The Daily Nebraskan " VOLXXV. NO. 28. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN. NEBRASKA, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 192 5. PRICE 5 CENTS GREEKS WIN PRIZES FOR DECORATIONS c m Phi Eptilon and Alpha S'g Delta Thela Win in Or ganization Contest LOVING CUP IS AWARD .. tr j Are Fint to names On Trophies Donated by Fen ton Jewelry Co. Featuring a large figure of a col ore student dressed in white duck trou-ors and red sweater with out stretched hands holding illuminated letters N and K, and a large red il luminated "Welcome" sign above the the whole emblematic of the eolege spirit welcoming back the old gradu ates, Sigma Thi-Epsilon won first prize among the fraternities in the annuiil Homecoming decoration of fraternity and sorority houses, and ' the ripht to be -the first organization to have its name engraved on the new cup donated by the Fenton B. Fleming jewelry company. "Help us pluck the Jayhawk's fea ther's" was the theme of Alpha 1 heta decorations that won first place among the sororities, and the silver loving cup also donated by Fleming. A fuzzy Jayhawk suspended in the middle with the sign "Help us pluck the Jayhawk's feathers" was, the cen ter of the decoration. Above it was a large "Welcome Grads" sign. On ither side were large N letters with long streamers extending from the top to the ground. There were so many good decor ations this year that the judges were hard put selecting the honorable mention displays. Four fraternities Phi Kappa, Phi Kappi Psi, Mu Sig ma, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon were awarded honorable mention grading. Three sororities, Alpha Chi Omego, Theta Phi Alpha and Alpha Omicron Pi were given honorable mention. The Alpha Chi Omega, first honor able mention motif was an apt ac companiment to the prize winner's "Help ns pluck the Jayhawk" scheme and showed a Cornhusker chasing a Jayhawk from which all the feathers had been plucked. The Homecoming sentiments were predominant in the Theta Phi Alpha decoration, which centered about a red brick hearth with the motto above "Back to Our Hearth. A large let ter N formed the Alpha Omicron Pi decoration. i The competition for first honor able mention among fraternities was so close that the judges decided to rate them all practically on par. Phi Kappa had a large letter N in red "-ith an electric N above that, and the University seal on either side of a welcome sign. Phi Kappa Psi had an elaborate scheme with an electric "Welcome" sign in the middle, and a numher of tombstones on the side signifying the games won and to be won by Nebraska. Kansas was des 'cribed as dying from Nebraskaitis. Mu Sipma fraternity had a changing red and white system of allumination playing on a huge leter N. Sigma Alpha Epsilon had Jayhawk behind bars on top of a rock arch, with a great ear of corn on top of the whole. The rainy weather .note was struck by Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity Show ing an alumnus rowing a boat on the orean aid heaving into port The basis of judging the displays was 50 per cent on artistic appear ance, 25 per cent on originality, and 25 per cent on execution. The judges were Otto F. Rempke, of May er Bros. Company, D. V. Manrose, of Kirsch of the School of Fine Arts. A Chandler car was donated for the evening by the Ford Delivery Co. Tuesday Night Radio Program Announced The University night program to be broadcast from the University radio station operated in connection ith station KFAB next Tuesday evening, October 27, will include an address, "Agriculture," Foreign mar kets, and the Navy," by Col. John C. ilaher, chairman of the Nebraska 2;av7 Day" committee; and address, Training for Vocation and Citizen ship Through the Nebraska High School Debating League," by Prof. M. M. Fogg, director of the School f Journalism and president of the Ieague; an address, "Provincialism nd Peace," by Prof. Roy E. Coch ran of the department of history; nd musical numbers by Mildred Vfiky, soprano; Helen Howe, flu t; Bernice Mingo, pianist; Bea- "ce Lon?t g0prano; Burdette Tay lor, violinist; Catherine Dean, con tralto; Elizabeth McPherson, so "ano; and the University land under the leadership of Wm. T. Weather Forecast For Sunday: Fair, not so cold. Chancellor Welcomes Discussion On Future of In a letter to the Daily Nebraskan Chancellor Samuel Avery invites commont on disposition of old Uni versity Hall or the erection of a me morial to it. Because of the senti ment attached to the building, the first on the campus, graduates will be particularly interested in offer ing suggestions, he thinks. His leter follows: "University officials welcome the discusions as to what should be done with historic buildings, and appreci ate the tone and temper of your re cent editorial. However, it contains one important error which should be corrected. The writer has confused old Nebraska Hall with the old U Hall. Profesors Besey and Brace did not work in U Hall. Their work was in Nebraska Hall. Many dis tinguished profesors, however, such as Dean Edgren and others, labored