TUP nAIt.V MPHDAOIMM " T . 1 tJL li U f. M. MJ A 11 tiU U . Q IV A. i . - , . ,. . . i hie bill ""t "" novelty headea by JACK ROSE "SOMF H AT-TR ACTION" Jimmy Stelgor at tha Plana "An Artistic Treat" A fcimtifnl offeWnf with MARGARET STEWART, WILLIAM DOWNING nd BEULAH STEWART JOSEPH ALBERTA REGAN & CURLISS Peerless Vocal Entertainer OTTO BROTHERS In a burlesque raversUy IN THE FIRST ENTRANCE" i-ur en vcd Stringed Serenade S pan -American Instrumentalists Chronicles ! America "The Frontier Woman" A drama f the old southwest BABICH AND THE ORCHESTRA SHOWS START AT 2:30, 7:00, :00 Mit. 2Bc NifWt SScj Children tOe. LYHH.C Here is romance magnified, florr fied and entrancing Norma Talmadge in "ASHES OF VENGEANCE" Other Entertaining Feature SHOWS START AT I, 4, 5, 7, SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION FIRST APPEARANCE HERE OF The High Prlstess -of Mysterious MRS. EVA FAY In a wierdly wonderful offering "THAUMATURGY" ASK HER. SHE KNOWS At the 3, 7 and 9 Shows The Heart Appealing Drama AGE OF DESIRE' "NAVY BLUES" A Scream with Dorothy DeVore with a stellar cast SHOWS START AT 1, 1, i, 71 COLONIAL ALL THI WKCK Judgment of The Storm" Half-Back of Notre Dame Mack Sennett's latest Comedy SHOWS START AT 1, S, S, 7, ORPHEUM - Mar. 1 Mat.-Night mmm Special Priced Matinee S0c-7Sc Lower Floor SI .00 Night SOc -!-$!. BO DOPE UPSET IN HIGH SCHOOL CAGE CIRCLES Creighton Prep Force, Lincoln to Take Short End of 26 to 10 Count. The defeat of Lincoln high school s.t the hands of Creighton Trep, 26 to 10, and Arlinetons defeat f 31 to 19, featured the games in high school basket ball last week. Fre mont, who had nrevionsW Bminia. tered a defeat to- Creighton Prep, fell victim to the fast playing of the Arlington five at the Midland Col lege tournament at Fremont. Chapell high school Won lb o lacc A trophy in the Chadron ttnrr.! tournament, defeating finals 8 to 7. Grand Island won from Central City in the Class A finals of the class B honors, 22 to 18, Dunbar defeated Nebraska rstir i a close game, 17 to. 15 to decide the Class A finals of the tri-stat Wr. ney held at Peru Normal. Norfolk, conquerors of the fast Fremont team, and undefeated in their section t the state had little difficult in WlT. ning the Wayne Normal tournament aet eating Scnbner SO to 18 in the finals of class A. Carrol won frvm Ponca, 12 to 6, in class B. Geneva sprung into the !imelight by' forcing the Lincoln cagers to ex tend themselves to complete a 32 to 28 win over them. TJniversitv Place i won a pair f games defeating Have lock 14 to IS, and Beatrice 12 to 11. Omaha Tech continued her win ning streak taking an 18 to 3 K from Central. In the western part of the state Mitchell and Sidnev their week nd games and Broken Bow defeated Calloway, 72 to 20, making the fourteenth win for the Custer county Quintet The York team coached by Ernie Hubka, a former Nebraskan Player, won handily trom Wayne 24 to 12, but lost to Fremont 26 to 1 0. Sutton won a close game from Geneva 11 to 9. The majority of the high school teams will close their season this week and plan for the State tourna ment to be held March 6, 7, ana S. So far the list of entries that has been received is nearly as great as, last years, and it is expected to con tain a larger number than ever "be fore after all entries have "been listed. Classification of the teams will take place February 29. ; :. &ha of v V- - " '. ( i i ILLINOIS RELAY tryouts will be held in conjunction with the regular Tuesday afternoon track "matinee" today. Altho Schulte does not plan on 'taking a large squad to the Re lays at Urbana Sundv. competition is keen for berths on the team making the trip. PROSPECTS for a strong Hnskcr mile relay team were given a de cided boost Saturday when Hein an A Match, bcarlct sprinters, took trv at the quarter-mile. These two ar tists surprised everybody, includrg themselves, by negotiating the d: tance in 55 S-5 seconds, despite the cold weather. "RED" LAYTON tied the indoor stadium track record for the 440- yard dash Saturday when Schalte'a stop watch could tick off but 53 4-5 seconds jw-hile be ws completing the quarter, Whipperman, Trexler. Sherrick, and Ballah, other fast 440 men, finish close behind Snark Plug." tion to the Big Ten schools, num ber of entries from Missouri Valley institutions, Notre Dame and other colleges have been received. Among the famous trackstcrs competing will be Brotikins of Iowa, world cham pion hurdler, Hubbard of .Michigan, star broad Jumper,' and Ayes, Evans and Brownell, Illinois athletes of championship calibre A REAL BATTLE for the indoor track championship of the Valley will be staged at the indoor conference meet at Kansas City next week, Kan sas winner for the past two seasons is minus sever! 