THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i I ' oow MON.-TUES.-WEl . . nut at ruiiMiil Music Broderick & Felsen Revue Beautiful With HILL'S CHICAGO BLUE DEVILS HILL'S "pucUJSLEFF WALTER FISHTER i..littd hr AWU March and Co, A " Sm the Corner Playlet HCONTO THE KITCHEN" THATCHER, DEVEREAUX & ADAMS Vaudavllle'a Faatesl Dancers A PEACH AND A PAIR" An Original Blackface Funster PHIL DAVIS A Dark Knlgbt from Dixieland BUB SNYDER & CO. Presentlnr Novelty A CYCLONE OF FUN" "IDAHO" I MINUTE NEWS AND VIEW3 BABICH AND THE ORCHESTRA SHOWS AT 2 1 30 TiOO 8:00 J RIALTO ALL THIS WEEK The Jnlt, Joltlest picture el the year 40 WINKS A Paramount Picture with VIOLA DANA, THEODORE ROB ERTS, AND RAYMOND GRIFFITH OTHER ENTERTAINING PICTURES ON THE STAGE The European Artist ANNA SHADKOWA and CHARLES WEIDMAN Of the Ruth St. Denis Co. Presenting DANCE SKETCHES SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 0. LYRIC THIS WEEK A Festival of Laughter and Music You Like RUPERT HUGHES' Fast and Furloua Comedy 'EXCUSE ME' With NORMA SHEARER and CONRAD NAGEL OTHER ENTERTAINING PICTURES ON THE STAGE The Victor Record Artists OSS MAN & SCHEPP World's Famous Ban)olsta SHOWS AT 1, S, S, 7, 9. 1 THIS WEEK BIG COMEDY BILL JOHNNY HINES See a Riot of Laughter "THE SPEED SPOOK" LLOYD HAMILTON In a New Comedy "HELLO HOLLYWOOD" "THE PACEMAKER" Second Story, Entitled "HE WHO GETS SLAPPED" SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7. 0, If You Knew He eat; It U to Learn Dancing tea Harvey Car rail method, jrou vuldn't put off heraine another alaat. Social and Stage Dancing Writs and Class Lessons Dally. , 'T. Appointment mmtasmmC In aTssssss& 'bh Carroll's Neb. State Bank Bid. 15th & O UNIVERSITY ENGINEERS HAVE INTERESTING TRIP (Continued from Pago One.) Tho companies visited Tuesday furnished transportation to tho group by tho provision of busses. Wednesday at 8 o'clock H. S. Showlns, results engineer, directed the men through tho Kansas City Railway Company's Second and Grand power station. Mr. Showing has reduced considerably the cost of operation to his company. The Kansas City Power and Lltrht Company's northeast power station, Warner and Missouri River, wero next visited. Hero tho engineering students wero .addressed by Chief Electrical Engineer R. L. Frlsbio and Chief Combustion Engineer, McDonald. They wero tho guest of tho. company at lunch. Wednesday afternoon tho W. S. Dickey Clay Manufacturing Com- Collwe Seal Stationery WltH NAME Dd ADDRESS 100 Envelope. 1 RtiLu Ym.M..J II II III Willi! 1, Mtok n M,lnit4d. VrtM vd itnLl. COUCCIATE STATtaMERV CA. I W S. Oearbora St. CMoao. IWaoto i i iuwi aui m woo e: It la about this time of year that some people start won dering whose coins to be tap- pea innocents in June, umi feu fcv.r heie uid 1'U ffive Tou my ideas on who It will be. That's startling Isn't it. out i really naw some I Mothers9 Day Cards at Latsch Brothers 1118 O St Hotel D' Hamburger 5c Buy' 'em by the sack 1141 Q St. Your Character read from your HAND WRITING Your Character and Tem perament are revealed by every pen stroke in the letters you write by the way you sign your same and the way yon cross your t's. Users of Crane's Linen Lawn and Eaton's Highland Linen may hare tho services of an eminent graphologist who will give an individ ual character reading from a specimen of your hand writing. Let us tell yon about it. TUCKER SHEAN 1123 "O" St. See Our Window Season's Biggest Event- THE NIGHT OF NIGHTS AUDITORIUM FRIDAY NITE N. V. A. (NATIONAL) (VAUDEVILLE) (ARTISTS) BALL MIDNIGHT FROLIC 15 VAUDEVILLE ACTS 15 1 SURPRISE NUMBER 1 5 DANCE ORCHESTRAS 5 DANCING 4:30 TILL MIDNIGHT FROLIC FROM MID-NIGHT TILL 2:00 A. M. &0ORS OPEN AT 9:00 P. M. TICKETS $l,PJiUx pany, Monroe and Quintette Streets, was viewed. A photograph of tho students was taken here, which ap peared in tho Kansas City Journal. Tho Armour and Company Pack ing Plants, Armour station, Kansas