in U Hall; and the building has been the center of student activities, pub lications, etc., from the beginnin of the University. It is rich in historic sentiment, but unfitted for practical use. NAME WORKERS FOR CARNIVAL Robert M. Scoular Announces Committees for Annual Military Fete NOVEMBER 14 TO BE DATE The names of the different com mittees who will have charge of the military carnival have been announc ed by Robert M. Scoular, general chairman of aH committees. This carnival, which is a yearly event put on by Scabbard and Blade, will come immediately after the mid-se mester examinations. The affair will be held in the Armory on the evening of November 14. The names of those on the differ ent committees have been selected from the names turned in by stu dents of the military department who were desirous of helping with the carnival. The committee chair men and the members of the differ ent committees are as follows: Publicity Victor Hackler, chair man, Judd Crocker and Wm. Cejnar. Bar committee Clark Beymer, chairman, Paul Treadwell, Jacob Whalen, Wayne Gratigny and A. Parriott. Confetti Forrest Hall, chairman, Whitney Gillilaud, Harold Zinnecker and Arthur Breyer. Check room Floyd R. Wagner, chairman, E. A. Jones, E. C. Hod' der, Reginald Miller and Ralph Wag ner. Decorations Floyd Stryker, chairman, Austin Sturdevant, Frank lin Dur, Loren Nelson, Lloyd Tuc ker, E. T. Jolinson, Jr., Watson Fos ter and Clarence Paine. Gamblings Robert Tynan, chair man, Theodore Ratcliff, Edward Crowley, Leslie Brinkworth, Rich ard Blore and Paul Stauffer. Police Mark Fair, chairman, T. Ray Tottenhoff, Leo Black, Rudy Lucke, Harold Stebbins, John Tay lor, Robert Diller and Roy Clarks. DIRECTORY READY FOR PUBLICATION Work Will Start Soon on Booklet Put Out by the University Christian Association Student and faculty lists for the Student Directory published each year as the official University direc tory by the University Christian As sociations are in the hands of the printer. "Proofs will be posted for each person's check as soon as they are available from the printer probably the latter part of next week," an nounces V. Royce West, 27, Elm wood, editor. Each person will hand in any corrections to be made on a card furnished for the purpose. The lists will be posted in Social Science building and in the main building at the Agricultural College. Both stu dents and faculty are urged to take advantage of the opportunity to see that information concerning them is correct since the responsibility haa been placed in their hands. The social organization section, including fraternities, sororities and literary societies, has been prooi r read, and is ready for final print- ing. Lists by home towns are prac tically completed in their setting by the printer. V,K.HU.U.U y.r ----- in their names, organization, Hdress .a folh- numW t the Y. w. !m. Two Old Buildings "Let us hear from alumni, old and young, as well as .from the present students and faculty, discussions in regard to what shall be done with old buildings, taking care not to con fuse University Hall, the old main building, with Nebraska Hall, the old science building, from which the roof and third story have ben removed re cently." 'PL 1 1 r a ic umana w oria-neraid, m a re cent editorial as to what should be done with U Hall says: "Chancelor Avery, in a current number of the Nebraska Alumnus, proposes that a. bronze monument be erected on the university campus to mark the site of the University Hall, condemned for early destruction as unsafe for much further use. "A memorial to a building is un usual, but the chancellor's sugges tion will meet with wide response from tens of thousands of Nebraska university students and alumni. "For "U Hall" was the first uni versity building. It marked the (Continued on Page Three.) Brown Returns Punt For Final Touchdown "Jug" Brown John "Jug" Brown whose heady work at quarter was largely respon sible for the Cornhusker victory. In the dying moments of the game he returned a punt 45 yards through the entire Kansas team for Nebras ka's second touchdown. Faculty to Speak at Teacher' Meeting a Several members of the Univer sity faculty will take part in the program arranged for the science section of the Nebraska State Teach ers Association of district No. 1, which will meet on the afternoons of November 5 and 6 during the annual convention. Ralph W. Tyler, assist ant supervisor of sciences, is in charge of the science section pro gram. Prof. Herbert Browne" of the department of secondary education will speak on "The Status of the Science Teachers;" R. D. Moritz, di rector of the teachers placement bureau, will discuss "The Adminip trator's View of Science Teaching;" and Dr. F. D. Barker of the depart ment of zoology will give an address on "Evolution and Inspiration." In , Nebraska One of Few Universities To Have Federal Weather Bureau The man who is always looking I for sunshine he is Thomas A. Blair, head of the U. S. Weather Bureau at Lincoln and may be found any day in his office in the "e labor atory. This bureau is one of the few