1923 stars, includ ing Norton, all-round track man. Mis souri is notably strong this year. Ne braska has excellent material for a winning team, but the "Indian" is handicapped by the lack of indoor training facilities. The Kansas Ag gies will also be strong contenders for first honors. TRACK MEN, ATTENTION! The mile run will be held at 5:15 this afternoon instead of $:S0 as originally scheduled. Tryouts in the pole vault will be held Wednesday at S;S0. Well Known Barbers Take Over Mogul Shop Five well known barbers of Lin coln have recently acquired iJ h Mogul Barber Shop at 127 North Twelfth street and will be glad to meet their former patrons at their shop. The men interested ti te new shop are N. W. Tucker, Harry Tripp, Roy Cowell, Clude Reynolds and Jake Fahrenbruch. These barbers have long heen fav orites with the university men and they are working to make the new shop a Tecognized university men's shop. BAD NEWS hit the Comhusker track camp this week when it 'be came known that Paul Zimmerman, star iniler and captain of the x-conr- try team, would have to undergo an operation to have his tonsils re moved. Because of this operation, Zimmerman will be unable to com pete during the remainder of ths in door season, but he hopes to in shape when the outdoor season opens in April with the Kansas Rtlays at Lawrence. GREAT ATHLETES from all ovr the Middlewest will compete at the niinois Relays Saturday. - In addi- IDYL HOUR Formerly McDowells Where Students Meet Always Welcome 136 No. 12th St L e f a x (Leaf-facts) The most popular students note system yet devised. Two hundred different blank forms for every pur pose and special con densed data sheets on th following subjects: Aeronautics SOc Air and gas , 1.00 Architecture , 1.00 Boilers 1.00 Business ... 1.00 Chemical Analysis.. 1.00 Chemical Tables . ... . 1.00 Crushing & Grinding .50 Drafting . . . .50 Electricity 1.00 Engines .50 Heating & Ventilating .50 Engineering ... .50 Hydraulics .. 1.00 Mining 1.00- Petroleum ..... .50 Concrete .... 1.00 Structures 1.00 Surveying . 1-00 Trig 4 Log Tables . .. 1.00 and many others in con venient Loose Leaf pocket size. TUCKERSHEAN 1123 o sl LEDWICHS TASTIE SHOPPE Fountain A Luncheonette Service B2189 12th A P Sta. Fenton B. Fleming Jewel Shop. Corner of 12th & O Just the place to leave your repair "work. Do your "buying. Use the tele phone B3421. Wait for your car. 1143 1143 O SL O St. Spare Time Posi tions for Students Greatest opportunity, ""Life of .Woodrow Wilson" hy Josephus Daniels, Secy. Navy, Associate of former President. Big book, hand somely illustrated, low price. Best terms to representatives. Credit given. Send for free outfit at once. Make money fast. Author ship is guarantee of authenticity. Universal Honae, College Dept., 1010 Arch St., PiiiUdelphia, Pa. AndAVho Wouldn't Have Fun? You can have lot of fun ir you are a GOOD dancer. You will he nought out 'by the beHt dancers inyour net. You ean become a social favorite 'overnifrht, if you learn to 'dance well. And It's eswy to learn the CARROLL WAY. Harvey H. Carroll, and 'his HtaTf of expert can teach you the lHtfHt ntepH that are ho popular in New York and Chicatro, uirirklv and efficiently. Why not come in today, or phone LHOZH for an appointment. Terms mottt reaHouable. CARROLL'S Neb. State Bank Bldg. 15th and O nasi 2. L IDOBL FOR. THIS NAME ON THE NECKBAND U-N-I DRUG CO. STUDENTS' SUPPLIES FOUNTAIN PENS KODAK SUPPLIES PUNCH FOR PARTIES 14th and S- B3771 Nebraska Typewriter Company 1222 O Street Agent, for Royal Cotot, 2 nS.0-, PorUU typewrit- J Rebuilt machines of all Z for le or rent. Call 2157 SYNCOPATED HARMONY for your House Dance Duane Wertz, Piano Chuck Wiles Xylophone B3907 i I Liberty Barber Shop k Successor to h I Barber Shop m 131 No. 13th St. ' I'-y.'.; ! I - " " ' f " ir ' ! " ' : I ' ' K. I,- ' i - J C- : i , -.. . ; f. ', :; i : : 1 f : Every feature about these ties appeals to college men Easiest tying neckwear you can buyJ Economical No seams to rip No lining to wrinkle Beautiful designs many of them Made by the makers of the famous Cheney Silks V'7 r 'f?7? yd C jp fa ft ui ill h m it M 'A. aamtst. ' ' a, sJLJL.liBu. J:-''--'- A groupe of dainty dancing girls "with the nig mew musical revue th Marcus show of 1924 coming to the Orpheum Theater SsTy matinee and night, March 1st. The way to get the finest shave The Hinge-Cap is a sure way of identifying Williams Stiaving Cream. And Williams, be sides giving you the convenient Hinge -Cap, will improve your shave in three ways: First, the lather is heavier and holds the moisture in against the beard. Quicker and more thorough softening of the beard results. Second, the razor glides more easily through the Williams-softened beard because Williams lather lubricates the skin. Lastly, an ingredient in Williams keeps the skin in good condition no matter how heavy your beard nor how frequently you shave. In addition, youTl enjoy Williams because it is a pure, natural white cream without coloring matter of any kind. Ask for it hook for the Hinge Cap' The Students' Favorite Printer Graves Printing Co, 312 No. 12th St Lincoln. DIFFERENT spectacle f and eyeglasses esse . Uals of good lasle and sir'.- For salt ty FarquLar Clothing Co., Ben Simon & Son. Sna plro's Men Sliop, Mayer Xrcs Tajjee', ?,5!I3er & Paine, Speier &. Simon, Fred Schmidt & Dro. CAD " no Era Ja, Elnfly eye examinatiuii inuQi' iwitlioiit chargre anew era tin full all your questions iofT lpht. The Tfsaul'B are ruaranteea to -yon M J ' ! .T. .,:.y . .v. . -r-.--.-. .-X KINDY OPTICAL CO. 1209 O St. La.rcest in West t 1 I, i .