THE DAILY NEBRASKAN L Is r (eraCTRMV CVtRYBOWOOts Thurs.-Frl.-Sat. I Mike Carmen & Nicky A Humorous Naval Entertainment M.mle Tommy LING & LONG An Unusual Com.dy Of faring Roger E. Murral Presents Harry A. Keesler & Co. In "STOLEN BITS FROM MUSICAL 3 HITS" With Tha Nawton Twin and an Ex ceptional Caat Includnif Haul Moor, Soprano, Grace Annatta at tha Piano. JENNINGS & MACK "IN OUR AUTO" A Comtdy Surprise A Son of tha Stappaa Karavaeff & his Company Of Four Slapping Siatara Including it, Joyce uoies, caun ullRIFL KAl Mai, Charlotte Carman "HARD BOILED" A New Comedy with Charley Chaaa LIBERTY CONCERT ORCHESTRA Artnur l Deoicn, isirwivr. Dr. Hyde Will Speak At Freshman Lecture Dr. W. P. Hyde, professor of rmv. chology, will talk to the members of the freshman lecture class next Mon day afternoon and Tuesday morn ing. ' An intramural aim ,in v. l.u "a va liciu at Ohio State university on March 7. Twenty-five oreanizatin na riavn en tered the contest. Nearly nine-tenths of the stuHnntj. at Princeton took part in some form of athletics last year. bows Start at 1:90, TtOO, :00 I BSB.BeBeaaBnBaaaaaByapiaJ Q I M ( C HON 0 I W O AH M ALL TMM WEEK A Drama of Croat Haarts and Mighty Evanta Sundown "The Go-Getters" Last Story of tha Sarlaa SHOWS AT 1. S, S. 7. p. m. RIALTO ALL THIS WEEK A Brilliant Paramount Production ' "Sackcloth And Scarlet" . With ALICE TERRY Walter Hiers In a Rib Tickling Comady SHORT CHANGE Other Entertaining Features SHOWS AT 1, 3, S, 7, 9. THIS WEEK A Stirring Romance of tha South Seaa As Man Desires With MILTON SILLS A VIOLA DANA, "HIS NEW MAMMA" Hilariously Funny With HARRY LANGDON "HAWAIIAN MOON" A Vocal Stage Novelty 4HOWS AT ,1. 3. S. 7, 9 p. m. OLYMPIAN STUFF Life around the campus as seen from the Mountain of the Gcds. 'Twer batter this hand was silent, This mind obscure and weak, Than it should pen single line These lips would dare not speak. J. Gordon Coogler. If You Knew How aaay It Is to Learn Dancing by tli Harvey Car roll method, jrou wouldn't put off learn in ( another minute. Social and Stage Dancing Private and Class Leasona Daily. For Appointment Call 16028. c Ws arro Nab. State Bank Bldg. 1 5th A O ORPHEUM Z. MAR. 20-21 BARGAIN MATINEE SATURDAY Written and Staged by Leon Gordon A VIVID PLAY OF LOVE IN THE TROPICS 2 YEARS IN NEW YORK 1 YEAR IN LONDON PRICE Ki.rir,2 M PLUS TAX MAIL ORDERS NOW SEATS ON SALE MARCH 12 lIlllllHHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllllH Paul fhiteman (himself) And His Wonderful Orchestra AUDITORIUM Next Friday Night Seats now on sale Ross P. Curtice Co. Prices from 1.00 to 3.00 plus tax Dance Extraordinary AT THE Lihdell Party House FRIDAY NIGHT THE NEBRASKANS SATURDAY NIGHT The KANDY KIDS REMEMBER- (Ti S. W. COr?. 13 AN D RSTS. ADDITIONAL NEWS OF MONTESREY It Is with sincere regret that we announce to the readers of this col umn that Claire Montesrey, who was to have returned today to Lincoln, has been unavoidably detained and will not assume his responsibilities at the Nebraskan office for a week or more. We received, by special post, a note from him, In which he stated that, he had the luck to meet a distant relative, who had with him some cigar ettes from home. He explained that it is necessary to smoke the entire supply before returning, bo that his relative may not go home full-handed. At the foot of the letter he appended this postscript: "Tell Jeannette I'm sorry. I shall see her, I hope, soon after my return." IN THE BARBER SHOP Only a little space In an unimportant corner of the paper, Yet, even to the barber shop my name has reached. No wonder so many risk all to attain to fame .... "There good-bye!" says the smiling barber. K. KWEI CHEN. AN OPEN LETTER Dear Claire: I charitably assume that, unwilling to make the effort to be immoral, you were only trying to be irrational when you under took my defence last Friday. You say that I believed the younger generation to be puritanical and have evolved my theory to broad en their lives that is, for their good. Why do people persist in their moralistic bias? When some one, (for the first time in his tory) invents a really different way of evaluating