The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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    L U
The Daily Nebraskan
Slat-oa A. Uaeela. Maeafca.
ef tb
Baeer rmaUM ef the Btudeat reaUeatioa
Pablinhas Taasday, Wadneaday, Taara
imw. rrldar ead Suadar MM-Blnr rim
aha tudnll M,
Bdltorlal Offtees UalraraltT Hall I.
OfAae Hnrt Aftarasona with tea as
eecrtoa of Friday ead 8unday.
Y.l.paen.i Day, B-sl. We. HI
(editorial, 1 Has BailaMt, I rinnl. Nliat,
Baterae a seeoae-aiaia wiaim-
awatotSae la LIbmIb. Nebraska, eadar
ad Ceavreaa, Hmkl, H7t. aaa at P
(b paataa-a provided for In B
Bateree seeoBd-alais mattar at th
lar act
lilt, act at Ostoeer I.
Jaaaary II. Itll
w 11.11 IMMUf
latla Oopy. I eeota
Bdward Morrow -
l r Uukbf Manaaine
J A. rharrat .Newe
anas Fraadaaa. Jr
I. I. pik.
ftvta Behai
K. Trott Nawi
MIIat Otnn .A t. Nawa
Artaar Sweet. . An t. Nwa
Ataaaader MeKle. Jr..Contribiit nf
Velta W. Torre ..Oontrlbullne
tirii K. Trott Contributing
T. Beree Tut Coatrtbutinc
Otta Skeld - Ba.lne.a Manarei
twipaoa Morton...-AM't. Easiness Manacer
w . . t a j-1, r1 1 n 1 n. llanaeet
piiatana " ; - r-
In the Student Opinion column to
day appears a letter from Wilbur C.
Peterson, In which our suggestion
made yesterday that U Hall be pre
served unoccupied is vigorously, and
more or less logically, attacked. Mr.
Peterson lists several objections to
the continued use of the building
with which we heartily agree. He
then states that if the building were
allowed to stand unoocupied it would
be a fire menace to the other build
ings on the campus. In that, we also
think, Mr. Peterson is right, but that
the danger is as great as he seems
to think we doubt.
There is, of course, danger from
fire in any building, and U Hall is no
exception. Because of its age and
antiquated construction the fire haz
ard is probably greater than from
most buildings. Mr. Peterson seems
to have scored here.
With his'statment U Hall is
an eyesoe we disagree altogether.
Perhaps our taste is uncultivated or
decidedly out of tune, but to us U
Hall presents a far more pleasing
picture than do ether buildings on the
campus that are many years younger.
We have no desire to defend in any
particularly vehement manner our
idea that U Hall should be allowed to
stand. It was advanced merely as
an idea, and we said in the editorial
to which Mr. Peterson objected that
anyone else's idea would be welcome.
Mr. Peterson's idea seems to be to
tear the building down and let it go
at that Perhaps he is right.
Chancellor Avery, who advanced
the idea that a bronze replica of the
building be erected, has also asked
for suggestions in a letter to The
Daily Nebraskan. Contributions
will be welcomed.
The editor of The Nebraskan has
again received several contributions
to the Student Opinion column on
which the authorship is not shown.
Following our custom we will refuse
to print these letters unless the writ
ers come to The Nebraskan office
and asume the responsibility for their
After some consideration we have
decided to change our policy in one
respect Hereafter no student opin
ion will be printed unles the name,
or al' least the initials to the wirter
are slpmed to it
. The student who is so ashamed of
his opinion as to wish to sign "Vox
Populi" or some other meaningless
pseudonym to his leter need not send
it in. Anonymous letters are prac
tically worthies either to the writer
or the reader.
The signing of the initials, how
ever, does not remove the obligation
to inform the editor of the author
ship and to assure him that the writ
er is serious In his discussion.
Student Opinion
The Daily Nebraskan assumes
no responsibility 'for the senti
ments expressed by correspon
dents, and reserves the right to
x c 1 u d e any communication
whose publication may for any
reason seem undesirable. Ex
cept by special arrangement,
communications cannot be pub
lished anonymously.
To The Editor:
Perhaps one of the finest things
connected with the University of Ne-
Welcome Ccada, and to
you too, Kansas. WaVa
Biistr Ud te aaa
you and va hopo you
hava a seed time.
12 r
braska is the sentiment which its
alumni holds for it No doubt, sen
timent is a very fine thing for any
one or anything.
But the editr-" of The Daily Neb
raskan has stepped a little beyond
good Judgment in his efforts to main
tain sentiment. He contends that
for sentimental reasons U Hall
should be allowed to stand. "Per
haps it might be possible," he writes,
"to allow the building to stand un
occupied for several years, maintain
ing In its exterior at least something
of a remcbranco of the University's
pioneer days."
