THE DAILY NEBR ASKAN "S1 5 K Jir f j.. VhIav Lee Mauison An HI. .baaDWAY SOCIETY ORCHESTRA BR0AMMCd I By P.nln, Ml.... The Volunteers i A Slmlnt NeeUy ' GENEVE Flanders & Butler All CI... In A VAUDEVIU.E CONCERT" Blake's Educated Mules A Remarkable Troupe With A "SPARK PLUfr' Eugene Bros. A Feat er Twa A Laufh or Two on B.r or Two." "Idaho" A Stlrrlnt Westera Romance RABlCH- AND THE ORCHESTRA Show. Start t Si30. ItOO, S.00 RIALTO ALL THIS WEEK A Brilliant Paramount Production "Sackcloth And Scarlet" With ALICE TERRY Walter Hiers In Rib Tickling Comedy SHORT CHANCB Other Entertaining Featuree SHOWS AT 1. S, 8, T, 9. LYME. I THIS WEEK A Slirrini Romanca of tba South Saa As Man Desires With MILTON SILLS VIOLA DANA "HIS rTEW MAMMA" Hilariously Funny With HARRY LANCDON "HAWAIIAN MOON" A Vocal Stage Noeelty SHOWS AT 1. 3. t, T. p. aa. The College Press A WORD TO YOUTHFUL CHAUF. FEURS. Recognizing the widespread misery and the many wrecked careers caused by preventable, disease, seeing hun dreds of promising leaders suddenly laid on the shelf by physical break downs, and noticing wherever I go the wrecked homes and wrecked lives caused in later life by what are .... iiiij Va,a,K A Drama of Croat Hurt, and Mighty Ev.nt. Sund unaown "The Go-Getters" La.t Story ef tho Sort.. SHOWS AT I. S. 8. T. a. m. M. thinks, concratula.hun. aro dua tu our B. B. toam lor thu wunarlul rocord thay hey chalked up l.r N.braiki thi. here pa.'d rniun, wnat au yu .ay lornhuakersT Mr. Wes Glasgow Phi Gamma Delta won the FIVE POUND Box of Candy la.t Sunday at 3 o'clock Hare you been a patron at The Idyl Hour between 2 and 5 P. M. during thi week? If not you bad bet ter ret buy ai Austin give a FIVE POUND box away SUNDAY At 3 P. M. known as "youthful Indiscretions," I wish to lay a few solemn and mo mentous truths upon the minds and hearts of the sons of Washington and Lee. ' Life in this whirlwind age ' is a long, fascinating, and varied high way, full of pleasures and excite ments unknown to our forefathers, yet from beginning to end life's road is today full of rocks, pitfalls, dan ger points, and hazardous detours. On this life-highway every Individual must drive his one and only life-car from his baby-start to the far-off end of the tour with no change of car or engine or chassis or driver. On this life-tour every faulty valve, swelled piston, or injured piece of mechanism may make the whole life of the driver an long-drawn agony of pain or bring it to an untimely tragic end. I am slowly, therefore, and steadily forming two fixed conclusions, based on a lifetime of observation and ex perience. The first is this that the worst and most harmful feature of our so-called educational system Is allowing countless thousands of young people to wreck their future happiness, their future success, and their iuture usefulness for lack of early training as skillful chauffeurs of their one and only life-car. The second truth is more individual and personal that the young man who unduly strains or permanently injures his one life-engine through childish ignorance and the fascina tion of youthful "good times" will in later years pay for every fleeting moment of these hysteric and trans ient "good times" with long-drawn hours of helplessness, failure, and bodily and mental misery. My next paragraph will mention practical examples of such suicidal youthful indiscretions. Ring Turn Phi of Washington and Lee Univer sity. OLYMPIAN STUFF Life around the campus at seen from . the Mountain of the God. Inasmuch at wt believe that there are no errors r remarks in. the column today which would incite the wrath of the powers above, we feel that something is wrong. Therefore we now apologise to any and all who may in any way feel that they have cause for annoyance. New Spring Suits DISTRESSING NEWS OF MONTESREY The records in the dean's office show, as our friend so dolefully pre dicted, that he is seriously ill and will not recover until Friday. We sat at his bedblde last evening, in a mood of silent sympathy, while he begged us, with teara in his eyes, to edit the column as if it were our own. We prom ised it, and after bowing our head in silent prayer, we left him. - e e i He told us, however, to publish a request that no flowers be sent him unless he passes on. In spite of his condition, he indicates that he will fight bravely and not yield to the temptation to be pessimistic about his recovery. BARGAIN MATINEE SATURDAY ORPHEUM sTf. MAR. 20-21 3 Written and Staged by Leon Gordon A VIVID PLAY OF LOVE IN THE TROPICS 2 YEARS IN NEW YORK 1 YEAR !N LONDON PRICE .ztTi.50,00- 50 PLUS TAX MAIL ORDERS NOW SEATS ON SALE MARCH 12 lyiitiiij mm UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS The University Glee Club will soon leave on a 750-mile tour. College Seal Stationery With NAME and ADDRESS 200 Sheets. i 1 .OO 100 Envelopes. I Fmwm V MH .mI .IiIim.I. Itn.r Unii1 nr wiUuMik ColW. BmJ 4 ml of U NtUowl Bornl Pr.Mf!tr cHated U dm mcniftMl .black Uk Hi, to with M.I omittwl. Writ, onfcw SftnfwUr MMMMlHIStinblllOC.1.10Uwrt(f )1TW. COLLEGIATE STATIONERY CO, 504 S. Dearborn St. Chicago. Illinois i i i If You Knew 4Hllllllllllliiii.ll.ffl Paul Wlfaiffl! (himself) And His Wonderful Orchestra AUDITORIUM Next Friday Night Seats now on sale Ross P. Curtice Co. Prices from 1.00 to 3.00 plus tax fil!III!II.!!!I!!I!IIIIII!l!I!iM How eaay It U to n Learn JS' Dancing by the Harvey Car roll method, you wouldn't put off learning another minute. Social and Stage Dancing Private and Clan Lessen . Daily. For Appointment Cell L-02a. Carroll's Neb. State Bank Bid. 15th eV O UNPARALLELED (pckSALidushTburs EUROPE Ask for our Sating Schedules Large choice of itineraries: tours by leading Liners every few days during season RATEjW255 JferiMfa all txpaut tomr.