STOP IN HERE AT MEN'S GIFT HEADQUARTERS AND SELECT THE THINGS YOU'LL WANT TO GIVE THE MEN OF THE FAMILY. SPLENDID STOCKS ARE HERE FOR YpU TO CHOOSE FROM; JUST THE SORT OF THINGS MEN LIKE TO GET AT CHRISTMAS TIME; AND A PROMPT, HELPFUL SERVICE TO AID YOU IN YOUR SELECTIONS. YOU'VE ONLY THREE DAYS MORE; STOP IN TODAY.' LEADING COLLEGE Delian Picture Delian Literary Society will have .,i,.t,irn tnken at Campus Studio on Thursday, at 12:15 o'clock. Any member tardy will be fined. A. I. E. E. Picture Tho A. I. E. E. Cornhusker picture ...III tnlfttn nr. the, Cnmnua Studio Thursday at noon. All Electrical Engineers are urged to be there. Kappa Phi Vnnnn Phi members and pledges may get their year book and can- dlebloom by calling at leaenors col lege, room 119. A wgwan Contributor! Awarwan contributors are request ed to turn in as much copy as poss ible for the Burlesque number be fore the beginning of vacation. Con tributions will be received if mailed to Awgwan, Station "A", during the holidays. Copy is dpsired in the form of fictitious news items, and so forth, for an imuginary newspaper 'The Daily Awgwan", for example. Freshman Council The Freshman Council meeting is changed from 7:30 Thursday to 5 o'clock Thursday. All Freshman men arc invited. Awgwan Awgwan will be distributed from Station A instead of Social Science Building starting Wednesday. It will be two weeks in the old home town, so it might be best to come in and get a haircut before leaving. The MOGUL BARBERS 127 No. 12 St. CLOTHIERS p n m u m nj -Out- 5 W.o- Solve Last-Minute Gift Perplexities at the Lin coln Photo Supply Co. it's such a satisfying feeling to come into this store where you'll see so many tastefully chosen things so artistically and so conveniently displayed! Particularly appealing to seek ers of tho unusual at this time, are hand carved wooden novel ties from the Italian Alps. Quaint little figures dispose themselves a-top cigarette hold ers, pens, pencils, letter open ers, ink wells, ash trays and salad sets. You'll find also at the Lincoln Photo Supply Co., all that is most interesting in boxed novelties from Rustcraft, Norwood and Gift Shop lines. Cowan and Fulper pottery, Ivorex placques, decorated candles, Kodaks, leather goods, and countless other objects, make gift-choosing here an al together fascinating experi ence! At 1217 O. Give Feminine Frippery from the Famous! lives there a girl who would n't love to receive any of these dainty dress accessories on Christmas Morn? You'll find at the Famous prettily boxed for gift-giving: silk underthings of pastel hue; sheer clear chif fon hose; striking patterns in silk and wool hose for sports wear; gloves; dainty silk and linen 'kerchiefs; blanket and corduroy bath robes as practi cal as they are good looking; radium silk slips; silk negli gees; silk scarfs ;and HAVE you see the imported French gift novelties at the Famous? There are doll heads, clocks, book marks, lip sticks, powder boxes, compacts, garters and small pocket mirrors all evidencing an unmistakable French chic! Order Christmas Flowers at the Stryker Floral Co. then you'll be sure that the choicest blooms are delivered fresh and perky on Christmas morning! Flowers from this shop have an air about them possibly because Dick Stryker exercises his artistic talents on every out-going bouquet, be it of boutonierre or ball-room size. Think of this attractive little flower-center when choos ing last minute gifts also. Awaiting you are lovely pot tery vases and bowls, bridge paraphanelia, baskets, framed mottoes and an utterly distinc tive line of Christmas cards and Greetings. Remember the address: 127 No. 13th! The Store of "Everygift" Mayer Bros. Co. no matter the number, age, or variety of people on your gift-list, Mayer Bros, have the tissue-contents that will make each and every one of them clap their hans with delight on Christmas Morning! Particu larly is your attention called to their men's store, where there is almost a bewildering assort ment of things to please a fussy male. If you want to spend but a little money there is a dollar table from which you may make your selections simply loaded down with ties, scarfs, bill folds, belts, belt buckles, hose, and kindred arti cles all chosen with excellent taste. Man-gifts at every other price, too, at Mayer Bros. Co., and things without number to delight the Lenas and Erma lindas. A Gift Cake from the Golden Pheasant! wouldn't mother be pleased if she could take one of those delicious inelt-in-your-mouth Golden Pheasant cakes from your traveling case it will cer tainly add more than its bit to . holiday festivities be it angel or devil food variety. Have one packer for you the next time you have your lunch at the Golden Pheasant for of course you WILL lunch at this convenient downtown shop when doing your Chriitmas shopping! However, buy cakes if you will, when enjoying after-dance or theater nourish ment at the Golden Pheasant. As you know, they stay open to accomodate you, and serve de lectible salads, sandwiches, pas tries, hot and fountain drinks! Namler S4 aa uria J