Now all of thk; is very fine to write
and to read, but it is far from good
sound judgement
U Hall is in several things detri
mental to the saety of the Univer
sity. First: It is a fire trap. Not
a day goes by but what the Univer
sity runs a big chance in keping the
building open. Should the old struc
ture ever blaze,' hundreds of persons
would be endangered; valuable rec
ords might be lost
You say, let the old building stand
unoccupied. All right! You elim
inate the immediate danger to lives.
But let a fire start in the old U Hall
some nice breezy day and see just
where you would be. The Armory
to the east would be greatly endan
gered, Pharmacy Hall, the Museum,
Nebraska Hall and Mechanics Arts
Hall as well as Brace Laboratory and
the power station all might be taken
in one conflagration, made possible
because a few persons insisted that
for sentimental reasons U Hall
should remain standing.
Second: U Hall is an eye-sore.
It is not beautiful architecturally.
Its curves and corners -are far from
the best in the building construction.
And, despite the statement of the
editor. "It's ivy covered red brick
walls." we have failed to notice any
large amount of ivy on the building.
Third: To allow U Hall to stand
is the poorest sort of judgment.
U Hall, used for classrooms, con
stantly endangers the students, not
only from fire, but from collapse.
U Hall is not strong. Walk up the
steps of the building. You feel as if
thev mieht cave in at any moment.
Is it good judgment to subject the)
students to such dangers?
Sentiment is fine, but when it dis
places good judgment it is the worst
thing possible. There are in Lin
coln, or were, a number of school
buildings around which could be
placed an endles amount of senti
ment. Think, such and such a per
son first started to school there! Or
such and such a person first taught
school there. We should perpetuate
those buildings! We should have our
children go to them! Think of the
fine sentiment!
But, do the people of Lincoln al
low their children to go to .these
schools? No! They insist on safe,
fireproof, buildings. Do you blame
them? No! Yet these same persons
are now trying to perpetuate old U
Hall , They say it is all right for the
University students to be constantly
endangered by the same conditions
they insist that the Lincoln board of
education eradicate.
I ask you: Are you going to let
sentiment continue to endanger the
lives of hundreds of University stu
dents? Are you going to allow sen
timent to endanger the entire phy
sical plant of the University?
To The Editor:
Nebraska's poet laureate has been
with us for a few days again and
has gone. He is very generous to
us. He is willing and anxious to
know us better and each time he
comes the sphere of his acquaint
ance widens. It is because he ex
hibits this feeling of friendliness to
ward us that we should stand more
ready to greet him with a friendly
hand clasp. Friendship :s a sort of
wealth. Aren't we showing our
selves rather slow to grasp it?
When a commonwealth recognizes
a man s work to the extent that it
confers upon him such an honor as
n laureateship. it does so thinking
ly. It has both plan and purpose in
mind. Nebraska has done some
thing that other states have not
done, and not without a good reason
We as Nebraskans are in possession
of one of Americas foremost liv
in ar poets. Nominally he is ours
In truth he belongs to all states and
to all times. He is fond of his own
state and comes always more than
half way with his friendliness. Why
we have shown reluctance to recip
rocate is hard to explain. And why
need we try to explain? The thing
to do is to seal more effectively the
bonds of friendship between Nebras
ka University and the poet, John G
It is getting so that it seems un
reasonable that Dr. Neihardt should
need to explain to a University audi
ence just what m is doing now and
proposes to do in the future. Does
n't his eminence in his chosen field
shame us for being ignorant of his
workT Is there any reason why the
poet should be unknown in his own
In a normal school in this state
there is a Neihardt club that makes
it its business to study Neihardt and
learn of him. This club does things
to honor Neihardt such things as
erecting memorial tablets, holding
public gatherings and entertain
ments, and giving publicity to his
works. This club is the first of its
kind and there is no reason why it
sho?ld not have offspring. Why not
a Neihardt Club in the University of
I'. ' r'.'T.a? Is it a shame or a dis
grace that we have no such organiza
tion on now? It is both. Perhaps
it would be better for some of our
present organizations were they to
justify their existence by re-writing
their constitutions and virtually
adopting the constitution of the par
ent Neihardt Club.
To The Editor:
An article in this column the other
day mentioned something about some
girl wearing a pin bejeweled to simu
late a sorority pin, and the writer
dubbed the girl "silly" for so doing.
At first glance, I was inclined to
agree; but upon second thought I
fel the correct word is "pathetic".