-viftmr M. Vamilla tnmds.AnttMfp.LoAm.itt. Our Reputation U Yatr Guarantee! THOS. COOK & SON ST. LOUIS City Club Bldg. 1020 Locust St. " U ,5 IT i Scene from the dram atfc sensation of two continents "White Caro . tho Orpheum March 20 and 21, matinee Saturday.-Adv. OCTOBER WIND Treacherous wind I You flick my bonfire's flames Into my face, And then away; Carrying the 'sparks like wayward stars, To the violet sky. Treacherous wind! You blow the leaves in and out Of my fire And off to safety, Till I wish I were a leaf to ride On your whimsical breath. Treacherous wind! You tousle my hair and Kiss my cheek Like a lover Kisses meaningless, fleeting, and soft, But immeasurably sweet. GWENIVER. A LITTLE TALE My friend believes in fairies and the musician of the spheres. As we were lounging on the grass one summer day, he told me to place my ear near a small hole in the ground and listen earnestly, so as to hear the fairy harmonies. I did so, but could hear nothing. After a time, an ant, sorely wounded by some mischance, dragged himself to the edge of the hole and went down, while I watched it pityingly. There came the sound of hurrying and the bustle of first aid from those subterranean passages. The doctor and the priest were called. Alter aid was rendered, it was seen that the injured ant would live, though in dis tress. The priest said it wa the will of the musician of the spheres, to whom all heads must bow, though none may understand. My crippled friend cursed the day he. was hurt, and denied the existence of such a must cian of the spheres, omnipotent, and yet putting such a burden of impo tence upon him. His pastor chided him in shocked tones, saying that all men agreed there was a musician of the spheres, or at least a music of the spheres. . But the ant was unconvinced. And so he became known as a bad ant, whom the music of the spheres had punished for heresy. He was estranged from his friends, and his life became solitary and bitter. After a time, I could hear no more, and wondered whether it all could be only fancy. The tragedy had seemed very real. Almost I was persuad ed there could be no music of the spheres, as the suffering ant had said. Certainly I was persuaded that an ear pressed close to Mother Earth may hear wonderful sagas, although there be no fairy harmonies in the depths, no music of the spheres in high heaven above. KAJJKJUS. DARTS It is fortunate for the temper of our college spirit that only the faculty take themselves lightly. e e There are two certain methods of holding attention in a conversation agree with everything that is said or contradict everything. e e With the advance of science, race prejudices receive scientific presen tation. e e The man who can take a joke on himself h talent enough to be a satirist. SATYRANU;S. e e OMNIA TRANSETJNT His voice is silent, and his name forgot; -His ways forsaken, and his memory dim; His vows are broken and remembered not; And withered is the rose that bloomed for him. So soon all lovely things must wither, too ; The years bear on with them the loves they bring; So soon, so soon, I'll be forgetting you Ah, why should we waste time in quarreling? CELIA. FROM JHE NOTEBOOK OF ADONIS: A woman is old when she has no lovers, or when she has two. if I In answer to the mooted question, often repeated by persons of little or no humor, 'Who chased whom how many times around the walls of what?" this was sent in by a feminine contributor: ACHILLES: A MEMORY The diabolic laughter echoes far, Where, just outside the fighting Grecian hosts, In personal enmity forgetting war Thera run two shadows, pale and wan as ghosts. The war-god and his minions scream with joy, When stout Achilles, vengeance in his mind, Pursues scared Hector round the walls of Troy Tall, crumbling walls with footsteps like the wind. KITTY K. Unless he is walking vainly through a blizzard after a shovel with u:-v Arr Vlmulf nnt nf a ermurwli-if t. nr huntinc a horu ta haul him WU1V1I Ml We " - - " ' - c or rather, his car from the mud, our friend Claire is in Iowa City smirch- . . ....... i i 1 ing his immortal soui oy listening 10 raoicai peecne. We did all in our power to dissaude him from his Journey, but he would go ... . But it must have been a relief for our readers to fir.d the Ego Centre of the column missing. N'est-ct pas? Since Claire has always told us that the last line is the hardest to write, we shall not write one. LIONEL CORCORAN. i oA triumph of Smartness SUIT yourself. With a box-jacket, full length coat, or any length be tween. Fashion permits them all, and we submit them all Trig little tail leurs. Gay sports suits. Distinctiveensemblea. JSevr fabrics, models, colors at new lower prices. 35.00 and 45.00 Sardeson Hovland Co. 1222-1224 O Street Clothes for the College Men "Made in the English way" Showing TODAY at Varsity Cleaners 316 North 12th St., Come in and see our Exhibit of our correctly de signed Men's Clothes carefully tailored in the ENG LISH FASHION from DISTINCTIVE IMPORTED and DOMESTIC FABRICS. You will serve your pocketbook as well as your wardrobe if we make your next suit. TO ORDER TO ORDER Mational $29.50 1 Tailors, Inc. $34.50 'Nationally Known Justly Famous May We Give you a demonstration of our clothes transformation ? It's Just Evans Thorough Cleaning Process - - that's all ' .111 s.ll'.rw naaoW - wrrvrv V3M.v Hi it! " VI ! I I I J i ... ,e .--.-J I