T II E DAILY NEBRASKA MON. TUES. WED. A. On.'-. TS,t. .'.?.,U' CATHERINE CALVERT in a dramatic pUyet "THE LAST BANQUET" by Harold Selman LUSTER BROS. r-rcsenting a Unlquo Novelty TABOR & GREEN Two Dark Kaights Jack & Rita La Pearl "Hoomier Folks' ' QUEEN TUT TRIO A Novel Musical offering -LEATHERS TOCKING TALE" MINUTE NEWS tt VIEWS SHOWS START AT 1:30. 7: JO, 9:00. Ma. Mt Ntn Cnlldraa !. DfMJKQ FMtiM,i"fN0RMA TALMADGE In a colorful drama "THE SONG OF LOVE" NEWS TOPICS FABLE -EVENING IN THE ORIENT prologue presented by GUyds Mullen and Leota Combe SHOWS START AT 1. S. 5. 1. 9. National Boys Week THE Fighting Coward a thrilling comedy drama with AN ALL STAR CAST 'CALL OF THE WAGON A load of laughter NEWS TOPICS TRAVEL COSMOPOLITAN FOUR A Vocal Novelty R J ALTO SYMPHONY PLAYERS. SHOWS START AT I. 3, 5. 7. 9. COLCOAL ALL THIS waui National Boys' Week Rex BeacVs "Big Brother Psckrd with action with Taw Moore and Mickey Bennett 'THERE HE GOES" Continuous Laughter KINOGRAMS OF INTEREST Fenton B. Fleming Jewel Shop. Corner of 12th & O Just the place to leave jour repair work. Do your buying. Use the tele phone B3421. Wait for your car. 1143 O St. 1143 O St. HICKEY We serve the quickest and best lunch in the city at oar fountain where you can sit down at a table and be served and our lurches sure hits the spot. Full line of all school and drug supplies. Hickey Pharmacy Formerly Butler Drug Co. 1321 O Street B11S3 hlENUS V PENCILS pOB the ct adnrt or prot, the Srf JENUS outrival t,K-rfect pencil work. U black degree 3 copying. Lead rental Ce, vtf7 f it i 4 EES HUSKERS PREPARE FOR ANNUAL VALLEY MEET Dual Track Competitions With K. U. and Kansas Aggies Provide Workouts. With the Drake relays past and a creditable showing made by Ne braska tracksters in this mid-west now swinging into mid-season form pointing for the Missouri Valley conference meet which is to bo held at Lincoln on the new stadium field on May 24. Two . dual meets in between, with Kansas y and the Kansas Aggies will be good condit ioners for the final climax of the seasm. Hunker UucKsltMs have won the Missouri, the one time track chair -ship for the last three years and the squad this year bids fair to continue the performance. The two schools to be feared most by Nebras ka in the meet will be Kansas, which has gone up considerably in the cin der sport in the last few years, and Missouri, the one time track ccham pion of the Valley before the rise of the sport at Nebraska under the tut elage of Coach "Indian" Schulte. Is Olympic Competition The Valley meet this year will be of more interest than in other years on account of its rank as an accred ited preliminary meeting in competi tion for places on the American Olympic team. Several Husker ath letes are conceded likely chances of making Jt into the finals of theOlym pics tryouts, and one or two of them may get as far as a position on the American "team. Captain Mud Gardner, half-miler, Roland Locke, sprinter, and Red Lay ton, sprinter and hurdler are Nebras ka men considered as having the best chance of placing on the American team. DC ACROSS FROM TEACHERS COLLEGE UNI DRUG CO. B3771 Prescriptions Fountain Service Richmond Candy Recreation Training for men and woaaen. Group leadership. dramatics for amateurs, stare and costume de sipn. raraes. folk dancins. sports. ar:d athletics. Kew physical training. Summer camp school. Write for cafaloc, or inquire at your college library. Recreation Training School of Chicago SOO S. Halsted Street (Hull-How) IP ISnoaips YES it can be done. At our $125 .rate a crossing actually costs less than a stay at a summer resort. And w hat a different sort of a vacation you'll have ! Consider, too, that living costs appre ciably less abroad than it does here. That your dollar will buy much more than a dollar's worth of pleasure, of experience, of beauty. See the British Empire Exhibition the life of a vast empire condensed into a picture ' before your ere. The Olympic games where the vigor and skill of humanity U put to the test. The treat race, the art treasure, the quaint small town sec Europe ! ; Our service is complete in its range of sail ing-date. its types of accommodations, the peed and size of its ships, and most im portantits retdines to meet your parse sqnirements. Consider Europe this year before you plan your vacation. Our services offer sailings to fiv; European cewntrics. Am snails Gtah ILhies 127 So. Stato St, Chicago, or any tWifd st is agons. Varsity tryouts for the dual meet with Kansas at Lawrence May 8 will be held tomorrow afternoon. Coach Schulte is especially to have all scrubs come out for the .tryouts as that is the one opportunity he has of spotting any dark horse material among the novices. All the events will be run on time according to the Schedule posted on the indoor bul letin board. The outdoor track will be used, and no races will be run over. ' finish Cinder Track The new cinder truck around the football field is fast being worked into shape, and will be one of the best in the west. The 440 course just completed in