in the United States which is located in University quarters and co-operating with the University. All weather bureaus, and there are over two hun dred stations similar to this one in the United States, are connected with the Department of Agriculture. The work in stations differs according to local conditions, and most of them are located in federal buildings. Mr. P'air has the official govern ment title of Meteorologist, and among the University faculty he is a x a. T Z. A4a known as Assisianv tricv. ionrlnirv. ana conducts a ciass. Not many know of the work done by this department. A great deal ci tirre U spent in observing and ma- 'k;nf record. This consists of a .n . fit 7 . oauy ru...6 and 7 p. m., to determine the FORUM WILL HEAR SPEECH BY GRUMMANN Fine Arts Professor Will Give Address on European Art At Weekly Luncheon TO DISCUSS ATHLETICS Situation at Large Universities Will Be Considered Pro and Con In Near Future Prof. Paul II. Grummann, direc tor of the school of fine a - . will address the World Forum 'ednes day on "Impressions of European Art." The committee in charge of the World Forum discussions am nounces that there will be a discus sion on the athletic question in the near future. Professor Grummann visited Eur ope last year spending a large amount of his time in the art mu seums and galleries of the Euro pean capitals. Several of the most famous galleries in each Paris, Lon don, and Berlin were visited as well as those in other cities on the con tinent. In discussing the athletic situa tion, the committee announces that speakers will present the arguments for and against the athletic .situa tion as it is found in large univer sities of the present with the idea of contrasting the situation with that in foreign universities. Over two-hundred and thirty stu dents attended the meeting last week at which Kirby Page spoke. The question of world peace and the re cent Locarno agreement was discus sed, with Page and Mrs. Morgan of the League for Prevention of War, leading. Tickets will be on sale for the coming meeting at the Y. M C. A., Y. W. C. A. and at vespers. JANE ADDAMS TO MAKE ADDRESS Well Known Founder of Hull House Will Speak on "Recent Move ments Toward Peace" "Recent Movements Towards Peace" will be ihe subject of the lecture to be given by Miss Jane Addams of Hull-House, Chicago, at St. Paul's church next Monday eve ning, at eight o'clock on the World Court, its activities and aims. Miss Addams is the founder of the Social Settlement of Hull-House in Chicago and many eminent women have been associated with her in the work there. Among them are Miss Julia Lathrop, first chief of the Federal Children's bureau a position which she held for ten years; Miss Edith Abbott, a Univer sity of Nebraska graduate, who is now Dean of the Graduate School of Work in Chicago; and Miss Grace Abbott, her sister, who succeeded Miss, Lathrop as chief of the Federal Children's bureau. Many social reforms have started at Hull-House. It wps there that open air schools, Americanization work, the playground movement, manual training, domestic science and the school garden movement had their origin. Hull-House has also been influen tial in obtaining industrial legisla tion, such as the Illinois child labor law, the juvenile court and women labor regulation. Tickets for the Jane Addams lec ture are available at Miss Appleby's office in Ellen Smith Hall and at the Y. M. C. A. office in the Temple. Balcony seats are twenty-five cents, main auditorium fifty cents. temperature of the day, the rainfall, wind velocity, and humidity. There are also instruments giving contin uous automatic records of the wea ther conditions. These records are kept and make a permanent history. They are valuable to engineers who are working on drainage problems, overflow, and sewers. By using the records the normal climate of Neb rnnka can be established. There are similar stations located in about one hundred and thirty-five smaller towns over the state. They are less complete and are operated by local men and women who volun teer to keep a record of the temper ature and rainfall. They are unpaid observers only thermometers, rain guages, and official forms of station ery are furnished. They keep a daily record of the temperature and send in the results to thi3 office, which is the center of this section. They are examined, checked and ta bulated, and put on a monthly bulle tin, called Climatological Data. This (Continued on Page Three.) Presnell Makes Name In Saturday's Contest f 0 Glenn Persnell Glenn Presnell, former DeWitt high school star, who made a name for .himself in yesterday's victory over Kansas. Presnell was given his first opportunity to show his stuff in the Saturday's game and he came through by displaying a brilliant brand of offensive and defensive football. TO HOLD CANDLE LIGHT SERVICE New Members Will be Taken In Y. W. C. A. at Vespers Next Tuesday PURPOSE IS FOUR-FOLD The annual candle lighting ser vice will be held Tuesday at 5 o'clock at Ellen Smith hall. At this service the girls who join the Y. W. C. A. do