'It really is pathetic. There must
have' been a reason for her actions.
The writer insisted that a fraternity
pin signified nothing, and if he is
sincere, he will admit that it does
mean something, or else he will neg
lect to wear his pin henceforth until
he is through school at least.After
graduation it doesn't make quite so
much difference; people get on in the
world a little more according to their
worth. As the author of said arti
cle stated, there are advantages and
disadvantages in belonging to a fra
ternity with perhaps a little more ad
vantage than disadvantage rather a
little more good than bad. However,
one must admit that the campus at
mosphere is distinctly Greek and
non-Greek, and there is something
undesirable in that aura.
Haven't you noticer how anxious
the pledges are to be initiated so
they can wear their pins, and how
often coat fronts are, often uncon
sciously enough, thrust back to dis
play that pin? It seems to me that
the evil is not so much in the fra
ternity as in the wearing of the pin.
It puts a false value on people. You
know that; you've noticed it on the
campus, in the classroom. If one is
not big enough to get ahead without
the push of said pin he doesn't de
serve to get on.
If the Greeks are broad-minded
and leally sincerely democratic, they
will give this serious thought and
do something about it. This is a
democratic country. Crests and coat
of arms belong to the another world.
It is true, there is romcance and
much desirable sentiment in such
insignia, that need not be discarded
entirely; we can't be without senti
ment, but let's see if we can't aban
don frat pins on the campus and wait
until we are through school to wear
these recognition badges.
This is written without prejudice,
but with a sincere desire to get at
the base of an existing campus evil.
Ten Years Ago
T. A. Williams had deposited $5,-
523.75 to the credit of the Notre
Dame game. In attendance and re
ceipts this game is by far the largest
in the history of Nebraska.
The second annual banquet of the
Cadet Officers association was held
in the Garden room of the Lincoln.
Dean Oscar V. P. Stout acted as the
The fratricidial strife between the
"Comic" and "Law" sections was the
feature of the football rally held for
the Notre Dame game.
Miss Willa Cather visited in Lin
coin and renewed old time friendship
just before she goes east to try her
literary ability.
The freshmen triumphed over the
Sophomores in the Olympics with a
score of 57 to 52. About 250 fresh
men and 10 sophomores enjoyed the
mud, salt water, and the other na
tural advantages of Salt Creek.
Preliminary basketball practice
has been going on for the past three
weeks. About twenty men have re
Twenty Years Ago
The Faculty Circus was a success
both from the financial point of view
and from the program given. The
bleachers and grand stand were well
filled to see the professors perform
in such a maner. It caused a feel
ing of relief on the part of the pro
fessors to think that they had sur
vived the day.
The class in General Botany was
. I I , I
II . a. it it n ir t it n ir rT n ' ll
larger bv 207 than ever before, and
as consequence the class rooms and
laboratories were overcrowded.
A large number of students ar
ranged to see the Crelghton-Ncbraska
nme. It was expected that Nebras
ka would have as large a crowd as
ever went away from Lincoln to see
a football game.
The Athletic board met in Dr.
ClaDD's office to transact regular
business of the board. The first
thing under discussion was in regard
to the adoption of some official de
rnn which could be worked up into
a badge, pennants and pillow tops.
Since "Cornhusker" was the name as
signed to Nebraska, all designs clear
ly and simply involve that idea were
given preference.
On The Air
University Studio broadcasting
over KFAB (340.8.)
Monday, Oct. 26.
9:80 to 9:55. Weather report,
road report and announcements.
10:30 to 11.00 a. m. The Kitchen
Score Card and Its Uses." Miss
Muriel Smith, State Extension Agent
in Homhe Economics.
1:15 to 1:30 p. m. Address by
Carl C. Engberg, Executive Dean of
the University of Nebraska.
Musical numbers by Elizabeth
Bonnell Davis, Soprano.
3:0 to 3:30. Mr. Rowse B. Wil
cox of the Department of English
will give the fifth of his series ol
talks on "Leading Contemporary
Novelists." Mr. Wilcox has chosen
"William Dean Howella" for this ad
8:05 to 8:30 p. m. "How about
Corn Prices?" Prof. Harold Hedges,
Department of Rural Economics.
"Winter Protection of the Small
Fruits," Prof. C. C. Wiggins, De
partment of Horticulture.
Committee Sponsors Second Mixer
Saturday Night; Hattonians
Furnish Music
The Homecoming party, setond
All-University mixer of the season,
was held at the Armory last night,
concluding a day full of University
events given in honor of the grad
uates. More than 800 students and
alumni were present.
The Hastonians furnished the mu
sic for the evening. Wendell Krause
entertained the crowd during the in
termission period with popular selec
tions on the piano-accordion.