the last few days will have practically only one curve in it, and will finish on a straight away of 100 yards. " A foxdson tracktor is being ied daily on the track for rolling and scraping the cinders, now smooth as a rug after repeated raking and scraping. The tracksters are doing a good share of the work themselve every man having some "chores" to do when he comes out to practice. The outdoor track will be used for a meet for the first time on May 10 when the annual state high school track and field meet is held at Lin coln. The following week there will be a dual meet with Kansas Aggies, and the week after that will come the Valley meet. HIGH SCHOOL MEN TO JUDGE STOCK MAY 2 Ag College Arranges Annual Contest; Breeders Asso ciations GHfe Prizes. A high school stock judging con test will be held at the Ag college May 2. The winners will be awarded prizes by the Nebraska improved livestock breeders association, other livestock breed association, and by the Block and Bridle club, student or department. Twenty teams com peted last year, and more are ex pected this year. The contest will be held the day before the Farmers fair, big Ag College celebration, and the high school students are invited to stay as guests of the college, for the day. The Nebraska improved livestock breeders association will give the winning team a beautiful loving cup, and when twice won by th'e same school, it will become its property. This association also presents the five h-gh men of the contest with suit able medals. The best judge of Shorthorn cattle wins a medal given by the American Shorthorn Breeders association. The American Duroc Jersey association -offers a gold pen cil to the boy or girl making the highest score in judging Durocs. The American Shropshire Registry association will give a set of pic ture to the best judge of Shropshire sheep. The Block and Bridle club of fers ribbons to the five high teams Ask for a copy of "Whe It Happens in Europe" which tells jsut when and where the interesting events of the Euro pean tea ton take place, alto "Your Trip to Europe" and "Comfo fas Second r-r, m Class.' ! and the ten high men in the contest. Ribbons will also fc-a given to the con testants making the best score in judging ' horses, sheep, cattle and swine. COLLEGE SPORTS Notre Dame Star to Coach. Eddie Anderson, all-American end on the 1921 Notre Dame team, has been appointed assistant football coach at the University of Minne sota. He will probably do most of the scouting and concentrate on the end positions which will need a great deal of attention on the '25 Gopher team. Michigan' Trip Ditastrous. Michigan's baseball .team has re turned from a disastrous Southern trip and is now hard at work for the Ohio State game Saturday. The team lost four games and won three, -ending the trip with a 9-8 victory over the University of Cincinnati. The other two games won were Mississippi Aggies, and Auburn. The defeats were handed them by the UnrulyHair KeatW combed! 'well-txpt hir is I Neatly combed, well-kept bir is a business and social asset. STACOMB makes the hair stay combed in any style you like even after it has just been washed. STACOMB tht ; has been used for years by stars of stage and screen leaders of style. Write today for free trial tube. Tubes 35c Jars 75c Imsltt on STACOMB in the black, yellow and gold package. For sale at your druggist or whererer toilet goods are sold. Standard Laboratories, Inc. 113 West 18th Street. New York City - Send coupon for Froo Trial Tub. STAKDAn LSBOaATOaiES. lc 1:1 W !jh S.. Kew York GtT. Dept. t KlRSCHBAUM CLOTHES iuality I here, but with constant I Baeaaa here, PICTURED: One f& m 1 of the new Kirscb- W-vll 1 baum double-breasted IrftjTfrrm- styles. We have them j. MW&fof for you. Many new tM (iMWmM A fabric, d pattern PICTURED: On of the new Kirscb baum doiibfe-breasted styles. We have them for yon. Many new febrics and pattern ideas, mcksdhrg fine blue serges, tailored in the superb manner for which these clothes for men are renowned. i whlx these clothes for fir I Pmmm,LU. i University of Kentucky, two losses to' Georgia, and one to the Missis sippi Aggies. Indiana Daily Student. NEW YORK The trustees of Co Fancy 11 69 1 yd. Checked in Colored Threads. Very attractive for the one piece sports dresses, for blouses, etc. The threads are drawn thru, very much as for handkerchiefs in even and broken thread effects. Green, lavender, brown, pink, red threads on Nat ural pongee silk. 33 in. wide colors guaranteed washable, material now. X. ar- fa. JMs Drink VTra 7C 71 Delicious and Refreshing The Coca-Cola Company. Atlanta. Ga. 'Lover tie Cost of Dressing Well 1 is the watchword 9 but with constant attention to value-giving m X " lii T.4; ilUltlulf T Mary's V en are renowned. f k jf& Mffl I Store for Men on N lumbia University have announced the appropriation of almost $10,000, 000 for the maintenance of the work of the University for 1925. Sale of Pongee! .tssgtgr Choose your Stop " j- I. .. W W wm nto. M m yourself What do you think all the red signs are forZH i