THE DAILY NEBR ASKAN ORPHEUM TONIGHT MATINEE TODAY A comedy splendldlr portraytJ."-:hl. ct Tribune. MEElTUEWffE V v. LYNN STAIUIMO with AUGUSTA BOYLSTON i.p, tunny." N. Y. Tel. Prs..n,.d on. f-r ta N.oY.. w. .-h. SEATS NOW SELLING. PRICES Nlfhtl 75c, $1.00, $1.60, $2.00 1 PR1 MAT.I BOe, 75e, $1.00. Plus Tax. LIBERTY MONd TUES. WED. Birir n1 Batter Each Year. The Sonf-Revlew Company PnnnU Gus Edwards The "Star Maker" Compoi.r of "School Day, Sun-bonnet-Sue" and a Thousand Othar Sonf Hits in CUS EDWARDS ANNUAL SONG REVUE. Presenting tha FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH OF 1924. A New Crop of Edwards' Protege Wonders Including SANDY Ceorfa Douflaa, Billy Bradford, Hel en Lynd, Marf ia Rooney, Doris Walker, Pegf y Hoover, Hazel John son, Mersey Ewinf, Joa Basse, Solly Fields Tha "Beautifulest" Bouquet of Ex quisite Sub-Debs Includes Nancy Hanks, Battle Frisbie, June Read, Alice Smyths, Jane Sullivan, Sadie Campbell and Georgette Arms Held. DAVIS & M'COY Bits of Boobology Ed. M. Ida GORDON & DAY In Mirthful Nonsense. INTO-THE-NET The Amazing Mystery Story Also News and Topical Pictures BABICH and the ORCHESTRA SHOWS START 2:30, 7:00, 9:00 RIALTO ALL THIS WEEK Constance Talmadge In Another Side-Splitting Fun Film "Her Night of Romance" "The Sheik of Araby" A Beautiful SurpriM Party Newt and Comedy Pictures Rialto Symphony Orchestra SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p. m. LYRIC THIS WEEK The Play That Gave New York Its Thrill m i 1 arnish On the Stage. Fred Hughes & Billy Axtman The Famous RADIO STARS News and Comedy Pictures LYRIC CONCERT ORCHESTRA SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p. m. Colonial THIS WEEK RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF The Greatest Thrill Show On Earth "The Covered Wagon" Alio "THE GO-GETTERS" The Fifth Story Kinogreme of Interest SHOWS AT I, 3, S, 7, 9 p. m. . Send It to VARSITY CLEANERS and DYERS ROY WITHERS, Manager Phon. B-3367 Memorizing Motions The New (7 -y way f-j to learn Danci cmg Came la and let tall yea about the CARROLL SYSTEM. There's e sensation. Phone L-6028 W B-2267. Carroll JJ. Sure Bank W raVkaaV. a a si i A' GRODP OF SPIRITS FORM TO RESEARCH Sir Arthur Conan Doyle An nounces Scientific Shades in Touch with Earth. LONDON, Dec. O.A group of scientific spirits, not dead but "merely beyond the gulf" have or ganized for spirit research and are in communication with the. earth, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle announced in an exclusive interview yesterday. Sir Arthur joined Sir Oliver Lodge in aserting positively that important communication between departed GEORGE BROS. House of GIFTS Beautiful 101 IOC innfl Her Mother Tells Her She shouldn't accept such beautiful gifts from a man but in her heart she knows she can't refuse because "he" bought them at GEORGE'S Thousands of Beautiful Gifts to select from. STEUBEN GLAS BOWLS with CANDLESTICKS to match. STEUBEN SALAD SETS Variety of colors. VENETIAN SALAD SETS quaintly beau tiful. SHERBET AND FOOTED TUMBLERS. These come In Blue or Wine colored bowls with clear stem and base. SILVER BREAD AND BUTTER PLATLS SILVER 'INDIVIDUAL SALT AND PEPPER. COVERED VEGETABLE DISH. COFFEE SETS. WATER PITCHER. "Candies." Modern honteflsea are re-capturing the ancient (trace of candlesticks for their dinner tables. These come in all colors and add materially in carrying out the desired color scheme. "Favors." For a ThanksRlving and Christmas Par ty. He sure and see our magnificent line of these. Remember, a party with out a favor is like an "Egg Without Salt." PHINTf Rb-Oinct MJPIH-U VENGBWtRS Tel. D1313 1213 N Street The Clavilux (Initial Appearance In Lincoln.) First Instrument to make possible tha use of lifht as a fine art lllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUII"""!' WITH ITS INVENTOR Thomas Wilfred AT THE KEYBOARD liiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimii ii Glvss as much pleasure to the eye as music does to ths ear. If you could leap into the heart of tha aurora and clutch an armful of Its pendulous glory you would only know a part of what the Clavilux has to show. If you could imprison a section of tha rainbow you would only have a fraction of what the Clavilux ssts before you. And amid all this color ewery tint that you ever saw or dreamt of and all thaaa strangely beauti ful forme there Is never ending movement, graceful and rhythmic beyond anything possible to man or bird. Auditorium Tues.,Dec.l6 aiiitiiiiiii iitirim av i iiiiiimmimiimu spirits and living spiritualists has been established. "I believe this to be no longer a matter for conjecture," the distin guished British author, creator of "Sherlock Holmes" said. "It is a fact and must be accepted as a fact." Conan Doyle said many members of the Society of Psychical Re search," a pioneer body for spiritual istic investigation, have "passed on" and