so by the symbolic service of lighting the small candles which they carry from the large candle repre senting the light of the Christian re ligion. About 150 new members are to be taken in this year. Those interested in the Y. W. C. A. have been meeting in discussion groups every luesday at 11 o clock and Thursday at 5 o'clock. The discus-! sion next luesday morning will be; the last before the formal service, i "I think the membership this year - is a little more thought! ul and a little more real because the girls i have met in these discussion groups," ' says Miss Appleby, secretary of the ' Y. W. C. A. j The purpose of the organization, as it has been expressed is: first,, to lead students to faith in God '. through Jesus Christ; second, to lead, them to membership and service in j the Christian Church; third, to pro mote their growth in Christian faith and character, especially through the ! study of the Bible; fourth to influ-1 ence them to devote themselves, in united effort with all Christians, to ; making the will of Christ effective in human society, and to extending the Kingdom of God throughout the world. The program at these services will be: Processional No. 248 "The Church's One Foundation." Prayer. Scripture Reading. Vocal solo, "The Lord is My Shep herd." Candle lighting. Reading of the purpose. Silent prayer. Benediction. Recessional The Hymn of the Lights. Members of the membership com mittee will serve as ushers and host ess. Ihey are Helen Howe, Ida May Flader, Helen Anderson, Marcelle iitenger, Romain Dinckinson, Irene Lavely, Rose Fatinger, 'Marion Eim- ers, Pearl Diller, Kathro Kidwell, and Eva Krough. Mary Eilen Edgerton will conduct the servicer and in the candle limit ing will be assisted by Elsie Gram lich, president of the University Y. W. C. A. Jorgensen Goes to Washington Arthur Jorgensen, secretary of the University Y. M. C. A. left Friday for Washington, D. C, where h" will attend the annual business session of the national council of the Y. M. C. A. as one of the member from Ne braska. On his return trip he will stop in Chicago to complete arrange ments now being made for a series of lectures at the University of Ne braska, later in the year by disting uished religious educators. HUSKERS DEFEAT KANSAS IN HOMECOMING CONTEST Nebraska Football Team Turns in Twenty-First Win Over Jay hawk Machine, 14-0, Before Audience of Six teen Thousand in Stadium GLEN PRESNELL SHOWS UP Sophomore Back Plunges and Runs in Emulation of Choppy Rhodes; Kansas Gridsters Provide Plenty of Of Opposition to Nebraska Outfit The Nebraska Cornhuskers turned in their twenty-first football victory over Kansas yesterday afternoon, 14-0, and alonp; with the victory came the appearance of a new star in the Nebraska camp. He is Glen Presnell, DeWitt halfback playing with Nebraska as a sophomore, and he plunged his way to recognition yesterday emulating the veteran Choppy Rhodes. It was the annual Homecoming game and was wit nessed by about sixteen thousand fans who braved the rain and cold to see the battle in the stadium. The Jayhawks provided more opposition than they were given credit for in pre-game dope. They held the Huskers scoreless until the closing minutes of the third quarter, and put up such stiff opposition that Nebraska failed to score twice when they were within seven yards of the goal-line. EXPECT MANY AT LUNCHEON Pep to be Keynote of Annual Girls' Cornhusker Lun cheon Saturday TASSELS TO SELL TICKETS Pep, and lots of it, will be the key note of the Girls' Cornhusker lunch eon next Saturday. Phil Sidles will h" there and begin by leading cheers, folowed by "There Is No Place Like Nebraska.' The Cornhusker luncheon needs no introduction to any upperclassmen. I For years it has been part of the I football season,, and generally was held on Homecoming. When it start j ed it was always held at the Lincoln, but the dining room only accommo dated five hundred girls at the most, some were always disappointed. For the past two years it has been held in the Armory, but that too, be came crowded, and it has been moved ito the Scottish Rite Temple. I The Tasscp have charge of the tic i ket sale which begins Monday after noon and lasts till Friday, at noon, j Tickets are seventy-five cents apiece. I The four class honorary organiza tions. Mystic Flsh,.Xi Delta, Silver : Serpents and Valkyrie, will act as the j waitresses. They will be dressed in red and white and will wear their arm bands. Doris Pinkerton will supervise the serving. The tables will be decon.ted in red and white and there will be pep fa vors for everyone. During the course of the luncheon the University Girls' Quartette will sing. Katherine Gallagher will dance, and there will be saxaphone solos, and other music. The Tassels dressed in red sweaters and white skirts, will sit at a special table and will be the pep center. They will give a stunt, and will start most of the cheering. The committee in charge of the food are making every effort to serve an attractive a luncheon as they canjDack. d'l most of the pissing for the to such a large