THE DAILY NBBRA3KAN RIALTO Wefe Weefe ,HiiimiiiniiiniimitiiiiniiuMinituiiiu mil wimmmmitimmm m uimitiiiiiiimnmiiiiiiii tmmiiimiiimiiimiinmm mum 111 HWWTTTJ aaaaaw i i saasaaaaaaaaaaaaai . wOi JACK HOiT, tOU WltSOH, HOAH WRY, FjAYMOiW HATTOH ON 'THE STAGE Evening With the Arapahoes Atmospheric Proloius NEWS TRAVELFEST Sing Them Again Raymond Hoiford, Vocalist DOG DAYS A Bit Uugh With the Cant Klddlss Publish New Numbtsr Of Business Studies Tho clovonth of tho' Nebraska Studios In Business which aro pub lished by tho Collcgo of Business Ad ministration will bo published soon. It Is ontltlod, "Credit Control 6f Wholosnlo Distribution." EGYPTIAN KfUMMY IS FOUND IN BASEMENT (Continued from Pago Ono.) tual burial pluco of Tutankhamen and that tho mummy found was tho roal mummy. Among thoso mon woro Prof. T. E. Poot, Qoorges Hcho, and Professor Schlnpparolll. Somo believed that this was merely n hid ing place for Xing Tutankhamen's treasures t and others thought that tho tomb belonged to a moro rocont ruler. This latest discovery mado only yesterday substantiates their belief and discredits tho much-horaldod explorations of the English archcolo- gists, Carter and Carnaryon. An Egyptian law which states that if n tomb is opened, a division of tho treasures must bo mado with tho government, must havo boon tho causo for tho abduction of tho origi nal mummy to this country. King Tutankhamen was n lover of music nnd danco. During his re glmo as rulor of Egypt ho was nlwaya nttonded by beautiful dancers. It Is Symphony rlayers, Jean L. Schaslier, Cond.i Organist, lltrbsrt C. MacAhan SHOWS START AT 1, 3, 8, 7, 0 p. m. Mat. 38, Nile 50c. I All A lias Week Colonial All This Week UuuniniiniuiimniimininiiiiiMmimiiiintuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiuiiiinniinniiuniiiiuiiiiiiKiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiiimiii iiiiiMinniiritiiiimmtttiiimnmtimni tZ''BBB1BSMBSSll benNY Leonard "Ja22Berry' romance" In TLY1NO FISTS" I AUEHS OAI-ORE J. C. H. RICHARDS, D. F. EASTERDAY. Orranlsts. SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 0,. MATS 20I Nile 25cj ChU. 10c. TENNIS- Everybody is playing tennis. Are you ready? If not come in and see us at once. RACKETS RESTRUNG one-day service if necessary $2,50 to $g00 NEW TENNI5 RACKETS Wright & Ditson and Harry C. Lee makes ' 250 $15.00 Tennis balls -50c each Tennis shoes ...v...1...$ltS0 to $2.50 White Duck PaiiU $2.75 & $3,25 Bring in your tennis racket, we will shellac it free of charge. Golf Fraternities See us when: in need of See us on your Baseball Balls, Clubs, Knickers, Needs. You are entitled Hose, Bags, etc. We have to a ial price on any. the most complete stock , . , in Lincoln. thing that you need. L A WL OR Sporting Goods CO 1134 N St. B-2021 The Nebraskan Advertisers Are ORPHEUM THEATRE Friday and Saturday, May 1 and 2 MATINEE SATURDAY SUPERLATIVE EVENT OF THE DRAMATIC SEASON Thi Famous All-Star Company, Comprising MRS. FISKE nHAIINHFY OLCOTT THOMAS A. WISE "Tho Rivals' LOLA FISHER In Richard Brlnsley Sheridan's IMMORTAL KNSLISH COMEDY ANB OTHERS Appearing Undar tha Manairamsnt ol George C. Tyler and Hugh Ford vwrvew w si PRICES Mat., Nlsht. $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. Plui Tax. Aaafa nnw nri atalt. believed that he will fit right In with the rest of tke cast Friday night. The dog has been adopted by the Kosmet Klub nnd will enjoy one of the choice seats at both perform' ancos where he can easily view the remit of his labors. Thi. Week's BUG RECORD HIT I Can't Realize Lady of the Nile Be aura and htar Ihl and some ol lha othar lata Brunswick records. laZ 1210 O ST. Zd Wa Sand Records On Approval DANCE At The Summer Resorts THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA Presents Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra HENRI VERBRUGGHEN, Conductor City Auditorium X 23 Matinee 2 :30 P. M. Soloist Henry J. Williams Harpist. 