A false ceiling made of scarlet and
cream streamers leading to a huge
welcomfe , sign was designed ' in a
pleasing manner. The decorations
paid homage to the returning grad
uates. .Fruited punch and wafers were
served throughout the evening.
University Players
Give "The Exchange"
A group of the University Players
presented a short play, "The Ex
change," before students of the Lin
coln high school Tuesday and at a
banquet of the agricultural exten
sion service at the University club
on Thursday evening. The cast fol
lows: The Imp, Helen Aach; the
Judge, Mary Tidball; the Poor Man,
Ruth Barton; the Vain Woman, Polly
Robbins; the Rich Mary Elsie Fred
rickson. It will be repeated this
week at a banquet of Lincoln nurses
at the Lincoln hotel on Tuesday,
October 27.
Warner and Avery Attend Meeting
Regent W. P. Warner of Dakota
City and Chancellor Samuel Avery
represented the University at the
Misouri river navigation conference
in Kansas City last week. Dr. G. E.
Condra, director of Conservation and
Soil Survey division, also attended
as one of the delegates from this
Whale Barnacle Given ti Museum
A barnacle from a whale taken
near Seattle, Wash., has been given to
the University Museum by Charles
Hedges, '28, on behalf of Fred Fitz-enger.
The very famous "Scheyer" Line of College
Clothes presented to the Nebraska men by
1309 O St.
Dean LRoaifnolv Outlines LUt of
Subjects Leading to Degree of
Bachelor of Science
Dean LeRossignol summarized the
courses offered by the College of
Bualness Administration leading to
the degree of Bachelor of Science, a
four-year training course for trade
and civic secretaries.
Business subjects:
Principles of Economics.
Agricultural Economics.
Labor and Statistics.
Public and Private Finance.
Public Utilities.
Business Law.
Social Sciences:
Miscellaneous Technical subjects;
and General Educational Subjects.
English Literature.
Natural and Biological Sciences.
This same course is offered at
the University of Illinois.
Alumni Visit Here on Tour
C. A. Rose, B Sc. '02, and Mrs.'
Rose (Florence Mabel Hallowell,
'01), visited on the University cam
pus while enroute from New York
city to the Pacific coast Mr. Rose
is now manager of the research de
partment of the American Smelting
and Refining Company, with head
quarters in New York. He is start
ing on a tour of inspection of plants
in the western part of the United
States and Mexico operated by that
firm. Mrs. Rose is accompanying
Schools Ask For Geography Aids
The department of geogranhy is re
ceiving requests for outlines and
other aids in the teaching or geo
graphy in the elementary schools of
the state. Lists of available supple
mentary material are furnished to
schools upon request and sets of
rock specimens illustrating the bed
rock and mantel rock of Nebraska
are furnished at cost of packing and
Council Members Are to Address
Henry P. Van Dusen and Francis
P. Miller, members of the national
student council of the Y. M. C. A.,
have both agreed to address student
meetings at the University of Neb
raska sometime in the present school
year. The date of their visit will be
announced in the near future.
Dear biary:
Pretty late when I got
in tonight ! Even took off
my Simon shoes at the.
door, so's not to agitate
any light-sleeping bawle
out! But oh what a day!
First the game and then
the most wonderful
Homecoming dance at
the Ki Yi house. They
certainly put on lots of
dog at their parties!
Charlestoned all evening
in those new pumps I got
at Ben Simon & Sons, and
my feet aren't a tired
either. 1 And tlm most
PERFECT chap has ask-
ed me frr n Hnnro Hato
' next Saturday. Said he
wanted a date with the
girl that belonged to the
pretty feet he saw coming
down the stairs. Another
score for my njew Ben
Simon shoes!
X. Dot I
A y 1 7 1
XS. yy Perional Service Bureau H
El Buda Guenxel Co. B
X I SH tv Si ill I SJsn BM Civan to Museum
Two saw-horn Hercules beetles
hsve been presented to the Univer-
v. irnl
slty museum Dy .;. oy ramcr v
Lincoln. Hercules beetles are found
only in South America and have
ii,an that name because of
U CV l g.Tva.
their exceptional strength. One of
the specimens given to the museum
has a long, black beak, holding
at LIA AL.
good-sized piece ol wooo, wmcn m
ko.ti, mi evidently engaged In cut-
L v. V b ' w or w
ting in two. Some Hercules beetles
are able to saw through fairly
large limbs of trees with their strong
Vesper Choir
V'esner Choir practice at Ellen
Smith Hall at 5 o'clock Monday.
