lTTT!1T"kATIV.lnnASKAN T , I 1 I 1 The Daily Nebraskan Published Sunday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morntnfe ol ach nh by tha University ol Nebraska. Accepted for m.lllnf al spaclal rata ol postage pravldad for in Sactlon 1103, Act ol October 3, 1917, authorised January 20, 1922. OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY PUBLICATION Under tha Direction of tha Student Publi cation Board Entered aa sacond-clatt matter at tha Poetofnco In Lincoln, Nebraaka, under Act ef Contre, March 3, 1S79. Subscription rate $2.00 a year 91.23 a semester glnilo Copy F'v Canta Address all communications to THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Station A, Lincoln, Nebraska Editorial and Business Offices, University Hall 10. Phones Day .....142 Univerelty Exchange Night -' ......Basaa OFFICE HOURS Every afternoon with the exception of Friday and Sunday. ' EDITORIAL STAFF. Paul C. Richardson Editor William Bertwell...... Managing Editor Merritt Benson New Editor Wm. Card Nwe Ed tor Hugh Cox News Editor Ceorge W. Hylton New Ed tor Ralph J. Kelly Newa Editor Alice Thuman Assistant New Editor Doris Trott Assistant New Editor BUSINESS STAFF Clifford M. Hicks Business Manager Clarence Elckhoff Asst. Business Manager Otto Skold Circulation Manager INTERFRATERNITY TRACK MEET The second annual inter-fraternity indoor track meet begins tomorrow. Last year 300 athletes competed in the meet, in which eighteen fratern ities took part. The interest shown was greater than that of any pre vious intra-mural contest of any kind and track was given a decided boost by the affair. This year Coach Schulte is expect ing at least twenty-five fraternities to enter the meet The pentathelon point system is being used so that every fraternity will have a better chance of winning. Every Greek letter organization is urged towards building Nebraska athletice by par ticipating in intra-mural meets. Notre Dame's phenominal success on the gridiron has been largely ac credited to her system of intra-mural athletics, by which every student takes in athletics. At Illinois and other Big Ten schools, intra-mural athletics play a prominent part in school affairs and are largely respon sible for their athletic success. "All Athletics for All" is the slo gan for the 1924 Olympics. It is this ideal that intra-mural athletics foster, besides building up strong inter-collegiate teams. Nebraska's successive valley track championship for the last three years has been largely attributed to intra-mura track events by Coach Schulte. The inter-frat track meet affords fraternities a chance to show whether they are squarely behind Nebraska athletics. Every fraternity with true Cornhusker spirit will enter a team in the Greek indoor meet. Entries must be in by Monday noon TWO PROMINENT VISITORS Two nationally known figures, Senator Hiram Johnson of Californ ia, and Hamilton Holt, noted lectur er and editor, will address Nebraska students this week. It is an inter esting coincidence that these two men, espousing different sides of a question, should come here the same week. Both are republicans. Mr. Holt is j traveling in the interest of the League of Nations Non - Partisan j Association, and Senator Hiram Johnson, presidential candidate, is an active opponent of the League of Nations. Students have here an op portunity to hear both sides of this inuch discussed question from two eminent men and it is indeed not often that one has the opportunity of hearing from two such authorities the same week. Although Senator Johnson's address will not be on the subject of the League of Nations, it will include a discussion of a number of topics of current inter est, and will doubtless touch this question. Coming so shortly after the refer endum on the Bok Peace Plan, these two speakers will be received with much interest. THE RISE OF THE SPIRIT Nebraskans who attended the game with Grinnell Friday night certainly can not be accused of not support ing the Huskers. Nebraska spirit was present en masse, and the sing ing, cheering and support showed that Nebraskans believe in their team and take it for its true worth. The game was exiting, Nebraska getting away to a big lead at the start with Grinnell coming back strong in the secynd half. The vis itors were smothered under a safe score. We again wish to reiterate our opinion that' the basketball team this year is one of the best turned out by the institution for some time. The game Friday was marked by a no ticeable rise of spirit, and this should continue. THE