1 "Marsh of the Sardar" from "Caucasian Sketches," IppolHotf Ivanoff. 2 Prelude "The Last Dream of the Vlrcln" Massent. (For String Orchestra) 3 Ballade and Air Slave, from "Cop pella" DeUbes. I (Violin solo, Gustavo Tinlot) 4 Waltt, Danube,' On the Strauss. Beautiful Blue S Solos for Harp: a. "Minstrel's Adieu" Thomas. b. "Echoes of a -Waterfall." Thomas. Rhapsody "Espana," Charbrier. Tickets! Children 60c, Adults $1.00. Evening, 8:15 P. M. Soloist Marie Tiffany Soprano, 1 Overture to "The Marriage of Figaro," Motart. 2 Aria, "Dovei sono" from "The Marriage of Figaro," Mozart. 3 Symphony No. 6 In B Minor (Pathetique), Tschaikowsky. I Adagie Allegro Andante Allegro vivo. II Allegro eon gratia. III Allegro molto vivace. IV Finale, Adagio lamentoso. (Intermission) I Theme and Variations from Quartet In A. Op. 18 Beethoven. (For String Orchestra) S Aria, "Jewel Gong" from "Faust" Gounod. ... 6 Prelude to Act III, "Lohengrin., Wagner. Tickets: $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 St $2.50. TAX FREE. SEAT SALE NOW. Rots P. Curtice Co., 1240 O St. THIS Two women vie for man's love Which gets him? 3 You can't tell until you'v seen thfa mlsnty drams me slorjr ol women vrno kl live of women who lose and why and now? IB imiaO i m (N WEEK 11 ixtr From Struetbcra Burt's Famous Novel "Tha Intarpreter'a House" 3iri national Pich3 ON THE STAGE Princess Ckm CImc Toy Chinese Comedienne of CANTON, CHINA Internatioal Entertalnere Cemmvmaty Singing Ivan McCormlek Bobby VerBoa In a New Comedy "DON'T PINCH" Croi Word PuMle" news Torres LYRIC CONCERT ORCHESTRA U. C McVay. BireeteT Mrs. Mar M. Wats, Orcaabt Prepare Now! Wo can teach you tho lat est Steps, easily and quickly. Phone Now for ap pointment L-G028 Carroll's Neb; State Bank Bldge., 15tb and O. mon. igMLFn II M0N WED. WSfmlSF WED. WHERE THOUSANDS MEET THOUSANDS DAILY A Pretsntlous Vaudsvllls Novetljr COMING THURSDAY VAUDE VILLE SHOW NUMBER THREE WITH TEN WRIGHT DANCERS HOWARD'S SPECTACLE EILEEN VAN BIENE and RICHARD FORD Bobby O'neill & Co. In a New Edition el "FOUR QUEENS & A JOKER" with Patsy Dalaney, Dolly King, Ainee Furtall and Ruth Hamilton IIELENE JACK Hamilton & Barnes A Versatile Duo Presenting thslr "102S Version ol 'JUST FUN " An Out'oMhe-Ordlnary Offering Hanson & Burton Sisters The Magic Man and His Magical Maids" An Amaxlng Vaudsvllle Artist Don Valerio Italy's Premier Wire Dancer Williams & Young Tha Well Known Funsters In "KOONTOWN TOPICS" NEWS " IDAHO " -sportl,ch BABICH AND THE ORCHESTRA Entire Change of Program Thursday SHOWS AT 2i30, 7i00, OlOO. MATS, 2Sj NTTE, S0c CA1, 20c. Pay Your Stadium Pledge Now And Wear a Smile ARE YOU Interested In Clothes Value ? Is WHEN a responsible Clothing House has something to offer that is in more ways than one en tirely "out-of-the-ordinary;" something in the way of STYLE, at a very reason able PRICE, you'd at least LOOK at it, wouldn't you? Mid-Season Shipment MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Super Value SUITS 50 HAND TAILORED BY Fashion Park & Bradford THERE'S no question of these Suits being right as to style. They're the type of Suit worn by well groomed men. The fabric, workmanship and qual ity leave nothing to be desired. Considering what they are and the high grade type of "fash ion smartness," they represent, competition is easily defied, especially at the prices quoted. TWO -PANTS SUITS FEATURING at unusually low prices a selection represent ing style and value that certainly ought to interest you. $25 $30 35 See Windows Cosapare Values TENTH .VOSTS.- QUALITY CORNER 1 Your Friends Patronize Them SHOWS XX U S, T. & 3AT3, 2Sct NITE. 40c ! CttkU, 10c