The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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Pick Men for Trip Thursday
Morning; To Stage Work
out in Chicago.
With a number of Varsity regulars
getting1 back into good physical trim,
the football squad completed its
homo practice for the Notre Dame
game with a workout on Stadium
field. Captain Weir is the only
Husker whose injuries are at all seri
ous. Weir had been in poor Bhape
since the Colgate game, in which he
received a severe muscle bruise.
Weir was discharged from the Lin
coln Sanitarium Tuesday after hav
ing been there for several days to
receive treatment for an infection.
His presence in the lineup Saturday
will do much to stiffen the Varsity
line. Weir has been the man around
whom the lino played and he helps to
make the rest of the line work well.
Although his condition has not
been encouraging, Weir insists that
he will play against the Irish. He
will at least start the game, it is
Other regulars who have
bothered by injuries are in
cn rid shaDe. "Doc" McLean,
trainer, will use protective bandag
ing for these men and believes that
their play will not be seriously af.
fee ted. .
Believing that the team was not in
condition to stand hard practice,
Coach Dawson has been using his
regulars only in light work. The sec
ond and third string teams have been
given stiff work, for upon these men
the game may depend.
No decision as to who will make
the trip was made by Dawson
Wednesday evening. The list will be
made up Thursday morning. The
team leaves for Chicago at 4 o'clock
Thursday afternoon. A workout will
be staged in Chicago Friday afternoon.
GEORGIA TECH In the contest
to select announcers for the Tech
Radio Station one chief announcer
and two assistants will be chosen
from the Radio classes. The judges
will "listen in" for the three best an
nouncers and then cast their votes.
East, West, North and South Await
Results of Saturday's Big Clash
(Continued From Page One.)
every one of the 16,000 spectators
who has been fortunate to procure an
admission to the game will know
that he has seen as good an exhibi
tion of the leading college sport as
ever can be witnessed.
In tho East there will be a great
deal of interest manifested as to tho
outcome of the Penn State-Penn U.
game, and the Dartmouth-Cornell
tangle. Penn is still undefeated.
Penn State has been defeated twice
by small scores, and has tied the
Syracuse eleven. If Penn gets by her
Ag brothers she will have to show her
best brand of football throughout the
sixty minutes of play.
Dartmouth should win over vor
noil if done can be relied upon. But
it can't. That is why so much inter
est will be shown in the game. Kut
mrs. tho only other undefeated team
in the East, beside Penn, will take
things comparatively easy Saturday
at New York University. Washington
and Jefferson will fight out their an
nual battle with Pittsburgh, and Col
umbia will play the West' Point ca
dets. Yale and Princeton will stage
another important game at Prince
tnn. Duo to the fact that both teams
are ancient foes, and they have both
been playing, excellent football this
year, a real football battle can be
expected there. The glamour is
somewhat taken off the Harvard
Brown game, due to the severe wal
loping Harvard received last week at
the hands of Princeton.
In tho West, Illinois will try her
fortune against Minnesota, Michigan
will be at Ohio State, and Chicago
plays Northwestern, while the Iowa
Buckeyes go to Wisconsin.
In the valley, Kansas Aggies meet
Drake at Manhattan, in a game that
should have a great deal to do with
deciding the Missouri Valley cham
pionship. Missouri plays Washing
ton, Oklahoma will play at Kansas,
and Ames will play Grinnell.
On the coast California will piay
Nevada, the team which last year
hoM them to a scoreless tie. Wash
ington U. will play College of Puget
Sound, and Washington Aggies will
be at Oregon U.
Other important games scheduled
for this (week are:
Centre at Alabama.
Middlebury at Boston U.
Springfield at Colgate.
Oklahoma Aggies at Creighton.
Alabama Poly at Georgia U.
Vanderbilt at Georgia Tech.
Wabash at Indiana.
Virginia M. I. at Kentucky.
Alfred at Lafayette.
Villanova at Lehigh.
Holy Cross at St. Lawrence.
Montana at Stanford.
Niagara at Syracuse.
Tennessee at Tulane.
Bucknell at Annapolis.
Whittier at Southern California.
Virginia at Virginia Poly.
Washington and Lee at West Vir
Invite Students to Attend Summer
Session of University of Mexico
The National University of Mexi
co, which since 1921 has maintained
a Summer School for students and
teachers of the United States, an
nounces that prospects are most
favorable for a record-breaking at
tendance next summer. Since the
first session of Summer school was
held, nearly every American college
and university of importance has
been represented among the matriculants.
