THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Employ Alumnus In U. S. Roads Bureau tVKYBOW- THURS.-FR1.-SAT. , Walter Davison And His LOUISVILLE LOONS Lela White's Entertainers la MINSTRELCY OF 1925 EDOUARD "Master of Shadowolf yn NAOMI RAY ' With EDDIE HARRISON la "Golf Instruction" HON. DAVE MANLEY The National Spokesman la "WOMANOLOGY" "FROZEN HEARTS" A Nw Comedy With STAN LAUREL NEWS And COMEDY PICTURES BABtCH AND THE ORCHESTRA Show Start at 1:30, TiOO, :00 RIALTO ALL THIS WEEK A Goreous Super-production Cecfl B. De Mille's "The Golden Bed" Also Atmospheric Prologue RIALTO SYMPHONY PLAYERS SHOWS AT I, 3, S, 7. 9 p. m. LYRIC MMgifTTrii"11-' if "" 1 " nay ALL THIS WEEK Romance With a Thrill "Frivolous Sal" A Superb Cast With EUGENE O'BRIEN MAE BUSCH "WHAT A NIGHT" Continuous Laughter SHOWS AT I, 3, S, 7. 9 p. as. "HIGH SOCIETY" A Scream with "OUR GANG" SHOWS AT 1. 3. . 7. 9 p. m. Comes Take hor aroand ia a Ssanders System Car. Two's company drive it yourself!. Costs from tt to 14 aa much u taxL Use it at your own as long as you like. Rent a new Sedan, Coach, Coup or Touring car any time. SAUNDERS SYSTEM 239 North 11th St. B-1007 (Drive It Yourself) If You Never Danced a Step Hare.,, Carroll ad aia A Prti caa teach Cf ro tae very Ut- dances ia- cludiat the (7 v new- aw? . I IS w t variatiaa, m 1 VV' ft Walts, Fea- fl ' la Just a Advanced I J Dancers Jp the Tan.o I A f APPOINT. , ET. CALL -oza. MearaaU Carroll fi v.. r. KOKei-8. B. Se. IT V. 9J . now employed by the United States oureau or Public Roads, Washington, D. C, according tn a iott .!. .-j by Prof. Clark E. Mickey of the de- hi wneni oi civil engineering. He nas recently been assigned to the construction Division in nnnsr.t o . ai service. Mr. Rogers finds the "Nebraska Alumnus" and th rw aid in following University activities. xno engineering directory published n the 'Blue Print' was a masterpiece,' writes Mr. Rotrors. "nnri th ,i;.. vo cuibUlO certainly deserve congratulations." CMS Take orders lor Val Style hats from your friends. Liberal com. mission. Hats sell at 5,-.chr- No collecting a dellverinc. An easy and dif allied "r helpint yourself thronth or earning money far ex. tra luauries. Address After the Party Everybody Goes to I The Idyl Hour to EAT TO SPECIAL MUSIC as 1 omtcnoN of Lnt"""i f m ALL THIS WEEK A Shaw far Urn Family RIN-TIN-TIN The Wonder Doc In "FIND YOUR MAN" "PLAYING WITH FIRE" The Novelty Story of THE GO-GETTERS" A Good Thing Men's Silk Hose Semi Fashioned, Colors Black, Cordovan, Log Cabin, Beige and Gray a 75c value. Special this week 2 for $1.00 Speier'S 1 Tenth & O Street. -the I ) savts If you are one of the un fortunate ones who didn't get to see Rudge & Guen zel's Public demonstration of Permanent Waving and Circulation Facials last Tuesday, be on hand at 2 next Tuesday, February 10th, and you'll have an other chance to see this demonstration. I was there last Tuesday but I think I'll attend again next Tuesday if I possibly can for it was intensely interesting. Be sure to attend Rudge'a public demonstration of Permanent Waving and Circulation Facials, Tues day, February 10th. DosirahU Monthly Charge Accounts Solicited ' OLYMPIAN STUFF life around the campus as seen from the Mountain of the Gods. DID YOU MAKE THE GRADE? In The Daily Nebraskan yesterday there appeared, on the second page, an advertisement which shouted, in sixty-point Cheltenham regular Roman, "Did You Make The Grade?" and answered, in ten-point, machine-set, bold- race, Cheltenham lower case and caps, "Why Sure! Nobody ever flunks at Nebraska." This is an aspersion upon the scholarship standards of our I rair University which we strongly resent. It is irritating. The most irritating thing about it is that it is almost literally true. We suggest that the University Senate appoint a committee to select from each of the colleges every year, six or more students, who shall be "plucked," as they say back home, in order to keep up our standard of scholarship. RHYME OF AN UNRELENTING READER The freshman and the sophomore Were toiling for a grade; The reader was quite heartless, And this is what she said: "Oh, Borne I passed with sixty, And some with