number. Cyrena Jayhawks, but completed only five Smith is in charge, and has plar ned out of ten attempts, the following menu: pressed chick-1 The playing of Presnell and Brown en, scalloped corn, pickles, fruit sal-; was a heart-warming feature of the al. hot rolls, strawberry ice, and game. Both are sophomores, and coffee. Marguerite Forsell, general chair-1 more years. To be sure, Presnell man, has sent circular letters to all i did not outshine Rhodes in his plun the houses urging them to clos? their Jging feats, but he is a likely follower tables and all come to the luncheon, i in "Choppy's" footsteps. This is one of the few times when The heralded Kansas passing at Nebraska women students have a tack did not come into evidence until chance to demonstrate their loyalty ;late in the game, because the Jay- and school spirit and all should be present. Miss Amanda Heppner, dean of women, and Miss Erma Appleby, secretary of the Y. W. C. A., will be the honor guests. Many alumnas who are returning for the game are ex pected to be present at the luncheon. Article by Brownell Urges Science Training Prof. Herbert Brownell of the de partment of secondary education is the contributor of an article entitled "Some Aspects of Physics Teaching" in the current issue of school of science and mathematics, the no tional publication of the association of science and mathematics teach ers. The article is based on the results of a study made at the Uni versity last year by Miss ' Agnes Undeland found that forty per cent of the classes in science in Nebraska high schools are taught by teachers who have not had eight credit hours of University preparation in that subject She also found that the average high school science teacher is required to teach at least three different science subjects. In his article Professor Brownell discusses these problems and urges that teach ers be prepared to meet such conditions. AS NEW BACKFIELD STAR Nansas Opposition Stiff The Kansas line was torn open time after time by the Nebraska backs, and the game was played al most entirely in Kansas territory. But with Nebraska touchdowns only seven yards away, the Kansas team twice tightened up and prevented a score. The first touchdown came near the close of the third quarter. Start ing from the 44-yard line, the Husk ers plunged straight down the field, using straight football, for a touch down. First Rhodes made five yards then Presnell plunged for four; Pres nell made it first down with another plunge and on the next play broke away for eleven yards. Rhodes went off tackle for fifteen yards. A mo ment later Rhodes hit the same hole for a ten-yard gain, placing the ball on Kansas' six yard line. Presnell and Rhodes together pushed the ball over for the score, and Brown drop kicked the extra point. The second, and last, touchdown came as the result of another sopho more's flashy play. Jug Brown, who has already made himself a per manent berth on the first squad, ran back a punt for the counter. The Huskers had run the ball to Kansas' five yard line but had failed to score. With his back to the goal-posts, An derson punted forty yards to Brown, and the former Lincoln high school star ran forty-five yards in a beau tiful exhibition of open-field run ning. He had good interference and crossed the line with no opposition. Huskers Kept From Scoring The invaders played sound foot ball, but they lacked the strength to beat Nebraska. The Huskers, in their turn, did not show tHe, goods in the first half at all. They haa plen ty of power in the middle of the feild but when they were within walking distance of the goal line, they lack ed the punch to push it across. Baker, a flashy Kansas end, played the individual star for the Jayhawks. He broke through constantly to wor ry the Nebraska backs, and was an important factor in both the defense and the offence. Schmidt, Kansas will be in the Husker lineup for two hawks were backed into their own territory most of the time and did not flash any aerial stuf. In the last quarter, however, the invaders com pleted several passes for long gains which put them temporarily out of danger. " The Play-By-Play Report v. First Quarter Captain Smith of Kansas won the toss and chose to defend the north goal. Captain Ed Weir kicked off, but the ball rolled dead on the fifty yard line and was brought back for another try. Ed Weir kicked off to Kansas' ten yard line and Anderson returned fifteen yards. Weiiman punted forty yards to Brown who returned seven yards. A pass by Presnell was incomplete. Presnell made five yards off left tac kle. Presnell made three yards through the same hole. Ed Weir punted thirty yards to Anderson, who returned five yards, Stiner making the tackle. Schmidt failed to gain at center. Mackie made a yard at center. Wellman's punt was partial ly blocked and Presnell recovered on Kansas' thirty-six yard line. Pres nell mad'3 five yards of f right tackle. Rhodes made two yards. Lattin borke through and threw Rhodes for loss of two yards. Erown attempt- (Continued on Page Four.) C. A. office in the Temple.