The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 26, 1924, Image 5

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(Continued from Page 1)
of training in h teachers college or
six months of teaching experience.
2. Completion of a teacher's course
of training in a teachers college or
a four year normal school.
3. Three years of successful teach
ing experience in a recognized high
4. Any combination of the above
that will amount to the equivalent
set forth in any one.
All applicants must sign a two
year contract. Women 'applicants
must have reached their thirtieth
birthday and men must be twenty-one
years old.
Excellent opportunities are of
fered in the civil service of the
Philippines in the matter of both sal
ary and promotion. Promotions are
made on the basis of merit and the
records indicate, that the appointees
have been rapidly advanced.
The cost of living in the insular
territory is very low, the average cv?t
of board and lodging as reported in
1921 by provincial teachers was $45
a month. Laundry and service are
cheap and there is no outlay for
heavy clothing and fuel.
' We have recently added 7 new
closed cars to our line. These include
4 -door sedans, new type coupes and
1 Tudor sedan.
Get you car early Standing time
at 20 cents per hour is usually cheap
er than the mileage on a delivery
trip an hour later. Your co-operation
in this will be appreciated, es
pecially on party nights when the
dates all come within the same half
hour. It will help us to give you
better service.
We appreciate your patronage.
1120 P Street.
Telephone B68 19 Always Open
RENT-A-FORD Shove it yourself
Munson Motor Co., phones B1550
and B1517. 1125 P Street.
LOST Bottom of gold pen. Lave
. r Arr;A 11 Ri 1 1 S i
BE A NEWSPAPER correspondent
with the Heacock Plan and earn
a good income while learning; we
show you how; begin actual work
at once; all or spare time; experi
ence unnecessary; no canvassing;
send for particulars. Newswriters
Training Bureau. Buffalo, N. Y.
Of course, if you wanted to
buy a suit or a tailored dress
or a hat to get i FOB you could
have bought one several weeks
ago, at Rudg? Guenzel's, but
not until this la?t week was I
able to find a FOB in any Jew
elry Department. I found them
at lludge'a. Seems like they're
always first to bav the NEW
things. I bought a crystal and
marcavite pendent rtyle FOB
that I can wear on my uit at
either the hip or shoulder
porrktt, on my tailored dress
or on my hat. If you want one
you'd btt'-r get it immediately
Wfu they're only f 1.50 and
12 arid they're going awfully
fascinating. AU ia attrac
ts oo. cwt prepaid oa
receipt of tl.t '(Canada
2ac extra-1
Table Cover
Very Attract! Black at
eva Man J one Taai Cover,
srif h tn.nrt drama dwra.
adioslabw ta an lit card
taiila; It sonmurr poeketa,
striklfHT cotared stHrbed
eiffes. Extraordtaarjr rahja.
I Mah-Jong li
8 Is Taking the Country by 1 1
I Storm. I i -
A complete st la kricfctH 1 .m "" J
I may ouw raw tmm a m ) 9 m 1 m
In fm mitiaitM. It' vtt H Hit 1 H f pnts ,, t
ewd prepaid m eomptai Malt 2mt
mrt and labia cover aa daacriaad above
a raceipt af
China-American '
Importing Co.
Ill West Mi St. New Yark
Railroad and steamfr tr asporta
tion to Manila are provided an ap
pointee. Many stops are made in
quaint and interesting pines, and
during the ten weeks vacatxn visits
can be made to the nearby oriental
For further information relative to
employment in the Philippine civil
service, applicants should address the
Bureau of Insular affairs. War De
partment, Washington, D. C.
(Continued from Page 1)
The new requirements as passed
by the colleges follows:
Graduates of accredited senior
high schools (grades 10, 11, and 12)
may have full admission to freshmen
standing on 24 entrance points (con
ditional admission, 23 points) com
pleted in the senior high school: pro
vided that a year of algebra and a
year of foreign language may be
counted from work carried in a jun
ior high school, in such instances, the
total credits earned in grades 9-12
not being fewer than 30.