Sigma Delta Phi
Important meeting of Sigma Delta
Chi, Sunday, at 8 o'clock at the Phi
Delta Theta house.
Cosmopolitan Club
The Cosmopolitan Club will have
an Informal intcting on Sunday,
October 25, at the home of Mr. Earl
Smith, at 1427 R street Members
are invited to come between 8 and 6
Have vour Cornhusker pictures
taken immediately at the Hauck or
Townsend studios.
Catholic Students
Catholic students will receive the
Communion in a body at 8 o'clock
Mass at the Cathedral Sunday.
Breakfast at Grand Hotel, following,
plate 35 cents.
P. E. O.
All P. E. O. members please tele
phone their names, addresses, and
telephone numbers to Edith Henry,
MO 95 J, or Nancy Haggard, B3580
this week.
Awgwan Contributors
Contributors are .requested to be
gin to turn in copy at once for the
November Awgwan, which will be
called the 'Weather Number." Copy
will not be accepted later than Oct
ober 23.
Y. W. C. A.
Girls interested in Y. W. C. A.
memberships are invited to attend the
discussion groups at Ellen Smith hall
on Tuesday at 11 and Thursday at 5.
Vestals of the Lamp
There will be a meeting of the Ves
tals of the Lamp, Tuesday at 4
o'clock at Ellen Smith Hall.
New Notes
for Winter
For Dresses A flaring
fullness, sometimes in
front, sometimes in back.
Long tight sleeves, Rich
embroidery. The two
piece jumper mode. Bal
griggan. Satin. Char
meen. For Coats High pile fa
brics. Fur, lavishly ap
plied. In borders. High
collars. Tight cuffs, flares
and pleats. Back fullness.
In rich wood browns,
evergreen and wine red.
You will find Rudge &
Guenzel's collection a
perfect exponent of these
newest indications for the
present season.
1 I
1 !
1 1
3 n
iriiiimi irm
juuJ so5 :
$4 "Exchange Photos"
for $2.00 a dozen
at Kennedy's!
for this week only, this
popular studio at 1105 O, is
making this special price . So
now at last, when Gussie and
Ermalinda and Maud want to
exchange pictures, you can
give them a flattering likeness
without thinking "There goes a
lot of money!" Kennedy's are
open Sundays, too, so why net
hurry down today and invests
gate their offer. ' You'll love
the size of these photos and
the finish either silver grey
tone or satin goldtone. All
for ?2 a dozen at Kennedy's!
Gold's Luncheonette
is a Panacea for
Hungry Students!
the best food, and the coziest
place in which to eat it just
one flight down from the main
floor. Here, in attractive pri
vacy, you and the other girls
may discuss the latest college
widow over a cup of afternoon
tea, a malted milk and a sand
wich, or what not. Gold's also
serve satisfying noon day
luncheons either a la carte
or on the club plan whereby
you may lunch for 15, 20c, 25c,
30c or 35c depending upon
the state of your allowance!
Luncheonette during store
hours only.
The Unusual in
Party Decorations
at Frey & Frey!
not only do they have the
flowers that will delight you,
but the ideas as well! Their
new shoulder bouquet for in
stance: a dainty bouquet on an
ostrich shield, complete with
ribbons to fasten it to some
collegiate shoulder! The pret
tiest and most original affair
you ever saw in colors to
match every dancing frock. It
is Frey's too, for clever table
favors made of flowers ai)d for
a complete decorating service.
No' order is too small to receive
their careful attention; none
is too large for them to suc
cessfully execute. Located at
1338 O.
Fine Shoes for
Particular Feet
at Speier's!
no matter how discriminat
ing you may be as to pedal
attire, you'll find what you
want at Speier's! Strip pumps
of gold and silver kid; of black
satin, velvet and patent; shoes
that will dance an ultra-faph-ionable
step at fall functions.
Ready to be worn "as is" or
to be made even more attrac
tive with sparkling pins and
buckles. Pumps, strap slippers
and Southern ties, too, that
will beat an aristocratic path
to 8 o'clocks and afternoon tea
shops. Top-grade footwear
these shoes from Speier's!
Send those Bedraggled
Garments to the
Modem Cleaners!
the ones you wore to the
game! You may think that
mud-spattered coat with all the
cur!y edges will never be the
same again. A trip to the
Modern Cleaners will convince
you to the contrary; And per-
haps your hat droops where it
never drooped before, and has
a limp look that isn't a bit
necessary to a stylish appear
ance, Then it too, is a fit sub
ject for Soukup & Westover's
expert restorative methods.
Moreover, their service is as
prompt as their work is good,
so give them a ring at F 2377.
n n n o