Oroheum !?.0te Jan. 12 Glenn Hunter ...J lb Original and Companr " praaanting THE COMEDY SMASH el tha CENTURY Merton Movies altar 60 to-t Cort Tha.tr. , (Not picture V , LIBERTY i Thurs. Frl. Sat Sacond Big Production of AUGMENTED VAUDEVILLE ORPHEUM STEPPERS Ens.nbl. of BaautltuI Dancing Girl. JACK HANLEY "Making th. World Safa lor Hokum" BOBBY ADAMS Personality Plus ROSCOE AILS With KATIE PULLMAN "A CONGLOMERATION OF MELO UY AND JAZZ" THREE WEBER GIRLS Thar Sin. A Llttta. Dane. A Llttt., And Than 111 Tha Surprlsa Ravua "JAZZMANIA" In which All Artists on tha Bill Particlpata "babich and the orchestra Shows Start at 2:30, 7:00, 9:00 RIALTO wteheE ,Tha Big Laughfest Harold Lloyd In a Naw Cyclonic Comedy "Hot Water" "MAUD MULLER" A Beautiful Dramatic Classic Other Entertaining Features SYMPHONY PLAYERS SCHOOL CHILDREN'S MAT INEE SATURDAY MORNING AT 10:00 10c ADMISSION 10c SHOWS AT 1, S, 5, 7, 9 p. m. LYRIC THIS WEEK Hera Is a love story set In Splendor With Dramatic Action SANDRA A Luxurious Romance With BARBARA LA MARR at BERT LYTELL Newa & Comedy Features ON THE ST ACE Orville Harriet ANDREWS & CRUISE Vocal Entertalnera SHOWS AT 1, S, 5, 7, 9 p. m. Colonial wkIk Adventure and Thrills. CHARLES RAY In his naw picture "DYNAMITE SMITH" "TH E GO-CETTE RS" Another Exciting Story 1 I -ROUGH 4 READY" Roars of Laughter y SHOWS AT I, S, S, 7, p. m. j syafyMBjaawawa-BBBawawawaaatVawHaH Thurs.-Fri. t,t rThuI8A" Sat. j ! ERE EVERY- nnv rnc a BODY GOES WHERE THOUSANDS MEET THOUSANDS DAILY Entire production ia aUgad by Mania Moor and Macklln Mofley DELANO DELL THOTOPLAY FEATURE Fred Thompson In "GALLOPING GALLAGHER" Path N.wa Aesop's Fablas THE g A MINUTE NEWS AND CURRENT VIEWS." . . hi- AtrUrCTCA UAUltti AMU nw ,TrXv- Chil 20c- SHOWS START AT-21SO, TrOO, 9:00. MATSc NITE 5Qc. CWl FORMER "THINK SHOP" MEMBERS GET LETTER (Continued From Paga One.) C. Hathaway, '11, New York Univer aity); 12 college professors (includ ing Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio, Iowa, and Oregon universi ties) j 6 college instructors; a for mer president olthe National Educa tional Association (Fred M. Hunter, '04, superintendent of schools at Oakland, California) ; the commis sioner of institutions and agencies of the state of New Jersey (Burdette G. Lewis, '04, formerly of Omaha) j the vice-president of the American Tele phone and Telegraph Company (C. M. Bracelen, '03, New York, formerly of Humboldt) ; one of the foremost of the younger lawyers in New York City (Emory R. Buckner, '04) j 3 railroad attorneys, and 2 judges (Ira Ryner, '04, Chicago, and Louis Light ner, '04, Columbus.) Fraternity Membc-s. ' , half were members of Ira te' k'o Alpha Theta Chi has led in this competition with 18 repre sentatives; Delta Upsilon is second with 10; and Acacia and Silver Lynx have 9. Half the members reside in Ne braska; the others are scattered in 25 states and in England. A new feature of the News-Letter this year is the roster (listed by cit ies) of the 77 debaters practicing law. The Lincoln alumni number 29. The undergraduate members are: Wendell Berge, '25, Law, '27, Lin coln; Hugh B. Cox, '26, Lincoln; Alexander McKie, '24, Law '26, Oma ha; John A. Otley, '26, Waverly; Franklin J. Potter, '24, Law, '25, Lin coln; and Volta W. Torrey, '25, Au rora. Biographical Section. In the biographical section the 157 paragraphs are full of 1924 news of "Say John, have you any crest ed stationery, I've got a formal bid to answer V "Sorry Pete, I'm out. Let's go down to Graves tomorrow morn ing and net a couple of boxes. Graves sells it at $1.36 per quire box and it's high-class stuff. Graves is just three doors south of the Temple." Hotel De Hamburger WSBm 5c Buy 'em by the sack 1141 Q St. Learn to Dance! Vt guarantee to taack you to danca in (is privata lessons. Phono lor appointment. Mrs. T. E. Williams Pbone B4258 Prirate Studio, 1220 D St. Thurs.-Fri. J, JL where ev BODY GC PVPBY. BODY GOES FEATURING nnsmE AILS With KATIE PULLMAN AND FAVORITEajpNS JACK HANLEY BOBBY ADAMS JA.Un" Noilly "P."' "-" L THREE WEBER GIRLS They Slnf, Danea and ThenT ORPHEUM STEPPERS Specialty Dancing Misses and SURPRISE REVUE "JAZZMAN 1 A a rr the "Think Shoppers." Among the outstanding new ia the following: Hugh Agor, '14, Law '16 (former ly of St. Paul), Aberdeen, S. D., was elected to the legislature. Roscoe J. Anderson, '03, Redding, Calif., elected to the California leg islature. C. M. Bracelen, '03, Law (Creigh ton) '10, (formerly of Humboldt), promoted from the goneral solicitor ship to the vice-presidency of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, New