life you insist on explaining him in terms of the standards he has cast off. As for Victoria, after chivalrously defending me from those who do not appreciate me, those who fail to realize that true im morality (of which she approves) must be refined, she ends by suggesting that I sadly need reforming. TBis is not the first time, Claire, that you have reminded me of Byron's penetrating line "What a strange thing is man!" nor the first time, Victoria of "and what a stranger Is woman !" JANUS. MAXIMS OF A LIBRARIAN Ignorance is bliss. Ignorance of what? A BOLT FROM THE CUSTOMARY BLUE "The nefarious ingrate," murmured the doctor. Some day we intend to write a philosophical paper on the conflicting views of work taken by authors down the ages. Perhaps the best books to start with are Montaigne's essays, Stevenson's essay on "Idlers," the poems of Walt Whitman, "Bunk," by W. E. Woodward, and "The Lotus-Eaters," by the famous Mr. Tennyson. ' ' " UNDERSTAND? While "Queens of Sheba" leave U hall, With introspective, Self-corrective Vanity-guide, Each campus laddie starts the call, As, mate to mate, In primal state, The paramecia cried. If finger four on left hand lacks Its diamond coronation, Then modest her ambition, Or else she's never tried. t The street-cars run along the tracks; They don't get off; they do not care to; Moral explain? I wouldn't dare to! DON JUAN. MEDITATION IN THE CHINESE MANNER I was studying. I laid my book on the table. It had plenty of room, But somehow or other it fell Into the wastepaper basket. Perhaps that is where it belongs; Who knows? JEREMY. We have been told by our friends that we have been doing a much bet ter job of editing the column than our friend Claire. While we appreciate the compliment, we do not wish to have him insulted in such a way, partic ularly while he is not present to defend himself. e e But don't be sad, Jeannette; he will eventually return. LIONEL CORCORAN. L Y ? e sr. No oolU now, spring raely is here an yu bimbos ou(b ta fit yur overcojite an winter suite cleaned an put away, Oh yes, I'll take cere Ol It lur yu JUS can me an pbene an my uunny ill be there pront SI thu nhene an my uunnr t The Recipient of a Boquet of Roses or a Box of Candy from knows the giver is particular Prof. Cochran Will Be at Office Today Roy E. Cochran, associate profes sor of American History, who has been confined to his home with the grippe for several days, is expected at his office today. All chapel cuts must be made up by Northwestern students before they can receive any credits. See the new University Pins with guards 3.00 5.00 8.00 11.00 HALLETT Utureraitjr Jeweler Est. 1871 117-119 S. Beautiful Dresses 1 stvlAs embrace all that w ; ert flares, taiioreo matriais with inset VJl and fashionable all over pnu. H 11 nfl. in attractive colors stive colors. rworKS AT BARGAIN PRICES UNUSUALLY SMART FROCKS AT 29.00 Second Floor Have you seen our new flowered georgette scarfs ? Priced 3.50 Neckwear section Wahl Ptn and Evtrsbarp art Jtfm' MrWtfr Jsijr X An unqualified guarantee stands Complete Writing Equipment Side by side in your pocket, Eversharp and Wahl Pen are ever ready to serve your thoughts. Durability and dependability are common qualities of these economical, practical writing companions. The non-clogging rifled tip, quick reloading, and complete interchangeability of parts are among the six new features which make the perfected Eversharp. And the Wahl all-metal Pen is at par with Ever sharp in giving thorough satisfaction. Light in weight, perfect in balance, resistant to wear, and beautiful in design it is the ideal pen. Eversharp, $1 to $45. Wahl Pen, $5 to $55. Made in the U.S.A. by THE WAHL COMPANY, Chicago 1 Canadian Factory, THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., Toronto I Uamufathum aftht WtU ErmJurp and the WMAILMeUlFommUm Ptn J The Osew P ERFECTED TYPEWRITERS Royals, Underwoods, Smiths, Remingtons. Latest models. SPECIAL RATE FOR SCHOOL YEAR All makes of portable typewriters used sad rebuilt typewriters on Msy Unas. NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 1Z3SO Street LUota Ml 57 LINCOLN, NEB.