MORNING AFTER- WEEKLY ETIQUETTE LESSON. . , Hap Hazard of Ipswich, Arkansas, contonds that pie shouldn't be eaten for it's bad for the complexion, bo It doesn't make any difference which hand you hold It in. We awarded him the prize. This week the author of the correct answer will receive tickets for a couple of good seats at the Burlington depot. The question continues on the subject of hands; Which hand should you use in manicuring your finger nails? Please state the reasons for your -answer. Miss Nomer says that she is extremely anxious for the time for pri mary elections to arrive for she needs some first lessons in voting. Statistics show that there are more murders in New York City in thirty days than in England in a year. But then Engknd isn't the "home-office" of the jazz orchestra. Besides we Americans are continually breaking records. THERE'S MANY A SLIP TWIXT BALLOT BOX AND TIP. The Campus Politician knitted his brows a crow-shade cloud had appeared on his little horizon. The problem gave promise of being a knotty one. His Ambitions had received a severe Marcel; in truth, the Crimp in his Carefully Laid Plans threatened to become a Permanent Wave. The Rabid Reformer had rushed in where the Old Guard walks softly and demanded that a Point System be established to limit the number of things a person may do at the same time. Our Hero sees the point, yea, even does he feel the point. But the system Bah! Systems should be limited to nerves and railroads. But all is not lost for the Dexterious Diplomat knows the Public and cries out to it: "Are we going to let a Malicious Modernist pinion our Futures on the points of a system?" . The Public wastes no time in thinking nd responds lustily, "Everything must be saved for Democ racy. We promise that it shall be." MORAL: If you can't reach what you want, ask the Public for it. After overhearing bits of co-ed conversation, we sometimes wonder what sort of a reply the "where-are-you-going-my-pretty-maid" inquiry would elicit these days. futility as. "A blind man in a dark room looking for a hat that isn't there," never tried to unlock the front Annr with nocket-comb. uv v I- 4 Nor tried to see the point of some of our "joques." OH, WHAT ARE THE WILD ETHER WAVES SAYING? pu7.i, i nu ni.l ilAvs when the bookkeeper showed up at the office thirty minutes late and climbed weakly to his stool, his eyes looking like a pair of underdone hamburgers set in Jet, ana a general ccoraion-piei.:u tn nia fa.. wb would shake our head and say, "Licker is a curse." But now when the accountant strays in an hour late wearing that same look of physical disintegration we know that it's notning more serious than a quiet evening at home with the radio. In speaking of radio, don't you thoroughly enjoy meeting a friend and the information that, "he has added two steps of amplification to his oscillation transformer, put in a twenty-one plate var iable, and is now hearing BVD as clearly as n it were in me hcav iuum And for all you know it is. All men are born free and equal but some become victims of the radio craze. "HERR BRAINS." Pxvcholoev of a Religious Experi ence" Sunday, February 17 at 6:45 at St. Paul Epworth League. School of Mutic Notes Thurlow Lieurance of the Univer sity School of Music, composer qf Indian music, returned home yester day for a two weeks rest. Mr. nd TWr T.lniirance hav been on a con- .n-r rnnr through the east since VV V www- Christmas. in will Roy Wall, instructor of voice tha TTnivprnltv School of Music. ' give a recital at the Temple theater Tuesday evening. This is the third faculty recital this ysar and there are four more in prospect. Emma Strangman, an undergradu ate organ student with Miss Edith B. Ross, will give a recital at the University School of Music on Wed nesday. Townsend Portrait photographer. RENT-A-FORD Shove it yourself Munson Motor Co., phones B1550 and B1517. 