sixty-eight; And some I flunked completely, And left them to their fate." CELIA. MUSINGS OF THE OYSTER "Personality" is that which pleases a reader of the American. Some people are like flies; they light companionably on a man who appears to be dead, but flee in shame and fear when he shows signs of life. ' o When your friends say you are ripening, your enemies are likely to say you are going to seed. It used to be that heretics were excommunicated. There is a new de gree now which might be called "excommunicado." It lacks the formality of its forerunner, but carries the same weighted curse of disapproval. "Bol shevik" is this generic term with such a sinister connotation. o Don Sabio says, "You can't spur against windmills and collect coupons at the same time." RADICUS. o DIALOGUE "I used to have five or six lady friends. . . ." My friend so told me, with a deep sigh. "Where are they now?" I curiously asked him. "They are all married!" For him my other friend answered me, laughing. K. KWEI CHEN. o CAVEAT EMPTOR There is an old saying that a satirist never dares show his face in so ciety. That maxim befitted an era when a man caricatured only his literary and political enemies and, consequently, feared to come of his anonymity and hiding. Times have changed, however, and I, who am but a humble worker in a great field, have" already received naif a dozen invitations to paint pen-portcaits of my friends. These orders have been filed and will be given attention in due time, as I am at present engaged on several im portant works. For the benefit of others seeking similar consideration, let me say: Letters to me should be sent in care of my friend, Claire Montesrey, Olym pian Muff, The Daily Nebraskan. Applicants should enclose a photograph. I a short statement of their claims to portraiture, a brief sketch of their ca reers and personal ldiocyncrasies, and a few good apothegms which would serve as a kernel for my work. SATYRANUS. We introduce, with the following poem, a newcomer to the ranks of I the aestheti. She says, "I prefer to have the 'os' of my name pronounced like that in 'Oswald,' and the 'ind' as in 'mind,' of which I am certain I have much. I hope this is 'As You Like It' " The poem itself demonstrates the horrible effect a study of the biolog ical sciences has had on one's ability to perceive beauty, however. Instead of being able to admire sinuous curves of an earthworm, he must think- of its ten hearts and ganglionic nerve-system. TO THE EARTHWORM 0 little worm with hearts ten-fold If yours hold all that mine must hold, I, who have one, would surely hate To bear a burden quite so great. 1 envy you your courage, worm, That you with such a weight can squirm. And that of death you have no dread, Since you can grow another head. Just that you have so many feet Is no excuse for your conceit. They are so many, I am sure That in gymnastics you'd be poor. With such an irridescent skin You need a glass to see it in; But since you're sightless, I'm afraid It could not render you much aid. ' ROSALIND. o o o The Innocents Society urges every student to do his Christmas shoo-1 - ping early. CLAIRE MONTESREY. DANCE to the MUSIC EXTRAORDINAIRE Serenadors, Tonight Kandy Kids, Saturday Nite Lindell Party House Established IS3L-T m r" " i" i ir ti :r . it i KhWYTmK COSTUME CGL "kolK Bldj.. 137 N.Wabash A v ..Chicago. ILL VI Fourth Floor. i .. EVERY COSTUME DEMANDS A FLOWER AT SHOUL DER OR HIP. Have You Seen Our New Ones? Floor. 1 & 4. A SAIA Spring Dance Frocks H jlfL Dresden Taffeta KM BJp VERY SPECIAL, $35.00 Ijlfl 1222-1224 O STREET (gj M COED FAVORITE TYPEWRITERS for rent Royals, Underwoods, Smiths, Remingtons. Latest models. SPECIAL RATE FOR SCHOOL YEAR All makes of portable typewriters used and rebuilt typewriter! on easy terms. NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 1232 O Street Lincoln B-2157 The Hauck Studio tt Our Pictures Speak for Themselves Haack and Skorlanel, Fhotot-ranhora 1216 O St. D22D1 Public Stenographer All Classes of Work Letter Thei Briefs Rates Reasonable Edna M. Harrod B-2I4I Liberty Theater BU-. L-4O0T Room 20. 143 No. 13th St. I'1 c1! t i i V Stat. aWh Bid,, lath ami a