in their new life are continuing their researches. "The spirit group, groping through the void, has established communica tion with the living group here and an enormous amount of material has been interchanged between them," said Sir Arthur. "This matter will all be published in due time. It is of vast importance and is being studied and analyzed daily." His amazing description of a ce lestial branch of the Society of Psy chical Research was by no means the only disclosure Sir Arthur had to make. "I can vouch personally for the fact that many persons who have passed on and who were of vigorous and vital personality while on earth retain that personality. And some of them, still intensely interested in affairs of earth, are trying to break through," he asserted. "Most of these persons have told us little about conditions beyond the void. They are more interested in happenings here and so far most of their energy had been directed to ward watching their friends and com rades still alive. "One such individual closely scru tinizing earth is Lord Northcliffe. "As is well known, Northcliffe has several times managed to gain communication with earth through various mediums and he hns talked with some of his friends. This com munication which I have myself ob served is absolutely a fact." Sir Arthur said that several great American public characters were susceptible to psychic influences, not ably Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln, he added, was helped to win the civil war by advice from spiritualistic sources. ISIS Harney St, Omaha 'l' It's a safe bet that over half the men that en ter our shop are University Students. "Such popularity .must be deserved." The M ogul Barbers (10 127 No. 12th Si. SANFORDS FOUNTAIN PEN INK Will Improve the Action of Any Fountain Pen 111 tflPl 1 I I Ibloe ALL ALL COLORS "The Ink That Made The Fountain Pen Possible" Friday Only!! Red Long announces ? ? ? facing the campus The Hauck Studio it Our Pictures Speak for Themselves Hauck and Skoglund, Photographers 1216 O St. B2991 Health in Every Pound" Bruce's GOLDEN HOUR Candies Flowers and Luncheonettes, too 14th &o Bruce9 s 31540 n fXN Party I (rw Dresses I sfc$v 'or holiday festivities II 'Uf-lr R EAUTIFUL velvets, chif H jB I i r?C iCl 'on brooches, metal D ' II J II I k laces, ombre chiffons, etc., B 'mi II L-n. Vl 'n a (feat array of colors B I 7'7a. lilv V and styles. Now is the time H ,y riJj p TV. T-ias.. y to choose while the selec- &Jr A VOl I t'on ia eood and before the H Jy j-i gay holiday season begins. H SPECIAL LOTS OF DRESSES REDUCED U 1-3 AND 1-2 Wahl Pen and Eversharp art obtainablt in matchid gua ran let stands Just In! A big lot of new plaid hose in light-weight wools and lisles some of the keenest pat terns we've ever shown 75c 85c $1.25 And some new spring collar attached shirts a month or so ahead of time. They're the new lavender shades and mighty smart! $3.50 FARQUHAR'S Do You Puzzle Over New Words.7 -over exact definitions or pronunciations of words? -over the identity of historic characters? -over questions of geography? . , -over points of grammar, spelling, punctuation, or English usage? Look them up in WEBSTER'S COLLEGIATE The Best Abridged Dictionary Dosed Upon WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL More ih.n 106.000 entries. A specie! section thowj, with example., rule, nf puncrusilon, usr ol cspicsu. Dorci- ation.. etc. wulllluMrounn.. u pn. Bible Paper. A dek Book lor every rauitra. S It at Vovr ColUgr Bookrtarr or rvrir. far Information to tht ItthlfMrrm. fir : .v -till Muir. Ijwww V . ' j(f G.4C.MERRIAMCO.,Springfield,Mass. jCf Wi . Complete Writing Equipment Side by side in your pocket, Eversharp and Wahl Pen are ever ready to serve your thoughts. Durability and dependability are common qualities of these economical, practical writing companions. The non-clogging rifled tip, quick reloading, and complete interchangeability of parts are among the six new features which make the perfected Eversharp. And the Wahl all-metal Pen is at par with Ever sharp in giving thorough satisfaction. Light in weight, perfect in balance, resistant to wear, and beautiful in design it is the ideal pen. Eversharp, $1 to $45. Wahl Pen, $5 to $55. f Made in theU.S.A. by THE WAHL COMPANY, I Canadian Factory, THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd, Ti I UmmaamnntfUm VmU Brtnkrp and tU fsUAU-lltft Fi .Chicago "I Toronto I FeaaatasAre J The DsfeW PERFECTED mm vmSHARP &WAffi P&N .- W f T1 JLlIE finest materials, expert de signing and careful workmanship make every Stetson a masterpiece. STETSON HATS Styled for young men Seats on sale Beginning Tues., Dee. 9 at Rasa F. Curtice Co. aad Collage Book Store. immiiiiiiiiiiniiniiniiiiiiiiiiraraiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii! 1:30 and :1 Mat 7Sc Eve. 1.50 and f 1 0 lota a O STAGE DANCING Ail Types Taught.