City, Kansas, was the first placo of Thursday's visits. Hero the details of interest to studentts were stress ed, which gave tho men a view of tho plant which aro not open to regu lar visitors. Lunch, Including tho famous "ham what am," was served by tho Armour Company. Afternoon visits wero made at tho Kansas City Structural Steel Com pany, 21st and Metropolitan Avenue, and, in tho caso of chemical engi neering students, to tho Peet Broth ers Company, soap manufacturers, Kansas City, Kansas. Tho Kansas City, Missouri, Water Works at Quindaro wero visited at ,8:30 Friday morning. At 10 o'clock tho engineering students watched dredging and reclamation work dono by tho Woods Brothers Company, at Fairfax. Chemical engineering i students were luncheon guests of tho Cook Paint and Varnish Company. Inspection of city bridges and via ducts, starting at the Kansas City, Kansas end of the Inter-City Via duct was made Friday afternoon. The party wero guests of tho Chamber of Commerce at a special luncheon, at which speakers were Mr. Rose, Kansas City architect, and Mr. Darby, president of tho Kaw Boiler Works. Engineering faculty members who composed the inspection trip com mittee were: C. A. Sjogren, mechani- The College Press ADD EDUCATIONAL REFORMS. Tho Lantern proposes an innova tion in graduations. It is that tho gigantic, monstrous, enormous, elo phantinc, commencements now prac ticed at this University bo discon tinued, and that for them bo substi tuted departmental commencements. For example, there will bo say twonty-fivo graduato3 of tho depart mental of journalism this spring. Theso twenty-five must join in with 1200 from every other department of instruction in tha University. They must go a baccalaureate sermon with the young army, and they must listen to a commencement address with the army. Tho trouble with these commence ment addresses is that the speaker feels tho need of bringing into hb address something of interest to ev ery graduate. Tho result is a mass of advice to engineers and farmers, to pharmacists and lawyers. And the awarding of diplomas on such a wholesale scale takes away from the ceremony all that is per sonal. The man who hands tho Sheep skins to the eager seniors does not know tho seniors. It is a formal ges ture for him. Our plan provides for a simple graduation, and one which does not cal engineering, chairman; F. W. Norris, electrical engineering; H. J. Kcsner, civil engineering; C. M. Duff, applied mechanics; and J. D. Parsons, agricultural engineering. Fashion is sa art-One of the fine arts to be cultivated among other higher expres sions of beauty. The House of Youth imparts the spirit of youth anal triumph of fashion in an exquisite line of COATS, FROCKS and ENSEMBLE SUITS About each model an originality, dash and charm that make beautiful fabrics and lovely colors still more fascinating Sold with this . label in all the better shops everywhere Write us for inform ation where they may be obtained SCHULMAN & HAUPTMAN 224 WEST 35th ST., NEW YORK RIVALS THE BEAUTY OF THE SCARLET TAWAOER 1 y at 1 1 yvs "Here, use my Dnofold: fejjM t ' 5L th' Pen ne'er falls me." Over-Size Duof old Holds That Extra Ink Which Is Just Like Money in the ' Bank Wlien You Need It And Its Man-Size Grip Keeps Fingers Gently Extended so You Can't Cramp Your Style MANY a time the Dnofold's Over-size ink capacity will ride yoa over those extra pages of writing that yoa can't foresee when yoa go to class, or that come as an Afterthought in your correspondence. An executive of the Public Securities Corporation, Los Angeles, writes us: "I signed ray name to 1067 checks with one filling of ray Puofold in just 1 hr. 30 mxn." Yes, not only dlmtanoe writing but speed aa well .the speed and character that win with the world. The rise of tUe strapping big, black-tipped lacquer-rod beauty provides you not only with ink to spare, bat also with a zaan-aize grip