1125 P Street UNIVERSITY NIGHT Students and faculty will assemble Saturday, February 23, for their an nual "roastinc" at University Night, when cares and worries will be for gotten and all will gather to hear human faults and weaknesses aired. "The Shun", scandal sheet de luxe, will not be among those pres ent The committee in charge of the program has taken every pre caution to prevent the publication of an anonymous, . unauthorized paper. University Nieht. properly con ducted, is a very pleasant affair and enjoyed by everyone. When the skits are Brood natured and clean. much pleasure is to be derived from the Droeram. It is a time when all gather to hear the other person get rapped . University Nieht occupies a prom inent place on the calendar and is one of the feature events of the year. Notices Notices will bo run lor only two dare. Organizations should not hand thorn in until three days before the event, aa it is im possible to run them for long periods. Nebraskan Subscriptions. Fraternities and sororities who have not paid the balances on their subscriptions to the Daily Nebraskan by Monday evening will be dropped. Commercial Club Dance.' Girls Commercial Club dance at he Lindell party house Friday. Square and Compass. Because of several conflicting meetings our regular monthly meet ing will be postponed until Wednes day, February 20. Sophomore Baseball. ' All who wish to run for sophomore baseball should file their application at the athletic office at once. After filing see "Booze" Holland for work and assignments. Palladia. Palladian will entertain Union and Delian societies at an open meeting Friday at 8:30 . Everyone is invited. Scabbard and Blade Picture The picture for the Cornhusker will be taken at the campus studio Tuesday, February 19, 12:30. Notices Normal Training club The meeting of the Normal Train in club Friday, is postponed indefinitely. St. Pauls The psychology club of the Wes leyan University will present "The Bizad College The following individuals still have tickets for the past bizad banquet checked against them: Jeannette McClellan 5, Doomer 26, Alice Kauff man 10, Woodward 5, Freidell 10, Curtis 10, Alstead 10, Basterbrooks 10, Reese 10, Agnes Anderson 5, Grace Hilling 5, Lucil-e Fawcett 2. They must be checked in immediately to Philip Lewis at the table on the third floor of Social Science Monday from 1 to 3 o'clock. Freshman Commission. Meeting Tuesday at 7:10, Ellen Smith hall. Fenton B. Fleming Jewel Shop. Corner of 12th & O Just the place to leave your repair work. Do your buying. Use the tele phone B3421. Wait for your car. 1143 O St. 1143 O St. First Plymouth Church 1 1 :0O -Dr. John Andrew Holmes will preach on "DRIVING THE BLACK HORSE." (at 17th and A Sts.) University Classes: For both men and women at noon, 17th and A; at 9:45 for women at 13th and L and men at 17th and A. Social hour and meet ing for University people, 5 :30 to 7 :30 at 13th and L. 7:30 Motion Picture Serv ice, 'The Jack-knife Man' For Your HOUSE DANCES Call CHUCK WILES B3907 Sunday, February 17th Dinner Specials at THE IDYL HOUR Tea Room 136 No. 12th St. Where Students Gather No. 1 65c Fried Young Spring Chicken Julienne Potatoes Candied Sweet Potatoes or Escalloped Sugar Corn Parker House Rolls or Bread Pineapple or Orange Ice Coffee, Tea or Milk. No. 2 65c Roast Young Turkey Celery Dressing Shoe String Potatoes Candied Sweet Potatoes or Escalloped Sugar Corn Parker House Rolls or Bread Pineapple or Orange Ice Coffee, Tea or Milk No. 3 50c T-Bone Steak French Fried Potatoes Parker House Rolls or Bread Cofffee, Tea or Milk Our cooking is better, our service is better. We serve Home Made Pies and Ice Cream, the best in the city. Remember the Time Remember the Place 5:308:00 P. M. Have received an ad vanced shipment of spring fabrics for the college trade. Priced Surprisingly Low. LOU HILL 1309 O St. Vp ana (light, turn to tha ri(ht - HEETJ TUCKER-SHEAN Manufacturing Jewelers Manufacturers of Sorority and Fra ternity Pins and Crests, Class Pins. Rings. Fobs. Presen tation Jewels. a Medals &nd Badges. We carry in stock a full line of Loving and Trophy Cups. Original designs in colors and estimates furnished free. I . L1 II TOUT A lot of new topcoats arrived yesterday by express! They're all over the new. English style-loose, long, easy hanging, good looking; beautifully tailored of plaids and sof tings; just the sorb of coat you'll want for spring. $35 - $40 - $45 FARQUHAR'S 0" Nebraska's Leading.Col.ege Clothiers. 1325 O St. Pi K MAVC X l THAT pa my enocu EXPERIENCED And. at your next party you will enjoy wearing it and receiving- tha compliment of noticing women friends. Our work ia dona by experienced help only. "A Trial Will Convince" VARSITY Cleaner, and Dyer.. SIS No. 12th St. B3677 I Unique rograms IJLJ M enus Personal Cards Personal Stationery Graves Printing Co. The Students Favorite Printer 312 No. 12th St. Lincoln. THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC ADRIAN M. NEWENS, Director. - Offers thorough training in Music, Dramatic Art large faculty of specialists to all departments. J?the may enter. Full information on request. Opposite Campus. Phone B1392 11th & R Sts. 1 ft j A satBssBsssnsst