York. Merton L. Corey, Law 8 (Clay Center), resigned as member of the Federal Farm Loan Bureau, Wash ington, to go into the practice of the law at 150 Broadway, New York. Ewald T. Grether, '22, promoted to instructor in economics, University of California. II. G. Hewitt, Law '15, (Sargent and later teacher of argumentation and debate at the Lincoln High School), promoted from assistant su perintendent of agencies to . acting head of the Agency Department, the Northwestern National Life Insur ance Company, Minneapolis. E. W. Hills, '09, J. D. (Chicago) '14, promoted to the assistant dean- Shirt Stock Low? Better get a new supply at our extraordinary sale! IX I 111 - ike hoax cfjpfxnTteimeriod abiies . ft if fL Fashionably This has caused the great change in the appearance 1 of men's hair YOU cannot go into a classroom, or a club, or a fraternity house, without no ticing it Somehow, college men have found a way to make the hair, the most conspicuous part of the appearance, look just as they want it to look at all times. It was not always so. Before Stacomb was intro duced, they tried countless methods to make their hair lie smoothly and stay that way from old-fashioned po mades, which only matted the hair and made it greasy, to plain water, which kept it in place an hour at the most and I .uc aub'W Nr-" REB OFFER- ship of th" College of Commerce, University of Iowa. Fred M. Hunter, '04, received the degree of Doctor of Education from the University of California. Burdette G. Lewis, '04, was given the honorary degree of Doctor of Sci ence by Rutgers University. Louis C. Lightner, Law '04, Colum bus, was elected to the district judge ship, to which he had been appointed by Governor Bryan. J.. N. -Norton, '03, was Democratic candidate for the governorship of Nebraska. LEDWICH'S TastieShoppe Delicious Sandwiches Soups Hot Drinks Fountain Service 12th & P St. We Deliver Phone B-2189 smooth hair then left it drier and more brittle than ever. Small won der that they greeted Stacomb with such instant enthusiasm I Here at last was sorrething that would make the hair stay in place without harming it or making it sticky and unnatural-looking. Today the great change which Stacomb has brought about ii no ticed everywhere. Men whose hair used to be out of place an hour after being brushed, men whose other wise correct appearance used to be spoiled by hair that was hopelessly unkempt today they keep their hair constantly in perfect order. Use Stacomb tomorrow morning and look your best all day. A deli cate, invisible cream. Non-staining and non-greasy. In jars and tubes, at all drug and department stores. KEEPS THE HAMt IN PLACE - rTt?-.- eode?a,.co- .... Anan Raymond, '11, Law 13, was re-elected secretary of the Nebraska Bar Association, and was elected commander of the Omaha post of the American Legion, "the largest post in the world," which will entertain the national convention of the Le gion in 1925. SPEIER'S Great Semi-Annual CLEARANCE Big Pride Suits In These Prices Tenth and O s Puhlhhtiin tht inttrttt tf Elec trical Dtvelotmtnt Is an Institution tiat mill bt htlpti ly what ever help t the Industry. 075 0075 J. Dean Ringer, '03, Law '05, Oma ha, was elected second vice-president of the national council of the Young Men's Christian Association. Ralph A. Van Orsdel, '06, Law (Creighton) '06, Omaha, was made member for Nebraska of the general Reductions on our Entire Stock of Young Men's & Overcoat Six Great Money Saving 4E Mean a Saving of from Suit or Overcoat Q75 SPEIERS Street Is he a hard taskmaster or a loved leader? IF you are a good soldier, you take orders from the major. But there is a great deal of differ ence whether you find the training an irksome routine or an enjoyable development. When you follow the right major in your course, the work can become vitally interesting, and your college career will be more worthwhile. "But what is my right line of work?," may be a puzzling question. All the thought you can give to finding the answer will be fully repaid. Analyze yourself and you will surely discover your natural aptitude. And when you've found what line you feel you ought to follow, stick to it. Stand by your major and your major .will stand by you. Western Electric Strut 1869 nutkert and distributors tUctrical equipment council of tho American Bar Associ ation. Gayle C .Walker, '24, appointed instructor in the School of Journal ism, University of Nebraska. Mason Wheeler, '06, Law (Colum bia) '09, Lincoln, elected district Judge. s Lots 44m $5 to $15 on each Lincoln, Neb. Company Numbtr 44 if utUm i: Es 1