Eighteen academic points are re
quired, 14 of which shall consist of a
major (6 points) and 2 minors 4(
points each), which shall include
English and mathematics for all col
leges. In the college of Arts and
Sciences, Business Administrations,
Pharmacy, and the Teachers College,
the major and minor may be chosen
from English, foreign languages, and
In the College of Engineering,
mathematics is prescribed as the
major and physical sciences as the
minor. In the College of Agricul
ture one minor is elective. A major
in foreign language may consist of a
year of one language and two of
Finchleyt "What made the customer
walkout? Did yon insult bimr"
Salesman : " I don't know. He said he
wanted a hat to suit his Lead, and I
tboacd him a soft bat."
a Scotch Highball?
Remember that smoky tae of good
oT Scotch tTtat fclead ia gone Bat
here anotbert
Rich butter cream dipped ra soft cara
mel rotted us crisp Bats, tbea coated
with imrt snilk chocolate. That's
aomcUu&c to do wtta a dime I
Oh Henry!
A Fine Ctnjy 10c Evcryu4tT
For red Fountain Pen Satisfaction
'The Ink That Made
The Fountain Pen Possible!
"70S tbeatndrrrlOrprollKe
a- superb VNL'3 mVrivaL
all for pc-fxt p ntil work.
17 black degree- eopyinj.
Amerlera Lead
Pencil Co.
72 f oik tn.
hew ia
AO Afl
i sc fit tjr, Colo
i 1 i
another, but a minor must be in a
single language. Academic subjects
are defined as English, foreign lan
guages, mathematics, natural scien
ces, and social sciences.
(Continued from Page 1)
Nebraska to brave the elements to
witness the affair and plans for a
large gallery are being made. Ne
braska won a decisive decisidh over
the Minnesota mat performers last
year and according to Che Husker
mentor, this years's team is groomed
to repeat the siant. The Saturday
contest is slated to start at 7:30 and
will be the last home meet of the
season as well as the final duaj com-
: ....iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiimiiiHiiiuiiiill! lliliiiiimiimimnM
matches remain
pet. . .
i.j .nmr the Minnesota
caraeu iuuun.e
twist, the Missouri Valley meet at
Ames and the Western
ate conference individual meet at
Chicago the first of March.
Uhlir, Nebraska welter mauler,
who witnessed the meet last week
from the ring side will again appear
niside the ropes against Minnesota m
his regular 135 pound division. Moo
berry who represented the Huskers
in the 135 group will likely be seen
in action in the 145 class. Husker
artists justly treated the large crowd
of fans last week with their excep
tional college mat work.
O. B. Anderson of the Lincoln Y.
M. C. A. has been chosen by both
coaches to officiate at the Nebraska-
Minnesota meet.
i " i
) 111
i K
1 r
Copyright 1924 Han bchaiiner U. Mars
You'll need a top coat in
spring wardrobe
Hart S chaff ner & Marx made them
of the finest woolens; put the best
needlework in them; the smartest
style. We've done our part, too;
we've made the price very low
$40 and $4
and other fine New
Spring suits here
The styles are the best
we've seen in ..years;
loose, easy fitting mod
els. trim styles; single
and double breasted
vJI XI !s T r: r ,, til it i
r.lrU Rifle Team .
Defeats Michigan
The Nebraska womans rifle team
with a score of, 491 defeated Michi
gan university girl last week by five
in :-.! i! nrr -ir
! ,t j-h 1 i ? i' - H 1
lint i
1 ' '
Spring Coat at $25
lr',ii-v-' -e'jK Lvrf
You get that here; or
you get your money
back. You're protected.
You can't make a mistake.
Ktsssi & CtJJdrcn
composed of Luella Reekmevor .?
TTIHuK.ll Mu ti '"iMtk,
Fangman, and Ruth Wright. '
is ?
Don't fc an "lso VVTS
ran'-WIN with the Wi
Snalding "Olympic - YTJ
Championship" - ,YJl
Running Shoe - 111
lets Hmr St. cj0v
. katM OB .
TlWI f-fn sod
Vrt irumri