The faculty of the 1925 Summer
School will be composed of profes
sors of the National University, to
gether with several prominent educa
tors from the United States. Most
of the courses will be conducted in
Spanish, thus being of inestimable
value to students and teachers of
this language, however, a number of
general culture courses will be off
ered in English for the benefit of
students having no knowledge of
Mexico City is said to be cooler
than Denver during the summer
months, thus being an ideal place
for study. The many sight-seeing
trips to be offered under University
supervision will include visits to
world-famed archaeological ruins,
pyramids that are said to rival those
of Egypt in size and interest, and to
Wahl Pen and Eversbarp art jmf jiMMT
obtainable jtap
I jSr An unqualified guarantee standi
Complete Writing Equipment
Side by side in your pocket, Eversharp and Wahl
Pen are ever ready to serve your thoughts.
Durability and dependability are common qualities
of these economical, practical writing companions.
The non-dogging rifled tip, quick reloading, and
complete interchangeability of parts are among the
six new features which make the perfected Eversharp.
And the Wahl all-metal Pen is at par with Ever
sharp in giving thorough satisfaction. Light in
weight, perfect in balance, resistant to wear, and
beautiful in design it is the ideal pen. r
Eversharp, $1 to $45. Wahl Pen, $5 to $35.
MJe in tb.eU.SA by THE WAHL COMPANY, Chicago 1
Canadian Factory, THE WAHL COMPANY, Toronto I
Ummfaetmm ofU WaU Iwikf and It WaUAMUlaltixmlam Ptn J
many other places of archaeological,
historical or scenic interest.
The National University is taking a
leading role in the work that is being
done to promote a mutual feeling of
good will among the intellectual
classes of Mexico and the United
States, and it is through the medium
of Summer School that this work is
most effectually being carried for
ward. Complete information regard
ing the 1925 Summer School may be
obtained by addressing Sr. Manuel
Romero de Terreron, Secretary of
the Summer School, of the Univer
sity of Mexico.
Yellow Cab Co., B-3323 Service to
Bluebird Inn. Bus for parties.
The Universal Pictures Company has
asked permission to use the local
campus in filming a college picture.
Permission would be granted for tho
filming of the picture if it is in keep-
ing with the dignity oi mo
. ilOft T sfrnnt
Motor Out compuny,
announces that it is doubling its fTuet
of closed cars, new models, balloon
tires, etc. We will appreciate your
continued patronage. Call or 'phono
I3681U. Auv.
Will the person who picked up gold
watch in S. S. 218 Wednesday
morning return to Nebraskan busi
ness office. No questions asked.
LOST A brown pocketbook, con
taining small coin purse and note
book. Reward Call L4087.
TYPING Let Bonzo do it. B4702.
Themes, theses, etc., specialty.
Lou Hill
1309 O St.
Up on (light, turn to tht right
High Class But Not High
Beat Notre Dame!
You've done it before and you
can do tt again.
Wire for you!
(10 chairs)
127 No. 12th St.
I k 9M L 3fc I "
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5!k-iiarYrmK COSTUME CO
bdak BldsJ37N.Wabash Av ..Chicago, ILL.
Your Sheaffer pen
will prove to be your
most valuable assist
ant in the game of
school or business.
Give your pen
a drink of
Makes the
best pen write
Pen is the master or all
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The 46 Special is made with
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The Student's Special is de
signed for students and is
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Sold By The Better
Dealers Everywhere
1111 lUiftUi 11 ii
pens "Lifetime" pencils
W. A. SHEAFFER PEN CO., Fort MidUon, low
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Ml Mwfal tent
Jowet the Qost Dressing WclL
Overcoat Satisfaction!
FfeWp approved
tnodds fir men
end young men
just what it says, and it em
braces all the things you want in
your overcoat. First pleasing
style. Then fine fabrics. Then
Kirschbaum workmanship, which
owes its excellence to more than
sixty years of earnest, solid ex
perience. Value! Long service!
You get both in big measure.
Jf Beat Notre Dame!
The beautv of the new
fabria will win the ad
miration of any man
rich weaves from foreign
and domestic looms.
Their quality matches the
quality of workmanship
which the Kirschbaum
craftsmen show in the tai
loring. The patterns and
color tones make choos
ing a simple operation.
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The Store for Men on N Street
1123 "O" St.