that can't cramp your style. Its symmetry and balance Inspire and Steady the bandit jewel-emootif point k ' guaranteed, if not mitfbsated, for 25 years' WEAR. ' Step lb and get it at any good pen counter. llc?H THE PARKER PEN COMPANY lo eaostS tf pen. KL58 Factory asd General OAces : 1 JANB8VILLK.WW. Jt.aa Laser MeaJBh require graduates to go to a rehear sal that they may find their correct placo in lino to bo in position when their diploma comes up. Our plan does away with wandering com mencement addresses. A specialist in Journalism would speak to us; a reg istered pharmacist would speak to tho pharmacists, and all of us would go away with something of interest to us in our minds. And our stylo of commencement would eliminate the necessity of re ceiving diplomas from someono who did not know us. Wo would take ours from tho head of our department Wo have worked with him these years. There would bo something personal about it, and we might feel some sen timent. As things stand, a senior feels like a part in a great automo bile assembling plant. Ohio State Lantern. More than 40,000 persons are ex pected to attend tho University Ex position to bo held at the University of Wisconsin April 16-18. TOWNSEND Portraits. "Pre serve the present for the future." Adv. naLH A T3 STUDENT TOUR fOUTH AMERICA ALL EXPENSES INCLUDED J sasissssvv mm n AN OPPORTUNITY to combine a tour of PRICELESS EDU CATIONAL VALUE with health giving recreation. Leaving New York oa the popular S. S. VESTRIS June 13th The VESTRIS la one of the famous "V-FLEET" the finest vessels pllne to South America built especially for this Service. Ston-overe at RIO DE JANEIRO, SAO PAULO, SANTOS. MONTEVIDEO, BUENOS AIRES, TRINIDAD and BARBADOS SOUTH AMERICA has no rival In the world for the grandeur of its scenery and the architectural beauty of its cities. Seasons are reversed and tho climate is cool and bracing. Yon enjoy Larse Airy Dlnlnf Room, Library, Social Room, 8rooklnc Room, AmpleDeckSpace(wlthOamcs),dellc!oiia Meals, Attentive Steward Service, 8lf htseelns; In charge of an academlo guide hotels, automobiles, etc and all other necessary eiptnses are Included, For Reservatlnna and Pull Particulars apply to Sanderson ft Son, fnc. Agents. v av unnDT e Uaft i v vw 42 Broadway NEW YORK, N. Y. The Nebraskan Advertisers Are Your Friends Patronize Them! gllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllN iiiunnnnnnmiinimmmmnmuminimnimii SS S S SSSHSM I By Request of University Men 1 j 1 1 MR. JACK UNDSLEY 1 1 1 Style Authority for College Men I will remain at I I Mayer Brothers Company today to give suggestions and EE I 1 show what is the latest and best in collegiate dress E 1 . for men. 1 1 j Fraternities wishing private demonstration at their j I houses please call the store. New Ten - Pay Plan Meets Instant Favor Men who would wear clothing of the better . kind are quick to take advantage of this new plan of buying, which extends credit privi leges at Cash Prices. There's an exception al assortment of Society Brand Spring Suits secured especially for the inauguration of the Ten-Pay-Plan which gives you almost unlimited scope for selection. Azure Blues - Sandstones Piping Rock Flannels and the other new shades Society Brand has prepared for Spring. We have never pre sented so attractive nor comprehensive showing of these garments. Buy Your Spring Suit This Way 1 $40.00 SOCIETY BRAND SUITS You pay $8.00 when purchased and $3.00 $45.00 SOCIETY BRAND SUITS You pay $9.00 when purchased and $3.50 . $50.00 SOCIETY BRAND SUITS You pay $10.00 when purchased and $4.00 $55.00 SOCIETY BRAND SUITS You pay $11.00 when purchased and $4.50 $60.00 SOCIETY BRAND SUITS You pay $12.00 when purchased and $5.00 No Restrictions No Red Tape- Just Plain weekly weekly weekly weekly weekly Mav er Bros. 60 .v. ELI SHIRE, President Copyright. If IS, AlBeeheV. Culm aaaS lSaaK eseesrt fcer sjoc WMariagCsra 6 -insViriii v -